His request to leave was also shied away in various ways, obviously all related to these girls.

  Shana's face pretended to be nothing, and her heart was sore to death, she wished to use Zhi Dian Zhan to cut him like the avatar.

  What a big asshole!

  And the big-hearted bastard in Shana's mouth is now sticking with Will Amina while she is not at home.

  "It's still my Will Emina!"

  Luo Yuan surrounded the beautiful maid who was busy in the kitchen from behind. The maid was fragrant and her pink hair was fragrant.

  Especially since there was already an intimate relationship between the two of them, it was natural for him to act intimately, burying his head in her hair and sniffing lightly, while saying love words that made Will Emina shy.

  Shana took all the girls in the family out for training, and she went to the river bank, because she planned to open the seal for high-intensity freestyle training.

  She thought that this would give Luo Yuan no chance to steal the food, but unfortunately she didn't count Will Amina, the one she was most assured of, who was the first to be stolen.

  "Ha~" Luo Yuan chuckled, being teased by Shana and couldn't find the culprit, so naturally he could only bully the beautiful maid who bullied him.

  "Luo, Luo Yuan..."

  Will Emina is cutting vegetables. Of course, she can't do anything about cooking. The dishes she makes are similar to the dark dishes made by girls who can't cook in modern times. Luo Yuan was in Tiandao Palace. have been taught.

  So she only needs to prepare the dishes and leave the rest to Luo Yuan. This is the tacit understanding they cultivated when they lived in Tiandao Palace.

  Willemina is not good at cooking, but she is also good at chopping.

  If it weren't for a pair of salty pig hands playing tricks in her maid outfit.

  At first, Will Amina endured the mischief of her lover, but his more and more extreme actions made his meat-cutting hand almost cut his fingers.

  So she had to turn her head in anger and complain. Her tone was still very flat, but now it had a coquettish tone, and her face was full of blush.

  "Fresh still... um..."

  As soon as Will Emina turned her head, Luo Yuan kissed her strongly. At the same time, she also felt that she stepped back and quickly leaned against the crossbar of the chopping board.

  She struggled and couldn't break free. Besides, she had no intention of resisting when facing Luo Yuan. After all, she was already his.

  For a while there was a bit of chaos in the kitchen...

  The white crown "Tiamat" on Will Emina's head was silent, and she chose silence very sensible.

  She has learned well, facing a "Red World Demon King" who can hang and beat the top Red World Demon King, she can only admit it.

  After all, her body is only the Demon King of the Crimson World.

  To say that she still had the position to interfere with the fire and fog warrior of her contract before, but after what happened last night, she had no position to interfere with the affairs of the young couple.

  Although she is the Demon King of the Crimson World, her actions are mainly based on the wishes of the Fire Mist Warrior. Now that the two of you are in love with each other, she naturally can't say anything.

  But she also felt weird looking at her fire fog warrior who was kissed almost breathlessly.

  Isn't the time right now, you forgot what to do at this time?

  Besides, even if there are a few girls out of this house, there are still others. You can ignore me as a crown belt that has no sense of existence. There is still a Crimson Demon King over there. Hey!

  Will Emina wanted to remind him of this, but after being deeply kissed by Luo Yuan for a while, her brain became empty, and even Luo Yuan, the bastard, didn't respond when she lifted her maid outfit.

  "What do you need my help with... Whoa!"

  Fei Lei Si, who was generously stayed at home by Luo Yuan as a guest, is now doing nothing all day. She has no other extravagance except waiting for "Spiral Organ" Lian Nancy to study the free method to rescue John as soon as possible.

  It's just that she can't be conscious of staying in someone else's house. Fortunately, she has a close friend besides her lover. She feels bored after staying in the room for a while. Thinking that her friend is busy preparing dinner, she also intends to help. .

  As soon as he came to the kitchen, he saw that Luo Yuan was flirting with Will Amina's maid's long dress, and Will Amina's expression was dazed and her eyes were misty. She was interrupted half of what she said.


  Will Emina reacted immediately, covered the maid's skirt with a red face, and glared at Luo Yuan in embarrassment.

  This bastard, don't you know when to watch?

  The beautiful maid hurriedly sorted out the messy clothes and ran out of the kitchen in a hurry.

  "Felice, things are not what you think..."

Chapter 109 It's all Shana's fault!

  "Tsk~ it's all Shana's fault!"

  Luo Yuan was caught doing shameful things with Will Emina and remained calm, with the sweetness and fragrance of a beautiful maid still in his mouth, and shamelessly threw the pot on Shana.

  Who told Shana to tempt me, with Shana's usual sweet and lovely image suddenly showing a charming and seductive side, she is about to catch up with the charm of Tamamo before.

  So beautiful things are alluring, especially beautiful and lovely girls. The key is to see whether they will use this ability.

  Well, Tamamo-mae, a monster with natural charm, is an exception.

  Her own maid was thin-skinned, and it seemed that she went to find a good friend to shut up, Luo Yuan didn't care, and then continued to prepare dinner with the work that Willemina had not finished.

