
The War King growled.


He was actually preached by Qin Yang in public, and his mentality completely exploded.

Especially when he found out that the eyes of the immortals around him looked towards him, it was an unbearable blow for him, what were they looking at?

What’s so beautiful.

Is it necessary to be so rampant?


You guys are really nasty.

Lin Fan said: “Brother Xiang, I found that Qin Yang is a bit cheap. If he hadn’t been with us, I would have beaten him up. It’s like a villain gaining power, regardless of the law and of natural morality.”

Xiang Fei felt the same way, “I agree.”

When they met Qin Yang, this guy was still miserable.

He was trapped by the True Dragon tree very badly. He didn’t have an Immortal Treasure on his body. He felt that it must be dangerous to go back like this, so he found them and wanted them to act as bodyguards to escort him back.

At that time, I felt that this person was a bit cheap.

It seems that way now.

Qin Yang completely angered War King. War King has immortal physique battle strength indeed very strong, especially when he is furious, the power that erupts is even more terrifying.

It’s just…

Qin Yang is armed with Holy Weapon, facing the furious War King, he directly took out Holy Weapon, that is, a hard job.

Holy Weapon is so terrifying.



Where the Holy Weapon passes, the void bursts, even the War King can’t resist.

“It’s almost over,” said Lin Fan.

Qin Yang refined Holy Weapon very well, although not all refining, but there is no problem in using the power in Holy Weapon.

Xiang Fei said: “In this period of time, we seem to have experienced a lot, and it seems that we have not achieved much, but in fact, the reward is something we dare not even think about. Brother Qin has been promoted through this battle. Heaven’s Chosen is the most Peak.”

“Brother Xiang, what you said is a bit arrogant, we have experienced a lot, and we have gained a lot, there are many things that others may not have in their entire lives. I can get it.” Lin Fan felt that Xiang Fei’s thinking, due to Qin Yang’s gradual unnoticeable influence, had undergone great changes.

It’s just that the parties haven’t felt it yet.


War King’s chest exploded, blood spilled, sinking deep into the ground, and was suppressed by Qin Yang.

“War King, you have already lost.” Qin Yang held the Holy Weapon, lowered his eyes, and said indifferently.

But his heart is happy.

Sure enough.

The improvement of his own strength is very terrifying. I think War King was pressing him to do it at the beginning, but now the times have changed, and it is his turn to be the master. Thinking about it makes people feel comfortable.

“How could it be possible.”

War King clutched his chest, his flesh exploded, containing the residual power of the Holy Weapon. He was trying his best to repair it, but this power was too terrifying to him. The impact is a bit big.


He got up and growled unwillingly.

You can lose to anyone, but the only one who can’t lose is Qin Yang.

Everyone was shocked, somewhat absent-minded, looking at the bloody nose and swollen face, the seriously injured War King, they felt that everything was too dreamy, as if it was not realistic.

Let their cognition set off a heaven overflowing giant wave.

“War King actually lost.”

“Qin Family Xiao Xianzun is really so terrifying, did he hide his strength before?”

“It seems to be true.”

“terrifying, it’s really terrifying, with a high status and powerful strength, but being so forbearing is really scary.”

Qin Yang said: “What is the impossible, War King, you have disappointed me too much, your strength is really good, but you haven’t met a true powerhouse, some powerhouses see your character and disdain to argue with you, and I, Qin Yang, don’t want to fight with you either. That’s all, I didn’t take you seriously.”

“But didn’t expect you to provoke repeatedly. If I don’t do it, wouldn’t it make people think that Qin Family is easy to bully.”

Qin Yang’s words were really annoying.

“You…” The War King pointed at Qin Ayang, his face flushed, he couldn’t help spurting a mouthful of blood, he was really mad, if the other party hadn’t possessed the Immortal Emperor Holy Weapon, How can it be so.

Qin Yang glanced at him and said, “I know you’re not convinced, but it doesn’t matter. As a bloodline son of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, I, Qin Yang, are willing to wait for you to come back to challenge me. Today, you should Save your life, not arguing here, and arguing is arguing, but reality is reality.”

“wa!” , “Qin Yang, you wait for me.”

“Walk slowly.”

Qin Yang looked at the distant back of War King, and his heart was beautiful.

This is bullying.

Fight me.

I want your life.

Lin Fan applauded: “Awesome, Qin Family Xiaoxianzun is amazing.”

Xiang Fei applauded, “Not bad.”

Qin Yang smiled lightly He waved his hand indifferently, as if to say that everything is operating normally, and you don’t need to care.

At this time.

The Luck trio stay together.

The surrounding immortals didn’t speak. Originally, they all had some ideas, but at this time, this idea was disappeared without a trace along with Qin Yang’s domineering suppression of War King.

Zuo Xian didn’t expect Qin Yang to be so powerful.

It was beyond his expectations.

“Wonderful, really wonderful.”

At this moment, a voice came from the sky, followed by a dazzling golden light that struck from a distance.

“It’s really big news that Qin Family Xiao Xianzun can suppress War King. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would have been unbelievable.”

