Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 83: Side effects of ghost cut

Xie Chen looked at the weird metal cannula connected to the hilt of the ghost cutting sword in his hand, and suddenly felt a tingling scalp.

This thing is nothing else, it turned out to be a magic tool similar to a mechanical civilization. Yes, this wild game can be regarded as a half magic device. No wonder Xie Chen had a very strange illusion when he first used the magic machine. It turns out that the so-called divine machine is basically a magic tool for another civilization.

That’s right, this thing turned out to be a product of the era of relatively low-level magic civilization, but what Xie Chen couldn’t understand is that they are all derived products of magic civilization, but why does this kind of harmony appear in the world of God Eater? Generally speaking, ancient magic is completely different. What is the magic machine?

Biological Magic Device?

Xie Chen glanced at the divine machine in his hand with a wry smile. The basis of the divine machine's existence was built on the gods, that is, the cells of the gods that are popular here, and the cells of the gods are the concrete products of magic elements. , That is to say, the relationship between the gods of this world, the gods and the god-eaters is almost equivalent to an extremely complex biological chain, or which kind of infinite loop.

The specific structure may be a bit similar to the existence of ouroboros defined by the magical world in the legend, which is infinite in the popular sense. That’s right, the desolate **** beheads the mankind, while the man uses the magic machine to defeat the desolate god. The machine is indeed made by Aragami itself as a template. While the three are interdependent, they also restrict each other.

The existence of divine machine is different from ordinary punk, which is mechanical magic. It is another brand-new product that combines magical machinery and life forms. However, when any emerging substance is just discovered by people, the master is accompanied by a lot of problems. Yes, the magic machine Xie Chen is holding now is no exception.

Xie Chen looked helplessly at the things in his hands. This magical machine also had a very fatal problem, that is, now this scavenge tube that constantly draws magic power from Xie Chen's body, this thing is like a vampire, constantly. Absorbing magic power from Xie Chen's body made Xie Chen a headache, especially in such an environment.

It's no wonder that Dr. Sakura said that the previous hosts of this magic machine all died of violent death, that is, Xie Chen now has enough magic in his body. If ordinary people hold this magic machine for a while, it would be strange that this ghost machine will not be sucked to death.

Unlike ordinary magic machines, whether they are new or old, the sword form has a predator function. Even the old spear-shaped magic machines like Zuo Jiuye also have the ability to fill ammunition. Although those magic machines are in construction The above are different, but they have a common feature.

That is, magic can be absorbed from the outside world.

Both the old sword type magic machine and the new type magic machine have the predator function. Letting go of the predator mode is undoubtedly the best way to ingest magic power. The old gun type magic machine can also be filled with special magic machine bullets to complete what it does not. Possess the effect of ingestion magic of predator function.

But the ghost cut in Xie Chen's hand is different. Although it is also a sword-shaped magic machine, Xie Chen's ghost cut does not have a predator magic machine, and there is no possibility of filling ammunition, so this magic machine can be said to be different. There is no element of magic ingested from the outside world.

But the magic machine is the configuration of the magic device. Even the low magic device must have a magic power supply, just like the mobile phone must have a battery, and the magic device cannot be found. After arriving at the charging place, the only way to give back magic power fell on Xie Chen.

Moreover, the simplest method of direct ingestion is adopted. It is very embarrassing to forcibly seize the magic power from Xie Chen's body. Xie Chen's own magic power is also limited. If it is allowed to obtain such an endless request, it will not game over.

Without thinking about it, Xie Chen quickly cut off the magic output on his right hand, and at the same time completely sealed all the magic in his body in one place. In this way, Xie Chen was an elemental insulator to the outside, and the ghost cut was naturally impossible to continue. Absorbed a little bit of magic in Xie Chen.

There is no way. Although Xie Chen is full of magic power at this moment, he fully considers the situation of his next battle against Diaus, so Xie Chen still resolutely sealed all the magic power in order to be able to reveal the lost demon king full of blood. Xie Chen also fought for the advent form.

After Xie Chen received the magic power supply from Guiqie, after a while, the metal sparse ducts entwined around Xie Chen's right wrist all retreated, and the entire Guiqie also returned to the previous Xie Chen. The dim look when I first saw this guy.

This should be Guiqi's masterless standby mode. There is no way that Xie Chen is not enough to let Guiqie unscrupulously plunder his magic power like a vampire anytime and anywhere, so naturally he will not give him too much magic power supply. It's bleak and dull, who would let Xie Chen only hold a low-profile version of Ghost Cut.

With a sigh, Xie Chen did not hesitate to change the operating lever of the ghost cut, so that the spider cut in the original wild sword form became the most primitive boy cut form for easy carrying.

After fixing everything, Xie Chen quickly turned and walked to another place.

Although the ghost cut with magic power is particularly powerful, from the perspective of Xie Chen's current completion of less than 20% of the Demon King’s body, it is obvious that it is not suitable for the ghost cut with full firepower. Holding such a castrated version of Guiqie will use it first.

However, after Xie Chen had completed the Demon King's body to 20% that day, Xie Chen should be able to control this so-called Demon Sword after opening the first magic circuit.

It's just that... after Xie Chen really opened the first magic circuit, he would have left this cheating God Eater world a long time ago. At that time, where is the demon sword and where is the ghost cut?

Xie Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. As expected, nothing can be planned too much, because plans can never keep up with changes, especially in this world of reincarnation where you never know what will happen next second, the future is far from being said. It's far, but it's definitely not near...


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