The scene was quiet.

The people at Yama Sect were dumbfounded, as if they didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

They don’t know why.

If they knew this was about the Yama Sect Divine Ability, they probably wouldn’t be where they are now.

“Iron head.”

“Golden Immortal vs Immortal Realm, the difference is a bit big.”

Lin Fan pondered that this was the case in the past , is a direct kill.

The Disciple innate talent from Yama Sect is average, not Heaven’s Chosen, while the young man from the clan is terrifying, with strong innate talent, and belongs to Heaven’s Chosen. There is a big gap between the two.

simply is not an order of magnitude.

But what surprised Lin Fan was.

It is obvious that the strengths of the two are so unequal, so why are they so desperate and persistent.

There must be a secret here.

It must be because it is too important that this ordinary Golden Immortal Disciple insisted on gritting his teeth.

Sect Master Yan complexion ashen, fingers clenched.

He didn’t expect things to turn out like this, the other party simply never thought about letting Yama Sect take back any Divine Ability, and sent such a terrifying clansman directly from the First Stage.

“Hey, it’s a pity.” The clan elder sighed.

“This Disciple has good strength and strong will, but after all, it’s still a little bit worse. This “Five Demons Turning Palms” can only be crossed out from the Yama Sect, from now on is our clan’s Divine Ability.”

“However, there are still many Divine Ability, old man thought, with the background of Yama Sect, there will definitely be more powerful Disciple.”

Sect Master Yan listened to this remark and felt harsh.

Not a word was said.

Just sitting there.


Elder saw the situation in front of him, his hands and feet trembled slightly.

Look at the Disciples in front of you.

He felt too hard.

There is no hope.

“Elder, let me go.” Qingyue said.

She has seen the scene just now, and already knows how terrifying the opponent’s strength is.

Elder shook his head and said, “You are not an opponent, and going up is just inviting humiliation to oneself.

They are very unwilling.

Unwilling to be so powerless.

This feeling is really uncomfortable at all.

But it’s not good if you don’t go up.

Otherwise, all Divine Ability can only be given to others for nothing, and from then on In the future, it has nothing to do with their Yama Sect.

On the stage.

Shi Wutian is arrogant and proud, looking down at all Disciples.

” Anyone else coming? “

“The first stage is over, it’s time for the second stage, if I say, it’s better than this, everyone who wants to participate in the follow-up competitions, let’s go together, just to end quickly. “

“I don’t know when this dilly-dallying will end, I don’t have time to waste time with you. “

He is indeed qualified to say such a thing.

He is invincible in Yama Sect, no Disciple can match him.

Xiang Fei said softly: “This guy is arrogant enough. “

“It is indeed arrogant, but I have to say that his strength is indeed very good. It is stronger than most Heaven’s Chosen. If you don’t use Holy Weapon, you may not be his opponent. “Lin Fan said.

He can see through the ability of the other party at a glance.

It’s just that he is confused now.

What is the problem between Yama Sect and the clan? .

It gave him the feeling that something was wrong.

At this time.

The remarks of Shi Wutian caused Yama Sect Disciple dissatisfaction.

“Damn, such an arrogant guy, who can suppress him. “

“Senior Brother Chen is not his opponent, who else can be his opponent.” ”

They looked at the guy who was standing on the ring showing off one’s military strength, their blood boiled completely, and they wanted to fiercely teach each other a lesson, but their strength could not support him to do this step.

At this time.

A silhouette appeared in the ring.

Qingyue came out.

Yama Sect Disciples saw it appear The people in the 2018-19-20s, all boiled, it was the Eldest Senior Sister, but soon, they became worried.

Can the Eldest Senior Sister really do it?

After all, even Senior Brother Chen Neither is the opponent’s opponent.

“Hehe, didn’t expect or a Fairy to come out to fight, but I didn’t expect it. Could it be that there are no men in Yama Sect? “

The corners of Shi Wutian’s mouth are upturned, and he doesn’t put Qingyue in his eyes at all.

Qingyue cup one fist in the other hand: “Please enlighten me.” “

“Okay, don’t worry, I am a very good person, and I understand women even more. I have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and what will happen, it can only be said that everything is an accident , such as the sudden disintegration of clothes or something. “Shi Wutian said slowly.

Only when he said this remark.

Qingyue’s face became ugly.

But it still remained Calm.

The clan elder said with a smile: “Sect Master Yan, this girl is good, the cultivation base is alright, but it seems to be weaker than the last one, is it that Yama Sect thinks that it is not necessary to give up Divine Ability, but wait until the Divine Ability is needed, and then dispatch stronger Disciples? “

“If that’s the case, then Sect Master Yan is a bit broken. “

Sect Master Yan heard this, his liver was about to burst with anger, he really didn’t expect the clan elder to be so shameless.

Every sentence of every sentence One word is so cruel.

Can he say that the first Disciple before is already the strongest Disciple of Yama Sect?

At this time.

The competition on the arena is about to begin.

