The magic scriptures are really useful.

The Immortal Emperor carrion was very resistant to this Divine Ability, his knees were trembling, and a thick black mist rose from his body.

“Immortal Emperor?”

“Kneel down for me.”

Lin Fan growled, the mana boiled, and the magic scriptures bloomed golden light , suppresses all demons.


I have to say that the Immortal Emperor carrion is indeed strong enough, even if his legs tremble, he still does not kneel.

Lin Fan moved towards Xiang Fei and roared: “Hurry up, this guy is a bit fierce, I’m afraid I can’t support it…”

tone barely fell .

The Immortal Emperor carrion roared, wrapping his arms around the Immortal Emperor law, stabbed Lin Fan’s chest violently, the Golden Gourd of Primordial Yuan resisted, and Zhen Shiding suppressed the opponent’s fleshy body.


Lin Fan frowned, his chest was pierced, and the Holy Weapon long spear swept across, severing the Immortal Emperor carrion’s arm.

“Brother Lin…”

“Brother Lin…”

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei couldn’t help but panic a little when they saw that Lin Fan was severely injured and thought Come and help.

Lin Fan retreated a long way, raised his hand to stop their behavior, “leave me alone, continue to blast the road.”

He directly pulled out the arms that were stabbed on his body, Crushed with one foot.

“A little capable, Immortal Emperor is worthy of being Immortal Emperor. Even if he dies and is refined into a puppet, it is still powerful enough.” Lin Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his injuries gradually recovered.

The flesh and blood of the Immortal Emperor’s carrion moved and grew again.

No pain, no sensation.

Somewhat difficult.

Fortunately, the other party is just a puppet. If it is a real Immortal Emperor, he may not be able to stand here now.

Looking back, they still haven’t made any progress.


What the heck is this light curtain?


At this moment.

Lin Fan took out Immortal Treasure on him.

He is going to blast the light curtain with the Immortal Treasure self-destruct. The formidable power of an Immortal Treasure self-destruct is terrifying. If this doesn’t work, then he will really despair.

“Get out of the way…”

He shouted, and then activated the mana, activating the Sun-Destruction Immortal Bow, hum… the void shook, the Sun-Destruction Immortal Bow swept away, a An astonishing power erupted.

The power to destroy heaven extinguishing earth is brewing.

Qin Yang cry out in surprise: “Quickly retreat, Brother Lin is going to detonate the Immortal Treasure.”

There is no way.

In this situation, there is no hope of not detonating Immortal Treasure. As for Holy Weapon, to be honest, he has this idea, but…


It can only be seen that Immortal Treasure is not good enough.

Just as Lin Fan was about to detonate the Immortal Treasure, a mysterious force fell from the sky, and the Immortal Treasure that was about to explode was actually suppressed.


There are forces in his way.

Who is it?

It’s too dog.

Right now.

The Immortal Emperor carrion appeared directly in front of Lin Fan, slapped it with a slap, and the violent strikes were on Lin Fan’s back. Even with the golden gourd body protection, the Immortal Emperor’s power should not be underestimated.


Lin Fan directly vomited blood, but during the process of being knocked into the air, he turned his body and saw the Immortal Emperor carrion chasing after him. Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

“Your special mother’s…”

The Immortal Emperor’s corpse suppressed it with a big hand, and with a bang, he slapped Lin Fan on the ground.

The gap between the two is too great.

Zhen Shiding can suppress everything, but in the face of the Immortal Emperor’s means, it is still a little underwhelming. If it can be completely refinished, it may be possible to use this treasure to entangle with the Immortal Emperor for a while.

Of course.

It’s not on my own.

It relies on Holy Weapon instead.



Lin Fan, who was lying deep in the ground, opened his three eyes, Heavenly Eye golden light shrouded away, and slammed on the Immortal Emperor carrion, without the slightest effect, not even the skin was broken.

Although Heavenly Eye golden light is just a Great Divine Ability, it shouldn’t be so despised.

“Too weak.”

Immortal Emperor fell to the depths of the ground, opened his mouth to say two words, raised his fists high and fell fiercely, bang, the earth was shaking.

Being hit by this force.

The ground is cracked with many lines.

Lin Fan was powerless to resist and let the Immortal Emperor’s carrion hammer.

Qin Yang and the others strikes the light curtain, but the strength of the light curtain is unexpected, it is really too strong.

Saw Lin Fan being beaten.

Qin Yang couldn’t help roaring: “Damn, I am a bloodline son of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, known as Little Immortal Venerable, who are you? Go home and call my dad and see if you can deal with it.”

“Fuck, what ability do you have in dealing with us juniors who are just starting out and have experience abroad.”

“You deserve it. It’s like this dog.”

Qin Yang was almost crying.

Especially when Lin Fan was beaten like this, his heart hurts…



The ground shaking dissipated.

Qin Yang and the others were stunned. Could it be that what I just said was useful and made them stop what they were doing?

Sure enough, like my little fairy…

The fantasy was interrupted instantly.

He stared at the scene in disbelief, the Immortal Emperor’s carrion slowly floated up, and he was holding Lin Fan in his hand. At this time, Lin Fan had no breath, and his limbs Hanging down, motionless.

“Brother Lin…”

Even if Xiang Fei, who was as calm as a pine tree, saw this scene, he was still sitting on the ground. , have always supported each other, and have never encountered such a thing.

Why is this happening.

The Immortal Emperor corpse opened its mouth and bit off a large piece of flesh and blood from Lin Fan’s neck. The blood was terrifying.

With a casual throw, the corpse was thrown not far away.

