
Qin Yang clutched his stomach and almost laughed to death. If he hadn’t wanted to take care of his image, he would have wanted to roll on the ground.

“You guys are very interesting. If you want to come, let’s see if the fairy sword in your hand is still there.”

When it comes to this.

Qin Yang is also pretending to act like he is now.

“Come on, let’s fight again.”

“Aiya, how did my fairy sword break.”


Really don’t say it.

It’s kind of interesting to imitate.

Xiang Fei looked at Qin Yang with pity, why bother, is it bad to live?

Why do you have to provoke people?

No one has done anything excessive to you. If you want him to say it, you should have a good look, don’t talk, don’t provoke you, just pass by.

Miesheng heard Qin Yang’s mocking words.

Not taking seriously.

In his heart, that person is just a dead person, the key is when to die.

“Sorry, I didn’t pay attention, but you broke your fairy sword. Look at this, in order to show my apology, I am willing to let you go.” Lin Fan said.

“Don’t cherish this opportunity. Although I am very kind, I can still show kindness in this situation. There are not many such opportunities.”

This is the first time to destroy life. Encountered this situation once.

Although his face was expressionless, he was really angry.



The rock wall of the abyss shook, and countless rubble fell from above.

Cracks appeared on the ground.

An astonishing power erupted centered on the destruction of life, and his imposing manner continued to rise. Even if the immortal sword in his hand was broken, it still did not frighten him.


An extremely astonishing killing intent erupted.

It has even been condensed into an illusory illusion.

“I can kill anything and everything. Since my debut, no one has ever forced me to make such a terrifying move.”

“And you are very good.”

“I admit that your strength is very strong.”

tone barely fell .

A ray of light descended from the sky, covering the extinction, and the silhouette of the other party could no longer be seen.

“really strong power.”

Xiang Fei marveled, he had seen many Heaven’s Chosen, but he rarely saw Heaven’s Chosen like Desheng, it was too strong I don’t even know where Great Influence he came from.

“Brother Qin, see no, the opponent is very strong, you have to be careful, sometimes there is no need to provoke unimportant enemies.”

He is for Qin Yang’s good .

Qin Yang didn’t care: “What are you afraid of, he is not our brother Lin’s opponent, and I really don’t believe that he can go to the sky, don’t look at him now, he seems very fierce, in fact, he has been suppressed by our brother Lin. I have to use my ultimate move.”

Xiang Fei wanted to slap his face angrily.

In the future, I would persuade Qin Yang not to provoke more enemies, so he dug a hole and buried himself.

At this time.

Lin Fan looked at the death dignifiedly.

He’s not that kind of person.


In an instant.

Mie Sheng turned into an immortal sword that could shatter all things in the world, and directly moved towards Lin Fan and slaughtered it away. How could this abyss endure such a terrifying power, it was cut in half by this sword.

Just as the long sword is coming.

Lin Fan raised his hand and wrapped the magic scriptures around his five fingers. With a bang, an amazing rumbling sound resounded through Heaven and Earth. He grabbed the long sword with his five fingers, and a shock wave erupted violently. Going out, the aftermath hit the rock wall behind.

The rock wall was broken and a channel was directly blasted out.

Qin Yang and the others stepped back, unable to bear the impact.

The formidable power is simply too much.

“How is that possible.”

Destiny perceives the situation in the outside world, does not believe what is happening in front of him, roars in anger, and the mana in his body pours in frantically, which is bound to destroy his eyes. everything is destroyed.

But soon.

He found Lin Fan standing there with a smile on his face, grasping the fairy sword he incarnated with his five fingers, completely motionless.

How good is it at this moment?

The average person needs to think for a few seconds.

But for a powerhouse like him, he knows what to do as long as he knows the beginning.

“You’re cruel.”

“if fated will meet again.”

The cold death never thought he would run away one day, but When this day comes, he will not hesitate, what is precious or not, it is all fake stuff.

Alive is the most important thing.

Lin Fan pinched his five fingers, and the condensed immortal sword shattered directly, then moved towards the distance and swept away.

One shot missed, but it didn’t kill him.

“It’s a pity!”

Lin Fan looked into the distance and wanted to have a good chat with the other party, but didn’t expect to run away, which is too timid Well, what an amazing imposing manner just now.

Can didn’t expect.

It’s really a pity.

“Oh, what the fuck! Wasn’t this guy fierce and powerful before, but he was so quick to be cowardly, what a shame.” Qin Yang scolded directly. He was so powerful just now, then He couldn’t stand the aftermath.

Can didn’t expect.

The guy knew that he couldn’t beat him, so he ran away.

He was preparing to teach him a lesson when Brother Lin suppressed him, and let him know that some things can’t be solved by your arrogance.

