In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 916 The Power of the Great Way and the Power of Reincarnation

Cui Yu has indeed discovered an incredible and earth-shaking secret. Why does the world evolve and create all living beings? Why do you care for all things?

Because in the process of the birth of living beings, the power of the great road will come, and in the reincarnation of cause and effect of all living beings, the way of heaven can intercept the power of the great road that breeds all things, and use the power of reincarnation to integrate into one's own world, thereby strengthening the origin of the world and helping the world. Derived from reincarnation.

In other words, the movement of the Heavenly Dao also requires energy to promote, and there is also loss. However, when the power of the Dao comes, it is intercepted by reincarnation and cause and effect, and is smelted into the big world. Not only can it make up for its own consumption, but there is still energy left over. To grow stronger, one's own origins will be thickened, which can be used as resources for promotion. Cui Yu's voice was full of burning:

The so-called immeasurable calamity is actually due to the destruction of the reincarnation of heaven and earth. After losing the power of reincarnation, the way of heaven evolves all living beings, only to consume without replenishing, leading to the collapse of the world.

If you want to prevent the end of the law from coming, the most important thing is to build six reincarnations and help heaven and earth retain the power of the great road. Cui Yu realized the truth of the world.

To give a simple example, a cow gives birth to a calf. Although the physical body is given by heaven, the energy of its life comes from the avenue. After the death of a living being, this energy will no longer return to the avenue, but will be used by the world to reincarnate. The power is intercepted and refined, and integrated into the origin of one's own world.

The movement of all things in the world requires energy. Even if the way of heaven promotes the operation of huge laws and causes and effects, it still requires vast energy. How to replenish energy consumption? It comes from the ‘qi’ of the great road in the evolution process of living beings.

Cui Yu felt as if he had found the ultimate secret to advancement in the world.

Looking at my own small world, it seems that there is no reincarnation and no replenishment of the 'Qi of the Great Way' evolved by all living beings. However, it is still running intact and there is no energy loss. That is because of the World Tree. , continuously evolving innate vitality to fill the energy consumption of Xiaoqian World.

This is the way of heaven!

So that's it. Cui Yu suddenly realized that as long as he found the key, the day when the small world would evolve into the big world seemed not far away.

Looking at Qingtian's body and Song Fuyun's soul in front of him, Cui Yu rose into the air and punched out six pure bamboos in his hand, heading towards Qingtian's ancestral orifice, directly targeting Song Fuyun's soul.


Six pure bamboos were inserted into a head, and in an instant a scream was heard. Song Fuyun's soul perished and disappeared into Qingtian's body.

Cui Yu succeeded in the attack and quickly went to see the dream world. He saw that Song Fuyun's self-awareness in the dream world also disappeared. Even the six-character mantra sticker did not seal Song Fuyun's self-awareness.

Song Fuyun's method has already followed the law of cause and effect and entered the sequence of cause and effect. Cui Yu was not surprised that Song Fuyun was able to escape. In his opinion, Song Fuyun can be described as a gift boy, and he is simply his lucky star.

If it weren't for Song Fuyun, it would be difficult for him to suppress Qingtian so easily.

At this time, Qingtian's soul was blank, no different from a single-celled organism, standing there blankly.

The next step is to refine the blue sky and refine it into my Little Thousand World. This will definitely make my Little Thousand World evolve further. Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves, raised his head and looked at the distant sky, with a serious look in his eyes: Tiangu, it's up to you!

Cui Yu doesn't have the strength to open the world channel yet, so he can only rely on the power of the Tengu to send Qingtian into the Xiaoqian World.

Without saying a word, the Tengu opened his mouth and turned into a bottomless black hole, swallowing Qingtian's body directly. Then he jumped into Cui Yu's Little Thousand World, opened his mouth and spat out Qingtian's body.

When Master Jian saw Qingtian's body, he immediately became excited. He rushed over, stabbed Qingtian in the abdomen, and began to suck Qingtian's blood.

Cui Yu did not stop Master Jian, but controlled the will of heaven in the small world. The next moment, he saw the laws of heaven and earth rolling up and descending towards Qingtian's body.

With the advent of the will of Heaven in the Small Thousand Worlds, the blue sky body began to decompose and turned into countless green energy, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Cui Yu looked at the energy in the sky and the earth with a hint of joy in his eyes. He saw that the energy in the blue sky seemed to contain a unique vitality. After falling into Cui Yu's small world, a huge vitality was born. , the overwhelming vitality surged in all directions, and three hours later the blue sky completely disappeared into the Small Thousand World. At this time, Cui Yu's Small Thousand World actually had life evolving.

