Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 216 Little Dirty Fox

Let's go, I'll take you to take a bath first. Chu Yuanwu smiled helplessly, and took the little sand fox to the pond where the red-toothed crocodile was stocked.

After a period of growth, the young red-toothed crocodiles have also entered their youth. Each red-toothed crocodile is almost seven to eight meters in size.

The little sand fox jumped into the pool, and several red-toothed crocodiles came around curiously. The little sand fox was not afraid and stood in the water combing its hair.

The red-toothed crocodile had no intention of harming the little sand fox. It was just curious and curious. After watching it for a while, it dispersed on its own.

Chu Yuanwu lay on the grass next to the pond, watching the little sand fox's fur gradually turn into snow white.

Based on the current situation of the little sand fox, will it evolve into a disaster beast in the future? Chu Yuanwu asked.

There is more than an 80% chance of evolving into a disaster beast, a 10% chance of transformation, and a 10% chance of death.

Death? Is there any risk in evolving into a disaster beast? Chu Yuanwu was surprised.

Of course there are risks in evolving from ordinary alien beasts to disaster beasts, but many times the physical fitness before the alien beast evolves is enough to bear a magical power, so the evolution of the vast majority of alien beasts is successful, except for a small part of luck. Poor, or some link is interrupted, leading to evolution failure.

But the 80% possibility is still very high. Plus I have confidence in the little Shahu, so there should be no problem. Chu Yuanwu looked at the little Shahu and said with a smile.

Don't rush back to the underground world and rest on the grassland for two days. Chu Yuanwu said to the little sand fox.

Okay. Little Shahu nodded.

Chu Yuanwu walked to the animal pen and put the insect eggs found from the third level of the forbidden area into the animal pen to hatch. Especially the rare insect eggs dug out from under the ice were placed in a special animal pen.

One day later, what did these rare insect eggs look like before and what they still look like now.

Come here. Chu Yuanwu suddenly called the little sand fox in the distance over.


The little Shahu quickly ran to Chu Yuanwu, lowering his head.

You ate these eggs, this one, this one, and this one.

Chu Yuanwu fiddled with the rare insect eggs in the animal pen and gave the rare insect eggs dug out from under the ice to the little sand fox so that the little sand fox could eat them.

These rare eggs are a very precious tonic. They contain quite a lot of energy substances, which can make the little sand fox's path of evolving into a disaster beast more secure.

After eating these rare insect eggs, the chances of the little sand fox evolving into a disaster beast will exceed 90%.

The animal pen can hatch more than 700 rare insect eggs at a time. Chu Yuanwu now has more than 2,000 rare insect eggs, which must be hatched in at least three batches.

Two days later.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the rare insect eggs in the animal pen and sighed. This also meant that Chu Yuanwu's two months of hard work were in vain.

This is for you to eat. Chu Yuanwu called to the neck-bone beast and golden-clawed eagle beside him, and threw two insect eggs to them.

Intelligent Frog is also here. These three strange beasts arrived here a day ago. Chu Yuanwu called them over.

More than 200 rare eggs that failed to evolve were left to the wise frog, and the remaining more than 1,800 rare eggs were taken to the hive by Chu Yuanwu.

When he arrived at the hive, Chu Yuanwu happened to meet a short-tailed bear holding a plant elixir and digging a hole for planting.

On the large stone with a hundred scratches next to it, twenty-one scratches have been erased.

You've worked hard. You've performed well during this period. Chu Yuanwu praised the short-tailed bear.

The short-tailed bear chuckled innocently.

Chu Yuanwu took out two rare insect eggs from the storage space and threw them to the short-tailed bear, saying, I give them to you, try them.

The short-tailed bear stretched out its paws to hug two rare insect eggs the size of watermelons, lowering its head as if wondering what they were.

It's delicious. Chu Yuanwu smiled and said to the short-tailed bear, and then walked towards the hive.

Outside the hive, two queen bees and a small group of amethyst bees were busy expanding the hive.

After one of the queen bees saw Chu Yuanwu, she glared at Chu Yuanwu with resentment.

Chu Yuanwu ignored it and went directly into the hive. He found the Amethyst Queen Bee who was still eating insect eggs and threw more than a thousand rare insect eggs and tens of thousands of ordinary insect eggs into the Amethyst Bee Queen. In front of the Queen, and then walked away in front of the Amethyst Bee Queen's dumbfounded look.

More than two hours later, a strange beast digging a pit appeared on the southernmost ice field on the third level of the forbidden area.

One month later.

Master, among the eggs laid yesterday, thirteen of different colors have been brought to the animal pen by the Amethyst Bee Swarm to hatch. The Amethyst Bee Queen said to Chu Yuanwu through mental contact.

The current Amethyst Queen Bee lays eggs of extremely high quality. After swallowing a large number of insect eggs, there is a one percent chance that the eggs she lays will be rare quality eggs. Even ordinary quality insect eggs will not hatch out of the Amethyst Queen Bee. , it is also stronger than the Amethyst Bee that originally hatched, with stronger attack power and longer lifespan.

As the level of an ordinary Amethyst Bee increases, its lifespan will also be extended.

A level 50 amethyst bee can live between 20 and 30 years, and a level 75 amethyst bee can live between 50 and 60 years.

The lifespan of the Amethyst Bees produced after the Amethyst Queen Bee swallows a large number of insect eggs is generally twice as long as that of ordinary Amethyst Bees.

In the past month, the Amethyst Queen Bee laid a total of more than 60,000 eggs, including more than 600 eggs of rare quality.

These eggs were all sent to the animal pen for hatching, but they failed to evolve into rare qualities, so they were returned to the hive for hatching.

After the rare-quality amethyst bees hatch and are born, the food they eat is ordinary honey mixed with queen honey.

These rare-quality amethyst bees are fed separately. When each rare-quality amethyst bee grows up, its combat power far exceeds that of ordinary amethyst bees of the same level. Almost one rare-quality amethyst bee can defeat more than two hundred. Ordinary quality amethyst bee.

Similarly, the rare-quality amethyst queen bee has a longer lifespan, almost four to five hundred years.

Chu Yuanwu left 10,000 amethyst bees hatched during this period in the forest, and the remaining more than 50,000 amethyst bees were sent into the underground world to cooperate with the little sand fox to eliminate the underground beasts.

According to the current situation, although it is impossible to completely eradicate the underground alien beasts, the number of underground alien beasts can be reduced to less than half.

It will take three to five years to achieve this goal.

In the past month, Chu Yuanwu had dug up 60% of the rare insect eggs under the ice sheet. Now there are more than a thousand rare insect eggs still lying in Chu Yuanwu's storage space.

It is expected that in about twenty days, all the rare insect eggs under the ice sheet will be dug up by Chu Yuanwu.

Time passed by a few days later. On this day, Chu Yuanwu was digging for rare insect eggs four hundred meters under the ice.

Suddenly, a clicking sound came from above the head, the ice broke, and countless ice fragments fell from the sky.

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