In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 976 The wall of hostility

Song Zhi was stunned when he heard this: What's going on?

Our plan worked out, but... something happened in the Dharma Realm, and Liu Bang actually stole Yuwen Hero's Sky Ruler. Cui Yu said.

Liu Bang has the ability to steal the Heavenly Ruler from the hands of Yuwen Hero? Song Zhi was stunned when he heard this, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Cui Yu told what happened in the Dharma Realm. Of course, what Cui Yu said was a modified version.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Song Zhi smiled: This is a good show. Hero Yuwen is not far from death now, and he will definitely not give up with the main peak.

Cui Yu turned his head and glanced at the battle in the distance. He thought of the letter in his sleeve and asked, Do you know the headmaster's wife?

Song Zhi was surprised when he heard this: What did you ask her for?

Cui Yu handed the letter over, but he didn't hide it from Song Zhi.

Song Zhi took a look at the letter and frowned: It looks like it was written by that woman.

Really that woman did it? Where did this headmaster's wife come from? Why did she target my little brother and sister? Cui Yu was puzzled. There was no enmity between the two parties. Why did the headmaster's wife travel thousands of miles to kill someone?

Chun'er, the headmaster's wife, is Cui Chen's wife. Ming Media is marrying his childhood sweetheart. You are the son of Cui Laohu and Qiqing Shengnu. In the past, the headmaster's wife was almost killed by Qiqing Shengnu. Even if she was saved, she would not have a long life. Duo, I hate Holy Aunt Qi Qing so much. Although Holy Aunt Qi Qing died, she still refused to give up and transferred her hatred to you. Holy Aunt Qi Qing must have found out the information about your brothers, so Only then can we kill them all. Song Zhi explained to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this, and his eyes were full of seriousness: Madam of the Headmaster? You really deserve to die! Why should the grievances of the previous generation be involved in the next generation?

Regarding Song Zhi's words, he was just doubtful. He still had to identify it himself.

If so, we can never allow her to live. Cui Yu had a cold look in his eyes.

He just lost his divine blood cultivation, but it didn't mean he didn't have the means to kill people.

Although he had doubts in his heart, coupled with the evidence of the Li lineage, he was actually eighty-nine percent convinced.

Actually, I suspect that you were exposed. After all, you and Cui Huhu are too similar in appearance, and anyone who has traced what happened back then will instantly think of your relationship with Cui Huhu when they see you for the first time. . And the outline of your facial features is very similar to that of Saint Qi Qing. There are too many similarities between you. Song Zhi said: If you worship in Zhenwu Mountain, you will definitely threaten Cui Cancan's status. What do you think of Chun'er? Can I tolerate you?

Song Zhi deserves to have the word wisdom. As one of the Seven Sons of Zhenwu, he knows many things about Zhenwu Mountain very well, and he can know the whole truth with a little deduction.

Cui Yu was thinking about the headmaster's wife and looked at the fight in the sky with a gloomy expression: I will never let the headmaster's wife assassinate my younger brother and sister, but I'm afraid Cui Laohu won't watch it. I will take revenge and kill that woman. If you want to kill the so-called wife of the headmaster, you must first pass the level of Cui Laohu.

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and Song Zhi suddenly spoke and pointed to the mountain in the distance: Have you seen that old woman? That is the headmaster's wife Chun'er. After all, this woman can also be regarded as your stepmother. If you really and Cui Huhu accepted his marriage openly and honestly, and when the time comes, he won’t be able to escape by saying ‘Mother’.”

Cui Yu looked over after hearing this, and looked at the blurry figure standing on the top of the mountain in the distance. Cui Yu had no eye skills and could not see clearly more than ten miles away, but after all, he was a monk who had entered the innate realm, and his eyesight had also been greatly improved. Ascension, he recognized the other person at first glance in the hazy state. It was the old woman who was talking to him at the cliff carving that day.

There was only one person on the top of the mountain, an old woman.

You mean that old woman is Chun'er, the headmaster's wife? Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

He looked carefully and looked again, confirming that in the direction Song Zhi pointed to, there was only one person, the old woman on the top of the mountain.

Cui Laohu was in his prime, how could he be married to an old woman who was full of death energy?

Don't look at how old she is now. When she was young, she was the most beautiful woman in Zhenwu Mountain, otherwise she would not have caught the eye of your father. But now her power has been broken, her cultivation path has been cut off, and her life span has come to an end. The five declines of heaven and man are just manifested. Song Zhidao.

