

“Yi! Where is my mask.”

The Disciple with the mask, a little I was stunned, just when a black shadow flashed in front of me, I simply didn’t see what it was, and flashed in front of my eyes.

And then found out.

The originally warm face is a bit cold, and the face without a mask is not used to it.

Lin Fan put on a mask and squeezed the crowd, “Trouble, please.”

“Trouble, please.”

Qin Yang lightly touched Mu Yu , “Don’t be nervous, this guy is going to be beaten up very badly. As for how bad it is, I can’t say very well, but in my opinion, he will definitely be very bad.”

Mu Yu With wide eyes, he was very confused and puzzled, “Why is it miserable?”

“It’s good to see.” Qin Yang God smiled secretly.

Why is it miserable?

Isn’t it because Brother Lin is coming to power?

Xiang Fei was very helpless, he understood what Brother Lin meant when he said low-key and careful, that is, wearing a mask, so that others can’t see his face, is the safest.

It’s really cool.

In the ring.

Shi Wutian looked at everyone proudly and waited quietly. He enjoyed the look now.

Everyone looked up at him.

And he is the most beautiful existence at this time, focal point of ten thousands.

“Who else is scared?”

“Where was your cheers just now, did you think it was a competition? No, it was a crush.”


Excessive arrogance is very bad.

When no one can check and balance you, it’s cool to be too arrogant.

Just when Shi Wutian felt irrespective of the law and of natural morality.

A discordant voice came.

“Let me trouble you.”

Shi Wutian looked contemptuously and found a man wearing a mask moved towards the arena, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and someone else Have you come to invite humiliation to oneself?

The people at Yama Sect are sick in their heads.


Lin Fan squeezed a bloody path and stood under the ring.

Shi Wutian contemptuously asked: “Do you want to come and compete with me?”

“Yeah, seeing that you are so lonely, you just want to come up and have a fight, let’s see Are you as good as you say.” Lin Fan said with a smile.

“Hahaha…” Shi Wutian laughed loudly, “It’s interesting, it’s really interesting, but you are here, it means that your status is too low, you want to show in front of Yama Sect After a while, I’m afraid there will be a life-threatening worry.”

Lin Fan jumped up and jumped onto the ring.

“It’s okay, the one to emerge victorious, I’m really not sure, maybe you were beaten and kneeled on the ground.”

Shi Wutian gradually restrained his smile.


He is courting death.

Sect Master Yan, who had closed his eyes in despair, was shocked when he saw a Disciple on stage. To be honest, he simply didn’t know who the Disciple in front of him was.

Yama Sect Disciple has quite a few.

Want to know who each Disciple is, it is naturally impossible.

“Sect Master Yan, your sect Disciple is really good, and another one came out, but it seems to be among the crowd. Could it be that this is the Yama Sect true powerhouse Disciple?” asked jokingly.

It appears to be asking.

It’s actually sarcasm.

Sect Master Yan’s face was gloomy and ugly, but he had no choice but to endure the anger.

Who is this Disciple?

Isn’t it a joke?

Even the Elder in the background was stunned to see this scene.

“Elder, this Junior Brother I know is Zhang He, whose cultivation base is only Earth Immortal Realm. How did he come to power? Isn’t this bringing about one’s own destruction?”

Elder almost fainted when he heard it.


Earth Immortal Realm.

This is just like an ant in the eyes of the other party, a sneeze can kill you.

Disciple under the ring Someone knows Disciple wearing a mask.

“He’s Zhang He, Junior Brother Zhang is too brave, he dares to go up.”

Zhang He, who was looking for a mask, was stunned when he heard the words of the people around him. Force, looked at the ring, looked at Senior Brother, and hurriedly said.

“My Senior Brothers, I am Zhang He.”

The surrounding Disciples said: “You are not Zhang He, Junior Brother Zhang has always been wearing a mask.”

“I…” Zhang Heya was speechless, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood, I’m really Zhang He, how could anyone be so over the top, even stealing my mask and pretending to be I.

In the ring.

“Good boy, you are confident enough.” Shi Wutian said.

Lin Fan raised his hand and hooked his finger, “Come on, show me your ability, I saw you two times before, and your performance was okay, but fighting the weak is pointless, The only way to feel fun is to fight against powerhouses, of course, you are considered one of the weak ones to me.”

“But it doesn’t matter, I will let you do a trick and see your mana. How.”

On pretending.

Lin Fan refuses to accept anyone.

Or just hurt each other.

“courting death.”

Shi Wuzhen couldn’t bear the arrogant attitude of the mask Disciple in front of him, so he shot directly, and he wanted to slap the opponent to death in the ring.

Some people spare your life, that’s not wanting to lower oneself to somebody’s level.

But Heaven’s Chosen is not to be humiliated.

Shame Heaven’s Chosen only has a dead end.

