The fact that the God of Creation can be enshrined by the Zhou Dynasty shows that the God of Creation is not uncontrollable and uncooperative.

After seeing the rise of the human race, the smart gods began to cooperate with the humans early. Even in the past, when the emperor unified the land of China, there were already smart gods who came to seek refuge after noticing the general trend of the world. .

And those who have been reluctant to join the human race are all hard-core, and there is no possibility of cooperation at all.

Cui Yu suddenly realized in his heart: Why does the current situation in the land of the human race look familiar? Isn't this what happened in the novels of the previous life when humans and ghosts lived together? The smart ghosts cooperated with Zhang Tianshi and accepted the human race's beliefs and offerings. The stupid ones They were all killed by Zhang Tianshi.

If the bloodline people decline in the future, the demon tribe will definitely seize the opportunity to invade the land of China. The Qi Practitioner lineage alone will not be able to resist the demon tribe in the slightest. I am afraid that only by joining forces with the Guilty God can we continue to occupy the land of China. Cui Yu He muttered something to himself.

Why are there seven Zhenwu Sons in Zhenwu Mountain? It's because there are seven weird gods in Zhenwu Mountain. Each of these seven weird gods enjoys the incense of the same lineage. And these seven weird gods, for some unknown reason, all died overnight not long ago. Promoted to the Golden Imperial Realm. Song Zhi explained Cui Yu's doubts on the side: The seven strange gods have long been dissatisfied with the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain, so the seven major branches secretly began to target the direct lineage of Zhenwu Mountain, wanting to give away the direct lineage of Zhenwu Mountain to Pull down the horse. Whoever can occupy the direct line of Zhenwu Mountain will be able to enjoy the great fortune of the Qi Practitioners in the future! Now that the Seven Secret Gods have been promoted to the Golden Emperor, of course they will have a little bit of luck for the orthodox Qi Practitioners. idea.

After hearing Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu suddenly felt enlightened.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw countless weird hairs tangled towards Liu Bang. However, he saw Liu Bang's body ignited with the blazing true fire of the sun, and there was a cold look in his eyes: Weird? Even the weird ones in the Jinzhi realm want to suppress me. ?”

Liu Bang snorted coldly, and mysterious flame runes began to flicker on the golden feathers on his body. The next moment, wisps of flames in the runes began to roll up and burn in all directions. The countless black hair met After catching the flame, it was actually ignited.

Liu Bang's Sun True Fire Tianke's weird method!

You dare to suppress me, I will erase you today. Liu Bang's face was cold, and the next moment his claws burning with the blazing true fire of the sun were suppressing the source of the strangeness. Liu Bang actually wanted to suppress the strange god.

You bastard! How dare a mere bloodline person act so arrogantly in our Zhenwu Mountain? He snorted again, and saw a thunder across the sky in the blue sky and white sun, turning into a lightning spear and killing Liu Bangzhen.

The thunder and lightning spear was engraved with ancient runes, and there was a mighty and unpredictable flow of energy. Traces of black thunder and lightning circulated on the spear, and the energy of heaven's punishment lingered on it.

Is this a punishment from heaven? Even if there is only a trace of the power of punishment from heaven, it is definitely not something that the Golden Imperial Realm can resist? Cui Yu looked at the black lightning on the thunder spear, with a hint of horror in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with fear. Shocked.

Heavenly punishment is a method of heaven, can it also be controlled by Weiyi?

This world is too twisted!

The Golden Crow cried out, his voice full of horror. He didn't dare to directly accept the power of punishment, and quickly turned into a rainbow to get out of the way.

Although he is the incarnation of the Golden Crow and controls the true fire of the sun, he still does not dare to face the punishment of heaven.

Heaven's punishment is aimed at all living beings in the vast world, from the deceitful gods to the grass and trees, and can restrain all powers.

Cui Yu was surprised. He never expected that there would be people in this world who could master the power of heavenly punishment. How could ordinary beings do this?

In the past, Wei Wei, who mastered thunder and lightning, only mastered some strange thunder and lightning, and was not very eye-catching. It was not until a few days ago that he was promoted to Jin Chi, and he actually mastered the power of heaven's punishment, and he suddenly emerged in Zhenwu Mountain. . Song Zhi whispered from the side.

Perhaps it was because of his involvement with the Qi practitioner that he changed? Cui Yu had some speculation in his mind.

The emergence of the Qi Practitioner Avenue is a great trend, but it must not be without restrictions, otherwise the operation of the way of heaven will be out of balance. At this time, there are ghosts and gods who have mastered the punishment of heaven, which is probably the restraint of heaven against the Qi Practitioner lineage.

Does it mean that we will establish the Great Way of Thunder Punishment in the future? Cui Yu thought of how he had to survive the catastrophe in his previous life by refining Qi and becoming an immortal.