“Brother Lin, please reply.” Qin Yang shouted, “Don’t die, you are a special mother, there are so many Fairy waiting for you to play, you are not always thinking about me Goddess Well, you wake up, I don’t want it anymore, I’ll give it to you.”

Xiang Fei pulled Qin Yang and shook his head, “It’s useless, get ready to sacrificial offer your bloodline, Immortal Venerable bloodline will have a sense, and someone will definitely know the situation here.”

Immortal Emperor carrion looked at Qin Yang and the others.

In his eyes, the blood of these people is noble, and there is also ordinary bloodline. The most attractive to him is naturally the noble golden blood.

That’s Immortal Venerable’s bloodline.

golden represents the bloodline of the Immortal Venerable, and there are not many in the world.


As the Immortal Emperor’s carrion keeps approaching, the pressure on them will increase. If you don’t experience it yourself, you will never understand it.


The temperature of the flame is coming.

Qin Yang and the others were instantly overjoyed, looked up and found the place where Lin Fan was lying, raging flames were burning, and then, a Phoenix rose into the air.

“Nirvana immortal physique, Nirvana Rebirth.” Xiang Fei muttered to himself.

“Hahaha…” Qin Yang laughed, “I knew Brother Lin was not that simple, Nirvana, this is Nirvana Rebirth.”


I saw a silhouette holding a Holy Weapon with flames all over its body, moved towards the Immortal Emperor and slaughtered the carrion.

Nirvana Fire.

The most magical flame between Heaven and Earth is also the most powerful flame with all kinds of mysterious uses.

Immortal Emperor’s carrion was forced to retreat, flames were burning on his arms, and with a slight flick, the flames were swept away cleanly.

“It’s a pity.” Lin Fan slowly opened the mouth and said: “I failed to complete the Five Elements Nirvana Emperor Scripture, otherwise this Nirvana fire will burn you to ashes.”

Then he looked towards Qin Yang and said quite helplessly: “Can you guys stop paddling and break the light curtain well? I was beaten so badly, didn’t you see it? ?”

Seriously, Lin Fan eased the atmosphere.

It wasn’t that he ignored the Immortal Emperor carrion.

But in this dangerous time, it is imperative to keep your mind at ease.

It doesn’t matter if you can beat it or not.

Without a relaxed mind, it is difficult to face the next scene.

“Just now on the brink of death, I felt a hint of truth. Maybe only people who are often on the verge of death can understand this truth.” Lin Fan stuck the Holy Weapon long spear on the ground.

Then spread out five fingers and moved towards the ground.

The ground is stamped with scriptures.

“Although I don’t have a deep connection with Buddhism, I once met a monk who helped me and gave me a little understanding of Buddhism.”

“Next, please come in.”

tone barely fell .

Lin Fan casts Divine Ability, Heaven and Earth Reverse, Immortal Emperor carrion is directly covered by this power, shifts the shape and transfers the Immortal Emperor carrion into the magic scripture.

This is exactly the same as in the ancient temple.

The Immortal Emperor carrion roared angrily and wanted to kill it, but when he just lifted his foot and wanted to fall outside, the scriptures suppressed it.

Zhen Shiding shrouded the sky.

Really, the perfect and without blemish Zhen Shiding is a Taoist soldier, capable of suppressing all things, suppressing a world, and who can resist such power.

“Although I am not an Immortal Venerable bloodline, nor is I a descendant of such a noble bloodline.”

“But I think with my current bloodline, I am not weak Immortal Venerable.”

” p>

“At least, I am a being with three immortal physiques.”

Lin Fan scratched his wrist, blood was flowing, his fingertips drew the blood flowing out, and then pointed The tip depicts the magic scriptures in the void.

Scripture after scripture was written.

Golden light blooms.

Heavenly Dao exorcism, absolutely the Buddha hovering between Heaven and Earth, the Buddha’s eyes opened, his eyes lowered, burst out one after another golden light.

zi zi!

immortal physique The carrion smells of burnt corpse in a black mist.

Lin Fan’s forehead was covered in sweat.

The Divine Ability he is using now is beyond his ability, and he is completely fighting against the opponent with his life.

Although not badly hit.

But the strength of Backlash hit him, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

“I, Lin Fan, have never been defeated. Even if you are an Immortal Emperor, what can you do? Even if you try your best, I will pull you along.”

A serious Lin Fan Is the most domineering.

That ferocious characteristic seems to have been inherited for a long time, and now it has completely erupted.

Roaring, screaming.

Immortal Emperor’s carrion was struggling, he was rampaging in the great formation of the transcending magic scriptures, but he couldn’t get out, he could only watch the fleshy body gradually being refined.


Immortal Emperor’s carrion did not move, but stood in front of the scripture barrier, looking at Lin Fan savagely, a thick black mist covered it, even though most of them were transformed, there were still A trace covers Lin Fan.


A dull sound came.

The Immortal Emperor’s carrion fell completely, turning into a mass of black matter.

Lin Fan got up, roared, stepped out, slammed into the light curtain, slammed into the light curtain with a fleshy body, and with a bang, the light curtain shattered, and Lin Fan was also on the verge of collapse at this time, Fortunately, Xiang Fei supported him.

“Let’s go, we shouldn’t stay here for a long time, there are terrorists watching us.”

After saying this, he fainted.

The consumption is too high.

Even if he faced the Immortal Emperor carrion, he was also the Immortal Emperor before his death. It was really luck that he could win.

If this Immortal Emperor carrion has a shred of mana, or a little Divine Ability.

They were the ones who died.

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