Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 53: Don't escape

"Before asking why I am here, you should think of a way to deal with that guy first." Xie Chen pointed to the thunderous Iron Knight behind Mulianhua.

Sora Mu Lianhua frowned, turned her head, and sure enough, at this moment, the steel knight had already rushed over like crazy. This is a variant of the scorpion, and the original crawler under her feet became four sword-like long legs. And behind it is a tail with an unusually sharp hook.

Kong Mu Lianhua didn't dare to look down on this guy, especially when he couldn't use the magic machine at all, he didn't dare to look down on the wild **** in front of him.

The fighting power of the Iron Knight is absolutely extraordinary. If it can... Kuang Mu Lianhua suddenly thought of Xie Chen, thinking of the scene where Xie Chen was in the basement where Xie Chen shot Baiwei in seconds.

Among other things, in terms of combat effectiveness, Kong Mulianhua has never met such a cruel guy. If he can get Xie Chen's help, there is probably still a scene!

Thinking of this, Kong Mulianhua turned around, and saw that at this moment Xie Chen had not just ran there, there was still the figure of that guy there in the entire clearing.

"Damn, now I can only hope that Hina Yue and the others can transport the culture fluid over soon."

Sora Mulianhua shook his head. The weapons he can use so far are nothing but a crossbow. After looking around, Sora Mulianhua gritted his teeth, still biting his scalp. Up!

"Is it possible to subvert everything at any time, in any situation, in any situation? I really envy..."

Hiding in the tree, took a look at the empty wood lotus flower rushing towards the Iron Knight, Xie Chen sighed sincerely, and then quickly jumped from this tree to other places.

In the warehouse, Xie Chen, who had changed into a better-fitting outfit, walked out of it carrying two boxes of culture fluid.

"These things should be used by the empty Mulianhua guy, but fortunately they also carry a little magical stimulus in this thing. It looks like a magical stimulant. Should I save some for use later?"

Xie Chen walked out with two boxes of culture fluid, and suddenly saw a line of water-stained footprints on the red carpet next to him. He frowned. Xie Chen followed the footprints and forgot to pass, and saw that the end of the footprints was a Huge wooden cabinet.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..."

From the box, Wei Wei seemed to hear some noises, as if someone was whispering. Xie Chen was too far away and couldn't hear clearly. Frowning, Xie Chen still raised his foot and walked over, suddenly opened the cabinet door, and saw Alyssa sitting naked in it.

"Alyssa? Why are you here?" After seeing the person sitting in the cabinet, Xie Chen was obviously taken aback, and then asked.

The cabinet suddenly opened, probably because the light was suddenly too strong. Alyssa quickly stretched out her hands to cover her eyes. Without the cover of her hands, Xie Chen was taken aback by the sudden spring light.

"No... don't come here... sorry, sorry, sorry..." Alyssa seemed to be frightened when the cabinet door was called suddenly, and her voice became louder.

Xie Chen frowned. It is not a problem for Alyssa to be like this. Xie Chen quickly found a bath towel from the side to cover Alyssa's naked spring light, and then hugged Alyssa and took pictures. Pat her shoulder.

"You yell too loudly, you will attract them."

As soon as Xie Chen's voice fell, Alyssa's voice stopped abruptly, but Xie Chen could clearly feel it, the trembling of the person in her arms became more intense, and Xie Chen's report tightened.

"Don't run away, Alyssa. There are some things, rather than just sitting around and waiting, you still have to face it. If you can't escape, just bite the bullet and move forward. There is always a way, Alyssa Don’t let the past restrict yourself too much."

The trembling frequency of Alyssa in Xie Chen's arms suddenly became much lower, and then suddenly she said: "Kongmu, you are Kongmu."

Hearing that Xie Chen was startled, he didn't know how to answer, but there was one thing, he was indeed not empty. He sighed and Xie Chen patted his shoulder gently.

"You admitted the wrong person, Alyssa."

"No, you are empty wood." Alyssa suddenly raised her head, Xie Chen frowned, he didn't know how to answer Alyssa, but he knew that Alyssa must have discovered something.

"You are the empty wood before, right!"

Xie Chen was speechless, isn't this guy insane? How come you suddenly become so aura, if it's like this, then something big will happen.

Xie Chen turned around and wanted to leave. Suddenly Alyssa followed and fell straight out of the cabinet. Alyssa could not even stand up. At this moment, Alyssa was definitely in a state of high mental tension.

With a little carelessness, Alyssa may have a mental breakdown and become a lunatic.

Xie Chen was speechless for a while, why did he owe his hands so much? I was really curious to kill the cat!

Xie Chen rolled her eyes, and Alyssa climbed directly from the ground and hugged Xie Chen's legs tightly, "Don't go, help me, Kongmu, teach me what to do."

Xie Chen didn't even dare to look back at this moment. No matter how he did it, he was a normal man. You said you, Alyssa, it's hard for me to do it like you.

However, Xie Chen is sure that if he did something beastly to Alyssa at this moment, then it would be considered a complete collapse. Even if Alyssa is not crazy, she will definitely leave indelible in her heart. The shadow is over.

"Call me Xie Chen." Xie Chen frowned and said something.

Then leaned over and directly picked up Alyssa wrapped in a bath towel from the ground, and then walked forward step by step, Huayalisa tightly packed Xie Chen's clothes.

"You... what are you going to do..."

A trembling voice came from Alyssa in her arms. Xie Chen looked down at Alysa with some amusement. He didn't expect that Alyssa's clothes would be so tangled underneath. When watching anime before, I really let the clothes give tricked.

"What do you say I want to do." Xie Chen asked with a smile.

Alyssa was stunned in her arms, and then she actually hugged Xie Chen tighter, "Don't go, you can do whatever you want..."

Fuck, this...this Nima, is it an invitation? ..


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