Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 171: Bad situation

In the room, Marlene and Jin both showed a thoughtful look. They didn't understand how the seal was unlocked, whether it was deliberately or by accident.

"In order to find the truth, His Royal Highness the Paladin has summoned our seven original sins," maybe only if they investigate carefully can they figure out what is going on.

"We have already understood that our enemy is too dangerous, so who will go?" Of the Seven Original Sins, absolutely not all of them will go. When Jin asked this sentence, he suddenly didn't know what it was. The smell passed through their noses.

"This room smells of blood and flesh." Marlene said with a frown.

"Oh, no, can't it be said,,,," said the amount of sweat looking at the direction of the smell in disbelief.

Sure enough, as Jin thought, the smell came from another room, and in the room, Jin and Marlene covered their noses with very ugly faces, it seemed very unbearable to bear the smell!

That's right! It's the taste of meatloaf made by Meliodas! Meliodas' cooking skills are really unacceptable. Something on that plate was not a meatloaf at all, but a strangely shaped thing that couldn't tell what it was. It looks very ugly from the outside. Not to mention the smell coming from above!

"Head, Ben, what happened? And the ugly dying thing in the middle, wouldn't it be," said Final Jin already showing a panic expression. I have to say that Meliodas has a talent for doing chemical experiments.

"Oh. That's my meatloaf~" Meliodas said with a smile without embarrassment.

"But he's still moving because of Mao! What kind of meat is this!" Jin couldn't help but vomit.

"Um, probably because I have been baking a bit longer," Meliodas said very casually.

"That's not the point, okay!" Kim shouted into Meliodas' ears, at this time he was already weakened by Meliodas.

"Well~ I made a bet before playing cards with Ban, and whoever loses will cook. In the end, I lost, so I went to cook. Come on, come and eat~ Don’t eat too much. It's like poisoning." Meliodas held the weird thing on the plate in his hand while pinching Ben's chin with one hand, seemingly wanting to pour directly into Ben's mouth.

"Don't, don't! Hey to death!" Ban struggled hard, his face full of panic!

"Hey, what are you talking about? You are an immortal Ban, you can't waste food." Meliodas didn't want to let Ban in the slightest.

"That thing is smelly and disgusting, do you really want to kill me?!" Ban would rather die than surrender, because he seemed to feel that he would really die if he ate this thing.

"Why do I have to play punished games if I win the bet! Marlene, quickly persuade the leader to leave!" Ban shouted desperately. While still working hard to break free of Meliodas' clutches~ "Well, I thought of a great idea!" Marlene didn't go to help the class get rid of Meliodas but said something like this inexplicably.

"Okay, okay, this time our opponent is the vampire family? Marlene, you tell us what you know!" Meliodas, Kim, Ben, Marlene and Driver Si and Hendrickson sat together.

"From the magic we feel, there are five strong magical powers in Edinburgh, of course not including the existence of the vampire king. And we can assume that all the paladins have turned to the vampire side, right." Asked Dreyfus. The specific situation needs to be analyzed based on the intelligence in the kingdom.

"Yes! What if we formed an army of Paladins to go to Edinburgh?" If it were just the vampires of Edinburgh, it wouldn't be the case, but those Paladins controlled by vampires had to beware.

"However, if our victims frequently appear, it will cause even greater panic, ah, for us to enter the hinterland of the place is also very risky." Hendrickson obviously did not agree. Dreyfus' thoughts. As long as the person bitten by a vampire will immediately become the opponent's combat power! Under such circumstances, for them, the more people become more disadvantaged.

"The most important thing is that the fighting power of the vampires will be at least doubled at night!" Marlene said with blinking eyes, it would be even more difficult to deal with it.

"Twice is really exaggerated!" Jin said nervously.

"Then we can go in broad daylight." Meliodas still yelled indifferently.

"I can't do it. Look at this and you will understand. This is Edinburgh seen through my crystal ball!" A fist-sized crystal ball appeared in Marlene's hand, but it could only be faint in the crystal ball. It's only about seeing clearly what's in it, and everything else is all in darkness.

"It's too dark, I can't see it at all," Jin looked at Marlene's crystal ball, trying to prove that it was not the problem of his own eyes, but that the scene in the crystal ball was really too blurred.

"It seems that the king of vampires caused the night to cover Edinburgh, which means that there is no day in Edinburgh." Marlene guessed that even if it were not, it would not be too different.

"If you look closely, you can find that the space has been distorted due to some powerful magic power, and it has become a place that I cannot reach by teleportation." The castle in the crystal ball is like the one made by Meliodas. Like a meatloaf, it was strangely shaped, completely unlike a castle.

"This, it looks like a meatloaf made by the leader!" Jin looked at the image in the crystal ball in surprise, obviously his feeling was very accurate.

"Ban, I ran away when I saw this thing," Meliodas said indifferently, and Ban seemed to have made a mental shadow of meatloaf he made! Even similar things cannot be seen!

"It looks like a tricky thing, brother." Dreyfus said toward Saratoras.

"Yeah, in other words, no matter what we do, vampires will use twice the magic power to avenge us."

"Not to mention a more advanced existence like the Vampire King. The combat effectiveness must be completely beyond our guesswork." ..


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