Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 82: Empty Manglietia's Mouth Escape

Now that Soma Lianhua has figured it out, there is no problem at all to give this place to them, after all, it is still terrible for Soma to go crazy.

So as far as Soma’s combat effectiveness is concerned, Xie Chen is still 10,000 at ease. After jumping out of the high light dimension barrage, Xie Chen took advantage of the trend of taking advantage of the trend and directly slashed the wild sword on his hand. On the body of the nearest Chi You.

Although the overall blade of this sword has become longer, it seems that its own strength has not shrunk at all. Whether it is the sharpness of this wild sword or the firmness of its own blade, it can be called the **** machine world. Sophisticated workmanship. Xie Chen solved the Chi You with a single knife and landed safely, and then quickly ran to the side. Unexpectedly, the running direction happened to be in the same place as the direction in which Soma was fighting.

When passing by Soma, Xie Chen shouted at Soma with a joking expression: "My lord, I can help you, that's all I can help you. The rest of you ask for your own blessings. I hope that after you finish solving those Chi You, you can focus all the firepower on me after turning the gun head~~"

After speaking, Xie Chen resisted a blood-red wild sword and disappeared into everyone's sight.

"Is it... that sword?"

Seeing Xie Chen's far away back, Soma frowned suspiciously, then shook her head quickly, discarding all the extra thoughts in her mind, and then turned her head to look at the desolate gods in front of him. Huikong Mulianhua directly replaced the data of the induction device, directly changed the original attraction data for Valzheluo, and replaced it with the attraction data for Chi You. Suddenly, Chi You who was originally in the entire induction device were all moving towards Kong Mulianhua rushed over there.

"Kong Mu?!" Soma stood up suddenly from the ground and looked at Kong Mu Lianhua, "What are you doing, quickly turn off the device!"

Kong Mulianhua did not intend to turn off the induction device at all, but shouted at Soma in a straightforward voice: "Mr. Soma, you can use an attack to knock them down now!"

Xie Chen hid in a building far away and watched everything here. In fact, he just deliberately killed Chi You in the device. This is also a bridge to help Kumu Lianhua and Soma children build a revolutionary friendship. And make a contribution, really, I really broke my heart for the interpersonal relationship of the entire first unit.

Xie Chen gave a bitter smile, and then continued to secretly watch every move here. After all, any actual lay person is willing to change rapidly at any time, and it can be regarded as his own little sense of responsibility. If you let them leave here directly. , Xie Chen obviously won’t feel at ease, if that’s the case, then why bother with yourself and do what you want to do?

In the field, Soma hesitated for a while after hearing Kong Mulianhua’s words. Then, according to Kong Mulianhua’s words, he raised his magical machine high, and suddenly a black and purple energy quickly came to Soma. The blade of the divine machine beats like a flame. This power is a bit similar to the power of the demon in Xie Chen's body, but not as good as the essence of Xie Chen’s lost demon. It looks like a third-rate castrated version of the demon. Power.

But even so, Xie Chen’s body of the Demon King only turned on about 16%, while Soma was different. Even if the third-rate version of the Demon King’s Body was weak, it was 100% firepower. Open, although it may be particularly powerful when Xie Chen gathers a complete Demon King's body, as far as the current situation is concerned, Xie Chen's power of less than 20% is simply too weak.

Xie Chen also knew his shortcomings, so there was no surprise. He just continued to look at the induction device protected by Soma and Kongmu Lianhua, and saw that although Soma had done enough to accumulate energy, it took a long time. He didn't swing the sword, yes, he was still a little worried, just like the rant of the staff from the Far East branch. It is said that the people with whom he was tasked are dead...

Although this was nonsense at all, in Soma's heart, Soma still replied very guilty for his mother's death.

"There is no time to go roundabout, do it!"

Kong Mu Lianhua protected the divine machine with the shield in front of her, and then shouted at Soma. Soma gritted her teeth, but her expression was still full of hesitation and uncertainty, and even some fear. The emotion is inside.

"You weren't born when you killed your mother! You are, the person with high hopes! Your life is the continuation of your mother, you are not a **** of death! Get started, Soma!!!"

Soma Lianhua shouted loudly, and suddenly Soma couldn't help but raised her head in surprise.

"Damn it, bastard!!!"

Soma yelled, the magic machine in her hand no longer hesitated, she slammed out a violent sword qi slash, and the powerful black and purple sword qi raged across the audience in an instant, rushed directly to the side of Koramu Lianhua, and then burst out There was a loud blast, and the flames broke through the sky. Even Xie Chen, who was hiding in this corner, felt a heat wave.

"I'll wipe it, this fellow Nimakong Mulianhua won't be killed by Soma with a sword."

Xie Chen secretly cursed that it was too late to go and check it out. After a pause, Xie Chen still pinned his hopes on the illusory halo of empty Mulianhua pig's feet, and then curled his lips and walked from the shadows here. Jumped out, and set off all the way west.

Although Xie Chen didn't have any purpose, he knew that as long as he walked westward, he was right, because the extreme east branch was in the east. If he didn't want to go back to that ghost place, Xie Chen could only run in the opposite direction.

I don’t know how far I have traveled all the way to the west. Xie Chen stopped suddenly, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his wrist. Xie Chen subconsciously looked down and saw that the hand that was originally holding the ghost was suddenly caught by some red lines. Something like a tube got entangled.

"What the **** is this?"

Xie Chen inquired about the past unexplained and casually, and suddenly discovered that these things turned out to be...that! ! ! ..


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