Lin Fan looked up. Go, the tone is a little arrogant, and the breath that comes out is quite good.

Qin Yang seemed to be thinking when he saw the golden light, his expression was a little dignified.

But soon.

He seemed to wonder who it was.

“No way.”

Qin Yang knew who was coming, and reminded: “Brother Lin, let’s be careful, the comers are good, didn’t expect them to come out. I’m done.”

“Who are you talking about?” Lin Fan asked.

Qin Yang said solemnly: “The orthodox direct descendant of the wasteland, every Orthodox Great Influence will select the most outstanding and strongest direct descendant from thousands or even tens of thousands of direct descendants. I know the guy here now, Jin Clan’s descendant, the King of Golden Wings.”

“Oh, a very domineering name, the King of Golden Wings.” Lin Fan was a little curious and wondered what it would look like, could it be that Is it the kind of outstanding Heaven’s Chosen that exudes a touch of air?

Many cents were very curious.

I don’t know who is here.

Only when they saw the person coming, they exclaimed.

“This is the king of golden wings, the descendant of the orthodox line.”

“Where is it?”


“It’s incredible, it’s too scary. There are orthodox direct descendants appearing. Some Heaven’s Chosen are afraid to be bleak. The only one who can compete with the golden wings king is probably Qin Xiaoxianzun.”

Qin Yang raised his head proudly when he heard someone mention his name.


At this time, Lin Fan saw the king of golden wings. He had golden wings on his back. It seemed that he was not born, but some kind of Immortal Treasure was embedded in his back, just like bird wings. Under the sunlight, the golden light is brilliant and dazzling, just like golden immortal.

“Brother Zuo, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I trust you have been well since we last met.” The golden wings king cup one fist in the other hand said.

Zuo Xian said with a smile: “Brother Golden Wings appears, then I am superfluous here, but Brother Golden Wings should be careful of one person, that is him, his name is Lin Fan, who once told Yaochi It was him who started Fairy.”

“And now the True Dragon tree is in the opponent’s hands.”

Although he hates Lin Fan, he feels that he may not be Lin Fan’s opponent, the Sun Destruction Immortal Bow was captured by the opponent, and his means were much weaker.

Especially when so many people are there.

If he is suppressed like War King, then the shame is a bit serious.

And now…

The king of golden wings appeared here, and he suddenly had some ideas.

“It’s him?”

golden wings The King of Heaven’s eyes locked on Lin Fan.

At this time.

Lin Fan felt a very strong killing intent swept in, the golden wings king glared at Lin Fan, and Yaochi Fairy, as the number one in the flower list, was the Goddess of countless Heaven’s Chosen in mind.

They couldn’t even touch their hands.

You’re good.

Not only did they do it, but they also took the initiative to touch it, touching the place they thought about day and night.

The surrounding sages have a hunch that something big is about to happen.

“You are Lin Fan, the guy who humiliated Fairy in Yaochi?”

At this time, he was like a golden emperor, turning into a giant dragon and looking down at all things, any living being In his eyes, it was like an ant.

Lin Fan said: “Could it be that Fellow Daoist is also a loyal licking dog beside Yaochi Fairy? If so, then you are right, I do have a close relationship with Yaochi Fairy that goes beyond friendship.”

He found that there were too many licking dogs around Goddess.

It’s really scary.

So, if you offend anyone, you can’t offend a woman.

Because of the people around Goddess, it’s hard to say that there is no one who won’t work hard with you.

“Good courage.”

Golden Wings Tian Wang squinted his eyes, and the other party’s words were extremely arrogant. It was really damn good to provoke him in public. Of course, he naturally wouldn’t be as impulsive as War King.

Just when the king of golden wings was about to speak again, Lin Fan directly interrupted.

“How can I not have the guts, if I don’t have that kind of guts, I can’t shoot.” Lin Fan raised his hands, clenched his fingers into fists, and then waved, “That’s what I did at the beginning, fighting. There will inevitably be some small frictions.”

Golden wings’ eyes gradually became gloomy, full of infinite anger, and the other party was blatantly gesturing in front of him.

I want to reveal something.

Or did it show him the situation at that time?

Those who knew about the immortals were almost stunned. They were so daring to make gestures in front of the golden wings king. Even if you think about the feelings of the Yaochi side, you have to think about the golden wings king. .

This is not a good person.

They felt the gloomy aura from the Golden Wings King, and they were obviously furious, and they were about to break out soon. After this battle, they will definitely heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Lin Fan said: “Brother Qin, there is another chance to pretend, do you want to take the initiative to play and beat this golden wings king angrily, you will really become famous in Xian.”

Qin Yang stared at Lin Fan in a stunned manner, “Well… I was a little tired just now. I’d better leave this opportunity to Brother Lin. I won’t participate in this matter.”


Lin Fan smiled, then stepped out and looked directly at each other, “Golden Wings King, no need to talk nonsense, you may come here for two things, the first is that I did what you want but dare not do it. The second thing is that the True Dragon tree is on me.”

“Too much nonsense is a waste of time after all.”

“And I also want to see the orthodox lineage How powerful are the children.”


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