"I said, why don't we still avoid it?" Another voice resounded in the bear monster's body and persuaded in a negotiating tone. With the eyes of the Red World Demon King, he naturally knew Luo Yuan's strength, even if his deity was not necessarily the same. is his opponent.

  Because the contract between the Crimson Demon King and the Fire Mist Warrior is based on the Fire Mist Warrior's will, Maxias could not stop Marjorindo's actions, and could only use persuasion.

  "I don't..." Marchionne suddenly became hysterical.

  "You're going to die with me too!!!"

  Swish swish!

  Her contract demon, Maxias, had to cooperate with her to perform the Freedom Law.

  Suddenly, dozens of bear monsters exactly like her surrounded the center.

  "Really remember to eat but not to fight!" Luo Yuan sneered, her avatar has too many flaws, and can only confuse people's perception a little. Anyone who has mastered the power of existence can find it carefully, let alone him?

  Luo Yuan found out her true body as soon as she sensed it, so she teleported directly to her body and punched her.

  Pff~ boom!

  The bear monster smashed directly into the ground again, and was rolled up with a large amount of soil and rocks.

  Destroyed by their own free-handedness, which basically relies on the power of existence, it is like the magic of a magician.

  Even if Ma Qiong Linduo turned into a giant bear-shaped monster by borrowing the unique ability of the Demon King of the Red World, he was still pressed and beaten by Luo Yuan.

  "Ouch~ puff..." Ma Qiong Linduo was beaten out of its original shape again, and her whole body was tattered. She couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, her face turned gray.

  "Ah ah ah..."

  She suddenly let out a mournful howl like a wounded beast, feeling that life had no meaning to exist.

  She remembered a long, long time ago, when she had not yet become a Fire Mist Warrior.

  She is a kind eldest lady of the city owner's family, but unfortunately she has been living in the expectations of others.

  Later, she suffered a series of misfortunes. First, her father was killed, and she was sold to Fengyue by a servant who had rescued herself.

  Even so, she must maintain her image in the eyes of others, vain and kind, and tempt the owner of the place in order to save her fellow in distress.

  In the end, she figured out everything and planned to live for herself. She was preparing to collude with her father's former friend to kill the master, but all this was eliminated in advance with the intervention of "Silver", also known as "Tyrant 2".

  The only spiritual support for her to survive at that time was revenge, and the intervention of "Silver" made her lose the target of revenge, and she made "Silver" as the object of revenge from then on.

  Under such an opportunity, she contracted with Marcias, the Red Devil, and spent hundreds of years looking for the whereabouts of "Silver". According to the information she got, Lamy probably knew the whereabouts of "Silver". , so hunt him down here.

  But now it seems that there is no hope, and the strong unwillingness and despair have caused the power of energy in her body to run out of control and riot.

  Roar! ! !

  Marjorindo immediately summoned some of the characteristics of Maxias in advance, and turned into a giant wolf made of cyan flames.


  Clap, clap!

  Under the huge destructive power of the flames, the earth began to crack and spread in the direction of Luo Yuan and the others.

  "Hey, her energy is out of control, so the seal will be broken, and the damage will be directly reflected in this world."

  Lian Nanxi, who looked like an old gentleman, suddenly shouted to Luo Yuan in a hurry.

  "Tsk, can you stop talking to me with this face? Your image makes me panic." Luo Yuan didn't pay attention to the flame, but looked at the old gentleman very upset.

  "I don't understand what you're talking about!" The old gentleman's expression changed, and he said with a reluctant smile, but he was shocked. Did he already know his true body?

  "I'll tell you later!" Luo Yuan gave him a playful smile, and at the same time flew forward directly to the sky above the giant wolf that had transformed into the size of a building.


  The eyes of the giant wolf were full of confusion and madness. While roaring wildly, he spit out flame bombs indiscriminately. Luo Yuan naturally avoided it easily.

  Luo Yuan knew that her energy was out of control, which directly led to the manifestation of the essence of Maxias. Her strength was close to her body, but she lost control and turned into a monster that only knew how to destroy.

  Such monster Luo Yuan is very experienced in dealing with it. Didn't the last world deliberately irritate the Dragon God like this and make him lose his mind before he can output frantically.

  Although his strength has dropped dramatically, this one is obviously not a Dragon God.

  In terms of body size, it is only tens of meters in size, which is similar to those divine beasts he caught.

  Compared with those mythical beasts, Maxias, in addition to his size, can use the power of existence to form a free method attack to take advantage.

  For Luo Yuan, such an advantage was almost nothing. Luo Yuan directly condensed the shield of the divine sense that transformed the power of existence into the power of God, and came to the top of its head with the flames breathed by the giant wolf.

  Men only need to punch to the flesh to attack!



  As the fist carrying Luo Yuan's fist fell to the top of the giant wolf's head, there was a loud noise. The punch that was enough to easily destroy a building directly caused the giant wolf to whimper and fell to the ground. The ground collapsed in a large area. Brings up smoke.

  Is this the true strength of this guy?

  The pupils of the old gentleman Lian Nanxi's body shrank, and he withdrew the leg he was planning to take advantage of the chaos.

