At this time, Cui Yu's energy and spirit were integrated into the imprint of Mahayana Buddhism, and he gained the power of a saint. His wisdom also increased infinitely, his thinking was extremely agile, he could trace cause and effect in his breath, and he had already deduced a way to solve the overall situation.

No! Don't! I give up, I'm just joking with you! Song Fuyun felt the terrifying trend gathering on Cui Yu, and after seeing the powerful vision rising from the sky and the earth, there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

He couldn't understand how Cui Yu had such terrifying power.

But Cui Yu didn't give Song Fuyun a chance. At this time, Cui Yu deduced Mingming, grasped a ray of inspiration between heaven and earth, and found a way to defeat Song Fuyun - the Dafa of enlightenment in a dream.

And the most important thing is that Cui Yu's wisdom and vision improved at this time. At this time, he looked at the dream world from a high position, and actually deduced a new use of the dream world.

The power of the holy way surged, but Cui Yu did not use the power of the saint to suppress Qingtian, because he knew that even the saint could not even think of killing the quasi-sage with one blow. So Cui Yu poured all the power of the saint into the dream world, and then the dream world began to rotate. A strange power burst out from Cui Yu's body and enveloped the blue sky opposite.

That power was so strange that it ignored Qingtian's defense and directly enveloped Song Fuyun's soul.

Song Fuyun controlled Qingtian's body, bursting out an extremely terrifying force, and used his magical powers to resist the power of the dream, but who knew that the dream silently ignored Qingtian's power and directly acted on Song Fuyun's soul.

The next moment, Song Fuyun's soul fell into a deep sleep, and the power bursting out from the blue sky suddenly stopped, like a robot that had lost its current, standing there blankly.

In the dream world

As the power of the holy way exploded, the dream world began to rotate, and Song Fuyun appeared directly in Cui Yu's dream world.

This? This? Song Fuyun stood in the dream world, staring blankly at the world in front of him, his eyes full of horror.

Aren't you in Qingtian's body? Why did you suddenly appear here?

Song Fuyun was a little in disbelief.

Song Fuyun!

At this moment, the void distorted, and Cui Yu appeared in the dream world. He looked at the confused Song Fuyun with a pair of eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He made the right bet!

He succeeded!

Song Fuyun was pulled into it by stimulating the dream world with the help of the saint's power.

It can be said that as long as Song Fuyun's consciousness is trapped in the dream world, Song Fuyun will be a living dead in the outside world.

Thinking consciousness is the combination of the true soul of life. Although it is embodied in the Yuan Shen, the Yuan Shen is nothing more than the body of thinking consciousness.

Once Song Fuyun's self-consciousness is trapped in the dream world, there is no difference between Song Fuyun's soul outside and losing his self-consciousness and being in a vegetative state.

Cui Yu used the power of the previous saint to boost his energy and spirit, and observed his dream world from a high position, but he also noticed some clues.

The essence of cultivation in the dream world is to cultivate the true spirit, and use the power of dreams to nurture the true spirit. As long as the true spirit is strong enough, the cultivation of the realm is just a matter of course.

What is the true spirit?

All things in the world have a true spirit. The true spirit is the fundamental substance that is immortal and immortal. Just like the Da Luo gods resurrected from the depths of time and space, they rely on the immortality of their own true spirits to have a chance to survive from time and space. .

The method of enlightenment in dreams is to evolve a world and seize the power of the true spirit of that world to use it to strengthen oneself.

The law of cause and effect, the law of creation, the law of annihilation and so on are involved in the evolution of countless laws. There is the power to turn the imaginary into reality, and there is also the power to turn reality into imaginary. The operation process is too complicated, and you have to find it in the dream. Only at the ninth level of the Dafa of Enlightenment can you have the opportunity to successfully practice the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams.

Think about it, the Dafa of enlightenment in dreams is the method that guides saints to become saints. How could Cui Yu be able to peek at it in an instant? He was able to use the power of the saint to exert a trace of the power of enlightenment in dreams, but it was already quite difficult.

Taoist brother Cui Yu has good tricks. Song Fuyun was stunned when he saw Cui Yu, with a smile on his face: I don't know where this place is. What tricks did brother Taoist use to rob me here?

We don't have any deep grudges. The younger brother's control of Qingtian's body was just a joke with the elder brother. Please don't blame the elder brother. Song Fuyun decisively lowered his head at this time and kept smiling.

Looking at the world in front of him from the corner of his eyes, and then looking at Cui Yu who was smiling face to face, Song Fuyun suddenly had the urge to curse: Damn it, where did this freak come from? He can actually explode. Even Qingtian feels threatened by such terrifying power. This kid has a big secret, I will definitely stay away from him in the future.

Thousands of thoughts were rolling in Song Fuyun's heart, and he got close to Cui Yula without leaving any trace.

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun and said with a smile, What? You don't want to kill me?

What did the elder brother say? I was just joking with you. In my heart, the elder brother is like a mountain that cannot be climbed. How dare I kill the elder brother? The younger brother is a poor man who suddenly became rich. He suddenly gained strength and wants to show off. Song Fuyun quickly apologized.