Cui Yuneng noticed that as Qingtian's body merged into the Small Thousand World, its cells were scattered in all directions, and combined with the Qi of the Small Thousand World, countless single-celled organisms were born.

With the formation of each single-celled organism, Cui Yu could feel a strange force in the chaos, passing through the barrier of the small world and falling directly into the single-celled organism.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's heart moved: Could it be the power of the Great Dao?

The next moment Cui Yu mobilized the power of heaven to intercept, but who knew that the power of the road actually ignored Cui Yu's will of heaven in the small thousand worlds, just like Cui Yu's will of heaven in the small thousand worlds floated past like a breeze, falling down. into that single cell.

The law of heaven cannot interfere with the power of the great road. Cui Yu understood clearly in his heart, observing the evolution of the small thousand world with his eyes, and carefully observing the operation of the small thousand world.

The birth of a single cell

single cell reproduction

single cell death

At the moment when a single cell died unexpectedly, another power of the great avenue emerged. That power ignored the power of heaven, ignored the world barrier, and returned directly to the chaos.

But Cui Yuneng discovered that the power of the great avenue remained in the dead single-cell body.

The power of the avenue remaining in the single cell, along with the decay of the single-cell body, returns to the world. This part of the power of the avenue is integrated into Cui Yu's small world.

According to the length of life's survival, it is directly related to the retention of the power of the avenue. Cui Yu had some thoughts in his heart after looking at it for a while.

Life is actually a process of consuming the power of the great road. When he was born, the power of the Great Dao came, which was his fundamental destiny and the origin of life.

It can also be called: life span.

Human lifespan can be used as a metaphor. When a person is born, there will be innate power accompanying him. When everyone is born, the innate power given by the Great Dao is almost the same. This is also the person's innate destiny: a life span of eight hundred.

And depending on a person's acquired behavior, his or her innate life span will continue to be reduced. For example, smoking: the innate life span will be reduced by fifty. Drinking alcohol will reduce your innate lifespan by fifty. Female lust will reduce your innate lifespan by a hundred. Injury will result in a loss of two hundred years of congenital life. Hungry and cold, one hundred years of innate lifespan will be lost.

The accumulation of all kinds of acquired behaviors and the continuous deduction of people's innate life span create the root cause of the short life of acquired people.

The length of human life is also determined by this.

As for people's acquired behavior, the lifespan that is wasted is all consumed by the body given by Heaven. Therefore, those wasted lifespans are not real losses, but become the evolutionary power of Heavenly Dao and can be integrated into Heavenly Dao. As for the Those lifespans that have not been consumed return to the Dao after death, or are captured by the cycle of life and death, refined into the world, and become the foundation of the world.

This is a very complicated process. What I understand may be wrong, but this is probably the principle. Cui Yu felt something in his heart.

Why does the way of heaven evolve all things?

That's it!

Cui Yu looked at the single-celled creature with his eyes. After the death of the single-celled creature, part of the power of the avenue merged into Cui Yu's small world as the single-celled body decomposed, and part of it returned to the chaos.

The cycle of life and death! I must develop the power of the cycle of life and death. Only by opening up the power of the cycle of life and death, can the small world retain the power of all the great avenues that fall into it, and use the power of the cycle of life and death to destroy and help my world Evolve faster. If reincarnation and the World Tree exist together, my small world will be promoted to the middle world soon. Cui Yu's voice was full of excitement.

But how to evolve the cycle of life and death? Cui Yu fell into deep thought again.

The cycle of life and death is a top priority for the evolution of heaven and earth. A world without the cycle of life and death is like a pool of stagnant water, but a world with the cycle of life and death is a truly cyclical and eternal existence.

I have the Fruit of Life and Death, as well as the Book of Life and Death. I also possess the great magical power of resurrecting the dead, and have the opportunity to evolve the power of reincarnation. As long as I find the fragments of reincarnation, I can complete the power of reincarnation in the Small Thousand Worlds and open up the Small Thousand Worlds. reincarnation. Cui Yu's eyes were filled with light.

I heard that Li Si and other powerful men are repairing the ancient hell and trying to rebuild the reincarnation of heaven and earth. If I can find the reincarnation fragments...or snatch the reincarnation fragments from the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty... Cui Yu's heart was pounding.

