
The harvest is okay.

Qin Yang has been pestering Lin Fan, just want to see what the stone is, but Lin Fan keeps telling him, don’t say, don’t say, keep a low profile, don’t ask too much, no What’s the benefit.


Mie Sheng gasped for breath, stomped his feet angrily, and kicked an innocent grass on the ground with one foot.

“Damn, it’s really terrifying, it made me suffer such a big loss.”

He was extremely angry.

It’s really intolerable.

Thinking about him traversing the Immortal World, what kind of people have not seen before, what kind of Heaven’s Chosen has not been killed, but what makes him unacceptable is that he will be defeated in the Secret Realm of the sky. In the hands of a guy I’ve never seen before.

And it failed miserably.

My heart can’t stand it.

The immortal sword was broken, and it was a great loss for him.

Especially when he remembered how embarrassed he looked when he ran away, he didn’t even know what to say.

If seen by someone who knows him.

He had a hard time imagining what he would be like.

“In the end, I don’t even know the other party’s name. There is no place for revenge.”

Mengsheng pondered, and Lin Fan’s face appeared in his mind. , but for some reason, Qin Yang’s face kept appearing in his mind.

Maybe Qin Yang’s behavior went too far.

And the real thoughts in the mind of annihilation are like this.


Qin Yang still doesn’t know how Mie Sheng treats him, he is still indifferent, and his thoughts are very straightforward. In this situation, who else can beat me not.

No kidding.

No one can beat him.

“Brother Lin, we wereted too much time in the abyss. Those guys all ran to the front and took away all those good things.” Qin Yang said.

As they walked, they saw fierce fighting in many places.

But it’s over long ago.

Chongbao must have been taken away by others.

Lin Fan glanced at him and said: “What’s the hurry, good things are always at the end, in my opinion, they must have met the real treasure now, and then they will all compete there, we will get there It’s just right.”

“You just say it makes sense.”

Qin Yang thought about it, and finally agreed with nodded and said: “It makes sense, I hope so, Anyway, we came in until now, but we were forced to delay too much time just now.”

Xiang Fei looked towards the distance, the temptation of Secret Realm in the sky is too great.

The four domains of Heaven’s Chosen were attracted.

He was wondering what the hell the Celestial Court was doing.

Not long ago.

They saw someone fighting ahead.

A rare three-person beating.

The man who was beaten by the group was in a very bad condition. He was covered in blood. If it wasn’t for the support of an Immortal Treasure, he might not have been able to support it until now at this time.

Xu Xiao looked angry, looked directly at the three Heaven’s Chosen and said: “You are all famous Heaven’s Chosen, but didn’t expect you to see me getting the baby, so you shot me and wanted to kill me. Can you have a face?”

These three men are well known in Immortal World.

Thousands of illusions are true!


Jiang Aofei!

They are all from the Disciple of the Aristocratic Family or the ancient Holy Land, although they can’t be compared with those of the real Heaven’s Chosen, they are still famous.

“Xu Xiao, you really got this thing, but you don’t have any fate with you. Now Fairy sees it, it’s your blessing, it’s better to hand it over and save the trouble.” Qian Huan Zhen said, at the same time looking towards Fairy who was standing there, his eyes were full of infatuation.

To get a smile from Fairy.

It’s a win.

Xu Xiao looked towards Fairy in the distance, it is indeed beautiful and alluring, not square, Fairy is really beautiful, but if you want to steal Immortal Treasure from him, he will never Agree.

Entering the Secret Realm of Heaven is a treasure hunt.

If you meet a baby, you will give it up.

He couldn’t do it.

“Impossible.” Xu Xiao firmly said, his eyes were rolling, how should we run away in this situation, and whether he can run away.

“hmph, if you are shameless, then don’t be ruthless.” Qian Huanzhen said coldly.

Three-on-one, it basically goes without saying.

The result of dying.


Lin Fan was a little blind, “It’s too much, Brother Qin, Brother Xiang, the opportunity for us to be chivalrous and righteous has come. As the saying goes, femme fatale, that little goblin is fooling people again.”

“Brother Lin, who are you talking about?” Qin Yang asked curiously.

Lin Fan pointed into the distance and said, “It’s that little goblin, we’ve seen it before.”

Qin Yang looked suspiciously, and suddenly said happily: “Aiya, then It’s Fairy Luo, we haven’t met him since Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion parted ways, didn’t expect that we were lucky enough to meet Fairy Luo, and this journey will not be lonely anymore.”

At this time.

Xu Xiao has fallen behind, and gradually becomes a little unsupportive.

He looked at the attacking killer move in horror, some of which could not be resisted, the power was too strong, and the direction of escape had been blocked, and he would die here.

I’m even thinking about it.

In that case, hand over the baby.

But at that moment of despair.

Void shakes.

A rays of light attacked from afar, directly destroying the three’s ultimate move.

“Langlang, Heaven and Earth insight, it’s really too much for you to bully others, which makes us a little overwhelmed.”

The voice came.

Everyone in shock made their moves.