Qingyue rotates mana, and a Immortal Treasure moon wheel with a decent grade emerges from the body, and then rotates around the body, with a wave of the arm, the moon wheel turns into one stream of light swept away.

“Ok. “

Shi Wutian said with a smile, completely motionless, let the moon wheel attack, ding ding, there is a blurry light curtain around him, forming a very strong defense to resist all these offensives Stay.

Qingyue’s face is very solemn.

The difference in strength between the two is too great.

This Immortal Treasure of hers was once in the What I got from a Secret Realm, although it’s not a great Immortal Treasure, but the formidable power is still very good.

Just now.

She can’t break through the defenses of the invincible, It made her a little anxious.

I don’t know what to do next.

Shi Wutian let the opponent attack for a while, feeling that it was almost done, raised his hand and moved towards Void With one shot, the moon wheel was impacted, and with a bang, it was directly bounced off.

For Qingyue, she felt that an irresistible force was transmitted from the moon wheel, and she stepped back. Manipulate the moon wheel to return to her side.

She looked at each other vigilantly.

Already completely felt the difference.

Standing beside Qin Yang, Mu Yu was very It’s nervous, the hand holding Qin Yang’s arm is very hard, Qin Yang is happy in it, although the grasp is a little tight, but this does not mean that his status in the other party’s heart is still a little high.

Of course.

His look towards Shi Wutian is not friendly.

What a mad boy.

It’s okay to be mad in front of me, Qin Yang, Don’t you see my brother Lin is here too?

If you provoke my brother Lin, you will know what a tragic life is.

On the ring.

“Yes, this Immortal Treasure was very powerful by you, but it’s a pity, after all, it was a little short. “Shi Wutian said with a smile, and then raised his hand, the void in front of him oscillated slightly, “Since that’s the case, let’s see how I do this move. “

“The nebula is dense, smashing void.” “

Shi Wutian’s palm gently pushes forward.

The void in front of him seems to be controlled by the opponent’s palm.

There is a lot of light The dots were densely covered in the void, and with his slight push, those light dots turned into an invisible streamer moved towards Qingyue.

The sense of crisis struck.

The moon wheel wrapped around the clear moon rotates and guards the front.


The moon wheel rotates, intercepting the incoming light spot.

The sound transmitted is like a burst of beans.

Qingyue’s forehead is covered with sweat.

The pressure is too great.

She controls the moon wheel Blocking the opponent’s offensive, but it was too dense, her mana was simply too late to run, and suddenly, her pupils shrank violently.

Pu chi!

A light point pierced through her shoulders, Directly penetrated a blood hole through the shoulder, and a lot of blood crash-bang flowed.


Another light point was drawn against her face, pulling There is a scar.

The corners of the clothes are smashed.

It seems that there is an insect nibbling away.

Qingyue complexion greatly changed, she already knows the other party’s The idea, as I said before, wanted to smash her clothes in the ring.

She pushed the moon wheel, turned it into a shield, hid behind the shield, and The incoming light kept striking the shield.

The clear moon was hard to resist.

The footsteps kept sliding back.

At this time.

Sect Master Yan clenched his fists. He could clearly see the scene in the ring. He didn’t know what the other party was doing. .

The clan elder on the side saw this, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Sect Master Yan, fists and feet have no eyes, and sometimes some misunderstandings are normal things. , You are also an elder, so you won’t hold these things in your heart. “

The purpose of his visit this time is not only to not want to return Divine Ability, but also to humiliate the other party.

“Enough is enough. “Sect Master Yan endured his anger and said.

The clan elder said with a smile: “It’s better for Sect Master Yan to let these Disciples surrender, why bother supporting. “

Sect Master Yan knew what would happen if he continued, so he directly sent a sound transmission to Qingyue, “Go back and admit defeat.” “

Qingyue, who was struggling to resist, heard Sect Master’s voice, and her face showed unwillingness.

But she couldn’t help but listen to Sect Master’s words.

Take advantage of the opportunity.

She rolled directly to the stage.

“Hahaha…” Shi Wutian laughed, “didn’t expect to admit defeat, This made me not think, if you want me to say, your Yama Sect Disciple really has no ability at all? ”

“I don’t want Divine Ability anymore? “

“If you don’t admit defeat, Yama Sect will have one less Divine Ability. “

“Hey! “

“That’s all, there’s nothing to talk about with the weak. “

Shi Wutian muttered to himself.

Then looked towards the bottom.

“What? Can anyone else disagree with you? “

” Come up and let me see how strong you are. “

His strength is very strong, and naturally he doesn’t take others seriously.

Qin Yang came to Lin Fan and said, “Brother Lin, do you have any ideas?” “

“A bit. “Lin Fan said.

Mu Yu, who was beside him, was about to burst into tears. Seeing Sister Senior like this, she was very angry, looking towards Shi Wutian in the ring, her eyes were full of anger.

Qin Yang said: “Let’s teach you a lesson then? “

“Okay. “Lin Fan said with a smile.

Then he saw a Disciple standing there wearing a mask, tapped the other’s shoulder, and took off the mask from the other’s face.

“I’ll lend you a mask. “

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