Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

After all, ever since this jade plate came into his hands, he has been unable to understand its secrets for hundreds of years. If it weren't for the mysterious power of the one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes, he might have thought it was a child's graffiti. .

It's a good thing that you can memorize all the runes. You can deduce and simulate the order of these one thousand two hundred and ninety-six runes in the future, and then deduce a correct order, and then you can cast it Come out, activate the mysterious power on the jade plate, and feel the call of the mysterious place in the Dharma Realm again. We will get another chance to enter the Dharma Realm. Yuwen Junjie's eyes were full of joy.

Although the process of deducing one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes is very complicated and a long process, it finally gives people hope.

As long as there is hope, it is good after all.

Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu, and Cui Yu also looked at Yuwen Junjie: Ancestor, this disciple still needs to take the assessment...

You don't have to worry about the assessment. I'll help you get started, so everything will be simple. Yu Wenhaojie said calmly.

Cui Yu looked surprised when he heard this. The rules of Zhenwu Mountain were indeed just a piece of paper.

But this disciple wants to compete for the top ten true legends. Cui Yu looked at Yuwen Hero with his eyes.

Yu Wenhaojie laughed loudly when he heard this: You came to Zhenwu Mountain to become a disciple, but you didn't even understand the rules of Zhenwu Mountain. It's really funny.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Yuwen Haojie with puzzled eyes, but he saw Yuwen Haojie said unhurriedly: The so-called top ten true inheritance quotas are just quotas for Kung Fu. Those ten disciples are qualified I practice the most orthodox and supreme technique in Zhenwu Mountain. This technique was created by the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain. It is a supreme technique that directly points to the realm of the Golden Emperor. After acquiring the technique, I still have to work as a handyman. Start as a disciple, and then accumulate meritorious deeds, or make great achievements, then you will be qualified to climb up step by step and become the core of my Zhenwu Mountain.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and then felt a little ashamed. He had been misled.

The so-called top ten cores are just the qualifications to obtain core skills, not core disciples.

All disciples must start as the most ordinary handyman.

In the future, you will stay in my ancestor's mountain and work as an ordinary handyman. After you accumulate merit, you can become an outer disciple. Then you can go down the mountain to accumulate merit and complete the mountain's mission, and you can become an inner disciple of my Zhenwu Mountain. Only by becoming a disciple within my Zhenwu Mountain can you be considered one of your own. As long as you concentrate on practicing and continuously improve your own cultivation, this is the core of my Zhenwu Mountain's key training. Yuwen Haojie said with a smile.

It can be seen that Yuwen Junjie is in a good mood.

Cui Yu looked at Yuwen Hero and said in surprise: I wonder what the difference is between the core and the inner sect?

Essentially, there is no difference. There is generally no difference in status. It is just the difference in the cultivation method. The core disciples are responsible for the inheritance of my Zhenwu Mountain. They practice the formulas created by my Zhenwu Mountain ancestor, but the inner disciples are not. What the inner disciples practice is the formulas that I, Zhenwu Mountain, have collected from all over the world. Whatever formulas are powerful and powerful, just practice them. Yuwen Hero said with a smile.

After hearing what Yu Wenhaojie said, Cui Yu suddenly realized that it was his lack of knowledge that led to the joke.

What formula do you want to practice? Ancestor, I can teach you now. The core formula of my Zhenwu Mountain was created by my ancestor. However, this formula is quite strange and the progress is extremely slow. It will take a long time to succeed in cultivation. Time has passed, but this technique is more stable. There is no disaster after practicing all the way. However, it is not an ordinary difficulty to achieve the Golden Rule with this technique. Several of my ancestors from Zhenwu Mountain have practiced the Golden Rule. The formula has been around for three thousand years, but it still has not touched the shadow of the Jin Dynasty. Yu Wenhaojie sighed slightly, his voice full of emotion: Of course, in addition to the orthodox formula, I, Zhenwu Mountain, also have seven great traditions. After thousands of years of practice, the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain have proven the seven most stable exercises. These seven exercises are extremely powerful, and they have strange and unpredictable powers even after they are introduced to them. They are the main choice of practitioners and their representatives. These are the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain, who respectively represent these seven inheritances. Yuwen Haojie explained to Cui Yu:

The seven major qi training formulas and the seven great principles are the origins of my seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain. They are like the master's lineage, which majors in pure yang qi. The Wang Yanchun lineage practices the 'Three Three Ways', and Cui The Tiger lineage practices the 'Way of Sword Qi...

