Some were unsure of Shana's attitude at this time, so Luo Yuan could only cooperate with him to stop, and then when his spiritual sense moved, a layer of enchantment enveloped the space in the room.

  Then he saw that Shana had changed into the fighting stance of the cute dress he made for her, and at the same time she took out her little hand, and Zhana was also taken out by her.

  "If you have something to say, what's the matter with you, little baby?"

  Luo Yuan's body suddenly trembled.

  It must be blackened, Shana must be blackened!

  Because she couldn't stand Luo Yuan's fascination, the lovely Shana chose to blacken and kill him in her room. Such a picture unfolded in Luo Yuan's mind...

  "Hmph, look at your virtue!"

  Shana Jiang snorted, and then her face sank, and she took a fighting stance with Zhi Dian Zhana.

  "Call 'him' out!"

  "What? Which he?"

  Luo Yuan vaguely knew what Shana meant, but he pretended not to know what she meant, trying to "cute" to get through.

  "Don't make me say it a second time!"

  Shana gritted her teeth, her eyes became sharp and dangerous.

  "That bastard you stayed at home when you were dating Kazumi Yoshida!"


  What is this going to do?

  Luo Yuan thought about it and followed Shana first, otherwise her knife might fall on him.


  Luo Yuan flicked his fingers and was used by him to supervise the training of Shana and the others every time, while the avatar of the main body ran out and dated Yoshida Kazumi and appeared beside him.

  "Hehe~ I really have you, it's exactly the same!"

  Seeing that Luo Yuan really summoned the avatar, Shana couldn't help showing a broken smile.

  She took a closer look at the avatar "Luo Yuan" that was exactly the same as Luo Yuan, and it really felt the same as she had at first.

  The way "Luo Yuan" looked at her was different from the way Luo Yuan looked at her.

  "Luo Yuan" looked at her with gentle eyes, but very rational, like a loyal guard.

  But Luo Yuan was different. Luo Yuan's tenderness was filled with deep emotions, as well as the kind of intense possessiveness that made her flustered and wanted to eat her.

  "You said, will he die with my knife?"

  Shana suddenly smiled sweetly, but what she said was terrifying.

  "Should... not?" Luo Yuan answered cautiously.


  As if gold and iron mingled, Shana slashed down flatly, and a burst of sparks flashed.

  Luo Yuan's incarnation contains his divine will, and naturally it is not something that Shana's Zhi Dianzhe can cut at will.

  But Luo Yuan also bared his teeth in pain.

  "What about me?"


  The power of existence within Shana surged, and the Zhan Dian Zhana was covered with golden flames.

  "Should... or not?" Luo Yuan responded again.


  With Shana's fierce slash, Zhi Dianzhan, who used the power of existence, slashed into Luo Yuan's avatar's body, but only cut a huge wound and couldn't go deep.

  Luo Yuan's divinity is condensed from the power of God, and the power of God is similar to the power of the original energy of this world.

  Therefore, when Luo Yuan came to this world and was repelled by the laws of the world, he transformed the power of God in his body into the power of existence, thus maintaining his existence in this world.

  If the power of God is compared to water, then the divine nature is ice, and the effect of the power of existence is similar to that of water.

  Therefore, Shana's use of the power of existence to transform the flame can cause damage to his avatar, but it cannot be fatal.

  On the one hand, it is because Luo Yuan doesn't have to worry about the consumption of the power of existence after he gets the "Zero Hour Mizi", so the speed of transforming the power of the gods and restoring the divinity is accelerated.

  Although he is still far from regaining his strength now, he is at least many times stronger than when he first arrived.

  His incarnation has his divine will, and his strength may be similar to Shana's strength at this time.

  After all, Shana has the power of existence, as long as she has rich experience in freedom and combat, it is to the extent that she can compete with the top Crimson Demon King.

  At this time, in terms of combat power alone, Shana is naturally inferior to the avatar with his complete combat experience, but it can also pose a threat to his avatar.

  Shana may be trying to verify something. At this time, she saw that Luo Yuan's incarnation suffered huge trauma, and as she took back the temple, the trauma was quickly healed by the naked eye.

  Is Luo Yuan's strength so powerful...

  With just an avatar and being passively beaten, how could he not be able to kill him in one hit?