  As for Ferris, he had no idea from the beginning to the end, but she suddenly interrupted his good deeds this time, making him feel that it was never good to have outsiders at home.

  Luckily this time, I just lifted the skirt. Next time, if it is interrupted when it is more extreme, it will be fatal.

  So I have to let little Nancy solve John's problem quickly. By that time, I will almost be associated with the masquerade. If my plan is successfully implemented, I will be able to cooperate with the "creation god" sacrificial snake to create a new world.

  When the dust settles, it's time to do whatever you want.

  Luo Yuan quickly prepared a large table of meals. During this period, Will Emina did not come to the kitchen, and she must be extremely embarrassed, for fear that this bastard would make a mess regardless of the time and place.

  It seemed to be an agreement. He just prepared the meal, and Shana and the others also returned home after training.

  Without Luo Yuan to supervise, it seems that they are progressing quite well.

  The three of them walked back while chatting and laughing, and it seemed that they were also discussing matters related to the Freedom Law.

  With Lian Nancy, the strongest free teacher present, there is no problem in guiding them in this regard.

  After throwing away the Noble Phantasm and other foreign objects, the combat power of the Fire Mist Warrior is generally reflected in their own way of using the power of existence, as well as their combat experience.

  Combat experience can only be accumulated through continuous fighting, and the application of the Free Law can be mastered through daily study and understanding.

  Shana has a high talent and is taught by Lian Nancy. Luo Yuan is already looking forward to how far Shana can grow.

  In Hirai's words, he didn't give her too high expectations. With his own body artifact and anti-injury weapon for her, self-protection is still no problem.

  Anyway, he didn't intend to let them do much things, and admiring the beautiful and cute girls in battle was just one of his great pleasures.

  And turning them into fire and fog warriors is also because it can make them have a bond with themselves, and at the same time can make them youthful forever and have a long life.

  Therefore, his original decision was correct. As long as he can travel through the world, then he can find a way to make the person he likes be like himself, not eroded by time, and can be together for a long time.

  Now he also has multiple ways to do it.

  The only downside is that he still has enemies, and they are the most powerful beings in the world. As long as he does not have the strength to defeat such enemies, then he cannot stop moving forward...

  Shana was still very calm during dinner, even though she was so jealous when she saw the girls gathered together, she remained calm on the surface.

  Felice, an outsider who didn't know what Will Amina's explanation, looked at Luo Yuan rather strangely and then kept her eyes on her good friend, making Will Amina dare not look at Luo Yuan the whole time. Just eat the food in front of you.

  Luo Yuan didn't react. He had a kind of calmness that Taishan jumped in front of without changing his face. In fact, he was also very flustered because he had to face a difficult choice tonight.

  Whether to sleep with Shana-chan or with Will Emina, after all, he just ate it last night and let it go today, so why not, he is not a ruthless person.

  Even if Willemina has a very good personality, girls should be more concerned about this kind of thing.

  As for Shana's words, last night he took advantage of Shana's discovery of the nature of his fuss to be angry and ignored him and forbid him to sleep with her, so he took the opportunity to eat Will Emina.

  The two have reconciled today, and if they don't show up tonight, there will definitely be a problem.

  Shana's beating on him before was obvious, and she even endured shame to seduce him in his favorite way.

  There is quite a feeling of slapping a sweet date.


  Shana-chan is very clever.

  If Luo Yuan behaves well, he can eat sweet dates every day.

  If the performance is not good, not only the sweet dates will be gone, but you will also have to eat big mouths from time to time.

  But he has the strength to not eat his mouth, but he has to hold back.

  So tonight, when they were training, Luo Yuan honestly stood on the sidelines, not daring to be a demon everywhere.

  From time to time, Shana would look back and meet his eyes, and then turned her head away arrogantly. Luo Yuan felt that her mood would be much better at this time.

  The night is getting darker...

  In the room where Shana was, the girl was blushing, her big eyes were full of confusion, her whole body was tense, as if she was trying to endure something.

  After a while, she slowly relaxed, and it seemed that she had just achieved some results in her training.

  Luo Yuan suddenly got out of the thin quilt she was covering, took Shana into his arms and kissed her forehead.

  For a girl who has been training all day, Luo Yuan, as the person who loves her the most, naturally uses massage and other methods to relieve her, which is conducive to eliminating "tiredness".

  It's also a good opportunity for him to earn performance.

  However, Shana rested for a while and suddenly bit his cheek and ear.

  "hentai, hentai, hentai."

  Luo Yuan amusedly embraced her petite body.

  "My Shana tastes sweet!"

  Girls who like sweets are naturally sweet.

  The girl's face was red, her eyes were watery, and her expression was very embarrassed.

  "I was bullied to death by you!"

  Luo Yuan had to hurriedly coax, and shamelessly said all kinds of love words to her.

  "Humph!" After coaxing for a while, Shana snorted softly and fell into his arms and soon fell asleep.

  "Keep holding me!"

  "Well, of course I'll hold you all the time."

  Luo Yuan took a sigh of relief when he looked at the sleeping girl. It took a lot of effort to appease Shana, but he finally coaxed her to sleep.

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