Seeing this scene, Sect Master Yan has closed his eyes, lost, and lost so badly that he has no chance.

Disciples under the ring are all heartbroken.

Some people know Zhang He, that is an idiot, and now he is stupid again, he will die.

Someone could not bear to close their eyes.

At this time.

Shi Wutian slapped it with a palm, and fiercely crushed it on Lin Fan. The force of the palm was so terrifying, it was enough to split the opponent’s body.

Damn it.

Go to hell to repent.

It’s just…

Shi Wutian’s brows tightly knit, the situation is very wrong, one palm slaps the opponent, the mana pours in frantically, even the same realm guy, it is difficult bear.

But he looked up, but the other party found that it was completely motionless, and there was no change at all.


He saw Lin Fan raise his hand, fiercely fell, bang, hit Shi Wutian’s face hard, the sky was spinning, dazed, and his body was spinning like a spinning top into the distance.

It is very difficult to stabilize the body.

Shaking his head to stay awake.

Damn it!

What happened.

Disciples under the ring exclaimed.

“My God.”


“Who is he? Which Senior Brother is he, so powerful, why? I haven’t seen it before.”

“Zhang He, you are amazing.”

The real Zhang He stood in the audience with a confused face, I’m here, that’s not me , can you stop screaming?

Qin Yangdao: “Brother Lin is worthy of being Brother Lin, this slap fan is heaven shaking, earth shattering.”

Xiang Fei said: “Well, it’s really amazing. .”

Sect Master Yan originally had no hope, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he stood up abruptly and could swear to God that this person is definitely not the Disciple of Yama Sect, but who is he? who?

This is not important for now.

As long as it can pull back a game.

“Clan elder, you are right, the first two Divine Ability are not important, just want Disciples to try to see how big the gap is between Clan Heaven’s Chosen.”

“There is no vain test, the gap is indeed huge, and it can be considered that they have learned a little.”

Sect Master Yan’s face is much better, and he rarely shows a smile. Signal.

The old face of the clan was calm, “Really? Then keep watching.”

On the ring.

Lin Fan said: “One move made you, how about this slap? Do you feel like Heaven and Earth turning upside down? Don’t underestimate this slap, it contains a Divine Ability. Brand, you can react so quickly, I have to say, you are also very good.”

I don’t know if he is complimenting or what.

It doesn’t sound good anyway.


Shi Wutian was furious, cast Divine Ability, five demon palms, five Demon God phantoms appeared, and the powerful moved towards Lin Fan suppressed it. .

“Why not use the Divine Ability that you are good at. You have not cultivated this Divine Ability to Profound Realm, so it can only be regarded as an entry.” Lin Fan commented.


I saw Lin Fan raise his hand, moved towards the bottom, and the five Demon Gods were phantoms in the sky, the void vibrated, and the five giant palms fell, instantly crushing the five Demon Gods.

The scene exclaimed.

With Lin Fan’s shot, it boiled over.

“Zhang He is amazing.”

“Zhang He is awesome!”

Everyone cheered Zhang He’s name.

But many people are thinking.

Who is Zhang He?

Forget it.

Don’t worry about it, anyway, when others call them, they will follow and learn, don’t need to care about those things.

The real Zhang He has nothing to say, and gradually became silent. Although the person standing on the stage is not him, he likes this feeling, but he will not admit it, because the other party shows it. Power is too strong.

If he admits it.

The future will be miserable.

“You…” Shi Wutian didn’t expect the opponent’s strength to be so terrifying, he knew that he couldn’t continue like this, otherwise it would become terrifying, no, he had to show his true strength.

“Okay, very good, you have taken me seriously.”


Lin Fan instantly appeared in front of Shi Wutian, Press down with a slap.

An Immortal Treasure flew out of Shi Wutian’s body, suspended above his head, to resist his palm.

Only in the face of absolute disparity.

What about Heaven’s Chosen?

The one who should kneel still has to kneel.


The amount of palm force was extremely terrifying, and Immortal Treasure lost control and fell to the ground.

Lin Fan slapped Shi Wutian on top of his head, and with a bang, Shi Wutian felt an irresistible force crushing him, his knees bent, and he slammed to the ground.

He kicked him towards Shi Wutian’s chest and kicked him directly into the distance.


The explosive force exploded.


The clothes on Shi Wutian’s body shattered instantly, becoming a naked existence.

Shi Wutian vomited blood, and the breath that was at the peak of the sky instantly became much weaker.

The atmosphere at the scene exploded.


Someone laughed.

They didn’t expect to see such a wonderful scene.

“Sorry, I didn’t pay attention.” Lin Fan said.

Sect Master Yan said with a smile: “Old clan, Disciple is fighting with fists and feet, you shouldn’t be taking seriously, after all, you are also an elder.”

Sect Master Yan said with a smile.>

What the other party said earlier was returned by Sect Master Yan.

It feels great.

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