Cui Yu's heart sank when he heard this. Thinking of the scene in front of the cliff carving that day, he had already confirmed in his heart that the other party recognized his identity, and thus traced the whereabouts of the two little ones.

He has now confirmed 70% to 80%, and the remaining 10% or 20% will need to be confirmed in the future when someone from the Li lineage is escorted in person.

I will never give up! Kill that woman at all costs. Cui Yu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

After Cui Yu withdrew his gaze, he looked at Song Zhi: I saw in the historical records of Zhenwu Mountain that the patriarch once obtained a volume of the Supreme Scripture. Is it true?

Song Zhi nodded: It's true, but it's a pity that the scripture has been stolen.

The Patriarch obtained the scripture and used it to create the breathing method. I wonder what other methods he can create? Cui Yu asked tentatively.

The breathing method of Zhenwu Mountain Patriarch is included in the scripture, and is not considered to be the content of this chapter of the scripture. Cui Yu feels that it is normal that his breathing method has no time and space connection with the cliff stone carvings.

If you want to get a chance to travel through time and space, you must master the fetters and cause and effect of the Supreme Scripture. It is best to use the techniques deduced from the ninth volume of the Scripture.

Are you interested in scriptures? Song Zhi asked in surprise.

That is the true scripture that can make our ancestors enlightened. How can I not be interested? Cui Yu said.

Hearing this, Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and his eyes flashed with splendor. After a moment, he said: In the past, before the scripture was lost, our ancestors did comprehend a sword technique called: Taixu Dream Liangyi Sword Technique. This is Swordsmanship is the supreme true inheritance of Zhenwu Mountain, and only monks at the level of the Seventh Son of Zhenwu can have a chance to comprehend it. As for whether they can master it and understand it, it all depends on luck.

Hearing this, Cui Yu's eyes flashed, and he looked straight at Song Zhi. Song Zhi understood Cui Yu's thoughts, shook his head and said: It's useless for you to look at me, because I haven't understood that sword at all. Law. It is said that that swordsmanship involves very mysterious power, can interfere with the legal world and the material world, and has the most unique laws. I don't have that understanding.

How can I obtain the qualification to comprehend that sword technique? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of expectation.

He had an intuition that as long as he could obtain that swordsmanship, he could be bound to the dream enlightenment method in time and space, and then use cause and effect to steal the ninth volume of the dream enlightenment method.

It stands to reason that as a direct bloodline of the Cui family and the successor family of Zhenwu Mountain, you are qualified to learn the swordsmanship. Unfortunately, your identity has not been recognized. Unless Cui Cancan dies, then the direct bloodline of Zhenwu Mountain will be cut off, and the Cui family will In order to not lose the inheritance, I can only support you. Song Zhidao.

Besides this method, or becoming the Seventh Master of Zhenwu, is there no other way? Cui Yu asked.

Hearing this, Song Zhi smiled: You are really lucky. There is an opportunity now, but I don't know if you can seize it.

Opportunity? Cui Yu asked quickly.

Song Zhidao: Before the founder went into seclusion, he ordered to recruit many disciples. This was actually related to a prophecy.

Prophecy? Cui Yu was puzzled.

The ancestor once said that the end of the bloodline is coming, and the line of Qi practitioners is about to flourish, and our lineage of Zhenwu Mountain will have the 'Seven Stars' appear in the world. These seven stars will correspond to the stars in the sky, and will be opposite to the Big Dipper. The blessing of the power of the stars has brought me, Zhenwu Mountain, to a place that has never been seen before or since. I, Zhenwu Mountain, have surpassed Taiping Dao, become the number one sect of Qi practitioners in the world, and become the orthodoxy of Qi practitioners in the world. And if you can obtain the qualification of Qiyao in the sect competition a year later, you will naturally be qualified to understand all the secret methods of Zhenwu Mountain. Song Zhi said.

Cui Yu was startled when he heard this: Qiyao appears? The person who answered the call? Zhenwu Mountain is prosperous?

That's right. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu: But if you want to be selected into Qiyao, there is a crucial condition, which is to dissolve the power of blood and all the power of blood in your body. The power of blood It represents the destiny of the old era, and only by removing the power of blood and clearing out the old destiny can we have the destiny that can carry the 'new' way.

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes: I wonder if this Qiyao selection is born with destiny, or is there some judgment standard?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Song Zhi shook his head: I don't know, I just heard from my ancestor that the first seven people in the Great Comparison must be those who are destined to be destined by the seven stars. It is said that the awakening of the ancient ancient stars will bless those who are destined. On the body, I don’t know the specific details.”

