"It's impossible!" Lian Nanxi decisively refused, and at the same time explained seriously: "My power of existence is not enough to revive redundant people, and this free method is too complicated, I can barely use it myself."

  Then, for fear that Luo Yuan would not believe it, she briefly explained to him the complexity of this method of freedom, and many of them belong to the content that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words.

  It's like the original "Self-Freedom Law" was so complicated that no one could use it, and then it became popular in the red world after being improved by her.

  And in the last war, it was because only she could parse the fragment of the "Psalm of Great Destiny", so she was caught and sealed in a Noble Phantasm and became a "Little Night Screaming Bird".

  She is like the darling of the world. The Law of Freedom is the use of the fundamental energy of the world, which is equivalent to the law of the world. This kind of complex thing seems to her instinct.

  "I can provide the power of existence, and you should know the function of the 'Zero Mizi' in my body."

  Luo Yuan seemed to have expected it, and then he pointed at the old gentleman, and the power of existence turned into a golden flame to cover her.


  The old gentleman was instantly turned into ashes, and a cute little loli with short pink hair appeared in front of him.

Chapter 68 Shana frowned

  "Wow...you, you, what are you doing?" Lian Nanxi, who was forced to reveal her true body, suddenly exclaimed.

  "The image of you just now is too annoying. Since you are reluctant to lose it, then I have to help you!"

  Luo Yuan spread his hands in a shameless manner, and his eyes were full of admiration.

  At this time, Lian Nanxi lost the cover of the torch incarnation, and showed her cute loli body, but her body was wearing a long white dress with a cardigan, which was very bright.

  It's obviously a super cute and super cute loli, but the clothes she wears are so mature and astringent. In other words, you are actually a sullen person, right?

  Sure enough, you can't measure a person by appearance. Lian Nanxi is an old woman based on her actual age. It makes sense to think about it, and it's okay!

  "Changing, perverted!" Lian Nanxi was caught off guard and her real body was exposed, especially when the bastard looked at herself with a look of amazement, which instantly made her face flush with anger.

  "Sorry, hey, take this and replace it!"

  Luo Yuan said sorry, but he didn't have that attitude at all, and handed a cute pink dress with a funny smile on his face.

  "You're so bad, so rude, so bastard..."

  Lian Nanxi angrily grabbed the long skirt and put it on her body, scolding Luo Yuan while wearing it.

  "Have you scolded enough? Let's go after scolding!" Luo Yuan watched calmly while copying his hands.

  Little Loli's beautiful voice scolding people not only does not make people feel angry, but it is quite comfortable to listen to.

  Of course, it's still not as pleasant as my Shana's scolding.

  Luo Yuan summed up the experience of being scolded very much.

  "I don't!" Lian Nanxi, who has pink hair and pink eyes and a long pink dress, is super cute, but when she heard Luo Yuan's words, she glared at Luo Yuan with her cute big eyes, and she was obviously very angry, but she seemed to be acting like a spoiled child.

  "You know, you can't run away!" Luo Yuan knew that the communication between the two parties was not pleasant, and she herself was very wary, so she could only use coercion and inducement first.

  "I know that you have been collecting the power of existence. These are easy for me to obtain. The power of existence you need, no matter how much I can provide."

  When he said this, Luo Yuan always had a sense of sight as if a local tyrant took care of his lover.

  Exchanging the power of existence for money is not incompatible at all!

  "You, are you serious?" Lian Nanxi was suddenly moved.

  Luo Yuan has both powerful strength and the almost endless power of recovery Noble Phantasm, the "Zero Hour Mizi". As long as he helps him get things done, then he doesn't have to risk being chased by other fire and fog warriors. Collect the power of existence by picking up the disappearing torches everywhere.

  The speed of picking up the torch is too slow, and she has not collected much for hundreds of years.

  "Of course, and I won't control you like 'The Ring of Underworld' Assis, you can also use the power of existence to achieve your goals!"

  Luo Yuan said very sincerely that he was not worried that Lian Nanxi would collect the money and do nothing.

  After all, her strength is too weak.

  "Okay, bring it!" Lian Nanxi thought for a while and then extended her small hand.

  Luo Yuan couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and pointed at her palm, and a large amount of existence power spurted out.

  "Ah... this, so much..."

  The little loli exclaimed and quickly performed the free method, and the power of existence that spewed in her palm was turned into thin threads by her, and the threads were quickly entangled, and gradually became an egg-sized ball of wool.

  "Okay, I can at least provide you with so much power of existence every day from now on!"

  Luo Yuan estimated the remaining part and stopped providing it. On the one hand, he used the remaining part to maintain the existence of himself and the three "Poké Balls", and on the other hand, he also had to keep enough of the existence required for a certain battle. Although he lost the power of existence, his strength decreased again, but using the power of existence to transform the power of God every day to condense his divinity was making him continue to recover his strength.

  And once the power of existence reaches zero the next day, it will be restored.

  As long as you have gained the trust of Lian Nanxi and mastered the storage method of her power of existence, then you can use "Zero Hour Mizi" to brush the power of existence, and the recovery of strength is just around the corner.

  When the strength is restored, the range of sensing the void has greatly increased, and the efficiency of absorbing the power of the existence of the void is also very different from now, so he can maintain his unscrupulous battle without the "zero-hour fan".

