Even if you want to cheat, don't do it so blatantly, okay?

It’s simply off the mark!

If word of this spreads, what will happen to Zhenwu Mountain? No more fame?

But Liu Xiu said with a nonchalant face: Forget it, just accept them as third-class disciples. Zhenwu Mountain will recruit 800 outer disciples. Although the quota for recruiting disciples is 800, but there is one more or one less, who will? Are you going to investigate further and not let go?

As he spoke, Liu Xiu turned his eyes and saw Cui Yu and Runan hiding aside, his eyes full of coldness.

The disciple guarding the mountain gate shook his head helplessly, and turned to look at the dozen or so angry people not far away: You are lucky, Junior Brother Liu Xiu will speak for you, all come up.

Cui Yu couldn't help but frown when he saw that Liu Xiu could change the admission rules of Zhenwu Mountain, with a look of surprise in his eyes: This kid didn't really brag. It seems that his status in Zhenwu Mountain is really extraordinary.

Runan's eyes showed a hint of worry: Brother, we have offended him. What if he deliberately makes things difficult for us?

Don't be afraid, he is just a disciple in Zhenwu Mountain and can't change the world. Cui Yu reassured.

I can't change the world! I may not be able to accomplish anything, but I can definitely do bad things at critical moments. Liu Xiu seemed to have heard the conversation between Runan and Cui Yu, and turned his head to look at the two of them, his voice full of pride. .

After hearing this, Cui Yu smiled and did not defend himself.

He, Cui Yu, had killed many demon kings in the Jinzhi realm. How could he take a mere disciple who was not a good person to look down on?

What a joke!

What a big joke!

He just wanted to get the true inheritance in Zhenwu Mountain and didn't want to cause trouble, but if the other party didn't know how to flatter someone, then Cui Yu wouldn't mind asking him to disappear.

This Liu Xiu has caught the attention of the senior officials of Zhenwu Mountain. If he is killed, it will definitely cause trouble. I am afraid that trouble will be caused by then.

Cui Yu's mind was spinning with countless thoughts, and his thoughts kept flowing, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Liu Xiu.

In the crowd, a young man carrying a long sword couldn't help but froze when he saw Cui Yu, especially when he saw Cui Yu actually conflicting with Liu Xiu, he was even more surprised.

What kind of person is Cui Yu? In the past, he saw the great power in Dongting Lake Dragon Palace and Daliang City with his own eyes. How could he become a disciple of Zhenwu Mountain?

Zhang Guanxi's eyes were full of confusion. You know that Cui Yu had competed with those ancestor-level figures in the past. How could he turn into an ordinary person and come to learn from Zhenwu Mountain?

He had accepted Cui Yu's kindness and saw that Cui Yu was about to be made trouble by Liu Xiu. He was afraid that Cui Yu's big plan would be ruined by Liu Xiu, so he hurriedly stepped out and shouted: Liu Xiu, don't bully others too much. , Zhenwu Mountain has Zhenwu Mountain’s rules, how can you confuse right and wrong at will?”

Then he turned to look at the four disciples of the supernatural realm who were guarding the mountain gate: Since I, Zhenwu Mountain, have set the rules, how can I not abide by them? What if word spreads in the future, and how will all the princes and strong men in the world think of me, Zhenwu Mountain? By then, won’t the rules of our Zhenwu Mountain become a piece of paper, and each family will be able to block people as they please? What excuse did you ancestors use to refuse? Do the four senior brothers know that today’s actions will bring our Zhenwu Mountain into trouble? How passive is that?

Zhang Guanxi's words were full of awe-inspiring aura, as if there was a mighty sword energy rising into the sky, packed with incomparable murderous intent, and pressing towards the four disciples guarding the first level of the mountain gate.

Zhang Guanxi is one of the top ten true disciples of Zhenwu Mountain. He has already been favored by the elders above and taught him the skills and magical powers in advance. Of course, he will not care about Zhang Guanxi's opinions.

The expressions of the four disciples guarding the first level changed when they heard this. They looked at Zhang Guanxi who came out and couldn't help but feel bitter at the corners of their mouths.

They were just disciples of the second echelon. They couldn't afford to offend Liu Xiu, and of course they couldn't afford to offend Zhang Guanxi, who was also one of the top ten core true disciples.

Moreover, Zhenwu Mountain has long been spread, and Zhang Guanxi was blessed with the treasure of Kunlun Mountain in the past, and obtained an innate divine sword with unparalleled divine power. If Zhang Guanxi had not been brought up the mountain by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, I am afraid that something big has happened now, and Zhang Guanxi might have been swallowed up by the old guys in the mountain without leaving any skin left.

