The Ji Old Demon is terrified of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion’s power.

To talk about hands-on, naturally impossible.

Although he is the Vice-Sect Master of the Blood Sea God Cult, he also understands that if there is a conflict with them, he will not be able to take advantage of it.

And there will be a conflict with the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

Ji Old Demon said: “I have no ill intentions towards Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, I just want to know who killed my child Ji True Demon.”

If you let him find and kill him the person of the child.

He’s bound to cramp and peel, fiercely tortured.

“If you are looking for the murderer of your son, then you should leave the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to find it, no matter who it is, it is impossible for anyone to do anything in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and break the rules, and the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will be punished endlessly. Chase and kill, irreconcilable.” The old man’s face was expressionless, and his tone of voice was gloomy, making people not feel friendly.

And even a little impatient.

“So your son will not die in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, but outside.”

The eyes of several Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Great Experts are locked on Ji Old Demon, as long as the other party dares to The change will definitely cost the other party a painful price.

Ji Old Demon was unwilling and looked towards the crowd below, “My son Ji True Demon, does anyone know who is in conflict with me, I can give him a favor.”

The cultivators in the city looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some simply don’t know what’s going on.

But there must be a brave man under the heavy money.

“I know, your son had a conflict with a stranger a few days ago, the man planted a Grade 8 spiritual grass, and you wanted to take it away from him, and then left Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, go after that person.” In the crowd, an old man said.

Ji Old Demon said: “Who is he?”

The old man shook his head, “I don’t know, he is unknown, no one knows his origin, but he only knows that his name is Zhou Di, and he once came to find him. I washed off the tracking mark of the Blood Sea God Cult, and I thought it was the mark of the Blood Sea God Cult, so I didn’t dare to touch it.”

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion powerhouse said: “The truth is clear, your son leaves here to block and kill. Someone else robbed the treasure, and was killed by someone else in the end, the strength is not as good as someone else, and I can’t blame others.”

“Please leave here now.”

Ji Old Demon’s face was extremely gloomy, the other party said He believed the words, but as for obscurity, it was impossible, the baby he gave to his son, the ordinary cultivator is not a rival at all, who is it?


Dare to let this seat lose so much, damn it, damn it.

Lin Fan leaned on the window and watched, muttering in his heart, it was so disappointing, why didn’t he fight?

If this is a fight, it can also make people watch a good show.

The Emperor Zhou.

It turned out that the person who opened the Grade 8 spiritual grass was called Zhou Di. It would be too much to let people take the blame. It was not killed by others. Think about it, young people are burdened with a little pressure, can they grow faster.

He is willing to let the pressure on the other side.

I hope that Emperor Zhou can advance bravely under this pressure.

“Okay, if that’s the case, then this seat will disturb you.” Ji Old Demon cup one fist in the other hand said, he didn’t want to have a bad relationship with Heavenly Treasure Pavilion expert, and at the same time put the ‘Zhou Di’ With the name in my heart, I swear I must find this child out.

The voice fell.

Disappear as a stream of light between Heaven and Earth.

Several old men floating in the air also escaped to a place in the city to continue suppressing this place.

“Cut! It’s boring.” Lin Fan muttered.

He still wanted to watch the war, but didn’t expect only these, which is really a pity.

The Ji Old Demon who left the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion already hated the world, even if he didn’t conflict with the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion powerhouse, but he still hated these guys in his heart.

If there is a chance in the future, I will avenge this revenge.

His son can’t be protected here, he’s just trash.


Ji Old Demon saw a lunatic old man below, running wildly on the ground, shouting gibberish, and he didn’t know what he was talking about.

It could have left in the blink of an eye.

But he is very upset now and wants to vent his anger.

“You deserve to be unlucky.”

Ji Old Demon’s eyes were sharp, exuding murderous aura, and then he slapped his hand towards the bottom.

The giant hand made of mana descended from the sky, rumbled, and landed directly on the ground, suppressing the crazy old man fiercely.

“Bah! You’re unlucky.”

Ji Old Demon’s mood is a little better, maybe only killing people can make him feel a little better, but when he thinks of hard work The furnace cauldron that has been cultivated for so long is beheaded by others, and he is not angry.

Who are you going to talk to about this matter?

Ji Old Demon simply didn’t think that the other party would survive, and even if it is void environment cultivator, he was angry and had to flee.

Just as he was about to leave here.

A cry passed.

“Wow! wu wu wu…why are you beating me.” I saw the crazy old man crying, tears and snot flowing, and the clothes on his body were also tattered and stained with dust, “You bad man, I I’ll fight with you.”

Ji Old Demon was stunned and looked down in disbelief.

How is that possible?

What’s the matter with this crazy old man.

And just as he was stunned for a moment, a crazy old man energetic and bustling appeared in front of him and slapped it. An extremely terrifying force erupted.


Ji Old Demon swayed, fell from the sky, and blasted through the ground.