Now that all the powerful men in the world want to work together to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty, Cui Yu has a good chance of taking back the Six Paths of Samsara.

Cui Yu doesn't need the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation. He only needs to snatch a fragment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and understand the mystery of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Then he can evolve the Six Paths of Reincarnation with the fruit of the Path of Life and Death and the Bottle of Life and Death.

It's time to plan ahead now!

Cui Yu looked at the small world, and the next moment he thought, the life and death book appeared in Cui Yu's hands.

The life and death paper has been transformed into a strange thing and has unknown power. It is not very easy to smelt it. Cui Yu thought for a while: But I have the fruit of life and death to suppress it, so I can't make any big waves.

Cui Yu looked at the book of life and death: It is best to melt the book of life and death into the origin of life and death, return it to its origin, and refine it into my small world.

Cui Yu threw it casually and saw the fruit of life and death wrapped in the book of life and death, falling into the small world.

Then a ray of innate air flowed and descended from the void. The law of death in Cui Yu's small world appeared as a ray of light, which directly wrapped the fruit of life and death and the thin film of life and death, and sank into the deepest part of the earth.

The innate gods who represent death are bred. As long as the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation are found and the secrets of the Six Paths of Reincarnation are found, you can directly learn the process of the evolution of the Six Paths of Reincarnation by the Great God Houtu. Cui Yu planted a seed for the time being.

I saw that the Life and Death Bo and the Life and Death Dao Fruit were wrapped by Cui Yu's innate energy, sinking into the deepest part of the earth, and then absorbed the death energy between heaven and earth to form an innate embryo.

Once the innate gods are born, they will be the gods representing death in the Small Thousand Worlds.

The flow rate in the Small Thousand World is very fast. It won't be long before the God of Death is born. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

And with the conception of the God of Death, after the death of all single-cell organisms, there is a breath that is absorbed by the innate embryo of the God of Death, and incorporated into the innate embryo, accelerating the evolution of the God of Death.

What a good thing! Cui Yu raised the corners of his mouth.

Even if his cultivation has not broken through to the point where he can enter the Road to Heaven after five thousand years, if he can evolve the six paths of reincarnation in the Small Thousand World, Cui Yu will still have a chance to continue to survive the catastrophe of the end of the law.

Your movements are too fast. Master Jian, I haven't absorbed much of the essence before you broke my movements. Master Jian's dissatisfied complaints came from the side, and his voice was full of dissatisfaction: Boy, you are too much. That's a god, you didn't even give me a sip of soup.

Cui Yu turned to look at Master Jian. At this time, Master Jian was also very unusual. Now Master Jian possessed mysterious and unpredictable power. An indescribable edge was flowing around Master Jian, which was different from the half-dead look he had before. The appearance is very different, and it is obvious that Master Jian has also gained a lot.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: Master Jian, you don't look like you haven't even had a sip of soup.

Master Jian groaned and said, You should at least leave me one thigh.

Cui Yu ignored Lord Jian, but withdrew his gaze and looked at the small world of the Xuan family in front of him: Now that all the members of the Xuan family are dead, the so-called Kaitian Xuan family seems to be nothing more than this.

It can be said that Cui Yu has had a great harvest. Whether it is the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, the method of condensing the dharma of heaven, or even breaking through 50,000 drops of divine blood, it is a big step for Cui Yu.

Shou Cheng doesn't know where he went. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

Then the sleeves twisted, and Wu Zhao's body appeared in front of Cui Yu.

This girl is destined to him.

Looking at Wu Zhao's pale face, Cui Yu's eyes revealed a hint of emotion: It's your luck to meet me. Of course, it's your luck to be able to preserve your body.

As Cui Yu spoke, he used his magical power to bring back the dead. The next moment, the Six Paths of Reincarnation were running in nothingness: Come on, let me see the secret of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It is said that the Great Zhou Court is building the Six Paths of Reincarnation. I don't know if I have a chance to peek into the Great Zhou Court. The secret of the six realms of reincarnation.”

Back to life!

Cui Yu stamped his foot, and the next moment the void twisted, and six ancient huge black vortexes appeared in the void like a roulette wheel.

In the dark, the six whirlpools reversed and turned into chaos. Cui Yu stretched out his palm and turned it into an ancient vicissitudes of palm, inserting it into the chaotic whirlpool.

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