Originally, Xu Xiao was scared by such an attack, the soul flew away and scattered, but didn’t expect someone to take action, which gave him hope.

He looked up.

Four men came, but he didn’t know each other.


I was a little scared.

What he is most afraid of is that others will take a fancy to the treasure he got. If this is the case, he will definitely throw the treasure out immediately and seek self-protection.

“This Fellow Daoist has nothing to worry about, we are not bad people, but we are helping each other when we meet the road. We already know what happened just now.” Lin Fan said.

Qin Yang said: “That’s right, don’t worry, we generally don’t look down on the treasures that you can get.”

Although what he said was a bit straightforward.

But I have to say.

It makes sense.

Xu Xiao always felt that what he said seemed a little sad.

But this is the case now.

It doesn’t matter if you’re sad or not, as long as you don’t come to fuck him, they’re all good people.

Lin Fan looked towards the distance, said with a smile: “Luo Fairy, I haven’t seen each other since Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion parted ways, didn’t expect that we are so destined now that we are in Let’s meet here.”

“Why don’t you come over and have a chat? I’ve been thinking about it all day and night, just want to see you again, Fairy.”

Luo Fairy is graceful, blue-eyed and shrewd, Those eyes are the most attractive, just like the stars, it is too tempting.

“It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Lin.”

Luo Fairy doesn’t have any good feelings for Lin Fan.

She will always remember the scene where Lin Fan played her tricks, she is Huabang Fairy, I don’t know how many Heaven’s Chosen revolve around her, no one has played her, only this one, she is angry extremely.

Qianhuan sees a guy of unknown origin in public to hook up with Fairy in his heart, holding back his anger, he calmly asks: “Who is Fellow Daoist?”

It’s just that he is embarrassed.

Lin Fan ignored him, still looking at Luo Fairy in the distance.

“Luo Fairy, you are too cold. Could it be that we can still be man-eating tigers? Why don’t we come over and chat, maybe we can chat more happily and sparkle? .”

Qin Yang nodded and said: “Yes, yes.”

Xiang Fei was helpless, he was really obedient to Brother Lin, the only thing that made him quite helpless What’s more, Brother Lin, like Brother Qin, seems to have some special obsession with Fairy.

It doesn’t matter who you are.

As long as you are Fairy, it will definitely hook you up.

At least until now.

Fairy Maiden Meng, Die Fairy, Luo Fairy, Yaochi Fairy, the four Fairy have all been hooked up by Lin Fan, and they seem to get along very well.

“Damn.” Qian Huan was really furious, “Brother Shan, Brother Jiang, he clearly doesn’t take us seriously, and give him some color.”

The two Heaven’s Chosen had a fire in their hearts.

They were by Fairy’s side, they didn’t dare to be impudent, and they always treated each other with courtesy.

But the people who come now are good.

Directly orally.

Take them completely as air.

Who can stand this.

Luo Fairy sees Qian Huanzhen and the others seem to want to do it, thinking of the strength of Lin Fan and the others, I feel that these three people are sent to people to suppress, no matter what, these three people can be regarded as all the way Go together.

It is also necessary to help him out of the siege.

She moved towards Lin Fan with a smile on her face, forgetting all the conflicts that happened in the past, as if she had a good relationship.

“Fellow Daoist Lin, the Three Fellow Daoists are the Disciple of the three ancient Holy Lands. They entered the Secret Realm of Heaven with me.” Luo Fairy said.

Lin Fan said: “It turns out that the three are still messengers of flowers, disrespectful and disrespectful, under Lin Fan, the relationship with Luo Fairy is extraordinary, and once almost achieved good things, Luo Fairy, don’t you think? “

Lo Fairy smiled and said nothing.

The meaning is clear.

Am I going to you?

In the beginning.

Luo Fairy does have an idea. Because the elders in the clan urged her to marry, she herself prefers to be with an excellent Heaven’s Chosen, so she wants to see the potential of Lin Fan.

But she didn’t think so.

The other party actually made fun of her and made her face no face. Fortunately, there is no who in Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion, otherwise she would not know how to be laughed at.


When Lin Fan continued to talk about this problem.

She just ignored it.

Are you thinking I’m a fool?

Lin Fan looked at the three Heaven’s Chosen who were about to swallow him, and waved: “Three flower protectors, there is nothing to do with you here, with us, Fairy Luo will be very safe. .”

This gesture is like chasing flies.

Qianhuanzhen angrily said: “What do you mean? Who do you look down on? Until now we don’t know who you are. I really thought you could ignore the law and of natural morality.”

Lin Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the three Heaven’s Chosen, but invited Qin Yang, “The thing that suits you is coming, you can solve it, I will have a good chat with Luo Fairy about life.”

Qin Yang on the side couldn’t wait.


More than identity?

On pretense?

To put it rudely, after Qin Yang met Brother Lin in his life, he never lost to anyone.

Only these three…he didn’t pay attention.

“Come on, let me tell you.” Qin Yang waved his hand, ready to make a good gesture.

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