Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 54: Xie Chen's Enlightenment

Xie Chen didn't speak, but just hugged Alyssa and put her on the side chair. Then turned around, now Alyssa’s situation is too unstable,

"Wait here, I'll get you something."

Knowing that Alyssa is extremely insecure now, Xie Chen made a special warning before leaving, lest she hang on her lap again like a koala.

Turning around, Xie Chen picked up Alyssa's clothes and the red checkered beret from the ground, and took a look at the magic machine next to him. Xie Chen reached out and put the bright red machine together with these things. Past there.

"Put it on."

Put Alyssa's clothes neatly in front of her, and then Xie Chen pulled a chair straight in front of her and got it down.

Xie Chen didn't mean to avoid suspicion at all. He also knew that as far as Alyssa's mental state was concerned, he just wanted to be a gentleman, and Alyssa would disagree.

"What kind of enlightenment did you hold to become a God Eater?"

Seeing that Alyssa had dressed her clothes almost scattered, Xie Chen finally slowly opened her mouth.

After hearing Xie Chen's words, Alyssa's shoelace hand suddenly stiffened, and suddenly stopped there. Slowly, the hands that had recovered almost the same before, the hands that were not trembling very much, couldn't help shaking again.

Xie Chen frowned. He didn't expect that Alyssa's heart knot was even more outrageous than he thought. Xie Chen suddenly got up and walked over, grabbed Alyssa's trembling hand, and then bent over to Alyssa tied the laces.

"A person's strength should come from the heart, not from external factors. Whether it is a new type of magic machine or an old type of magic machine, even if there is no magic machine, it can be as powerful."

Speaking of Xie Chen, he helped Alyssa from the stool and pointed to the empty Mulianhua who was fighting with the Iron Knight below and said: "See? Even though he is holding a broken magic machine, he is still fighting. . If there is no way to defeat your own heart, you will never become strong. So, do you still think that your own enemy is Diaus?"


Xie Chen's words obviously scared Alyssa. Alyssa did not respond and fell directly on Xie Chen's chest. Then there was a cry of sobbing.

Xie Chen reluctantly touched Alyssa's back, gently stroked Alyssa's hanging hair, and then took the red plaid beret to Alyssa.

"Do you know everything?" Suddenly Xie Chen said, and asked Alyssa gently: "You know, about me and Sora Mulianhua?"

"You are Xie Chen? Are you?"

Alyssa spoke very cleverly in her arms. Xie Chen froze for a moment, and then shook her head helplessly: "I said, don't run away. If you are facing something you don't want to face, all you can think of is Run away, what will your future look like?"

"Xie Chen..." Alyssa lifted her head from Xie Chen's arms tremblingly, "So, are you empty Mulianhua or something else?"

"You really want to know." Xie Chen looked at Alyssa with some surprise. He seldom saw Alyssa having such an obedient side. Even Xie Chen didn't know it. For Alyssa, Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

"just kill me."

Just when Xie Chen was about to speak, Alyssa spoke first. Rarely, Xie Chen saw a trace of decisiveness in Alyssa's eyes. Xie Chen froze for a moment, and then realized that Alyssa was the same one. Alyssa. "Oh, it's really troublesome."

Xie Chen shrugged helplessly.

"Can you still fight?"

Xie Chen shook the magical machine in her hand at Alyssa. Alyssa was taken aback, and then shook her head. Xie Chen was not surprised, he had planned for this a long time ago.

But I think about it, Alyssa looks like this, even when I recover a little bit, at most I have the ability to take care of myself, wanting her to carry arms and fight, it is estimated that this is wishful thinking for a long time.

"Then you stay here, I must rush over. If I don't help him, I guess the entire shelter will suffer."


Seeing Xie Chen slowly loosen herself down, Alyssa suddenly felt an unspeakable sense of loss, and what made Alyssa even more confused was why this guy planned to help the people in the shelter.

Although she didn't think about it, Alyssa had a vague opinion about Xie Chen's identity.

That's right, Desolate God.

The ridiculous thing is that all unreasonable things in this world will become very reasonable as long as they are put on the grounds of the gods. Xie Chen had to admit that Huangshen was really a good thing for him.

Only the fact that Xie Chen is a wild **** can explain why Xie Chen can use the identity of Mulian Hua to mix in the entire polar east branch without being discovered.

Xie Chen must be some kind of high-level desolate god, and the degree of evolution of the oracle cells has far exceeded current human cognition.

Seeing that Xie Chen had slowly opened the window, Alyssa suddenly felt calm, and quickly reached out and grabbed the corner of Xie Chen's clothes. Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and hugged Alyssa.

"I'm going to leave this time, Kongmu is almost unable to hold it."

"Take this, I know you can use it."

Alyssa pointed at the magic machine quietly leaning against the wall and said to Xie Chen.

Xie Chen couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then she wanted to understand that she actually understood the relationship between herself and Kongmu Lianhua. Naturally, she could also imagine that she had been using the magic of Kongmu Lianhua before.

If you can use the magic machine of the empty wood lotus flower, you can also use Alyssa's magic machine. Sure enough, Alyssa's parents are indeed the first batch of doctors who study oracle cells, and Alyssa's brain is also extra good. Make.

"You know what, you are telling such a ridiculous thing to a ridiculous god."

"You... are you really a wild god?"

It was one thing to think about, and another thing to hear with my own ears. After getting the exact answer from Xie Chen, Alyssa was visibly taken aback, and the calm expression that had been built up on her face instantly fell apart.

"Otherwise?" Xie Chen shrugged indifferently, looked at Alyssa with a joking expression, and the whole person was also very aggressive getting closer and closer. ..


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