In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 913: If heaven had not given birth to me Song Fuyun, eternity would be like a long night!

Cui Yu looked at Qingtian in the distance with his eyes. At this time, several spider threads of the Soul Demon King flew out and landed on the rest of Qingtian's torso. In an instant, Qingtian was controlled by the Soul Demon King.

Hahaha! Hahaha! After all, I, the Demon King of Distorted Souls, won! Even a mere demon from outside the world dared to go against my majestic Demon King of Distorted Souls. He simply didn't know how to live or die. Thank you for your cleverness in seeing the opportunity, otherwise if you hesitated even a little bit, don't say anything. If you abandon Qingtian's body, even you will be captured by me and turned into my puppet. The Chaos Soul Demon King looked towards the direction where the Ancestor Styx escaped, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Ancestor Minghe was a smart man. He didn't embarrass Cui Yu, but just ran away.

It stands to reason that Cui Yu ruined his plan, and it would not be an exaggeration for him to slap Cui Yu to death. However, seeing that Cui Yu could actually kill the remnant soul of Taiqing Saint who mastered the innate spiritual treasure Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, he was afraid He was no match for him, so he just slipped away without causing too many troubles.

It is not as simple as saying that all saints are ants.

Ant, I would like to thank you for destroying the evil plan for me. In order to repay you, ancestor, I will devour you and become my puppet. At this time, the Chaos Soul Demon King can control Qingtian's body, and his whole body becomes more and more powerful. Swelling, a pair of eyes looking at Cui Yu were full of murderous intent.

Cui Yu didn't say much after hearing what the Soul Demon King said, but chose to turn into a flying light and fly away. He was not a fool, so how could he fight with the Soul Demon King at this time?

When he finds the true form of the Chaotic Soul Demon King, he will naturally have countless ways to defeat him.

Stop leaving! You want to leave in front of me? It's simply a wishful thinking. The Chaos Soul Demon King controlled Qingtian's body and suddenly struck out with a palm, crossing the void and suppressing Cui Yu's back.

Only when you really face Qingtian can you know how powerful Qingtian is.

Even if he is just born, he still has the strength of a quasi-sage!

He had just been born, and he was already at the peak of a quasi-sage. If he stayed in the world for another hundred years and grew up, he could easily cross that barrier and step into the legendary realm of a saint.

There are saints in the ancient world, and there are five directions and five heavens in the vast world. The five directions and five heavens represent saints. Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Unlike Cui Yu, a half-assed Gonggong real body, Qingtian possesses the complete power of a quasi-sage and possesses the complete magical powers of a saint. Qingtian is a born saint, and he already has the realm of a saint when he is born, but because of insufficient strength and foundation, he cannot display his destiny and status as a saint.

Only when you truly face the peak quasi-saint can you know how strong the peak quasi-saint is.

Qingtian suppressed it with one claw, and Cui Yu felt that the whole world shrank infinitely, while the palm grew infinitely larger.

An ancient breath seemed to come across time and space, freezing time, space and thinking.

The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is ancient, and the vast aura of the ancient times descends through time and space, and a general trend condenses between the hooves and claws of the blue sky.

No way to hide, no way to escape!

The space around Cui Yu was fixed by that claw.

But Cui Yu was Cui Yu after all, and with Pangu's blood flowing in his body, Qingtian's intimidating power was instantly neutralized.

Be careful! Be careful! Don't be careless! At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind Cui Yu. Song Fuyun appeared behind Cui Yu at some point. He suddenly exclaimed and pushed Cui Yu away. He opened the door and took the initiative to face Qingtian with his claws, seeming to bear all the power of Qingtian.

Song Fuyun? This guy is still alive? Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun's back, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Everyone in the Xuan family's small world was dead. Logically speaking, Song Fuyun's current level of cultivation would not be enough to survive, but who knew that Song Fuyun actually survived again.

Cui Yu secretly said in his heart: It's interesting. When did the friendship between me and Song Fuyun become so deep? Is it worth it for Song Fuyun to die on my behalf?

A thought flashed through Cui Yu's mind, and then at the next moment, Cui Yu's heart trembled: It's not good!

He thought of Song Fuyun's death-substitute magical power.

You must know that Song Fuyun was working under Xuanzi at the beginning, and had already formed a big relationship with Xuanzi. At this time, Song Fuyun took the initiative to stand up for himself to block the disaster, fearing that he had bad intentions.

However, before Cui Yu's thoughts were changed, Song Fuyun had already arrived at the foot of the hoof and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: Asshole! Since I'm here, I can't even think about hurting my friend's life. If you want to hurt my friend, you must first do it. Pass me.

After Cui Yu heard Song Fuyun's words, he was not moved, but rather horrified: This Song Fuyun has such a big appetite that he actually wants to seize Qingtian.

After the words fell, Song Fuyun turned into blood mist and exploded under Qingtian's hooves, and his soul disappeared into the blood mist.

Then there was only a rumbling sound from the earth. After the blue sky smashed Song Fuyun with one claw, it continued to slap down to the earth. As the hoof and claw fell, the ground collapsed and the mountain was destroyed. The earth cracked, and a terrifying and ferocious crack appeared. In an instant, A chasm opened up in the hundreds of miles of land, and hot magma spurted out and flew directly into the clouds towards the innate formation, but was intercepted by the power of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Formation.

As soon as the blow fell, Qingtian's body stiffened, and then he froze on the spot, as if he had been hit by a immobilization spell.