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with his eyes. This grandson didn't look like a good person!

However, now that the power of a saint has exploded, he has lost the power to trace the source and grasp the cause and effect. Song Fuyun has mastered the magical power of death, which is close to the law of cause and effect. It is unrealistic for him to kill him.

If the saint's power can be unleashed again, it would not be difficult to crush Song Fuyun to death with the saint's power to trace the cause and effect. But now, with Cui Yu's own power, it is simply unrealistic to kill Song Fuyun.

Cui Yu did not have the power to break the law of cause and effect.

I can't kill him, but if I trap his consciousness in my dream world, wouldn't it be the same as killing him? A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, but he still needed to do an experiment.

Following Cui Yu's thoughts, the next moment the void in front of him collapsed, forming a small dream world. The next moment there was a pulling force from the small world, which directly absorbed Song Fuyun's true spirit.

Brother, please be merciful! Brother, please be merciful!

Song Fuyun exclaimed loudly and kept pleading.

The small dream world created by Cui Yu is an ordinary world with a kingdom of mortals inside. Song Fuyun turned into a toad and landed on a mountain in that small world.

Cui Yu glanced at Song Fuyun, and the next moment the six-character mantra flashed and turned into a spell and was pasted on the wall of the small world: I don't know if the power of the six-character mantra can suppress Song Fuyun's magical power of death.

outside world

Cui Yu opened his eyes and looked at the motionless blue sky like a sculpture in front of him, with a cautious look in his eyes.

It stands to reason that dreams and the body are interdependent. As long as the body is destroyed, the dream will also disappear. Song Fuyun's true spirit in my dream will also return to the world, but Song Fuyun has some skills. Cui Yu stood in the blue sky. In front of the body, he fell into deep thought.

He could notice that Song Fuyun's soul still existed in Qingtian's body, but Song Fuyun fell into a deep sleep at this time, as if he was asleep.

The domineering Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams has led the saints to absorb the strange laws of heaven and earth in this world, improved the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams, and brought the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams to a higher level. He is indeed the most mysterious among all the saints. existence. Chi You said.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this, but didn't say anything. Instead, his eyes fell on Qingtian, and he said to himself: 'I don't know if my golden finger can usurp Qingtian's power. ’

If he could usurp the power of Qingtian, even refine the image of Qingtian, or master the secrets of the five directions and five heavens, wouldn't he be able to transform into the sky?

If I want to usurp Qingtian, I have to guide the power of Qingtian into my body. Cui Yu did whatever he wanted. Because of the existence of the power of destruction, Cui Yu had more means of trial and error.

But Cui Yu took one step forward, came to Qingtian's body, stretched out his finger and slowly pointed at Qingtian. As Cui Yu's fingers had just made contact with Qingtian's body, the next moment he saw a wisp of green energy flickering from Qingtian's body, invading Cui Yu's body.


The next moment, Cui Yu exploded and turned into smoke and dust. The power of Qingtian was so overbearing that Cui Yu didn't even have a chance to react, not even Gold Finger had time to react.

Fortunately, Cui Yu cultivated his inner golden body. The next moment, a ray of golden light flashed in the void, and then countless dust gathered again, and Cui Yu's golden body reorganized in the void.

The immortality of the innate inner golden body once again played a huge role.

The Innate Inner Golden Body reorganized Cui Yu's body, but Cui Yu noticed a cyan power in the Innate Inner Golden Body, which was constantly destroying the power of the Innate Inner Golden Body. He wanted to fight against the Innate Inner Golden Body and tear apart the Innate Inner Golden Body. The cohesion of the golden body within the day.

The power of Qingtian is so domineering, but it keeps destroying my innate inner golden body. Cui Yu looked surprised.

But fortunately, the Innate Inner Golden Body is not a vegetarian. With the page refresh of Golden Finger, Cui Yu knew that the battle between the Innate Inner Golden Body and the power of the blue sky has come to an end.

[I discovered a strange power, do you want to usurp it? 】

[After the usurpation is successful, you will obtain the fundamental secret method of condensing the Dharma of ‘Heaven’]

[Note 1: The sun and the moon move in their own way. Amidst the interweaving and changing of thousands of laws, something is born among them to govern the order of heaven and earth and maintain the movement of the universe. Its name is: the way of heaven. The movement of heaven is the foundation of the world. However, there are five virtues in heaven, and those who obtain them will prosper. The five virtues combined into one can be the carrier of heaven’s way and descend into the human world]

[Note 2: The five virtues are the essence of the world, and after being smelted, they can have incredible power. 】

[Price 1: You may be backlashed by ‘Heaven’ and lose control of the world]

[Price 2: Your world may mutate]

[Price 3: Heaven may give birth to wisdom and seize you]

[Excuse me, is it usurpation? 】

Looking at the golden finger page in front of him, Cui Yu was stunned, especially when he saw the three prices, he felt a little hairy in his heart.

He couldn't understand the usurpation this time.

