Infinite Kings Advent

: 170th Vampire's Past

"Don't stare at me like that, it's just coming over to say a long-lost greeting and say a few words." Meliodas stood still and said with a smile. The randomness on his face didn't seem to take the Ten Commandments in the room seriously.

"I have nothing to say to you. All I have is anger towards you and revenge for the four races." Gerudellis stood up from a distance, patted the dust on his body, and faced Melio coldly. Das said, at this time, he has completely calmed down, without the anger of the moment.

"It's so cold, Gerudelis, we are brothers, at least listen to me a few words. War is a very long time, and now Britannia is peaceful, but if you still want to continue three thousand years ago In the follow-up, the Seven Original Sins and I will defeat you with all our strength." Meliodas said with a smile on his face.

"I should have said it, I have nothing to say to you!" The colleague Gerudellis who was saying this quickly rushed towards Meliodas. At this moment, the magic power on his body is not at all comparable to the time before. Also dispatched were the other people in the Ten Commandments. At this moment, almost three people in the Ten Commandments rushed towards Meliodas at the same speed.

But at this time, the ten seconds that Marlene said seemed to have finally arrived. When their attack arrived, Meliodas' figure disappeared completely.

"Stop! What's going on in the middle of the night now!" a guard with a spear in his hand said to the visitor.

"It's your Majesty Barla's urgent report!" The soldier in armor came from a distance with a man in a hood. Although the urgent report was shouting on his mouth, he did not seem to be very anxious.

"Urgent report? Is the person behind you? Hey, this sir, please report your name first." The guard glanced suspiciously at the unfamiliar soldier in front of him, and then turned his head to face the belt. The mysterious man in the hood asked. Only after confirming their names and going in to report, can they be allowed in as appropriate.

"My name is Duny, and I am a Paladin in Edinburgh." The man who took off his hood was a middle-aged man with blond hair and thin eyebrows. His hair and eyebrows were golden, he looked particularly charming, and his face was very white. But it was not pale, but it seemed to be the way it was originally.

"Edinburgh? Then what emergency did you bring? Master Paladin." Just after asking, a guard like a guard slowly approached him behind him. But he didn't notice it at all.

The person behind didn't seem to be a normal-looking guy. Whether it was blood stains on his lips or slow movements, it made people feel as if they were dead.

When he realized the guy behind him, everything was already too late. The guy slammed his neck across his neck and bit his neck. In an instant, the guard's face became dry, as if All the blood has been sucked up.

The moment the soldier loosened his neck, the guard fell to the ground.

"Not long ago, my homeland, Edinburgh, surrendered under the army of the King of Vampires. I am now as an envoy to convey this news." The paladin who looked exceptionally white said with a smile. He also showed his two unusual fangs while laughing.

"At the same time, I was also ordered to capture King Leones. Okay, my friend, take me to see your king~" Just after he said this, the soldiers who had fallen before stood up. Get up, no different from the soldier who stretched out his fangs before, his eyes are blank. There is no focal length. "Observe,, fate,," even the voice of speech is intermittent, and walking is very difficult.

"It's alright, you rest in peace." At the moment when both hands blocked the eyes of the two soldiers, a dazzling white light lit up. Then the two people who were originally dull eyes and slow-moving fell to the ground, but their expressions were very soft when they fell to the ground, and they seemed to be at rest.

And the paladin who was wearing the hood before jumped to the wall at one end of the moment when the white light turned on, and looked at the culprit who caused the two vampire soldiers he just infected to fall down very carefully.

"You used it on their souls, purification! This is really a tricky magic, but you don't want to catch me." The hooded paladin kept jumping around, very fast. His figure is impossible to see through.

However, this didn't seem to work. The guy wearing the armor and holding a sharp sword just took a step and directly cut off all the limbs of the hooded paladin. I don't know how he did it at all, nor can I see his movements clearly. It was as if he had broken a glance.

"You, who are you?!" The paladin showed incredible gaze, but the man ignored him, but directly stretched out a hand to cover his eyes.

After the light flashed, the Paladin did not die as quickly as the two soldiers before, but thanked the guy in front of him with a grateful expression in his eyes.

"Thanks, thank you, you." He fell down after speaking.

"I am Leonis's Paladin, Saratoras! Rest in peace, Edinburgh's Paladin." After the paladin in front of him had dealt with everything, a large number of soldiers gathered here.

"His Royal Highness, what happened to the commotion just now?" The soldiers in a hurry came here like a tide.

"Emergency, immediately summon the seven original sins!" Saratoras ignored the soldiers' questions, but directly ordered.

"Oh, yes!"

"The vampire captured Edinburgh overnight?! Is this true? Marlene?" Jin, who looked like an uncle floating in the air, asked Marlene.

"A few days ago, in the huge cave to the east, the sarcophagus that sealed the entire group of vampires was destroyed," Marlene said calmly with her back to Jin.

"How can it be destroyed? Is someone making trouble? Or is it just a coincidence?" Jin asked Marlene with a very shocked look. You know, the seal is not so easy that it can be destroyed at will. ..


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