“Fuck, where did the crazy old man come from, this strength…”

Ji Old Demon stood in the deep pit, and his body flashed Heavenly Demon Qi, black light emerged, directly hard After taking a palm, his expression gradually became solemn. The strength of this crazy old man is not bad, and it is definitely the True Immortal Realm cultivation base.

But who is he?

Those who can have such a cultivation base are definitely not unknown people.

“Who you are?” Ji Old Demon’s palm was condensed with dark rays of light, and several Divine Ability secrets were fused together, ready to seize the opportunity to give the opponent a heavy blow.

It’s just that even if he asks, it’s useless, the mad old man is like a fool, madly moved towards him and rushed towards him.

Ji Old Demon put his palm behind his back, and at the moment when the opponent attacked, he roared and slapped his palm away.

“go die for me.”

The palm shook, and the shocking power turned into a roaring Demon God and erupted.


The crazy old man was hit and flew out backwards, the strikes were on the ground, the ground shook, and cracks appeared.

“hehe, overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Ji Old Demon’s face was full of disdain, and he didn’t take the other party in the slightest. Any combat experience, if you can suppress it and forge a True Immortal Realm powerhouse into a slave demon, it is not bad.

Just right after.

He found that the crazy old man was still standing there unharmed.

“It hurts, it hurts.”

The mad old man fleshy body was broken a lot, revealing the bones inside, but the bones are not white, but golden of.

Golden body?

Ji Old Demon was horrified, as if he didn’t expect the other party to have golden bone.

This is something only immortal can have.


I saw that the damaged part of the mad old man moved and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The Ji Old Demon was taken aback for a while.

“Very well, didn’t expect me to come out to avenge my son. Although I didn’t find the murderer, I met you, a crazy old man on the way back, and made you a slave demon. The strength will be even closer.”

Ji Old Demon was overjoyed, he had discovered that the other party was crazy and was very different from ordinary people. Facing such an existence, everything would be much easier.

At this time, the crazy old man shouted and moved towards Ji Old Demon, and for Ji Old Demon, it was just time to take down this old man.

“I’m going to hit you with something.”

tone barely fell.

A blood pool appeared in the hands of the mad old man. The blood in it had dried up, but at the moment when the blood pool was born, red light covered several tens of thousands of li.

“What kind of baby is this?”

Ji Old Demon was shocked. When the other party took out the baby, he felt his heart beating violently.

The mad old man picked up the blood pool and smashed it towards Ji Old Demon’s head.

Ji Old Demon screamed and banged, his head was hit hard, and the whole head seemed to be split, and Divine Soul shuddered violently, as if the soul flew away and scattered.

Pu chi!

The Ji Old Demon who suffered such a heavy blow vomited blood, and the black light covering his body dimmed directly.

“What a terrifying weapon this is, how can it be so terrifying.” Ji Old Demon exclaimed absentmindedly, he has Dao Item body protection, but just now Dao Item can’t resist a seemingly simple smashing, smashing His mind was intense, and his head was even cracked.


He quickly moved towards the distance and fled away. He thought he would be sure of winning this crazy old man, but didn’t expect the other party to look crazy, but he was very black.

The mad old man smashed the pool of blood on Ji Old Demon’s back.


Ji Old Demon’s back exploded, blood spurted wildly, and the mana in his body rioted, and the condensed immortal dao laws shattered directly.

He was terrified, what kind of Supreme Treasure this was, and it actually hurt his foundation.

Just as he was thinking about these things.

The blood pool smashed down again and again.

Ji Old Demon was directly smashed to the ground, his face was very pale, crawling in the deep pit, seeing the crazy old man attacking, he immediately raised his hand and said:

“Forgive my life.”

Let the other party continue to smash like this, his small life will not be guaranteed, and he will die very miserably.

But he knew that the other party would stop.

But the reality is that the crazy old man really stopped.

“Do you still dare to bully me?” the mad old man shouted, like a child being bullied. Finally, the Great Desolate Power erupted, beating all those who bullied him until the other party begged for mercy. .

Ji Old Demon hurriedly waved his hand, “I don’t dare, I really don’t dare.”

The mad old man put away the blood pool, “If you dare to bully me again, I will beat you. “

Then jumped away happily.

“Who the hell is he?”

Ji Old Demon looked towards the distant back in awe, rummaging through all the people he knew in his mind, but it was hard to match him The presence.

And when the other party took out that blood pool.

He found that the blood pool exudes a vicissitudes of life, it is definitely not an ordinary thing, and it may even be an existence beyond Dao Item.

But think about it, it’s also impossible.

Unable to figure it out, and unwilling to think about it, Ji Old Demon dragged his severely injured body and left here.

He felt wronged.

Don’t say anything about bereavement.

I am still in such a situation halfway through, and I will at least need to rest for a long time to recover from this injury.


This must be reported back to the Sect Lord.

An unknown insane powerhouse appears.

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