At this time, Liu Bang encountered the power of punishment and began to retreat. However, the black hair in the sky followed him like a shadow, constantly compressing Liu Bang's retreat space, entangled Liu Bang, and did not give Liu Bang a chance to retreat.

Huh? Liu Bang couldn't help but look ugly as he looked at the countless black hairs entangled in him, blocking his opportunities to move around.

If it were just a simple entanglement of black hair, Liu Bang would not be afraid, but at this moment, there was still the power of God's punishment watching him.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Liu Bang could only use the pagoda to cover his house.

It's my chance. Cui Yu smiled when he saw this scene, thinking about the tombkeeper who had been ambushing among the mountains for a long time. In an instant, the measuring ruler cut through the void and collided with the thunder and lightning spear. , I saw that after the collision between the Sky Measurement Ruler and the spear, the Sky Measurement Ruler was unscathed, and the spear composed of thunder and lightning broke in an instant, turning into thunder and disappearing into the air.

Bold, do you really think that there is no one in our Han Dynasty? How dare you bully my Highness like this. The tomb guard walked out with a gloomy expression, took the sky measuring ruler in his hand, and then swept it across the sky, directly sweeping the sky. The hair is broken.

Looking at the celestial ruler shining brightly in the hands of the tomb keeper, Yuwen Haojie's eyes suddenly turned red, and his whole body was trembling with tears in his eyes.

This is too much!

He does not know whether the ruler is true or false. He only knows that the ruler in the hands of the tombkeeper is his own ruler.

You must know that the heaven-measuring ruler in the hands of the tomb keeper was made from the innate and innate refining of Nuwa's Qiankun Cauldron, and it already belongs to the innate magic weapon sequence. For the indigenous Yuwen heroes, how can they clearly distinguish the difference between the innate spiritual treasure measuring the sky ruler and the innate magic weapon measuring the sky ruler?

That's my measuring stick! Cui Laohu, what else do you have to say? Yuwen Haojie's eyes were wide open, his eyes filled with anger.

When Cui Huhu heard this, he glanced at the measuring ruler in the tombkeeper's hand, his face became gloomy, and he turned to look at Liu Bang. After Liu Bang received Cui Huhu's signal, he turned to look at the sky measuring ruler in the hands of the tomb keeper, and couldn't help but be stunned: The sky measuring ruler in the hand of my ancestor?

Upon closer inspection, it is indeed exactly the same as the Heavenly Measurement Ruler in the hand of Yuwen Hero, and even the innate energy flowing on the Heavenly Measurement Ruler is exactly the same.

But how could the Heaven-Measuring Ruler in the hands of his ancestor be the Heaven-Measuring Ruler in the hands of Yuwen Hero? The measuring ruler in the hands of my ancestor was a treasure he had when he appeared on the scene.

Master, don't listen to his nonsense. The ruler in my ancestor's hand is definitely not his measuring ruler. My ancestor mastered this treasure after he was resurrected in the cave world. Many people saw this with their own eyes. How could it be the ruler in his hand? Liu Bang didn't want to take the blame, so he quickly explained to Cui Huhu.

Do you have proof? Cui Laohu asked.

There are many powerful people who entered the underground space in Dongting Lake together in the past, and they can all testify. I remember that the new disciple Zhang Guanxi also entered it, and the new disciple Mi Zhu also entered it. The two of them People can testify. Liu Bang said quickly.

There are also Taiping Taoist Tang Zhou Zhenren, Gong Zizheng of the Great Qin Dynasty, Sanjiang Water God, Cui Yu, a new generation disciple, the Old Dragon King of the Hai Clan, and Yan Qu, who is from the lineage of Li Saints, all can testify! Liu Bang said quickly!

Upon hearing this, Cui Huhu turned his head and looked in the direction of the mountains: Where are the new generation disciples Cui Yu, Mi Zhu, and Zhang Guanxi?

Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu and winked at Cui Yu. Cui Yu smiled when he saw this, and then raised his hands to the void: Disciple Cui Yu is here.

There was also a voice from the other side: Disciple Zhang Guanxi is here.

Disciple Mi Zhu is here.

Cui Huhu grabbed the void and directly caught the three of them in the void to confront them.

Have you all heard what Liu Bang said before? Are they true or false? Cui Laohu asked.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Guanxi and Mi Zhu turned their eyes to Cui Yu, waiting for Cui Yu's answer. Cui Yu turned his gaze to Yuwen Hero. Facing Yuwen Junjie's sinister gaze, Cui Yu raised his hand and saluted: Return to the Master. I don’t know the real person. My cultivation was shallow in the past, so how could I see clearly the methods of those strong men?