Having said this, Yu Wenhaojie looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: My major training in this lineage is the Pure Yang Dao. I cultivate a breath of pure Yang energy, which transforms my whole body into a pure Yang spirit, possessing the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. . It’s just that I have been stuck at the last level for thousands of years, because there is no trace of the pure Yang energy in the world, and I cannot transform the energy in my body into pure Yang.”

At this point, Yu Wenhaojie asked: Which technique do you want to practice?

Cui Yu was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said: Since there is no more pure Yang Qi in the world, this disciple chooses to practice the techniques passed down by the ancestor.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Yuwen Hero was not curious about Cui Yu's choice. After all, his road had come to an end. Unless he obtained the legendary pure Yang Qi, he would have no room for advancement. If it were him, he wouldn't choose a dead end.

But where is the pure Yang energy in this world?

Yu Wenhaojie took out a book from his sleeve and handed it to Cui Yu: This is my Zhenwu Mountain's true martial art. Although our seven meridians have their own formulas, we have also practiced the main meridians' techniques.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard the words, with a hint of joy in his eyes. He took the technique and held it carefully in his hand. He never expected that his purpose of coming to Zhenwu Mountain could be achieved so easily.

Look carefully at this formula. If there is anything you don't understand, I will ask my teacher to explain it to you. Yu Wenhaojie said.

Cui Yu opened the book when he heard this, but after reading two pages, he couldn't help but frown, because although the exercises recorded in the book had some shadows of the Taoist Dafa in dreams, they only had a few shadows. Very similar.

I'm overthinking it. Cui Yu muttered to himself, and countless thoughts emerged in his mind: Think about it. In the past, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain obtained the ninth volume of the Enlightenment Dafa in a dream, and it was only the ninth volume. It’s just nine volumes. Without the previous eight volumes, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain only got the ninth volume, which is equivalent to a castle in the air without a foundation. How can the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain start practicing?

It's like going directly to study a doctoral topic without studying the knowledge in elementary school, junior high school, high school, or university. It's simply impossible to start.

The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain must have understood the ninth volume, and then obtained part of the essence and secrets from the ninth volume, so he created this method. Cui Yu secretly speculated in his heart.

The thoughts contained in this made Cui Yu's eyes light up, and some thoughts flickered in his heart. He also had some new ideas about the gestation of the dream world.

Unfortunately, this is just a formula created by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, which was born out of a dream to realize the Dafa. The ninth volume is a sage's formula, which contains all things. The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain is only in the Taiyi realm, and it is How many mysteries can I comprehend from the castle in the air? I still need to find the lone copy brought back by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain in the past to comprehend it. Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and bursts of light continued to circulate in his mind.

This disciple doesn't know how to practice qi, so he still asks the teacher to enlighten him. Cui Yu said to Yu Wenhaojie.

Yu Wenhaojie nodded, not surprised, took the scroll and began to lecture Cui Yu.

foot of the mountain

Runan looked at the direction Cui Yu was leaving with a hint of worry in his eyes: Brother was summoned by the seniors of Zhenwu Mountain. Could it be that he made some mistake and offended the seniors of Zhenwu Mountain?

Zhang Guanxi on the side shook his head: Don't think wildly. Brother Taoist, it's such a great opportunity. Just when I came to Zhenwu Mountain, I was valued by the ancestors on the mountain and was taken away directly to avoid the assessment. It's really a genius. Only such a person can do such earth-shattering things. Big things.

Huh, what a bad luck. Liu Xiu snorted coldly, his voice full of dissatisfaction.

Continue the assessment. The disciple of Zhenwu Mountain yelled from the side.

Chunyang Peak of Yuwen Heroes

Cui Yu only read it once, and he had already seen the Zhenwu Mountain orthodox formula clearly, and all the key points were no longer hidden in his eyes.

At this time, Cui Yu seemed to have his eyes closed and listened to Yuwen Hero's explanation of the scriptures, but in fact, Cui Yu's mind had long been immersed in the dream world, and he wanted to use the dream world to return to his origins and deduce some tricks.

