Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 72: Overnight

On the huge tempered glass window facing Xie Chen in the distance, a beam of white moonlight poured down through the glass.

It was shining quietly on everything in the room. Alyssa’s room was barely decorated. Xie Chen could see that this guy didn’t like pink and other colors like ordinary girls. Alyssa’s room. Very simple and surprisingly clean. On the bare windows, even the curtains were not hung, and the style of the whole room was completely different from the Kana’s room Xie Chen saw last time.

The color decoration is also cooler, it looks like a boys' dormitory, but the only difference from the boys' dormitory is that Alyssa's bedroom is very clean, and it can be described as spotlessly clean. If it weren't for the room, there would be a very nice fragrance, not the smell of inferior disinfectant. Xie Chen almost thought that this was a limited time room opened by a hotel, not a place where anyone usually lives.

It is difficult to tell from the layout of the room that Alyssa is a severely insecure person, including the brand new doll on the bed that looks like a symbolic display.

Xie Chen and Alyssa sat quietly on the ground for more than half an hour. Outside the door against the wall, you could gradually hear the staff turning off the lights. Nothing was done. Xie Chen was already. I stayed in this extreme east branch until midnight.

"It's almost dawn."

Xie Chen suddenly sighed for no reason. I don’t know why. Xie Chen feels that he’s just one cigarette to be full now. But in retrospect, I seem to have quit smoking for a long time, like this in the dead of night, whether it’s not. Wen Qing probably can't help being sentimental, but it is a pity that the thing like smoke, it seems that in the whole God Eater plot, except for the one that never goes out, there is no such thing here. .

"Are you leaving?"

Alysa suddenly clenched his hands in his arms, and Xie Chen froze for a moment. He did plan to escape at night, but at first it seemed to have become a luxury. If he stayed with Alysa until dawn, thank you It is definitely more difficult for Chen to run out, not to mention carrying a weapon. Fortunately, the ghost cut is not a particularly large weapon, otherwise it is really not convenient, wait for the ghost cut! ! !

Xie Chen seemed to have just reacted. He turned his head abruptly and glanced at the ghost cut beside him that had been hidden from his glory. Fortunately, this sword stood beside him intact. , Did not hurt Alyssa. Turning his head, Xie Chen suddenly felt a little speechless, this broken thing didn't even have a scabbard, so holding it in this way is not afraid of hurting others by mistake.

But fortunately, it may be a matter of luck. Xie Chen placed the ghost cutting knife very close to the outside. This is a not very obedient guy.

To be honest, the existence of this knife of Guiqi really made Xie Chen a headache, but when he thought of using this to kill Diaus, Xie Chen silently felt a blood surge to his chest, success or failure was here. In one fell swoop, this time I can be said to be in the peak state, and it is completely different from the new magic machine that took the Mulianhua last time. Last time, whether it was a weapon or the amount of magic power stored in Xie Chen’s body, it was not as good as it is now. Last time Xie Chen’s state of the Lost Demon King has been developed for less than half a minute, and now, half a joke Minutes, Xie Chen could drive the Lost Demon King and Diaus for at least half an hour without panting.

This is more exaggerated than drinking a bottle of Red Bull. What is meant by your energy is beyond your imagination, this Nima Xie Chen dare not even think about it! Just kidding, the full-blooded version of the Lost Demon King, if you go crazy, no one will be used to it. Xie Chen can’t wait to go to Diaus with a ghost now, but he glanced at Ya who was still holding his waist. Lisa, Xie Chen sighed suddenly. It was obviously impossible, at least it was impossible tonight.

"No, let's go tomorrow. You go to bed first. I'll deal with it here." Xie Chen shook his head, then got up and turned on the light in Alyssa's room. Xie Chen shook his finger at Alyssa's empty big bed and waved his hand.

After Xie Chen stood up, Alyssa also followed Xie Chen to stand up. She was suddenly shocked when she looked at the empty bed, and then said: "Aren't they together?"

what? together?

This Nima, please don't keep saying such ambiguous things, okay? If I took it seriously that time, you wouldn't even have a place to cry.

This Nima is really a test of Lao Tzu’s concentration, especially since Alyssa is almost in a state of semi-mind dissociation now, with a pair of big watery eyes full of confusion, it is easy for people to think about it. Xie Chen suddenly felt very speechless, but in terms of self-control, Xie Chen still has some self-confidence, not to mention that Alyssa is a person from another world to him, a serious two-dimensional figure, Xie Chen thinks herself Although the **** is a little bit, but there is no otaku to this one.

After thinking for a while, Xie Chen waved his hand quickly, pushed Alys away, then got up straight, walked to the tall cabinet standing next to him, and opened the door of the two-way closet, and opened the door of the cabinet. It's clothes, and the styles are almost the same. How about this wardrobe...

Xie Chen looked at the full closet and almost all the clothes were of the same size. There was an inexplicable feeling of joy. What is the situation of this guy? Is this the mainstream configuration of the system? This Nima is too stingy, it's really the rhythm of a complete drama!

No wonder I watched anime before, the characters in it were basically the rhythm of not changing clothes, the crew of God Eater is really too bad. Xie Chen murmured slightly, then bent down and searched for it, "Huh? What the hell? Why is there nothing here?"

Xie Chen suddenly felt speechless. After shrugging helplessly, Xie Chen turned his head and pointed to the quilt that was flat on Alyssa’s bed like Alyssa and asked: "Hey, you only have Is this a quilt?"

You said how stingy this crew is. At the beginning, the resources at the refuge were limited. Kana could only get a quilt and Xie Chen could bear it. This Nima, how come to the extreme east branch, is still the same........


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