Chapter 67 I'm Not Going To Your House!


  "You, give, me, clear, wake up, one, point!" Luo Yuan said word by word with a sensible smile, and at the same time punched the giant wolf's head.

  A loud noise accompanied the depression of the ground, the earth trembled, and the dust flew up.

  Lian Nancy's heart throbbed, this guy is a violent maniac, right?It must be!

  "Enough, enough!" The wolf's hair, which was already bloody and deep in the ground, let out a faint whine.

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan returned to the old gentleman. He directly used a powerful attack to force his runaway energy to resist. After so many punches from him, the energy was almost consumed, and Maxias also took over. its consciousness.

  "Looks like you're awake!"


  The giant wolf raised its head slightly, and the head could not be seen completely, even if it held its head up, it seemed to be drooping.

  "I said, you're too heavy, aren't you?"

  "It's all trivial, you're welcome!"

  Luo Yuan waved his hand indifferently.

  Although he wanted to vent his anger by doing this, he was actually saving them. Otherwise, the Fire Mist Warriors would die, and Maxias would have to show his true body. Then he would either return to the red world or wait for his death in this world. .

  "..." Although he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, he was indeed saved by Luo Yuan once, but this way of saving his life was a bit too much. Naturally, he couldn't say thank you, and Luo Yuan didn't seem to know anything. The person who cared about this was silent for a while and the giant wolf opened his mouth fiercely and spit out, and Ma Qionglinduo was spit out in a disheveled manner, and then the giant wolf completely dissipated into flames.

  Luo Yuan couldn't help but look strange when he saw this scene, but after seeing that he was awake, but still a lifeless Ma Qiong Lindo, he roared directly at the old gentleman: "I can't help but explain what they are looking for from you. explain!"

  It's useless to explain first, you can only listen to things when you are calm, just like now.

  "I..." Lian Nanxi gritted her teeth in anger. This guy looked like he was scared to death in the afternoon. How could he have such a bad attitude now?

  But she knew she couldn't afford to offend her, so she walked slowly to Marchionndo on crutches.

  "Don't go looking for silver!"

  "What? Do you really know that guy?" Marjorindo's dull eyes suddenly lit up, and Maxias, who turned into a hardcover book, also spoke at the same time as her.

  "Don't think about looking for him. No matter how you chase it, it will be futile. If you want to chase, you can't catch up. The more you look, the more you can't find him. You can only wait for him to appear. He is such a person."

  The old gentleman babbled a lot, as if he had said everything, but he didn't say anything at all.

  "I won't give up!"

  Marchionne was inexplicable, but she was still very excited.

  Luo Yuan rolled his eyes when he heard this. Hearing this sentence made people mad, and he couldn't stand the feeling of half-speaking.

  So he directly and secretly and the hardcover-like Maxias spoiled, that is, "Silver" or "Tyrant 2" was actually the mirror image of her at that time, which means that it was her dark side that borrowed the power of "Silver". to take revenge.

  So if she wants revenge, she is actually seeking revenge for herself. The object of her hatred over the years is the dark side of herself.

  "Is what you said true?" Maxi Ston couldn't help but asked out loud.

  "What? What's wrong with you, Marco?"

  Marchionne looked at Maxias in surprise.

  And Lian Nanxi, who looked like an old gentleman, looked at Luo Yuan. She only came to know about this because she had come into contact with another chapter of "The Great Life Psalm". How did Luo Yuan know?

  "Cough, it's nothing." The hardcover coughed dryly to cover up his gaffe. If what Luo Yuan said was true, then Marjoram Lindo knew that he would not be able to stand it. With their friendship for so many years, he would definitely want to do it for her. Mood to consider.

  "I just told him the clues that might be related to 'Silver'."

  Luo Yuan didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun.

  "It's up to you whether you can find it or not!"

  Now that Maxias knows the inside story, he will definitely find a way to delay time or let her understand slowly by boiling the frog in warm water, which is better than telling her directly that she is shocked.

  "Really? Marco!" Marchionne's attention was indeed diverted.

  "That~ cough cough..." Maxias knew that he must not let her know the answer now. Maybe he could take her to verify it and tell her slowly?

  "Let's go!"

  Seeing that the matter came to an end, Luo Yuan waved his hand to repair the space and lifted the ban, and then said to the old gentleman.

  He didn't care about Marchon Lindo anymore, and they would definitely not return to Misaki City again in the future. As for where they went, it had nothing to do with him.

  He is now trying to find a way to take Lian Nanxi home, and he can't take him directly. Shana will lose her temper again, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to coax her.

  "Where are you going?" the old gentleman asked after following him for a while with a guilty conscience.

  "Of course my house!" Luo Yuan said casually, while he frowned.

  "You lost your torch to me first!"

  "Why should I go to your house?" Listening to Luo Yuan's tone, it was obvious that he already knew his true body, so Lian Nanxi no longer pretended to restore her original voice, which was ethereal and pleasant.

  "This torch saves the unnecessary waste of the power of existence!"

  "Why? Of course it's because of your Freedom Law!" Luo Yuan explained the reason directly.

  "I need your Freedom Law to help me resurrect some people, or teach me the Freedom Law."

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