Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 215 The secret under the ice

A total of more than 1,200 ordinary quality insect eggs and more than 300 rare quality insect eggs were obtained.

How's it going? Have you finished eating the eggs I gave you last time? Chu Yuanwu lay down on the ice field to rest, opened his mouth and let out a breath, and a cloud of white mist floated from Chu Yuanwu's mouth. come out.

Soon, the voice of the Amethyst Bee Queen came from the other end of the mental connection.

Master, there is still more than half left.

Amethyst Bee Queen's tone was a little guilty, as if she felt that she had failed Chu Yuanwu's expectations.

How many eggs have been laid during this period? How many of them are different colors? Chu Yuanwu asked again.

More than a thousand were born, nine of which were of different colors, all blue.

Chu Yuanwu nodded and asked, Have you asked the Amethyst Bee to put the eggs in the animal pen to hatch?

I've let it go, and after keeping watch for a day and a night, the color of the eggs didn't change, so I brought them back to the hive to hatch.

Suddenly Chu Yuanwu said in confusion: Why so few? I remember you could lay thousands of eggs in a day before?

The Amethyst Bee Queen was also stunned for a moment, and asked uncertainly: It seems that the master never told me to lay eggs.

Chu Yuanwu had a headache. He didn't seem to have said hello to the Amethyst Bee Queen, so the Amethyst Bee Queen thought he was holding back the baby.

With the current resource supply, how many eggs can you lay in a day? Chu Yuanwu asked.

Well, it can lay about one thousand five to one thousand eight eggs a day.

Okay, at least 1,500 eggs have been laid every day. Chu Yuanwu ordered: How many bees are there now?

The number of amethyst bees is over ten thousand, including two queen bees and fourteen sentinel bees.

Too few. Chu Yuanwu sighed and said, That's it. From now on, if the eggs you lay every day are of different colors, just tell me.

Okay, Master.

After severing his mental connection with the Amethyst Bee Queen, Chu Yuanwu found the wise frogs who were staying on the grassland and asked, How is the progress of conquering the populations on the grassland now?

More than half of the population of large alien beasts has been tamed, with a total number of 8,000. Two-thirds of the population of medium-sized alien beasts has been tamed, with a total number of more than 30,000. This does not include the horned cattle and maned animals. The number of horses. The snakes left in the mountain pond have also begun to breed, and now the number has reached more than 200. The number of rabbits kept beside the mountain pond is controlled to about 10,000. The number of hyenas has reached There are already two thousand, and the number of rock-bone frogs has begun to gradually recover, and now there are more than 600. The number of other alien species has not changed much.

Chu Yuanwu nodded, and then asked: Are there still many fourth-level beasts on the grassland now?

There are fewer and fewer of them. Nowadays, most of the strange beasts cultivating living grass are at level 20 or 30. Zhi Frog said.

I asked Mobi to capture some level 50 and above exotic beasts in the forest and bring them back to you. Don't touch the alien beasts on the grassland, so as not to spend time and resources cultivating a batch after catching them all. Chu Yuan Wu said.

Yes, Master.

Chu Yuanwu cut off the mental connection with the wise frog, and then used the mental connection to find the Demon Nose left in the forest, and asked them to catch some exotic beasts above level 50 and bring them to Lizard Valley to cultivate living grass.

Of course, the belligerent Demon Noses would not refuse such a thing. After receiving the mission given to them by Chu Yuanwu, the Demon Noses immediately began to capture the strange beasts that fit the target.

For a time, the outer edge of the forest became a riot, and coupled with the threat of the horned beasts and their horns, all the strange beasts living in the outer edge of the forest were in panic all day long.

How the strange beasts on the outskirts of the forest fare is not Chu Yuanwu's concern.

Chu Yuanwu then used his mind to contact the little sand fox and asked it about the progress of the underground world.

In addition to clearing out the aboriginal alien beasts in the underground world, the little sand fox is also tasked with collecting energy stones and luminous stones, taking care of baby mastodon moles and young Xi Lai insect beasts, and recording the location of dangerous places.

After a while, the tired voice of the little sand fox came.

King, everything is going well. The little mastodon mole and the insect beasts coming from the creek are all very healthy and lively. The number of aboriginal alien beasts in the underground world is decreasing every day. Now there are only nearly a thousand left, still hiding underground. From all over the world, if we want to dig them all out, we probably have to wait until the baby mastodon moles reach adulthood.”

The original king of the underground world, Dikui Beast, has left the underground world, and the shackles that bound all the underground beasts have long since disappeared.

But no one informed the underground beasts and told them that they could kill at will.

Therefore, these alien beasts are still under the idea that extraordinary beasts cannot fight each other, and violators will be punished.

As for the Amethyst Bee Swarm, which is the main force in eradicating underground alien beasts, it will indeed die after stinging the alien beasts. In the eyes of the surviving alien beasts, it seems as if they died after being punished.

The final result was that when the underground beasts were wiped out, there was not much resistance. Except that the amethyst bee swarm that originally numbered tens of thousands was now reduced to two thousand, there was nothing special about it.

Chu Yuanwu was silent for a moment and said: Take a rest for now, I will pick you up from the underground world.

Don't bother Wang, I'm fine. Little Shahu said quickly.

Okay, no need to say so much. Chu Yuanwu interrupted Xiao Shahu and looked back at the vast ice field behind him.

Digging out rare insect eggs under the ice is not something that can be completed in a short time with hard work, and Chu Yuanwu is not in a hurry. Currently, Chu Yuanwu's storage space contains nearly two thousand rare insect eggs.

If one of the two thousand rare eggs successfully evolved into a rare quality, then Chu Yuanwu would not have to waste his time thinking about it.

After making up his mind, Chu Yuanwu returned to the prairie first and brought the little sand fox back to the surface from the underground world.

After spending half a million energy points to expel the curse on the little sand fox, Chu Yuanwu looked at the little sand fox in front of him, which was nearly five meters long.

Before entering the underground world, the little sand fox was white and fluffy. Now it has become dirty and messy, like a little pitiful creature.

As if aware of Chu Yuanwu's eyes on him, Little Shahu said a little aggrievedly: There is no water source down there, there is only a poisonous black river, and there are many complicated things to deal with in the underground world, so I never have time to look at it. fur.

Chu Yuanwu sighed and said: I should have helped you get rid of the curse in your body earlier. You have suffered a lot in the underground world, right?

The little Shahu shook his head vigorously and said, No, no.

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