In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 947 Mysterious Jade Slate

Eight hundred symbols?

Doesn't that mean everything is written down verbatim?

Isn't it possible? How could someone memorize all 800 symbols in just a quarter of an hour? Even if you are trying to bluff people, you still have to say it in a convincing way. Liu Xiu, who was standing beside him, didn't believe it. He said mockingly: Do you know where this symbol comes from? This symbol is my ancestor Yuwen Hero, one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain. He entered the Dharma Realm when he broke through the tribulation in the past, and accidentally encountered a secret place in the Dharma Realm. , all these creations were brought back from the Dharma Realm. Even if the ancestor of the Tribulation Realm saw the eight hundred symbols, he still had to meditate for three minutes and could only remember for a quarter of an hour. How could he, a new disciple, do so in such a short time? Can you memorize 800 runes in one stick of incense?

As he was talking, suddenly a stream of light flashed in the distance, and the next moment a middle-aged man appeared on the scene: Who is the person who recorded the eight hundred symbols?

The person who came had a heroic look, but his hair on his temples was gray, and he seemed to have an indescribable aura of calamity circulating around him.

The gray hair on both sides revealed an indescribable air of death.

Hero Yuwen.

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Guanxi on the side couldn't help but whisper.

Hero Yuwen? Is he the hero Yuwen, one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Yu looked at the middle-aged man with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

There are no simple people who can be listed as one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain.

Cui Yu was looking at Yuwen Herojie. The senior brother guarding the second level next to Yuwen Junjie stood up and pointed at Cui Yu: Old Ancestor, he is the one who memorized the eight hundred symbols.

It is said that Yu Wenhaojie was originally cultivating in the mountains, comprehending the supreme secret method, and deducing the key to breaking through the white imperial edict into the golden imperial edict. But who knew that a disciple suddenly rushed up from the mountain and reported that someone actually remembered it within the time of burning an incense stick? Eight hundred symbols suddenly shocked Yu Wenhaojie and woke him up from his secluded state.

Why do you think that is?

In the past, Yu Wenhaojie entered Baichi and his whole body entered the Dharma Realm. However, he was hunted by strange people in the Dharma Realm. He accidentally entered a secret place and gained earth-shattering fortunes. However, his cultivation at that time was limited and he could only He developed a magical power in that secret place and was sent out by that secret realm.

However, when Yu Wenhao came out, apart from the magical powers he had developed, it was not without gains. Those eight hundred symbols were his biggest gain, related to an opportunity to enter the secret realm. Unfortunately, his talent and understanding were limited, and he was unable to penetrate the secrets of the eight hundred symbols. The reason why he distributed the eight hundred symbols was because Just to find someone who can decipher the secrets.

And who can remember more symbols, the more likely they are to help them achieve their ultimate goal.

Ancestor, someone has memorized eight hundred symbols in one stick of incense. Please give me some instructions, Ancestor. The disciple who came to pass on the message held the white jade in his hand and handed it to Yu Wenhaojie.

Yu Wenhaojie took the jade with excitement, his eyes full of disbelief: Can anyone really remember those eight hundred symbols?

Where is that man? Take me there quickly. Yuwen Junjie grabbed the disciple and drove the rainbow light to the cliff.

Did you memorize the eight hundred symbols? Yu Wenhaojie looked at Cui Yu with blazing eyes full of eagerness.

Disciple Cui Yu, please pay homage to this uncle. It was this disciple who wrote down the eight hundred symbols. Cui Yu stepped forward and bowed.

Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and after looking at him for a moment, he said in surprise: Mortal? Are you still a mortal?

As for the power of Cui Yu's blood, Yu Wenhaojie couldn't see through it.

Cui Yu is a being in the demigod realm and possesses supreme divine power. How can he be seen through so easily? At least it's not something Yu Wenhaojie can see through.

The disciple has the power of blood in his body. Cui Yu did not hide it, because if he was targeted in Zhenwu Mountain in the future, he would definitely use magical means, and it seemed magnanimous to say it at this time.

However, the power of bloodline still hinders qi training. After all, qi practitioners pay most attention to grasping the qi movement between heaven and earth, and if the power of bloodline is strong, it will interfere with people's induction of qi movement between heaven and earth.

