Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 166: The battle begins

"It’s best to perceive and guide one’s potential with bare hands. Of course, having said that, the minimum is still necessary. Please bring this, although it is just a tree branch protected by magical power. I guarantee the toughness.” She said that one of Jenna's handles was wrapped with a wooden stick, which was directly shown to everyone.

"Are all the members ready? Then go inside, as long as you walk in, the trial will proceed on your own!"

Hauzel, Gilsanda, Guliamore, the masked man and Arthur, the five of them were naked to the top with muscles all over their bodies, and then Hawk and Goser were together. The combination of these moves towards the cave.

"Okay, all follow this uncle, but don't get lost~" Hawke hurriedly rushed forward, looking very brave.

"No matter what trial it is, it is still a trifle for Lord Benhawk. Right, dead pigs? Big, where did everyone go?! It's too much to leave me alone!" One person rushed forward. Hawke was surrounded by darkness in the first place, and everyone around him disappeared.

"Well, there's light! Everyone, wait for me!!" Hawke rushed towards the place where there was light in front, even if he shouted like that on his mouth, Hawke had become sweaty at this time.

Hauzel and Gilsanda took the wooden sticks that Jenna had given them, and walked around the cave with bare shoulders and feet.

"What, Jill who is in your group again!" Hauser said nonchalantly as he went around a lot of the surrounding environment.

"That's what should be said, Hauser." Gilsanda walked towards the cave with a look of indifference. The two seem to be a little uncomfortable from beginning to end.

When the two of them walked to the depths of the cave, there were all kinds of amber that exudes strange light like treasures. Although the amber has different shapes and sizes, it exudes all kinds of indescribable light. .

"Do you want to choose one from here?" Gilsanda asked when looking at the ambers in front of her.

"What then? It's the amber called the goddess~" Hauser asked nonchalantly. When he ever wanted to deal with Meliodas, Hendrickson wanted to use the amber of the goddess. Come to imprison Meliodas. Amber, which is said to be a goddess, has a sealing effect on the existence of various demons.

And the amber of the goddess here probably looks like hundreds of them. Such a number is indeed exaggerated if all of them are sealed demon gods and monsters.

"You have a good relationship~" A voice rang in the cave, but there was no one besides Hauzel and Gilsanda, and this voice also seemed extremely empty.

"Master Jenna!" It was obvious that Jenna's voice came from outside through some kind of magic.

"The amber of the goddess in front of you as long as you choose one, and then break it~ A monster, or a demon god, will come out in it, and then you two need to solve it reasonably. Simple. Then let's start!" After that, Jenna's business completely disappeared here.

"Is that so? Then which one is better~" Hauzel muttered hesitantly while looking at the goddess' Amber floating in the sky, touching his chin.

However, Gilsanda didn't speak, and walked directly in front of Amber of a goddess, and slashed with the wooden stick in his hand. There were countless cracks on the crystal and black light overflowed from it.

"Hey, hello! You just selected, you should tell me!" Hauser said with some dissatisfaction, who was still wondering which one to choose.

But Gilsanda had no time to talk nonsense with him, and saw that a huge body suddenly dropped here after Kohaku was completely broken. This seems to be a dragon. It's just a fat dragon like a ball, more like a **** lizard.

It's just that power is not as simple as it looks! The huge body fell tightly to the ground, and the ground in the cave collapsed. It shoots out from the monster's feet like a bullet at any time.

"Sure enough! It's coming!!!" Hauser and Gilsanda were forced to jump directly behind. Then, before the two of them were ready, the monster quickly arrived in front of them. This speed surprised the two of them immediately!

The huge monster has no feet, only the two front claws. When it was about to rush to the two of them, the huge body suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then rushed towards them.

"Lei Di's hammer!" Gilsanda's thunder and lightning attack hit the monster's chest incomparably, but it didn't play any role other than scorching a small piece of **** there! The defensive power of this monster seems exceptionally strong!

"Rising tornado!" Hauzel's attack was not as effective as Jelsanda's attack. It had no effect on the monster, but the monster was pressed down in midair toward the two of them in an instant.

The two quickly backed away and escaped the monster's attack, but the monster also went straight into the earth. This huge guy seemed to be of earth property, and you can see it regardless of its defense ability or the way it got into the earth. come out.

"There is no point in exercising in that way!"

"Then you tell me how can we win?!"

"At least you can't win with the previous fighting methods!"

"I didn't say it! In this case, the jar just broke!"

"Fool, it's because of this that I just lost so badly!"

"But even if we seriously consider the strategy, it's useless!"

"You guys are too casual!" Gilsanda yelled at Hauser, as the monsters drilling underneath were circling the two of them. Seems to be waiting for any opportunity.

"You are too rigid, OK!" Hauser cursed back unceremoniously. The two didn't seem to be here to exercise but quarrel.

"Little Gil, you are too rigid." Meliodas' figure emerged in front of Gilsanda. At this time, Gilsanda couldn't help but ring back when he was taught by Meliodas when he was still young. ..


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