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this. It was the most difficult thing to do without judgment standards. In fact, what he was most afraid of were those so-called people who were born with their own destiny. Then there would be trouble.

Is there any other way? Cui Yu asked again.

The probability of becoming the person who is destined is too small.

No more! Song Zhi shook his head: Unless you ask Yu Wenhaojie to teach you the position of Peak Master, you still have a chance to understand the secret method.

Cui Yu thought, this is possible, he might be able to make two preparations.

Just as countless thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's heart, the battle above had reached a fever pitch. A thunderous explosion attracted Cui Yu. Looking at Yuwen Hero and Cui Laohu fighting in the sky, Cui Yu's thoughts began to flash: We still need to find ways to add fuel and vinegar to it.

He thought of the tombkeeper and the ruler in his hand.

If the tomb keeper is asked to appear with a measuring ruler, the effect of the appearance will definitely explode, and Yu Wenhaojie's anger will definitely rise to the next level.

It's just that Yu Wenhaojie seems to be incompetent and can't give the tombkeeper a chance to intervene.

Not to mention Yuwen Hero who lost the Heavenly Ruler, he was no match for Liu Bang. Even Cui Laohu could fight against Yuwen Hero.

Although Cui Laohu was at a disadvantage, he resisted in the end.

Stop it, don't fight! We are all brothers in the same sect. If there is anything, we can't sit down and talk slowly. A peak master was on the side to break up the fight.

But Yu Wenhaojie was already so angry that he couldn't care less about the advice of others.

I saw that the awe-inspiring purple energy continued to attack without any intention of giving up. Cui Laohu gradually began to struggle, and the sword in his hand gradually melted in the purple clouds that filled the sky.

Old man Yuwen, don't go too far! Do you really think that my main peak lineage is made of mud? Liu Bang saw Cui Laohu gradually being suppressed and his whole body was in danger. He couldn't help but cursed angrily, his voice full of Angry.

The next moment, Liu Bang rose into the sky and turned into a mighty sun, rushing straight towards Yu Wenhaojie.

The power of Liu Bang's bloodline is equivalent to that of the Golden Emperor, but Yuwen Hero's current cultivation level is only at the peak of the Bai Imperial Order, and he is still short of a pure Yang Qi to cross the threshold. In terms of cultivation level, he is only at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal. How can he be Liu Bang's? opponent?

I saw the blazing true fire of the sun, directly tearing apart the purple clouds and absorbing the purple clouds all over the sky.

Then he swung out his claws and killed Yu Wenhaojie directly.

Cui Yu frowned below: I'm afraid Yuwen Hero is going to suffer! If he is suppressed by a junior, how can he still have the dignity to hang out on Zhenwu Mountain in the future?

Facing the combat power of the Golden Immortal Realm, Yu Wen Junjie had no power to resist, and was directly knocked away by a claw. His body was ignited with the true fire of the sun, burning Yu Wen Junjie like a burning man.

The purple energy that Yuwen Hero absorbed came from the Great Sun, and was naturally restrained by the Golden Crow, which was almost a dimensionality reduction attack.

Fortunately, Yuwen Hero is not an ordinary person. The purple color in his body is also resistant to the true fire of the sun and will not be burned to death by the true fire of the sun.

However, Liu Bang was the prince of the Han Dynasty and the proud son of heaven. The emperor and heaven were extremely rich and noble, so how could he ever take a qi practitioner in his eyes?

After severely injuring Yuwen Junjie, he still refused to give up. The next moment he screamed and continued to suppress Yuwen Junjie, insisting on killing Yuwen Junjie on the spot to get rid of the bad breath in his heart.

At this critical moment, a cold snort suddenly came from Chunyang Peak: How impudent! You, a disciple, dare to do the following, you are simply audacious!

In Pure Yang Peak, a terrifying Qi force rolled up, and in the next moment, countless black threads emerged from the void like hair, overwhelmingly strangling Liu Bang.

Golden Imperial Realm! Cui Yu looked at the Qi rising on Chunyang Peak with a cautious look in his eyes.

He never thought that in addition to the ancestors, Zhenwu Mountain also had strong men in the Jinzhi realm.

That's the weird god! Song Zhi answered Cui Yu's doubts: It's the weird god on Zhenwu Mountain!

The God of Deception? Cui Yu was stunned. Aren't the Qi Practitioners and the God of Deception mortal enemies? How could they be mixed together?

It's not that all the gods can't cooperate. After all, there are good and bad gods. Song Zhi replied.

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