The power of blood? It doesn't matter. I, Zhenwu Mountain, have a secret method that can transform the power of blood into magical power, which can actually help you. Yu Wenhaojie looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of joy: You don't have to participate in the next competition, just follow me.

After saying this, I saw Yuwen Hero rising into the sky, picking up Cui Yu and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu and Yuwen Junjie left, and when they reappeared, they were at Yuwen Junjie's dojo.

Yuwen Hero's dojo is a hundred-foot-high cliff in the south of Zhenwu Mountain. The mountains are fragrant with exotic flowers, grasses, ancient trees, and countless treasures of heaven and earth. At first glance, it is a good place for self-cultivation, meditation, and Qi training.

I wonder what your ancestor brought me here to do? Cui Yu took a look at the surrounding environment, and then bowed respectfully to Yu Wenhaojie.

Yu Wenhaojie heard the words and said calmly: Do you know the fortune contained in those eight hundred strange words?

Cui Yu shook his head and expressed confusion when he heard this. He had some vague guesses through Xiaoqian World, but there was no need to say it out.

I saw Yu Wenhaojie take out a jade slab from his sleeve, but the jade slab was not complete, only half of it.

The jade plate was sparkling with purple aura, rising continuously around the jade plate. There were vaguely mysterious runes and visions flickering around it.

Cui Yu looked at the jade plate with a pair of eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, because the innate aura flowing on the jade plate looked very extraordinary.

Moreover, the wound on the jade plate was cut neatly and smoothly, and there was a vague residual power lingering around, invading the power of the jade plate.

This jade tablet is a strange object that I brought back from the outer realm of heaven in the past. It contains inexplicable power. If you can control it, you will definitely be able to achieve the supreme fruition. Unfortunately, this jade tablet is incomplete, and its inner Tao charm It's seriously missing. Yuwen Junjie held the jade plate in his hand and stood there talking to himself softly, his voice full of emotion.

This jade tablet is only half of it. There are a total of one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six strange symbols recorded on it, which is consistent with the movement of the sky. However, the symbols on this jade tablet are disrupted. I want to understand the order within it. , and the simulation needs to be deduced again. Although the jade plate is broken, the symbols on the jade plate happen to become a complete mysterious order. And if you want to decipher the secret of the one thousand two hundred and ninety-six symbols, you must have it in your mind Mahogany Vision visualized one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six of the symbols, and then deduced the rules of the one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six symbols, and recombined the one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes in his mind. Penetrate with divine power. Yuwen Haojie looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu listened to Yuwen Junjie's words, with a look of confusion in his eyes. He seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

As Yuwen hero spoke, he handed the jade plate to Cui Yu. After Cui Yu took the jade plate, he immediately understood the meaning of Yuwen hero's words.

I saw one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six golden symbols engraved on the jade plate. The symbols were like tadpoles, constantly swimming around on the jade plate, without any rules at all.

He just knew that the one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes engraved on the jade plate handed over by Yuwen Hero were changing every moment.

No wonder Yuwen Junjie said Cui Yu was confused.

Cui Yu stroked the jade plate with his palm, and in an instant, symbols came into Cui Yu's eyes and kept flowing in Cui Yu's heart.

It's interesting. The countless runes in Cui Yu's mind were scattered, like pieces of snowflakes flying in the void. There was a force in the dark that seemed to come across time and space, constantly recording the words in Cui Yu's mind. The runes were erased, giving Cui Yu no chance to record one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six symbols at the same time.

No chance at all!

It was as if there was an inexplicable mysterious force that was constantly interfering with Cui Yu's soul and affecting Cui Yu's memory, even to the point where Cui Yu's golden finger couldn't detect it.

Fortunately, Cui Yu is not alone. He has a small world.

If you can't remember it, you can't remember it, and you can directly engrave the runes on the Small Thousand Worlds. However, the one thousand two hundred and ninety-six symbols have been completely engraved on the peak of Cui Yu's Small Thousand Worlds in just one breath.

