Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 73: Ogo Daigo

"Uh, uh..." Alyssa walked over there slowly, her head hung down as if she wanted to talk, Xie Chen suddenly felt very speechless, Nima already guessed the result, okay , Stop talking, I don’t want to listen! ! !

"Um... I only had a quilt in my room at the time. Sister Zuojiuye seems to have a lot of equipment in their room, or..."

"..." Xie Chen was already unable to roll his eyes anymore. He felt that if he continued to roll his eyes like this, he might have cataracts if he came together the next day...

"No need." Xie Chen said helplessly, waving his hand. At this moment, I ran out to pick up the quilt. What do you think? Xie Chen really wanted to pry Alyssa’s head off to take a good look. What kind of stuff is in this guy’s mind. Why can this guy always talk like this? Don't take the brain.

Could it be said that Alyssa will be fully fired only when she is directed at herself, bringing out the superb brain power that is infinitely close to Einstein, and the sixth sense that is 10,000 times more accurate than the Maya's prediction?

Oh my God……

Xie Chen helped his head helplessly, so thank you so much...

Although Xie Chen wanted to spit out all those words at Alyssa, when he looked up and saw Alyssa's big ignorant eyes, Xie Chen felt very speechless, forget it, bear it...

Besides, there is nothing wrong with Alyssa herself. If she has to say it, the problem still lies with her. If she has anything to complain about Alyssa, she is all wrong. You shouldn't provoke this guy casually.

Xie Chen summed it up speechlessly, without noticing that Alyssa had already walked over with bare feet.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing Alyssa walking step by step, Xie Chen felt speechless for a while, this guy wouldn't have any other moths...

Xie Chen is now a little scared of this seemingly harmless Alyssa. Although he is not sure if he has a tendency to be abused, Xie Chen still feels that the iceberg on his face at the beginning would like to hammer himself at every turn. The Alyssa is easier to get along with.

"Go to sleep, morning."

Chen, you ghost, please call me my full name, okay, can I bring that thank you? Grandma, I beg you, you are easy to misunderstand. And are the two of us so familiar? Sleep, sleep, sleep, please see the form clearly! Xie Chen felt that he was about to be poor in his words, no, he was already poor in words.

With a weakly bowed head, Xie Chen threw Alyssa directly onto the big bed, then turned around and found a place against the wall to lie down. Fortunately, although Alyssa had no quilts in her room, there was no shortage of blankets. Xie Chen I randomly found two blankets to deal with, and planned to sleep like this.

At the beginning, I was forced to be helpless in the refuge, so I slept in the same bed with Kana, and at that time, I was wrapped up like a mummy. There was no such thing as being uncontrollable or uncontrollable, but Now it’s different. Xie Chen thinks that he is a young guy with normal orientation and abilities. If this is something that shouldn’t be able to control what happens, it won’t be a second time, let alone more. Alyssa is almost incapable of taking care of herself.

Fortunately, the conditions in the Far East branch are not bad at all, at least as far as Alyssa’s heating dormitory is concerned, it is much warmer than Kuadriga’s temperatureless steel body. What's more, there are two blankets here. The configuration can be regarded as the top configuration in the apocalyptic plot. What can Xie Chen not be satisfied with?

Shrugging, Xie Chen directly closed his eyes on the ground and slumbered. As for Guiqie's knife, he had already restored it and leaned against the wall next to him. Although Xie Chen wanted to be like a wandering swordsman in ancient times, a roll of grass. Xi held a long sword, and then fell asleep against the wall.

The earth is the seat, and the heaven is the cover, but it is obviously impossible.

At least, it was impossible to use this sword without a scabbard.

Xie Chen didn't want to be the last **** in the world at such a young age. That was...too sad.

In this way, Xie Chen slept until dawn, and the overall experience of leaning against the wall was not bad, except for...

Xie Chen turned around, and suddenly felt very speechless. When did he have another quilt on him? When did he have another woman next to him...

Hey, that guy can come out and explain how this guy came here. Ok? Can anyone explain to me? Don't tell me such nonsense as sleepwalking, this Nima, is there someone sleeping around the world with a quilt?

Do you think you are Gaara?

Xie Chen turned his head and looked at Alyssa lying next to her. The morning sun hit her half of her face, making Alyssa look extraordinarily beautiful. It's a pity that she has passed through the Diauth incident last time. After that, Alyssa became a little haggard. For this, Xie Chen was also very helpless. He had already enlightened many times overtly and secretly before, but it was a pity that Alyssa's current situation looked very bad. , I didn't seem to listen to Xie Chen's words.

Xie Chen couldn't help but feel helpless. He was not a psychiatrist and he didn't understand at all, so he had no choice but to look at Alyssa's sleeping face and sighed deeply.

It may be that the sunlight coming in from outside the window was a bit dazzling. Alyssa shrank her head in Xie Chen's arms subconsciously. Xie Chen frowned and didn't say anything, looking at the looming corner of Alyssa's mouth, full of satisfaction. With the corner of his mouth raised, Xie Chen felt that as long as he was so quiet at this moment, it would be fine.

Everything is silent, let time stay here forever, as if still. Quiet and long-distance, this made Xie Chen suddenly think of a very long story about a utopian legend named Ideal Land.

It's a pity that the flying time didn't give the poor girl too much peace. It didn't take long for the roar of the helicopter to sound outside. The rotating propeller was like the sound of rolling thunder, and thunderbolts on a sunny day generally sounded across the extreme east branch. .

Just listening to the sound Xie Chen knows that this is the unique roar of the B-2 military combat helicopter.

It seems that the Far East branch has some plans to start........


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