A few days later.

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion city everything calm and tranquil, nothing strange happens.

Lin Fan came out of the Inn, it’s really dark here.

Twenty Spirit Stones a day is no different than a robbery.

And he didn’t even need the service, so there was no discount.

Originally, he was very pitiful for these girls, it was really miserable to do such a thing at such a young age and let others play with him.

But later he realized that everything was overthinking.

He didn’t embark on the road of robbery, and what he reaps in one day is all his worth, not to mention too Martial Immortal Disciple, inner sect disciple has only a few Spirit Stones in January, It’s just one day’s income.

The happiness of others, the poor will never understand.

You laugh at people who sell meat without shame.

People laugh at you for your hard work and sweating, and you don’t earn as much in January as I do in a day.

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion store.

Lin Fan walked into the store, and a fat middle-aged man walked over with a smile, “What does this Young Master need?”

All the people who come here are cultivators .

It is difficult to tell the age by looking at the face.

But anyone who has never been young, as long as they have a young face, will be called Young Master.

Lin Fan said: “I’m going to sell something. It has some origins, so it’s not convenient to take it out here. If possible, I hope you can call your steward out.”

middle-aged man said solemnly: “Young Master, are you kidding me?”

“No, very serious.” Lin Fan said.

“Okay, please come with me, and I’ll inform the steward.” The middle-aged man didn’t seem to be joking when he saw Lin Fan, so he directly introduced him into the room and arranged for Lin Fan to wait in the house. , and hurried to inform the steward.

Lin Fan was the only one in the house.

He looked at the surrounding environment, it was indeed an incredible place, and there were dozens of Formation shelters in this room.

What is the background of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, which can make Xianmen and demonic path give such a good face, only a little strength is absolutely impossible.

Not long ago.

An old man walked in with a much higher cultivation base than Lin Fan.

“Under Mao Si, I don’t know what the Young Master is called.” Mao Si knew Lin Fan at first glance. If a person is ordinary or extraordinary, he can tell by looking at his face. This is the saying of facial features.

“It doesn’t matter who I am for the time being, I’m here to do business with Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, but I want to know in advance if Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will leak my personal information.” Lin Fan asked.

If Heavenly Treasure Pavilion leaks his news to Ji Old Demon, I am afraid it will be troublesome, then he can only ask his mother to come out and take shelter.

Mao Si said with a smile: “Don’t worry, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has been established for a long time, let alone ten thousand years, the identity of the guest has only been leaked once, if there is a traitor accidentally leaking the identity of the guest , is chased and killed, then it is the problem of our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, all responsibility will be borne by Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, solve the matter for the guests, if the other party does not reconcile, then Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will kill the enemy for the guests.”

“So you can rest assured about this.”

“If you are still unsure, you can go out and inquire. Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has only had one incident of revealing the identity of a guest in ten thousand years. , although the guest attracted a group of hunters, but in the end we Heavenly Treasure Pavilion came forward to solve the matter for him.”

They Heavenly Treasure Pavilion can do such a big business.

It’s about credibility.

And the forces behind it are also deep and unmeasurable, enough to settle everything.

Lin Fan doesn’t know what the other party said true or false.

But the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has been around for so long and has such a reputation, obviously.

“Naturally believe it.” Lin Fan smiled, then placed the Zhuxian Seal on the table.

Mao Si’s complexion changed slightly when he saw Zhu Xian Yin, but he quickly recovered his calmness, and said with a smile: “It turned out that it was Master Young who did it, really brave, but cultivation asked The premise is to get rich, and stealing wealth from others is the fastest way.”

Then took out something that Lin Fan couldn’t understand, and kept touching the Zhuxian Seal.

After a while, Mao Si opened the mouth and said:

“high grade Spiritual Artifact Zhuxian Seal, which contains 2635 Formations, belongs to Top Grade high grade The scope of Spiritual Artifact, and the Formation in it is much more proven than the general high-grade Spiritual Artifact, so the price is also quite high, and the value when complete is 2.3 million Spirit Stones.”

“But because the damage is a bit serious, some of the Formations are difficult to repair, so I give Young Master two options.”

“The first is to sell us the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion for 1.5 million.”

“The second is to auction at Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. If you have good luck, it should be able to sell for about 1.7 million, but it depends on luck and it will take some time.”

The other party said very much. Seriously, I’m not cheating Lin Fan, and I’m not joking.

Lin Fan said with a smile: “Okay, I’ll sell it to you.”

He doesn’t want to wait, anything that comes for nothing will make money no matter how you sell it.

He finally understands now.

It’s hard to feel that kind of happiness when you dig the spirit vein hard. When you encounter trouble, you directly kill it, everything is yours, just ask you if you are happy and you’re done.

He then took out some of the messy Spiritual Artifacts he had obtained, which were captured from Ji True Demon Body.

Mao Si is very envious.

Lin Fan is awesome.

This is really a wave of making a fortune. Although the son of the Vice-Sect Master of the Blood Sea God Sect is beheaded, the gains are enough to dispel all worries.