Lin Fan said: “It’s really fast.”

“The opponent is very strong.” Xiang Fei said.

Lin Fan Q&A: “Have you seen the origin of the opponent, the Divine Ability he casts is very strong, if it’s you, don’t take out Holy Weapon, it’s definitely not his opponent. “

Xiang Fei shook his head and said, “I can’t tell, I have never seen the Divine Ability that the other party casts, but I have a guess, just don’t know if it is.”

Qin Yang Said: “If you have any guesses, you can just say it, why is it so mysterious.”

“I guess he is very likely to be related to the Tiangang organization.” Xiang Fei said that the Divine Ability displayed by the other party was too fierce. , just like those he guessed.

Lin Fan said: “Is that the organization of the Digang or Tiangang you said?”

“It’s true, but it’s hard to say what the specific situation is.” Fei said with a solemn expression, this is how he feels about death.

Because I have fought with people from Tiangang.

Have a deep understanding of their ultimate power.

Of course.

The ability of those killers is far from that of the one who killed him just now.

Han Li couldn’t get in a word.

He wanted to ask.

What the hell are you talking about?

Why I just don’t understand.

Perhaps what you are saying is very proven, but if you don’t mind, can you tell me about it? I also want to get closer to you. After all, the strength you just showed is really good. amazing.

You Fellow Daoists, I want to meet you.

Lin Fan said: “Your perception has always been accurate, I think It shouldn’t be wrong, but it doesn’t matter, Tiangang is over there, if you meet next time, absolutely We can’t let the other party run away, so we have to interrogate well.”

“If it is true, then he is in our hands, but it is a good conversation when we face the Tiangang organization. Chips.”

Lin Fan moved towards the distance.

The ancient fairy sword was inserted there quietly.

It all started because of it.

Even a Heaven’s Chosen died here.

It’s a pity.

He pulled up the ancient fairy sword and observed it carefully.

【Duckweed Immortal Sword: A half-step Immortal Venerable carrying a sword, Artifact Spirit is dead, it is not very useful, but it contains ancient aura, like the fox which exploits the tiger’s might, deceives a lot people. ]


Lin Fan couldn’t bear such a result.

I was fighting with others just now, but it was just for this fairy sword. Now I actually told me that this fairy sword is actually not very useful.

Ordinary people if they know about it.

It will definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood.

“Brother Lin, how’s it going, how about this immortal sword?” Qin Yang leaned over and asked, he was very curious about it, he felt absolutely unusual, otherwise it would make people snatch the head?

Lin Fan threw the immortal sword to Qin Yang, “Think about it for yourself.”

Qin Yang took it and looked at it carefully, “It’s a good thing, it’s a really good thing, this is a good thing. The imposing manner attached to it makes people feel extraordinary, an ancient thing, an ancient sword.”

“Brother Xiang, how about this ancient sword?”

He said so, but like Lin Fan, he threw the ancient sword to Xiang Fei.

To him.

This thing is useless.

If it was a good thing, Brother Lin would never say that.

Lin Fan looked towards the surroundings and was a little disappointed. They didn’t gain much along the way, and only the Secret Realm harvested some Immortal Origin Liquid.

It wasn’t what he had in mind.


His eyes were attracted by the location of the original grave.

He wouldn’t have paid attention to it originally.

But what he didn’t expect was that because a war had just happened, the tomb was broken, but what was hidden inside was exposed.

“What is this?”

Lin Fan came to the edge of the tomb and saw a circular stone slab inlaid inside.

Slate is a very old thing.

The pattern above is a bit complicated and incomprehensible.

Think of it as an extraterrestrial pattern.

Look carefully.

There is a groove in the center of the circular slate, which seems to hold something.

What exactly.

Just touch it.

[Breakthrough teleportation stone: two pieces of yin and yang, this piece is yin fast, can be reincarnate and recultivate, it is only once, it has been used, if you can get yang fast, you can break the world and leave. ]

Lin Fan’s expression changed slightly.

Breaking boundaries?

Does this mean that if you can find the positive block, you can go back to the cultivation world.

It seems to be the case.

He misses cultivation world very much now, and to be honest, he really wants to go back.

But no way.

He never found a way back.

Now let him see hope, he will not give up.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, what is this?”

Lin Fan said: “Good stuff.”

Afterwards, he directly rounded the circle Shaped slates rise from the ground, and there is not much research into the storage ring.

The powerhouse that built its own grave here may not have died, but it is also uncertain that it was reincarnated into the cultivation world with the help of this thing.

As for where the positive block is.

It’s hard to say.

If it’s in Immortal World, it’s okay to say, but if it’s in cultivation world, it’s really dead.

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