Cui Yu mobilized the dream world, and the formula was cultivated to the state of great success in an instant, and there was no secret in his eyes.

There is no essence at all, just a few superficial touches. Cui Yu was greatly disappointed with this so-called core true formula of Zhenwu Mountain.

It is simply not enough to mobilize the power of the dream world, and can only exert some magical effects.

After a long time, the sermon ended. Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Have you ever understood?

Three points of understanding. Cui Yu replied.

Being able to understand three points is already an amazing understanding. Yu Wenhaojie sighed with emotion: Next, you will be a handyman on our Zhenwu Mountain. You will start as a handyman disciple. After three years, if you pass the examination on the progress of the practice, You can become an outer disciple.

How many of those symbols do you remember? Yuwen Haojie suddenly asked.

Cui Yu hesitated for a moment before saying, I still remember 90% of it.

It's quite difficult to still remember 90% of the symbols after such a long time. Yu Wenhaojie's voice was filled with emotion: Remember to come to me and record the symbols every morning in the future.

He did not mention transcribing the symbols. After all, the transcribed symbols and the direct viewing of the symbols lack the charm and meaning contained in them.

As he spoke, Yuwen Hero turned his head to look into the distance and shouted to the foot of the mountain: Second Tour.

The disciple is here.

But I saw a young man using his own strength to control the wind, landed in the field, and bowed respectfully.

The young man is not very old, he looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, but his eyes full of vicissitudes of life tell people that he looks quite a lot older.

This person is my newly recruited disciple at Chunyang Peak. You can take him down the mountain to Siguoya to work as a handyman. Yu Wenhaojie ordered.

The young man named Er You was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Cui Yu with a pair of surprised eyes, full of curiosity, and said respectfully: Disciple, I obey.

Yu Wenhaojie nodded to Cui Yu, and then said: It's good for you to understand the symbol. If you have any insights, come and find me again.

Yuwen Hero turned into fire and disappeared in the air. Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the sky in the distance where Yuwen Hero disappeared. There was a hint of contemplation in his eyes: I do have pure Yang Qi, and how much Pure Yang Qi I need. There is a lot of pure Yang energy, but whether it should be given to Yu Wenhaojie depends on his performance.

If he has no ill intentions towards me, it's okay to give him a moment of pure Yang energy. If he has evil intentions towards me, then I can't blame him. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

I'm Er You, haven't you asked me for my disciple's name yet? Er You looked Cui Yu up and down with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

After all, there are very few people who can be brought to this mountain by their master, and they are also lectured and taught by their master personally. It can be seen that there is a sect in it. If nothing unexpected happens, I am afraid that this newcomer in front of me will Junior brother, he will definitely be his classmate in the future.

Cui Yu, I have met my senior brother. Cui Yu returned the gesture politely.

Eryou laughed when he heard this and held Cui Yu's arm: Why are you and my senior brother doing such a big gift? Isn't it too out-of-touch?

As he spoke, Eryou patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Junior brother, come with me. We will choose a job for you, which can be regarded as a task for the sect. Don't worry, I will definitely leave the easiest task to you. .”

Cui Yu said politely: Thank you, senior brother, for your cultivation.

Saying a few nice words won't hurt anyone.

Seeing this, Eryou smiled broadly: Don't salute, we don't like this among our brothers.

As he spoke, Eryou put his arm around Cui Yu's shoulders and walked arm-in-arm down the mountain: Which technique did you choose to practice, junior brother?

The fundamental scripture created by our Zhenwu Mountain Patriarch. Cui Yu replied.

There's nothing worth hiding.

But when the second clinker heard this, he couldn't help but pause in his steps. Then he looked at Cui Yu and slapped his thigh suddenly: My junior brother, you are so confused, why did you choose the Lao Shizi scripture? It's not available now. Cultivation, come with me to find Master quickly, and let’s change to another technique.”

As he spoke, he pulled Cui Yu's sleeves and rushed towards the mountains.

Cui Yu looked surprised when he heard this: Brother, what do you mean by this?

Seeing Eryou's reaction, Cui Yu's eyes were full of confusion.

Eryou smiled bitterly and said: I'm afraid you don't know that the fundamental scriptures of Zhenwu Mountain are also called useless scriptures among our disciples, so they are absolutely impossible to practice.

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