  "Well..." Lian Nanxi looked at the "ball of wool" in her hand with a very complicated expression. The power of existence collected in such a short period of time was equal to the amount of torches she had picked up in the past ten years.

  It's true that people are more popular than dead people. What is the origin of this guy?

  "Let's go!"

  Luo Yuan glanced at her with a smile.

  Lian Nanxi had no choice but to go back after taking the benefits, so she had to keep up with his pace.

  On the roof, Shana looked serious, and the golden flame under her control had extended to a range of several meters. As long as the attack was carried out, it would definitely cause great damage.


  As Shana slowly disconnected the energy, the flame gradually became thinner until it disappeared, and she immediately relaxed.

  "Clap clap clap! Very good!"

  "Luo Yuan" who had been on the sidelines for a long time suddenly applauded enthusiastically.

  In fact, training that consumes the power of existence like Shana should be carried out in an open place, otherwise it will be very easy to be discovered, and if you are not careful, it will cause irreparable damage to the world.

  But because of Luo Yuan, on the one hand, he used the barrier to cover the house without worrying about being discovered. On the other hand, he was confident that no matter what happened during Shana's training, he could easily control it, so the two did not find another way. place.

  "Humph!" Shana snorted when she received Luo Yuan's compliment, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, rather proud.

  Even if she is as arrogant as she is, after working hard, she hopes to be recognized by the people she cares about, let alone praise from him.

  But when she relaxes now, she starts muttering again, this bastard is very abnormal tonight, he has already finished his training, what is he doing standing there stupidly?

  A smart girl like her will not give up seeking the truth easily if her intuition is wrong.

  Just as Shana frowned, she realized that things were not easy.

  "anyone there?"

  A girl with short pink hair and pink eyes and a long pink dress stood at the door of their mansion and began to knock on the door.

  "Apostle of the Red World!"

  Shana was shocked, only to find that the enchantment had been revoked by Luo Yuan, and when she subconsciously looked back at Luo Yuan again, she found that Luo Yuan was obviously different from just now.

  has a problem!

Chapter 69 I'm an Actor

  "This Red World Apostle is so weak, how dare he come to our house."

  Luo Yuan walked to Shana's side and pretended to be puzzled.

  Just when Shana was attracted by Lian Nanxi, he took the opportunity to withdraw his avatar, and it was naturally impossible to find clues in her realm.

  "Let's go, let's go and see what's going on." Luo Yuan then rubbed her head affectionately.

  Shana looked at Luo Yuan, although she felt something was wrong, but Luo Yuan's intimacy made her feel that there was nothing wrong with her.


  But she immediately opened his hand with a snort and jumped off the roof. When there were outsiders, she would not allow Luo Yuan to make too intimate actions towards her, feeling super shy.

  "who are you?"

  "Fire Mist Warrior?" Lian Nanxi looked at herself with a long knife aimed at herself, dressed as a beautiful girl who was extremely cute but full of heroic spirit.

  But then she saw the bastard with a bad smile walking slowly behind the girl, remembering what this guy told her, so she could only bite the bullet and explain quickly.

  "I'm Lian Nancy, and the real name of Hong Shi is 'Spiral Organ'. I have no malice!"

  "'Spiral Organ'! Are you the 'Spiral Organ'?"

  Shana was taken aback. She had heard of this famous name when she was a child.

  "You are the most powerful Zi Zi Zi in the disciples of the red world?"

  She couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't expect that the girl in front of her who looked younger than herself was actually the famous Zi Zi Zi Shi, and the seal she used most often was popularized because of her improvement.

  "Yes, yes!" Lian Nanxi replied a little embarrassedly, which is one of the reasons why she chose the old gentleman-like torch. The original cute girl's appearance is difficult to convince.

  "It turned out to be a 'spiral organ'. It is unbelievable that the main body can be such a cute girl."

  Luo Yuan also looked surprised, but he immediately felt Shana's unhappy eyes, and then leaned over to her ear and whispered: "Of course, no matter how cute she is, she is not as cute as my Shana!"

  "Stupid, stupid!" Shana blushed suddenly, and gave him a fierce look, really, what are you talking about at this time!


  Lian Nanxi really couldn't stand the pretence of Luo Yuan, the bastard, so she had to continue to explain her intention: "I was chased by the Fire Mist Warrior, whose real name is 'Mourning Text Chanter', and I just found out that there was a movement of the Fire Mist Warrior here. , so I wanted to seek asylum."

  "'Mourning text reciter'?" Shana frowned immediately. She knew that "Spiral Organ" was a very special apostle of the Red World. He was obviously the most powerful teacher in the Red World, but his strength was low, so she knew its name. No fire and fog warriors will not embarrass her.

  And the Marjoram Lindo who had defeated her even planned to attack her, so they naturally couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

  Shana couldn't help looking at Luo Yuan, this bastard had taught her a lesson.

  "Could you be the apostle of the Red World who had a conflict with the 'eulogy reciter' just outside Misaki City? No wonder!" Luo Yuan analyzed the cause and effect in a serious way.

  "It's her words, it makes sense to deal with the apostles indiscriminately, but I have warned her not to step into Misaki City."

  "Of course, it's not ruled out that she might come back secretly, so if you really want to come to us to seek shelter..."

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