In order to resist the invasion of powerful people from the ancient times, this world has undergone changes in its self-evolution. This is the way to perish together, and it is the way to cause chaos. Cui Yu thought to himself.

The key is Remark 1, which describes Cui Yu a little bit hard to understand.

Goldfinger, can you say something humane?

Cui Yu asked tentatively.

As Cui Yu finished speaking, the next moment the Golden Finger layout was distorted and refreshed, and new fonts appeared in front of you:

[The way of heaven has five virtues, which are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five virtues are the cycle of heaven and earth. The five virtues are the reincarnation of heaven, and the reincarnation of heaven. The five virtues control all things, and they are intertwined and replaced so that all things in the world can be perfect. If you want to unite the five directions and five heavens, during the reincarnation of the five virtues, when one of the virtues controls the movement of heaven, it seizes the creation of all living beings and condenses the strange power. 】

[The five directions and five heavens can mobilize the power of heaven, which is equivalent to a saint under heaven and has the authority of heaven. However, the five virtues merge into chaos, which can be the carrier of heaven, causing the consciousness of heaven to break away from the order of heaven and appear in the world as embodied creatures]

It's so complicated. Cui Yu studied the page for a while and said he couldn't understand it.

But Cui Yu believed in Gold Finger. Even if the things Gold Finger usurped had disadvantages, they must be good.

[Excuse me, is it usurpation? 】Goldfinger refreshed the page and asked Cui Yu.

Usurp Cui Yu said without hesitation.

As Cui Yu finished speaking, the screen in front of him flickered, and the next moment a stream of information poured into Cui Yu's mind:

[If the usurpation is successful, you will obtain the supreme secret method of condensing the Dharma of the ‘Heaven’. 】

Cui Yu felt the flow of information in his mind, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: That's it! If you want to practice the Dharma of Heaven, you must have the Small Thousand Worlds as the foundation. The Small Thousand World is the minimum requirement to condense the Dharma of Heaven.

After carefully interpreting the formula, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of shock: This formula is tailor-made for me.

If you want to practice the Dharma of Heaven, there are three steps:

The first step is to enlighten the world so that the world is born with the way of heaven, and it is also the way of heaven with wisdom.

The second step is to govern the world with the Five Virtues. During the operation of the Five Virtues, the power of all living beings in the world is mobilized to shape the embryo.

The third step is to evolve the Five Directions and Five Heavens.

Heaven has five virtues, which have incredible power. Once condensed, they can become the grasping teeth of heaven and earth. They can use the five virtues to control the way of heaven and all living beings in the world.

When the power of Heaven is finally exhausted, the five virtues are the supplement to the power of Heaven.

The way of heaven is like the human body. Although it possesses incredible power, it cannot do anything about what is going on in the body and cannot regulate the situation within the body.

But the birth of Wufang Wutian perfectly solved this problem.

The five directions and five heavens can suppress heaven and earth, and can also borrow the power of heaven, which is equivalent to being the messenger of heaven, walking in the world on behalf of heaven.

When the five directions and five heavens are all conceived and integrated into one body, then the will of heaven can come to seize the body and directly interfere with the operation of the laws of heaven and earth instead of regulating it through the laws of heaven and earth.

Although the Dao of Heaven can regulate the heaven and earth through the laws of heaven and earth, when it is ultimately beyond its power, there are many holy spirits in this world who can blind the Dao of Heaven and deceive the perception of the Dao of Heaven.

At this time, the role of the five directions and five heavens was revealed, bringing order and suppressing everything in the world.

This Heavenly Dharma was simply created for me. The Heavenly Will in this world is also powerful, and it actually derived such a secret technique. Cui Yu's eyes were filled with incredulity.

The Small Thousand World was opened up by Cui Yu. Cui Yu's consciousness had already been integrated into the Small Thousand World when the world was created. Therefore, Cui Yu can skip the first step if he wants to practice the Dharma of Heaven. After all, he cannot take it by himself. Give up yourself.

The second step is to govern the world with the five virtues, which requires mobilizing the power of heaven to evolve the five elements and promote the movement of heaven.

Cui Yu thought of the Five Emperors theory of the past life. In ancient times, there were five emperors who came to the world to rule all things in the world and pioneered humane civilization. However, the Five Emperors respectively correspond to the Five Virtues between heaven and earth.

White Emperor, Black Emperor, Red Emperor, Yellow Emperor, and Green Emperor.

The theory of the five directions and the five emperors and the five fortunes. Doesn’t this theory of the five directions and the five emperors better match the previous life?

Cui Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he looked at the appearance of the law in the sky.

If you want to condense the laws of heaven, the first step is to evolve the creatures of heaven and earth and evolve countless sentient beings. All living beings are the origin and evolution of heaven and earth, and they also contain the power of infinite avenues. The avenues are born from chaos, and the so-called evolution of sentient beings is just with the help of the power of all living beings. Carrying the power of the Great Dao, and then refining the power of the Great Dao to help the development of heaven and earth. Cui Yu looked at the formula of Heaven's Dharma, and his whole body suddenly understood, and his eyes were full of joy.

I seem to have discovered some great secret. Cui Yu muttered.

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