Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 165: Cultivation cave kiln

Meliodas in the illusion roared again, how could it be so simple to forget a person? ! Still his favorite woman. Meliodas from the outside world also followed and roared in the same place.

"Master Meliodas! Why do you want to be like this!" Elizabeth regretted letting Master Meliodas enter the illusion at this time.

"Because of the value of that power that made him sit this far." Although he couldn't bear to see Meliodas's horrible side, Zaneyi persisted. Let me suffer with Meliodas, maybe I can bear some for him. At the very least, I will feel better.

"Even me, I hope Meliodas can be the same as before." Zaneyi gritted his teeth and said. Meliodas' pain was never his alone.

"How is it possible to be used to losing you and forgetting things like you, how is it possible." In the fantasy world, Meliodas muttered to himself in front of the huge hole he made.

"Hey, you guy! Why did you save me, good guy!" Liz stared at him stubbornly. This is the scene when they first met. Even though it was hard, she was still so tough and unwilling to admit defeat in times of hardship.

After going through this several times, every time I meet with you and repeat each time, my love for you will continue to grow. It cannot be restrained, and the anger when I lose you also grows! Can not be suppressed! Want me to suppress? ! Can't do it! !

There were countless flashes in Meliodas' mind about the first encounter with Leeds, the separation from Leeds, the reunion with Leeds, and the final farewell with Leeds. This kind of love and this warm feeling kept repeating and repeating in Meliodas' mind. The anger that followed has also accumulated to an unimaginable level!

Meliodas had never suffered such torture before, and Xie Chenyang in the trial tower roared! I want to vent my anger!

"I can't stand it anymore! I'm going to bring Meliodas back!" Zaneyi can't bear it, even if he looks at it from the side, he can't bear such torture! He waved his hands to pull Meliodas out of the environment.

"Wait, please wait, Lord Zaneyi!" Elizabeth went and stopped.

"Get out of the way, this guy will..."

"Master Meliodas will definitely come back safely! Please believe him!!" Elizabeth stood strong in front of Meliodas and shouted loudly.

Just when Zaneyi wanted to stop it, the two turned their heads in astonishment at the same time and stuck Meliodas behind him.

The kingdom never seemed to be destroyed. On a meadow outside the city, petals floating down from trees in the distance were scattered on the meadow. Meliodas was sitting on the stone beside him, while Liz was lying on the petals and On the green grass.

"I feel this occasionally. If I didn't meet you, I wouldn't be able to look so happy in ordinary days." Liz, lying in the grass and petals, smiled at Meliodas sitting on the rock so plainly. Said.

Yes, I am like this too, so I never want to see such a scene again, I can't bear it, I don't want to repeat it. There won't be a second time! for sure! !

Finally, Meliodas returned to the dead Liz's body and promised in tears! This kind of parting is enough.

"Yeah~ I'm back, two!" Meliodas stood there and greeted Elizabeth and Zaneyi with a relaxed smile.

"Meliodas," Zaneyi looked at Meliodas who had come back in disbelief, not knowing what to say.

And Elizabeth turned to Memeliodas in tears.

"Elizabeth, why are you crying?" Meliodas asked as he walked up to Elizabeth.

"I just saw the tears of Master Meliodas, and I didn't realize it," Elizabeth said, rubbing her eyes at Melioda.

"Who did you say is crying!" Meliodas asked quickly, wiping away his tears.

"Meliodas, you, did you pass the trial mean that you gave up all your feelings!?" Zaneyi asked suddenly in a bit of astonishment.

"What are you talking about? The most important things are here~" Meliodas said with a finger on his chest very handsomely! Yes! It's all in my heart!

"How come, how did that pass the trial!" Zaneyi looked at Meliodas with an incredulous face.

"Leave aside this, since the trial has passed, let me get my strength back!" Meliodas said solemnly.

Is Meliodas really about to regain his power? Did Meliodas really not abandon his feelings? What kind of existence will Meliodas who have taken back his power? No one knows~

"This is the place where the Druid warriors exercise themselves! Cultivate the cave!" Jenna brought everyone else to a small hill and said to everyone.

"Eh, Jenna, what did you want to do when you brought us to such a place?" Hawke was holding Jenna in his arms and asked vaguely. At this time, Hawke seemed to be used to Jenna's treatment.

"It must be exercise, otherwise, what else can I do with you here?!" Jenna said with such a face.

"Does exercise make me stronger?" Hawke asked nonchalantly.

"To fight the legendary Ten Commandments, you are too weak now. If you don't let you become stronger with this cultivation cave and protect the world, I will be very guilty!" Jenna said loudly. Shouted at the crowd.

"I'm fragile?!!!" Hawke struggled hard to bite Jenna, but he couldn't beat Jenna's force!

"Well, no more nonsense. Now everyone who wants to go in and practice comes to the entrance of the cave! Also, all weapons and equipment must be removed." Jenna shouted to everyone.

"Remove the arms~" Gother cooperated with Jenna very well, and took off all his clothes directly.

"Eh! It's okay if you don't take it off below!" Jenna shouted directly at Gao Se.

"Can't you bring weapons in?" The masked man asked with a look that he was very unwilling to bear his sawtooth sword. ..


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