The next moment, Cui Yuxiaoqian's world was constantly shaking, spurting out waves that were more powerful than the first rune imprinted before. The laws of heaven and earth became more and more boiling, and countless innate vitality rolled down, pouring into it like a long river. The one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes are for the one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six runes to absorb. Then after the runes absorb the innate vitality, they burst out a huge power, and then that The power pulls the power of laws in the world between heaven and earth across time and space, but they see that the one thousand two hundred and ninety-six laws in the void are being threaded through needles by the runes, reorganized according to some mysterious law, and according to some kind of mysterious law. A strange combination of rules.

Then I saw the essence of the laws of heaven and earth pouring in. The one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six laws of heaven and earth gathered and poured into the jade plate. I saw that the jade plate condensed into an illusion at a speed visible to the naked eye. The steady light and shadow are suspended in Cui Yu's small world.

The shadow is somewhat similar to the jade plate, but it is completely different. At this time, the runes in the shadow no longer wander, but are fixed together, forming a complete whole and turning into a golden line. Silk threads are engraved on the illusory jade plate.

At the moment when the illusory jade plate was formed, Cui Yu's Xiaoqian World shook, and countless world essences gathered. At the same time, the entire Xiaoqian World seemed to come alive, and the order between heaven and earth became a little more inexplicable.

It felt like Cui Yu's previous world law was mechanical wood, but now the law turned into a living existence.

The laws of heaven and earth are intertwined and continuously poured into the jade plate. After being mysteriously blessed by the jade plate, they flow out and return to heaven and earth, forming a complete cycle of heaven and earth.

It's interesting. Cui Yu looked at the jade plate with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

What on earth is this thing? It's just a combination of several runes, but it can benefit Xiaoqian World so much? Cui Yu glanced at it and saw that the Xiaoqian World was constantly being irrigated with innate vitality, moving in all directions. The crazy expansion seems to be shaking the invisible barrier between heaven and earth. Under the intertwined power of Cui Yu's small world void, dimensional space begins to derive, and the innate vitality from outside the sky surges down and is absorbed by that dimension. , the dimension actually seems to be nurturing space, as if it is nurturing one world after another.

It's interesting. Cui Yu's will swept through the changes in the world, and looking at the derived void space, Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved: Hey, why are there not more than nine hundred and ninety-nine spaces?

Cui Yu was stunned.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine Small Thousand Worlds are the Middle Thousand Worlds. Isn't that the embryonic prototype of the Small Thousand Worlds? A light flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and there was a touch of shock in his eyes.


I saw the endless stream of innate vitality falling from the sky. Some of it was absorbed by the original small world, and the other part dispersed into the nine hundred and ninety-nine dimensional spaces.

Plus the fundamental world, wouldn’t it be exactly a thousand?

No way? What is this thing? Just simulating one thousand two hundred and ninety-six runes can have such an effect. If there is a complete jade plate, what effect will it have? Cui Yu was shocked. Inexplicable.

At this time, the jade plate's shadow flickered and disappeared into the deepest part of Cui Yu's Xiaoqian World, converging with the laws of heaven and earth operating in Cui Yu's Xiaoqian World.

For the time being, I couldn't see any changes in Xiaoqian World, so Cui Yu opened his eyes and saw Yu Wenhaojie looking at Cui Yu with burning eyes: Do you have any insights? How many runes have you memorized?

Cui Yu looked at Yu Wenhaojie with his eyes: Disciple has memorized everything.

Have you written it all down? Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of disbelief.

Cui Yu said no more, but lowered his head, picked up the stick, and wrote directly on the sand beside him.

The sand was one foot square. After Cui Yu wrote down a rune, he wiped the rune off the sand and continued writing.

Yuwen Junjie stared at the runes written by Cui Yu with his eyes, constantly comparing them with the runes on the jade tablet in his hand. It was not until Cui Yu finished writing all the runes that Yuwen Junjie looked at Cui Yu with a shocked expression. Yu, with a fiery look in his eyes: Incredible! It's really incredible! I didn't expect that you actually remembered everything!

What do you think? Yuwen Junjie stared at Cui Yu eagerly. He had been waiting for this moment for too long.

After hearing what Yuwen Junjie said, Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the distant sky. There was a hint of contemplation in his eyes. After a long time, he said: Disciple has no insights.

Yu Wenhaojie was not disappointed when he heard this: I've been meditating for hundreds of years and still haven't realized it, let alone you who just realized it? I'm just impatient!

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