Didn't you see clearly? Cui Laohu couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart when he heard Cui Yu's answer. There was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes, and an unpleasant premonition arose in his heart at the same time. He felt that Cui Yu was up to something, but he didn't. any evidence.

But it doesn't matter, Cui Yu said he didn't know, there were Zhang Guanxi and Mi Zhu, so Cui Laohu looked at Zhang Guanxi.

He knew about Zhang Guanxi. He was personally inspired by the Patriarch. In the future, he would be one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain. This person would be indispensable for the great prosperity of Zhenwu Mountain in the future. This person had refined an innate sword and had reached the point where the sword and man were united. The most important thing is that the sword has the same origin as the innate sword obtained by the ancestor, and has incredible power. Even when the two swords are combined, the power will increase several times.

That is an innate spiritual treasure. What is the concept of having its power suddenly increased several times?

That is to say, Zhang Guanxi has become one with the sword, and his soul has been refined into the sword, otherwise he might not be able to help but take it away.

After Zhang Guanxi heard Cui Yu's answer, he replied solemnly: The disciples don't know about Qi Zhen, the disciple. At that time, the disciples' cultivation was also very low, and they couldn't see clearly the key points, let alone the innate spiritual treasures. Ability.

After hearing Zhang Guanxi's words, Cui Huhu couldn't help but look gloomy. He looked at Mi Zhu with his eyes, and saw that Mi Zhu also lowered his eyes: Similar to the two Taoist brothers, I can't see the change. At that time, my cultivation level was low. Bo, where do you have the means to observe the mysterious creation? It concerns my uncle, and I don’t dare to speak nonsense.

Fart! You three are farting! You are talking nonsense. After hearing the three people's answers, Liu Bang couldn't sit still. He yelled angrily, his voice full of anger.

Anger burns through the sky!

You have clearly seen it. With the power of your blood, how can you not see clearly? Liu Bang rushed forward angrily and was about to strangle the necks of the three of them, but was grabbed by Cui Huhu on the side, but Liu Bang still didn't He was willing to give up and yelled: Why are you lying? Why are you lying?

Why lie?

Zhang Guanxi and Mi Zhu looked at each other, then looked at Cui Yu at the same time, with a strange arc at the corner of their mouths. Although they don't know what Cui Yu is doing, the two of them don't want to go against Cui Yu now. They can just follow what Cui Yu says.

Quiet! Cui Huhu scolded.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, Liu Bang stared at Cui Huhu with his eyes: Master, it's not like this! It's not like this!

I know! The three of them have low cultivation, so go find someone with high cultivation to testify. Don't worry, the truth of the matter will eventually come to light. Cui Laohu comforted them.

As he spoke, Feishu sent a message, and saw countless streams of light flying out of his sleeves.

a barren mountain

Tang Zhou looked at the letter in his hand and sneered at the corner of his mouth: It would be better if Zhenwushan were in chaos. I, Taipingdao, wanted to rebel, but you, Zhenwushan, were holding back. You even went to support the Zhou royal family to prevent you, Zhenwushan, from causing chaos. I How could it be possible to gradually devour the vitality of the Zhou royal family?

lineage of ritual

Yan Qu looked at the letter in his hand and couldn't help but shook his head: Cui Yu's methods are really powerful. If Zhenwu Mountain goes wrong this time, it will fall apart.

How could such a big thing happen in Zhenwu Mountain be hidden from Yan Qu?

After everyone waited for a long time on Zhenwu Mountain, the first flying letter came back three hours later. Cui Laohu took the letter and opened it, his face darkening.

The first letter was replied by Tang Zhou, with only three characters written on it: I don’t know.

Half an hour later, Yan Qu's letter came back. Cui Laohu's veins jumped after reading it. There were also three big words on it: unclear.

Then Fetion returned one after another, but all of them were without exception:

Not sure!

have no idea!

not understand!

Didn't see it clearly!

When the last flying letter was returned, Cui Laohu's expression became extremely gloomy.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! These people clearly saw it with their own eyes and fought against the ancestors. How could they not know? How could they not be clear? How could they not understand? Liu Bang spoke incoherently, his voice full of anger.

He couldn't understand why these people were telling lies.

Some people even didn't reply at all.

Liu Bang Xiao'er, Cui Laohu, what else can you two say now? What other words can you use to defend yourself? Yu Wenhaojie was very high-spirited at this time: The matter has come to this, how can you still argue? Although I am a collateral branch, I am not your master. Although I am a person with a strong connection, I cannot allow you to be so insulted!!! You confuse right and wrong, confuse right and wrong, and where do you place the morality of Zhenwu Mountain?

Having said this, Yuwen Hero's voice was high and exciting, spreading throughout Zhenwu Mountain: Today it can be me, Yuwen Hero, and tomorrow it can be any one of you!

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