  Shana's eyes flashed, and she raised the Zhan Dian Zhana again, but this time the flames were much more vigorous.

  "You said 'he' would die this time?"

  The avatar is derived from Luo Yuan's body and is controlled by his body. Once the avatar is injured, his body can naturally feel the pain in this area.

  Shana's knife just now naturally caused Luo Yuan a lot of pain, but he could easily bear it with his will.

  Now that Shana wants to continue, Luo Yuan is about to say something, his mouth is slightly open.

  "You'd better think about it before you speak!"

  Shana tilted her head, smiling threateningly.

  Okay, let's let you out.

  Luo Yuan pointed at the avatar, and the divine will contained in the avatar was withdrawn. At this time, "he" was only equivalent to the strongest human being.

  "will die!"

  Luo Yuan nodded seriously.


  This time, Shana slashed down, and the incarnation that lost her divinity suddenly turned into fly ash and disappeared.

  "I don't want to see this kind of thing at home in the future!"

  After Shana killed Luo Yuan's avatar, she seemed to have a bad breath, and by the way, she punished and beat Luo Yuan, the greedy guy.

  Afterwards, she put Zhi Dian Zhana back in the space, put her small hands on the sides of Lolita's skirt, and turned around while carrying the skirt.

  With a sweet smile, the cute girl flutters with her swivel skirt, like an elf dancing among flowers and butterflies.

  "Does it look good?"


  The heartache that Luo Yuan's avatar was destroyed and passed on to his body was all dispelled by the beauty of Shana at this time, and he nodded hurriedly.

  Shana stopped and her face suddenly turned red. She picked up a corner of the skirt and kept going up. Her slender legs were wrapped in knee-high white stockings, which was Luo Yuan's favorite look.

  But she didn't stop, the skirt mentioned the waist...

  "Like it?"

  Alas!Luo Yuan's blood surged directly.

  "Happy, I like it!"

  Shana glanced at Luo Yuan, saw his obvious reaction, and then put back her skirt, and at the same time, she changed back to the black long straight appearance of the student uniform.

  "Humph!" Shana hummed, ignored Luo Yuan, opened the door and walked out.

  Luo Yuan stood dumbfounded in the room.

  what do you mean?

Chapter 108 Don't you watch the time?

  "Little Nancy, come and teach us the method of freedom!"

  As soon as Shana walked out of the bedroom door, she dragged Lian Nancy, who was watching the fun outside, and left.

  It seems that Shana has made up her mind to stimulate her own potential, so she went directly to the most powerful teacher in the red world.

  Maybe she was under pressure because she learned about Luo Yuan's strength. If this goes on forever, he can only let him protect herself if there is a powerful enemy.

  Hmph, this can't be done, I am always a strong, always confident Fire Mist Warrior.

  Although he is willing to enjoy his protection, Shana, who is stronger, can't let herself not even have the strength to deal with his avatar.

  If that's the case, how can he punish that rambunctious guy and then use his avatar to perfunctory him.

  The avatar who can kill him today is all because of his love for himself, so he deliberately let himself kill an avatar to vent his anger.

  "I'm older than you!"

  Lian Nanxi, who looked even smaller than Shana, was dragged by her to protest very dissatisfiedly, but who told her that she was not only petite, but also had little strength, and could only be forced to be dragged away.

  "I still have to study the method of freedom, and can't I wait until the meal is over..."

  "It won't take long, training is a race against time, and if we don't come back, if the bastard dares to have dinner, see how I deal with him!"

  Now Shana's aura has exploded, she has regained the confidence she deserves, and she is also resolute in doing things.

  Hirai Yuan naturally followed Shana obediently. Looking at Shana's appearance at this time, she also seemed to see the powerful girl she admired back then.

  She is imitating her appearance in all aspects, although now that she understands these things, she still maintains the habit of learning from her, but the purpose has changed, just like her black and long straight, isn't it because that guy likes it? .

  Hirai Yuan looked at Shana, who was fighting high, she should also be for that guy...

  Shana looked at the two girls beside her, and she had already realized why there were only girls in the family.

  I am afraid that the so-called enemy of Lian Nanxi has already been dealt with by Luo Yuan, right?

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