These Spiritual Artifacts can’t be compared with Zhuxian Seal.

But also sold more than three million Spirit Stones.

“Anything else?” Mao Si asked.

Although these are all things of Ji True Demon, let Ji Old Demon know that he will definitely vomit blood and be furious, but what about these, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will not care about these things, as long as you get it here and sell it, Then there is nothing they dare not accept.

“Yes, this thing needs the help of Guibao Pavilion.” Lin Fan took out the Grade 8 spiritual grass.

Mao Si was shocked when he saw Grade 8 spiritual grass, and then said with a smile: “didn’t expect, I have seen many people get rich in my life, but Young Master’s Fortunately, for the first time in my life, I not only got all the property of Ji True Demon, but also got a Grade 8 spiritual grass.”

“The value of this spiritual grass alone is more than two hundred Above 10,000 Spirit Stones, and this is the lowest.”

“Please wait a moment, Master Young, and I will go to Master Appraisal to help me identify this spiritual grass.”

Then Mao Si got up and left the house, and soon came back with one person.

The visitor is a skinny old man, and his body exudes a strange fragrance. If you smell it carefully, it seems to be the fragrance of spiritual grass. He must be dealing with spiritual grass so often that he has this smell on his body. fragrance.

If you encounter a demon.

This skinny old man is definitely the focus.

Other cultivators can not eat, this skinny old man will definitely not escape the fate of the pot.

“Master, please take a look at the condition of this spiritual grass.” Mao Si said.

Master came to the spiritual grass with no expression on his face. He had identified too many spiritual grasses, and he had no awareness of spiritual grass for a long time.

This is the spiritual grass growing out of the treasure soil. Although it is known to be Grade 8, its appearance is covered by the treasure soil. If it is forcibly cleaned, the foundation of the spiritual grass may be damaged. to clean up.

The skinny Master took out a set of tools and began to clean up the covered treasure. Soon, a bright red, delicate spiritual grass appeared in front of everyone.

This spiritual grass seems to be burning with flames, and there is a Fire Dragon looming over the spiritual grass.

“This is a Grade 8 dragon blood rattan flower, worth 3 million, which is not very good, but it is also of medium grade.” said the skinny Master.

“Are you sure?” Lin Fan asked, stroking the spiritual grass.

The skinny Master had a displeased look on his face, “The old man has studied spiritual grass for hundreds of years, and there are hundreds of Grade 8 spiritual grass cleaned. How can we go wrong.”

Mao Four said: “Young Master, Master can’t be mistaken, he is the best in spiritual grass identification, and is the most powerful Master in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.”

“If you want to sell, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is willing to accept 3 million Spirit Stones.”

“It’s natural to want to sell, but I feel that Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is suspected of fraud.” Lin Fan said.

Mao Sidao: “Why did Master Young say this? Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is famous and has never committed fraudulent acts. If Master Young can’t believe it, this spiritual grass will not be sold.”


The skinny Master frowned and said with displeasure: “Boy, pay attention to your words when you speak, the old man said he is a dragon blood vine, he is a dragon blood vine, there is absolutely nothing wrong, even if you search all over The world appraised the Master, and this is the result.”

“Hehe, I thought that the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion would be deceitful, but take a closer look to see if it is a dragon blood vine flower, you look at the rhizome, There is an azure silk thread, which is the foundation of spiritual grass. The blue silk is open to the mysterious. It is obviously a dragon blood vine flower, but you say it is a dragon blood vine flower, which is too much.”

“How is it possible? .” The skinny Master took the spiritual grass in his hand and carefully observed that there was indeed an azure silk thread at the rhizome, and the silk thread seemed to breathe, the blue silk would hide in a breath, and then reappear after a while. come out.

It’s hard to see if you don’t look carefully.

“This…” The skinny Master’s face turned red, and he had nothing to say.

Mao Si wanted to reprimand Lin Fan for being arrogant, but when he saw the Master’s face, he was shocked, “Really?” He looked away.

This is a stain on his career.

Lin Fan said: “dragon blood Xuantian Qingtenghua is bathed in dragon blood and grows in the place closest to the earth and the sky. Among them, this azure thread is the value. Connect Heaven and Earth, absorb Earth Qi and Spiritual Qi, and finally form a spiritual grass, and this spiritual grass has a growth period of 13,600 years, which belongs to the perfect maturity period. With other spiritual grass, it can be refined. Make a Grade 9 Elixir.”

“I don’t know if I’m right.”

The skinny Master suddenly raised his head and said, “You and I just saw the spiritual grass. Really, you can see so much in a short period of time?”

“That’s natural, but I didn’t expect, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion also merely this, a Peerless Grade Grade 8 Spiritual grass, you are saying that it is a medium grade 8 spiritual grass, the gap between the two is huge.”

“If I didn’t know a little bit, just change to someone who doesn’t know how to do it. , I can really be blinded by you.”

Lin Fan said indifferently.

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