Everyone was shocked.

How arrogant.

golden wings The kings haven’t even said they want to fight, but you take the initiative to fight. How confident you are to be so domineering.

“Okay, I will fulfill you.” How can I tolerate the provocation? The king of golden wings looked at Lin Fan, observed carefully, and began to analyze the situation. I don’t know how this person’s methods are, but look at the overall situation. condition.

Fleshy body is ok.

The mana is okay.

The speed is okay.

About mediocrity is mediocre, and mediocrity is easy to handle, then it is not his opponent.

“Brother golden wings, be careful, he has the Sun-destroying Immortal Bow he snatched from me.”

Zuo Xian reminded, even taking the initiative to say it without feeling ashamed, After all, as everyone knows about this matter, even if you don’t say it, there is no difference what other people think in their hearts.

Golden Wings Heavenly King said proudly: “Brother Zuo, don’t worry, when I suppress this person, I will definitely return the Sun-Destructing Immortal Bow.”

“Then many thanks golden wings, brother. .” Zuo Xian cup one fist in the other hand said.

Lin Fan felt that his wings were a little stiff, and he should have a little reputation for positive energy. He has always been some kind of madman, so shameful, it’s not good to spread it out.

At this time, the sages were talking.

“What do you think the situation is, who can win.”

“The golden wings king will win, and the madman will be suppressed. After all, the golden wings king is the ninth orthodox The direct descendants, one in ten thousand, are powerful, the cultivation base is too Immortal Realm, and the Divine Ability is even more terrifying to the extreme.”

“Yes, I heard that the King of Golden Wings was once surrounded by two Great Firmament Golden Immortal powerhouses. Killed, but did not escape, but forcibly suppressed the two Great Firmament Golden Immortals, which shocked the world.”

“What is this, the king of golden wings was once chased by the Immortal Monarch powerhouse. , escape safely, who can do it?”

They are very optimistic about the golden wings king.

As for the madman, it’s better to be killed quickly. This kind of madman who specializes in attacking Fairy is too dangerous. Who knows who the next unlucky Fairy will be.

Golden Wings Heavenly King raised his hand, “Failed to retreat quickly, otherwise we will not be responsible for accidental injury.”



The surrounding immortals hurriedly retreated to a long distance after hearing that, the battle between the powerhouses was terrifying to the extreme, and the aftermath formed was enough to destroy everything.

In an instant.

golden wings The Heavenly King’s five fingers spread out to pull up a mountain range not far away by the roots, manipulated by mana, forming a mountain range giant dragon Shaking Heaven and Earth, with a wave of the arm, the mountain range moved towards Lin Fan fiercely pressed.

His mana is too powerful.

Every part of the mountain range is covered by mana, which is extremely strong. Once the mountain range cannot be broken, but is pressed down by the mountain range, it will definitely be pressed into patties.

“Five Burial Fist!”

Just as the mountain range hits in front of him, Lin Fan unleashed his fist, and his fists were powerful enough to split heaven and earth apart, and with a click, The mountain range cracked, turned into pieces, moved towards all around and dispersed.

Huge rocks rolled down, and huge pits were smashed into the ground.



At the moment when the mountain range was split, the golden edge penetrated the mountain range hiding the sky and covering the earth.


Lin Fan was stunned, didn’t expect that the opponent’s means were so sharp, it was indeed extraordinary, and the offensive was wave after wave.

He smashed these golden edges with one palm.

These golden edges contain immortal dao laws.

Look up.

Golden Wings Heavenly King radiated golden rays of light all over his body, just like a scorching sun, and the golden wings behind him spread out, glowing with metallic luster.

“What a splendid golden bird.”

Lin Fan was amazed, and at the same time was very interested in the Immortal Treasure of the golden wings king, very amazing Immortal Treasure.

The Golden Wings of Time and Space.

It’s just that it hasn’t shown a side that is related to time and space.

Maybe this guy is also a more insidious existence.

Just want to take action when he is most critical?


It is very probability.

Looks like you need to be careful later.

Lin Fan stepped on his feet, the void collapsed, and disappeared in place. With the ultimate martial arts body, it is natural to play well.

“It’s so fast.”

The king of golden wings was a little surprised, obviously he didn’t expect the other party’s speed to be so fast, left, right… No, it’s here.

He shot out instantly, pinched Immortal Art with his fingers, and then turned it into a big palm and moved towards the void.


Lin Fan didn’t expect the golden wings king to be so alert. The two patted each other, and the fluctuations formed were very terrifying, and even the dragon’s nest was shaking.

How strong is the dragon’s nest.

Even the Immortal Monarch, where the Immortal King powerhouse works, can’t damage it in the slightest.

“Yes, your strength is good, even better than any War King, Zuo Xian.” Lin Fan praised, this security is to rob the golden wings of the king’s words.

It stands to reason.

It should be the King of Golden Wings who said that you brat can fight me to such an extent that you haven’t lost yet. It seems that you have some strength.

Available now.

Lin Fan simply doesn’t give him a chance.


Zuo Xian clenched his fists tightly, but his face was calm and did not change. For him, now that the other party humiliated him, what was the use of it, there was a way to suppress the golden wings king first.

Otherwise everything is crap.

“hmph, the battle of words, let’s see how long you can last.” golden wings Tianwang stunned, then waved golden wings, with a bang, disappeared without a trace, he has already begun to cast this Immortal The power of Treasure.

