Outside the Secret Realm of Heaven.

Several streams of light fall from the sky.

“Brother Lin, you said something, don’t scare people.”

Qin Yang hurriedly turned around, saying that the trio of luck was invincible. planted here.

“Don’t be noisy.”

Xiang Fei moved towards Qin Yang and shouted, Qin Yang shrank his head, didn’t dare to say a word, he grabbed Lin Fan’s wrist , Checked the situation, and found that there was an astonishing breath flowing in Brother Lin’s body, and his mana was completely swallowed as soon as it infiltrated into it.

Qin Yang worriedly asked, “How is the situation?”

“It’s not very good.” Xiang Fei said solemnly, even if he can’t cure ordinary problems, he will definitely not be able to Can’t find the problem at all.

And now Brother Lin’s situation is like that.

He doesn’t even understand the basic situation now, so what else can he talk about?

Luo Fairy said: “If it doesn’t work, it’s better to bring him to our clan. With the ability of my patriarchs, we will definitely be able to find the problem of Fellow Daoist Lin.”

” Many thanks to Luo Fairy’s kindness, but no need, we will naturally find a way to save Fellow Daoist Lin, if Luo Fairy has nothing to do, please go back first.” Xiang Fei said.

Qin Yang just wanted to say that Luo Fairy was so kind, so he might as well try it out, but after seeing Xiang Fei’s eyes, he kept his mouth shut.

You operate.

Listen to you first.

Luo Fairy understood what Xiang Fei meant, “Okay, let’s say goodbye first, this is the life-saving medicine of my family, I hope it can help him.”

She took out one small jade bottle, placed on the ground.

She has seen how dangerous the Secret Realm is.

If you follow others to break in.

I’m afraid I can’t get out.


Luo Fairy is a more down-to-earth person. The meaning of the other party’s words is to hope that she can leave, and she can only leave the healing medicine in return.

“many thanks Luo Fairy, keep this feeling in my heart.” Xiang Fei cup one fist in the other hand said.

Luo Fairy glanced at Lin Fan, then turned into Changhong and left.

“Fellow Daoist Han, now something has happened to us here and we can’t continue to walk together. You should go back too.” Xiang Fei said.

He said coldly: “Xiang Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist Lin Because of what happened to us, why don’t I go back to Yinxian Mountain with me. I think Yinxian Mountain will definitely have a way to save Fellow Daoist Lin.”


“Many thanks Fellow Daoist Han’s kindness, I’m going to take Brother Lin to the Brother Qin family. If the Brother Qin family can’t do anything, then there are very few in the world that I can think of.” Xiang Fei said.


Han Li cup one fist in the other hand to leave, he is not a fool, he can tell, Xiang Fei means to drive away.

After all, I don’t trust him.

and the others left.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Xiang, no matter what, they drove people away. Their families are not weak. If they are willing to help, there will definitely be a way.”

” Brother Qin, are you really stupid or fake, how long have we known them? How much have we understood them? Now that something like this happened to Brother Lin, if we take Brother Lin to the Great Influences at will, if something goes wrong, do you think the two of us will Can people protect Brother Lin?” Xiang Fei said.

“It also makes sense.” Qin Yang nodded and said, it is indeed the truth, they molested Fairy Luo along the way, if they were tricked by Fairy Luo into the Luo Family, they might not even want to run at that time. can run.

The same is true of Yinxian Mountain.

The other party is indeed polite.

But who can guarantee that Yinxian Mountain will not see Brother Lin’s appearance like this, and his heart will be malicious.

So be careful.

Qin Yang said: What should we do now? We can’t just do nothing. “

“How is it possible, as far as I know, there is a medicine fairy in Northern Wasteland who hides in the mountains. Although his strength is not strong, he can be said to be unparalleled in the field of medicine. Let’s go to the medicine fairy, There is absolutely a way. Xiang Fei said.

Qin Yang’s face changed a little when he heard the name Yaoxian, obviously something happened before.

But now, Where do you need to think so much.

“Go! “

Qin Yang said.

He knows where Yaoxian is hiding.

The Secret Realm of Heaven is still there, from the outside, he is the attraction People’s treasure trove, no one knows what happened inside, and those Heaven’s Chosen who didn’t enter it in the end are lucky to survive.

And the harvest is not bad.

Medicine Immortal Valley!

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei appeared in front of a valley with Lin Fan, the valley was shrouded in miasma, and the situation inside could not be seen.

“Yaoxian” Senior, Junior Xiang Fei, wants to see the senior when he has something to do, and asks the senior to show the way. “

Xiang Fei cup one fist in the other hand said, but the valley was silent and no one answered.

The meaning is very clear.

Where did it come from, Go back somewhere.

“Brother Xiang, I’ll come, you’ll wait for me here with Brother Lin, I know what to do. “Qin Yang said.

Then, he moved towards the front and shouted in a loud voice.

“Yao Xian, I am Qin Yang, you should still remember who I am, Open the door and let me in, I want to talk to you. “Qin Yang shouted.


The miasma shrouded in the valley seems to have spirituality, so he took the initiative to make way.

Xiang Feidao : “didn’t expect your face to be so big. “

“That goes without saying. “Qin Yang turned his head and said, “I still have a little face. You can take Brother Lin to wait for me here, and I will be back soon.” “

I don’t know why.