Zhenwu Mountain has been established for thousands of years. Of course, there are many old immortals in the mountain. They hide themselves and concentrate on cultivation, and they will not appear randomly at all.

The Seven Zhenwu Sons are just the Seven Zhenwu Sons of the present generation. The previous generations, the previous generations, and the endless Seven Zhenwu Sons have continued for unknown generations.

The four disciples guarding the mountain gate did not dare to go against Zhang Guanxi, but looked at Liu Xiu. This matter was caused by Liu Xiu, and of course Liu Xiu needed to come forward to settle it.

Moreover, Liu Xiu's identity and status are the same as Zhang Guanxi's.

Zhang Guanxi? What does it have to do with you? Do you want to go against me? Liu Xiu's voice was full of doubts, and her eyes were fixed on Zhang Guanxi.

It's not that I'm against you, it's just that in public, the rules of our Zhenwu Mountain cannot be broken. This is the iron law of our Zhenwu Mountain, and no one is allowed to break it. Zhang Guanxi's voice was full of coldness: Otherwise, once the news gets out, Those princes and kings bring people to the door and want to squeeze them all in, how can Zhenwu Mountain say no?

Liu Xiu's eyes were fixed on Zhang Guanxi. Facing Zhang Guanxi's righteous words, she was speechless. She didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhang Guanxi stood up at this time, clearly trying to slap himself in the face and use himself to establish his authority in front of all the new disciples, but what the other party said was very reasonable, and he was speechless for a moment, unable to discern a rebuttal.

It's just a matter of recruiting a few more third-class disciples. How can it be as serious as you say? How many disciples are recruited? Isn't it all a matter of a word from the master uncles above? Besides, with the current power of Zhenwu Mountain, if you don't want He recruits disciples, but he also has the ability to reject them, so how could he be as serious as you said?

Liu Xiu's voice was full of dissatisfaction: Are you deliberately trying to make me lose face and want to become my enemy?

Being your enemy? I only act in accordance with the regulations of Zhenwu Mountain. No one can trample on the majesty of Zhenwu Mountain. Zhang Guanxi's voice was full of seriousness.

Zhang Guanxi, don't you understand the world at all? What's the benefit to you of being against me? No one else said anything, but you stood up and made people hate you. If the elders of the sect are held accountable, it will be up to me. Come on, what does it have to do with you? Liu Xiu's face turned livid: Are you serious that you don't want to give me face?

Selling your face? Zhang Guanxi looked at Liu Xiu: The rules of Zhenwu Mountain are greater than any face. The four senior brothers don't act in accordance with the rules and drive irrelevant people down the mountain?

The four disciples in charge of the first level looked at Liu Xiu and saw that his face was livid. They turned to the four men who carried him up and said: You four, wait for me at the bottom of the mountain. I will definitely give you an explanation. , we will naturally find out after the competition is over.”

The four people were not angry after hearing this, but went down the mountain happily.

Liu Xiu looked at Zhang Guanxi at this time: You don't want to drive me down the mountain too, do you?

Zhang Guanxi snorted coldly and said nothing, then turned his head and looked at Cui Yu, walked up to him with a smile and said hello: Brother Taoist, I haven't seen you for a long time, so you want to tease me.

After hearing Zhang Guanxi's words, Cui Yu also smiled: I haven't seen you for some time, and my Taoist friend is even more charming.

The four disciples guarding the first level drove the dozen or so people who came after them down the mountain. Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu and Zhang Guanxi, and his face suddenly became gloomier. He was not a fool. He didn't know that Zhang Guanxi was here to help. Did Cui Yu take advantage of the situation to vent his anger?

It’s just that Liu Xiu is not a weak person. Looking at Yan Yan and Yan Yan, the two people said in a strange way: The days to come will be long. Don’t think that you will be fine with Zhang Guanxi protecting you. I tell you, as long as I think I can drive you down the mountain.

Hearing this, Cui Yu glanced at Liu Xiu with a smile and said nothing more. He would not be quarreling with an ant who had not yet entered the realm of supernatural powers.

At this moment, the four disciples who had finished handling the matter said to the crowd with unsightly expressions: The second level is ahead. Go up quickly. Don't ask the senior brothers in front to wait.

Everyone walked forward in a swarm. Zhang Guanxi made an invitation gesture to Cui Yu, and then Cui Yu and Zhang Guanxi came forward together. They came to a cliff not far away. On the opposite side of the cliff, there was an extremely tall building. The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, looking majestic and undulating.