Time and space?

What even Immortal King may not be able to do, with the ability of the other party, to what extent can it be done.

He saw that the golden wings Heavenly King has good luck and is very strong. If you use the Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune Divine Ability, it is also good to plunder the luck and strengthen yourself.

The Innate Divine Ability is enabled.

Close your eyes to know where the other party is coming from.

The immortals looked at the scene in horror. The Immortal Treasure of the Golden Wings Heavenly King is very powerful. Once it is cast, the whole person is disappeared without a trace. Even now, they can’t catch the trace of each other. .

It was as if it had completely disappeared from sight.

Where did it go.

Where is it?

The king of golden wings has a killing intent on Lin Fan. He is now in a very wonderful space. This space seems to be two voids with the outside world. It is implicated but cannot be captured.

“Is it completely motionless standing there because I don’t know where I am?”

He sneered, then broke open the space, golden wings puchi like a sharp blade , wanted to pierce Lin Fan, but at this moment, he was stunned, as if he couldn’t believe it.


“I said golden wings Fellow Daoist, your attack is fierce enough.” Lin Fan grabbed golden wings with both hands, and the texture was very extraordinary.

[Time and space golden wings: an ancient strange weapon, containing the power of Time and Space, refining to the extreme, you can travel the long river of time and space, shuttle the future and the past, it is extremely difficult, and it cannot be done by immortals. ]

It really is a good thing.

Lin Fan raised his feet and kicked the belly of the golden wing king violently. At the same time, he wanted to pull out the golden wings of time and space, but what didn’t expect was that his hands were directly cut by the golden wings.


A bit very ruthless.

As soon as he let go, looking at the palm of his hand, two bloodstains appeared, then slowly clenched his fist, the wound healed automatically, it seemed that he had to think of another way.

Golden Wings The King of Heaven bowed his waist and clutched his stomach. The blow just now was so heavy that his stomach felt like a river was overturned.

“What did you guy just want to do?”

He found that Lin Fan seemed to be trying to snatch his golden wings.

Lin Fan said: “It’s nothing, just have a look.”

The king of golden wings sneered, just look? In his opinion, he wanted to snatch his golden wings in time and space, but unfortunately, the other party was whimsical, and it was simply impossible.

He endured great pain and fused the golden wings of time and space with his body, just because he was worried about meeting the powerhouse and robbing him of his treasure.

At this time.

The people around were shocked.

“The hand demon madman is a bit powerful. The Golden Wings Heavenly King hasn’t taken the opponent down yet. It’s too scary.”

“didn’t expect Immortal World Heaven’s Chosen like this Many, I have never heard of anyone who has ever fought against the Golden Wings King to such an extent, and has a hidden advantage, you say, the Golden Wings King will not be defeated.”

“What nonsense.”

Qin Yang waved his arms and shouted, “Brother Lin, fuck him, as long as you suppress him, you will be the most Peak young generation in the wasteland. Heaven’s Chosen guys are garbage in front of you.”

Suddenly, he saw Zuo Xian’s gaze and said quite unhappy.

“Zuo Xian, what are you looking at? If you don’t agree, come here and do it. Your subordinates will be ruined. You can’t even keep the Sun-destroying Immortal Bow. What else can you do?”

Now Qin Yang is turning over. Call the shots and become aloof and remote. Didn’t you say that I’m not good enough?

Look at the moment…

How overbearing I am with the Holy Weapon.

Xiang Fei patted Qin Ayang on the shoulder and said, “Brother Qin, keep a low profile, don’t cause too much trouble, I found that there are a lot of powerhouses hidden around Heaven and Earth, they didn’t show up, but waited. , maybe Brother Lin will appear after this battle is over, which is very unfavorable for us.”

“en? ” Qin Yang moved towards all around, everything was calm, But the calmer it is, the more terrifying it is. I’m afraid someone is really hiding, “I am a Qin Family Xiaoxianzun, they may not dare to touch me.”

“Not quite clear at every turn, but definitely dare to beat me up. You.” Xiang Fei said.

Qin Yang touched the chin, “So that’s how it is.”


At this time.

The battle between Lin Fan and the king of golden wings is heating up.

Not true.

It should not be said that it is white-hot, but Lin Fan has suppressed the golden wings and the king is beating.

Xiang Fei generally knows Lin Fan’s strength, but it is still unknown how it is, but he knows that the king of golden wings is not Lin Fan’s opponent at all, and there is still a gap between the two.

Lin Fan Divine Ability is quite a lot, and the realm is extremely high, all of which have reached the level of Peak, who have already touched the Dao, punches and kicks seem to be ordinary, but they are terrifying.


A scream came.

It turned out that the king of golden wings was sweating coldly on his forehead, bowed his waist and kept retreating, he didn’t expect Lin Fan to be so powerful, he traveled through time and space with golden wings.

But the other party knows his location.

As if I could see his trace.

“How did you see me?” The King of Golden Wings asked coldly, he couldn’t believe it, but the facts were placed in front of him, so what if he didn’t believe it.

Lin Fan patted his chest and said, “Feel with your heart, the mind is our third eye, your speed is really fast, but…”

“Fart, I am Not fast.” Golden Wings King angrily shouted.

Lin Fan said regretfully: “Really? It may be that I misunderstood, but it is enough to feel it with my heart.”

Calling your mother’s fart.

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