Yes, it really shouldn’t appear here!

Cui Yu was silent and didn't say much. Instead, he listened silently to the side. He saw the young man surnamed Liu whose face was covered with acne said proudly: As for the fourth place, it is from the Mi family in Haojing City. The eldest young master, Mi Zhu. It is said that a certain ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain has already taught the Dharma in advance. Mi Zhu has already worshiped at the door wall. The reason why he participated in the ceremony again is just to go through the process and make the future more clear and righteous.

Hearing Mi Zhu's name, Cui Yu thought of Mi Zhu's cauldron. That treasure was no ordinary thing. It seemed to be the supreme treasure Shennong's cauldron passed down by the ancestor of the ancient god Shennong.

Shennong Ding!

Having this treasure is enough to settle down and live a good life.

Even in the past, his senior brother Gong Nanbei asked him to resurrect Mi Zhu's sister Da Mi Li, but he delayed. No wonder he didn't hear any news about Mi Zhu in Haojing City. It turned out that this guy had entered the great church in advance.

As expected, these aristocratic families have all settled their children in advance and sent their disciples to great sects to cope with the golden age in the future? Cui Yu thought about various thoughts, with a strange look in his eyes: They are all my old acquaintances.

Zhenwu Mountain is like this, and the other qi training sects are almost the same when you think about it.

The young man named Liu kept talking: As for the fifth person, I have never heard of it. He is an unknown person. It is said that he is born with Qi in one day, completes the twelve levels of Qi training in one month, and then One year into the innate realm, three years of perfect cultivation of the seeds of smallpox within the spirit and energy, it is said that they are the seeds of the Jinchi realm, and even the ancestor of Jinchi in Zhenwu Mountain personally gave him scriptures to help him preach.

The words of the young man surnamed Liu were full of emotion: The ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain once said: If this person does not fall, he will definitely fulfill the Golden Edict in the future.

Cui Yu was listening with curiosity. There was such a talented person in the world. He had a golden finger and his speed in cultivation was one step slower than this person.

Runan on the side also expressed emotion: I really don't know what kind of incredible qualifications he has to be able to practice at such a speed.

You're not bad either. You've built your foundation with the martial arts of gods and demons, and your future achievements will be even higher than his. As long as you transform your cultivation of the martial arts of gods and demons into the cultivation of a Qi practitioner, you can soar into the sky. Cui Yu Someone comforted him: Some people are fed by God, how can we compare with them?

Runan was silent after hearing this, and after a long time he said: God is really unfair.

Cui Yu didn't say much and listened to the young man named Liu bragging next to him.

As he was talking, suddenly there was the sound of a bell in the distance, and a voice came from the distant clouds: All disciples who want to become disciples of Zhenwu Mountain need to pass seven levels. Now the first level has begun. You all need to go through it together. Climb to the top of the mountain within a day.”

The first level begins. The voice from outside the cloud came, and the next moment the clouds and mist rolled in the mountains, forming a guiding sign.

The disciple guarding the gate shouted loudly: Anyone who wants to learn from me, come with me.

The disciple guarding the gate led everyone to follow the road signs to the foot of a mountain. Looking up, they saw a mountain road winding and twisting into the mountains.

The mountain road is wide, more than fifty meters long.

But I saw the disciple guarding the gate pointing to the mountain road section by section and saying: Please come.

A group of people waiting to become apprentices ran toward the steps like headless flies without saying a word.

The large group of people in Wuyangyang was like a tidal wave. Cui Yu and Runan followed the crowd leisurely, as if they were strolling in a leisurely way, and they were still interested in watching the scenery between the mountains.

About an hour later, the echelon began to form at this time. The first batch of exhausted people began to sit on the ground and gasp for breath.

Cui Yu and Runan continued to walk leisurely, and people kept being passed. The two continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

The higher you go, the more people stop. For Runan, you have already proven your magical power in martial arts, and you can reach the mountain road in just a moment. For now, you just follow the rules of Zhenwu Mountain and participate in the competition honestly.

As for Cui Yu?

Although his martial arts cultivation was abolished, the Pangu chalcedony and divine blood in his body were not worth mentioning to him.

As long as he wanted to, he could easily climb up at any time.

The two climbed all the way to the top of the mountain, and soon countless people were left behind. Cui Yu glanced around, but it was the young man named Liu whose face was covered with acne marks. He was panting and following Cui Yu. Although he was already sweating, But still persisting.

At noon, more than half of the journey had passed. Cui Yu and Runan continued to climb slowly. On the contrary, the young man named Liu, whose face was full of acne marks, was still slumped behind him even though his body was stooped with fatigue.

Looking at Cui Yu and Runan, who still looked relaxed, the young man surnamed Liu spoke: The two dear brothers in front, stop for now.

Cui Yu paused and turned to look at the young man: Are you calling me?

If nothing else, there are only three of us on this stretch of road. The young man surnamed Liu said with a smile on his face: I am Liu Xiu, who is from the city at the foot of the mountain and has met Brother Dao.

Liu Xiu? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. The name was quite interesting: I'm Cui Yu.

He didn't hide his name, as hiding his name seemed petty.

The young man surnamed Liu had a smile on his face: It turns out to be Brother Cui, I'm disrespectful and disrespectful!

What's wrong with you calling me? Cui Yu looked at the young man.

Your Excellency has been climbing the mountain for so long, but your speed has not slowed down, and there is no sweat stain at all. I really admire you. Are you a martial arts practitioner? Liu Xiu came over and sat down on the steps, breathing heavily.

It's just a useless person. He practiced martial arts in the past, but later lost it due to some reasons, but he is still strong and strong. Cui Yu replied.

Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu and then at Runan. Seeing that both of them looked calm and composed, Liu Xiu said, Since you have the physical strength, why don't you climb up quickly? You should know that Zhenwu Mountain This recruitment of disciples will only recruit 803-level disciples. The quota of 800 disciples is the first 800 who arrive first on the mountain. Although you are very fast, you are still ranked outside the 3,000. According to this If you climb up at speed, you will definitely be blocked from the main road.

When Cui Yu heard this, he glanced at Liu Xiu: Is there such a thing? Forget it, I'll set off now. Thank you for reminding me, brother.


Seeing Cui Yu getting up and leaving, Liu Xiu shouted.

Is there anything else? Cui Yu paused, a look of surprise in his eyes.

Liu Xiu smiled and said, Brother, can you take me for a ride?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Take you? How to take you?

You can support me or carry me on your back. If you can reach the top of the mountain, I would be very grateful. Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and his voice was full of pride: To tell you the truth, I am really sincere. One of Wushan's internal disciples, one of the top ten true disciples. If you are willing to help me, wait until I come to worship at the mountain gate.

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