Qin Yang this remark, a little feeling that the hero is gone forever.


Qin Yang’s silhouette disappeared in the mountain within the valley.

There are many poisons in this valley. As Qin Yang saw, there were all kinds of poisons lying on the branches all around, all glare like a tiger watching his prey staring at him.

As if there was a slight change, they all attacked.

That scene was very exciting.

Soon, he I saw a stone tablet standing in the distance.

‘Medicine Immortal Valley’

And in front of the stone tablet stood an old woman, hunched over, her cloudy eyes It seems to be able to see through people’s minds, giving people a shuddering feeling.

“I thought who was coming, it turned out to be the Qin Family Xiaoxianzun, I haven’t seen it for several years, Xiaoxianzun It’s still the same, but I don’t know what to do here? “Yaoxian old woman solemnly asked.

Qin Yang said with a smile: “Mother Yaoxian, they are all acquaintances, why are they so unfamiliar, it’s not good to stand here chatting, why don’t you go inside Chat, it just so happens that I have something I want to talk to Granny Yaoxian. “

“Hehe! Yaoxian old woman sneered, the laughter was very permeating, making people shudder.

They stepped on the steps, first rank first rank, but each step was for Qin Yang , is a great pressure.

He knows why the other party greets him.

Some things really have to start from what he has done.

“Qin Xiaoxianzun, you are a little restless. I don’t know what’s going on. In the eyes of the old man, Qin Xiaoxianzun’s power is unparalleled in the world. “Yaoxian old woman opened the mouth and said.

” Yaoxian mother-in-law was joking, I can only rely on my family to mess around. “Qin Yang said.

The old woman Yaoxian didn’t speak, she just led Qin Yang to the mountain within the valley.

A courtyard.

Surrounded by a bamboo fence, ordinary people would never think that far when they saw it. At most, this place is regarded as the place where an ordinary old man lives.

In the courtyard, there is the voice of creak.

A child was sitting on a wooden horse rocking and playing very happily, but when he saw Qin Yang, he jumped up in shock and hid behind Yaoxian old woman, showing half of his head and using his anger Her eyes stared at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang showed an embarrassed smile.

Yao Xian old woman gently stroked the child’s head, “grandson is not afraid, grandson is not afraid…”

“Mother Yaoxian, I’m here this time…” Qin Yang wanted to explain his intention directly, but was interrupted by the other party.

“No hurry, let’s drink tea first. The old woman Yaoxian led Qin Yang to the stone table, and then took the teapot and poured Qin Yang a cup, “It’s just rough tea, I don’t know if Xiaoxianzun will be satisfied. “

Qin Yang looked at the pitch-black tea and was bullshitting in his heart. He knew that this tea could not be drunk, otherwise there would be an accident.

But what can he do now in this situation? Do it.

You have to drink it if you don’t drink it.

“Satisfied, how can you not be satisfied. “Qin Yang closed his eyes laughed and drank the black tea in one gulp. He knew that the other party was not so good.

“Mother Yaoxian, look at this…”

There When he was about to speak, he suddenly stared at his eyes and covered his chest, his face turned very pale, as if countless ants were crawling in his heart.

It was an extremely painful torment.

He wants to scold, do you really know who I am?

How dare you do this to me.

“Qin Xiaoxianzun, if you can’t stand it , you can call it out, and the old man will send you down the mountain. “Yaoxian old woman said.

Qin Yang said with a smile with difficulty: “Yao…Mother Yaoxian is joking, I’m fine and not uncomfortable. ”

The pain of Wan ants biting made his spirits collapse.

Qin Yang gritted his teeth, endured the pain, stared at his eyes, lifted the head, pretending to be He looked very calm, but his hideous expression revealed that his current situation was very bad.

Yaoxian old woman smiled, looking at Qin Yang’s painful expression, a smile appeared, He offered another cup of tea, “Please…”

Qin Yang is stunned, come back?

This is a bit too much, don’t provoke me too much, or I will flipping the table.

“Please. said Yaoxian old woman.

“Okay. “Qin Yang’s eyes were full of red threads, and the hands that held the tea cup were trembling. Then he thought about death and then he drank the tea in one gulp.

He was ready for more painful torture.

But soon.

He found that the situation was not as he thought, the heart-piercing pain was disappeared.

“Yao Xian” Mother-in-law, this…” Qin Yang was relaxed, it seemed that the other party still did not dare to kill him.

The old woman said: “A cup of tea tastes all the pain, and a cup of tea is a perfect match for the rest of your life. what. “

“It’s really a good match. Many thanks, Granny Yaoxian’s tea is really delicious. “Qin Yang pretended to be calm, but in fact he was very panicked. He didn’t know what the other party was going to do.

He was afraid that he couldn’t take it anymore.

Yao Xian old woman said. : “Qin Xiaoxianzun came here thousands of miles away, I don’t know what is important, I am already old, and I have long lived in seclusion here, and I don’t want to cause too much trouble, if it is trouble, then please don’t say anything. “

Qin Yang hurriedly said: “No trouble, no trouble at all. “

“It’s a friend of mine. He has some problems and wants to ask Granny Yaoxian to help him. “

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