I saw the clouds and mist twisting, and someone stepped on the clouds, stood in front of the mountain, suddenly opened his mouth, and actually swallowed the mountain clouds and mist into his belly.

That's that? Cui Yu looked at the mountains behind the clouds and mist, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

I saw that on the mountain shrouded in clouds and mist, there were actually channels of energy flowing between the heaven and the earth. A closer look revealed that there were lines of text engraved on the mountain. The text was not any type of text Cui Yu had ever seen, but an extremely... Unique text.

This is a celestial text from a mysterious place. There are 800 words engraved on the cliff. This third level is to test your memory. Who can memorize these 800 words in one stick of incense? Whoever has the most will pass first. The first three hundred who pass the customs will be taken, and the last five hundred will be incorporated into the third-class disciples and will be my servant disciples in Zhenwu Mountain. If you are not convinced, you can go down the mountain immediately.

Let's begin! the disciple ordered, took out an incense stick from his arms, held it in his hand and lit it.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and they all looked at the towering cliffs, staring at the words on the cliffs, with a look of seriousness in their eyes, trying desperately to memorize the content of the words.

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's eyes. The words were irregular, as if a modern person were reading oracle bone inscriptions. What impression would he have?

Moreover, the words seem to have an inexplicable power that hinders everyone's memory. They will be completely forgotten after thirty breaths. It is extremely difficult to forcefully recite them.

However, the people in this world are strong in energy and spirit. They all practice martial arts and have clear eyes and ears. Their memory is much better than that of the people in the previous life.

Zhang Guanxi said unhurriedly at the side: It is said that these words were excavated from an ancient tomb by Yu Wenhaojie, one of the Seven Sons of Zhenwu. There is a powerful creation contained in them. These eight hundred words The words come from chaos, and no one has cracked it yet. The ancestors in the sect are also unable to do anything. Some people say it is a piece of exercise, some say it is a piece of magical power, and some say it is just some strange traces. .”

Oh? Cui Yu looked at Zhang Guanxi with his eyes, but he didn't expect that the other party knew the origin.

Sensing the surprise in Cui Yu's eyes, Zhang Guanxi said unhurriedly: When I first arrived at Zhenwu Mountain, the elders of the sect had already arranged to see it in advance.

Cui Yu was secretly dumbfounded when he heard this. As expected, all these sects are playing tricks.

Also, if Zhenwu Mountain wanted to take the exam, why didn't he prepare in advance?

Black-box operations are the norm.

Maintaining impartiality is no longer easy for most people.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and looked at the symbols engraved on the mountain with his eyes. He didn't recognize these symbols, but they seemed to have some knowledge. However, Cui Yu couldn't help but thought that a hill in the small world had been flattened. Then I saw Cui Yu's spiritual will imitating the symbol and constantly carving it on the mountain. In a moment, the eight hundred symbols had been engraved in Cui Yu's small world.

Just as the eight hundred symbols were engraved on Cui Yu's Little Thousand World, Cui Yu's Little Thousand World suddenly buzzed. Cui Yu's Little Thousand World actually began to tremble, and the laws of heaven and earth manifested, wisps of them. The power of law, along with the innate energy, was poured into the runes.

Is this? Cui Yu was stunned by the changes in front of him. He never expected that such a change would occur after the runes were imprinted into his own small world.

The eight hundred symbols seemed to come alive at this time. They floated up from the top of the mountain where Cui Yu had carved the mark, and began to frantically absorb the innate vitality of Cui Yu's Xiaoqian world. However, they saw that countless innate vitality was absorbed by the symbols, and then the symbols flickered. A silvery white light emitted, and then the eight hundred weird symbols decomposed into the most primitive strokes and strokes like Chinese characters. Countless characters floated in the void, swallowing up the innate vitality between heaven and earth.

This rune is not simple. Cui Yu looked at the symbols suspended in his small world with a cautious look in his eyes.

He could even feel that with the jumping of the symbol, the laws of his own small world were trembling, and there were laws that echoed with them.

Those countless symbols seemed to be pulled by some strange force in the dark. Countless forces between heaven and earth flickered and resonated. Between the countless transformations of symbols, the laws of heaven and earth began to undergo an inexplicable transformation, imprinted into The shadow of that symbol.

What is this symbol? It actually affects my little world? It won't cause any big problems, right? There was a trace of regret in Cui Yu's eyes.

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