Then the next moment Qingtian's fur trembled slightly, and the slight trembling became larger and larger, eventually spreading to the muscles of the whole body and flowing through the muscles and bones of the whole body. Then a buzzing sound came, Qingtian suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head and laughed: Hahaha! Hahaha! Unexpectedly, pie in the sky will fall on my head one day.

When Cui Yu saw that his suspicion came true, his whole body changed color, and his eyes were full of horror: you Song Fuyun?

Who would have thought that after running away from Ancestor Minghe, the Chaotic Soul Demon King would fall into the hands of Song Fuyun.

Song Fuyun stopped laughing and looked down at Cui Yu, his voice full of pride: Yes, it's me, Mr. Song Fuyun.

Listening to Song Fuyun's answer, Cui Yu was speechless for a while, and said angrily: Did you seize the soul demon king?

The Chaotic Soul Demon King is of great use to Cui Yu and must not be given up.

No. Song Fuyun shook his head: I just took away his puppet body. It's a coincidence that this puppet body is just right for me to take over. If it were the demon king's I may not be able to seize the real body yet.

I never thought that I, Song Fuyun, would have such good fortune and good fortune, and that one day I would have such incredible power. In the future, I will rule the world, unite the world, and rule the entire world. Song Fuyun's voice was full of high spirits and excitement at this time: What a powerful force! It's just a snap of the fingers to pick up the stars and the moon, and turn the rivers and seas upside down.

Song Fuyun was immersed in the realm of a quasi-sage and couldn't extricate himself. He was just a little guy who could only master magical powers. How had he ever experienced such power?

It felt as if even the sky could poke a hole.

All things surrender under their own feet.

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun, with a hint of melancholy in his eyes, a mixture of sadness and joy.

Fortunately, Song Fuyun has captured Qingtian, and it seems that he no longer needs hard steel. Sadly, it seems that I have lost Qingtian's creation. If I could refine Qingtian, my little world would definitely develop rapidly. Even my golden finger would have a chance to usurp Qingtian's power, allowing me to gain Qingtian's divine power. .

Song Fuyun was also an acquaintance of his. When he stole the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations, countless members of the Song family died tragically. Cui Yu felt a little regretful, and it was hard to do anything evil at this time.

So Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with a pair of eyes, his eyes were a little complicated and unspeakable. However, before Cui Yu's thoughts came over, the next moment he saw Song Fuyun looking at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of pride: Boy, ancestor, I have now become the ruler of the five directions and five heavens, and I have become the supreme ruler of this world. Now that I am immortal, I can control the general trend of heaven and earth, and the changes of Yin and Yang, are you willing to surrender to me?

Hearing Song Fuyun's words, Cui Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It seemed like there was a reason?

This guy is crazy! It is necessary for me to teach him how to behave!

So Cui Yu asked, Are you serious?

My majestic Song Fuyun, Lord Qingtian, who is in control of the movement of the heaven and earth's great power, would I still joke with you, a human ant? Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of pride: You were so good back then. If you bully me, even my treasure will be taken away by you. My ancestor, I spared your life and asked you to be my follower, which is already a great mercy.

You mean, I still want to thank you? Cui Yu stared at the blue sky dharma elephant, his words full of joking.

Cui Yu felt that Song Fuyun was quite righteous at this time. He had taken away his innate spiritual treasure and made things difficult for him many times. Now that this guy had such power, he didn't even think of slapping him to death. Instead, he just screamed As a follower, his nature is not bad, and he has not misjudged the person.

If it were Cui Yu and the positions of the two parties were reversed, Cui Yu would have slapped him down.

You should really thank me. Song Fuyun looked down at Cui Yu with his eyes, and his overwhelming momentum poured towards Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said after a while: Brother Taoist, you must know that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world. Although you have mastered the power, you must not be aggressive, lest you be jealous and overturned.

I have mastered the power of the blue sky. Who in the world is still my opponent? Who can still compete with me? Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu: I just ask you, are you willing to surrender to me?

If you want to make me surrender, it depends on whether you have the ability.

The next moment, Cui Yu's whole body was filled with momentum, and he turned into a monster with the head of a python and the aura of the Great Perfection of a quasi-sage surrounding Cui Yu.

Cui Yu now has mastered the power of Gonggong's true spirit, and with 50,000 drops of divine blood, he can replenish Gonggong's demonic blood all the time. Therefore, Cui Yu doesn't know how long Cui Yu's Gonggong true body can last. .

As long as corpse spots exist, Cui Yu can continuously transform endless Gonggong's demonic blood.

Only when Cui Yu's aura of Gonggong's true form was revealed, Song Fuyun over there immediately felt threatened, staring at Cui Yu with disbelief in his big eyes: Impossible! How is this possible!

It’s almost impossible!

How could Cui Yu master this kind of power?

You're such a hideous piece of shit! Song Fuyun felt cold sweat on his back. Fortunately, he didn't offend Cui Yu just now, otherwise he would be in trouble right now.

Cui Yu smiled, and the next moment six pure bamboos appeared in his hand, Gonggong's divine power was poured into them, and then he smashed them towards Song Fuyun opposite: Fuck me.

Originally, he didn't know how to obtain Qingtian's origin, but now that Song Fuyun came to him on his own initiative, he couldn't blame him.

Six pure bamboos pointed out, evolving into a thousand waves, sweeping towards the Qingtian body like an overwhelming river.

Song Fuyun frowned, raised the beast's claws in panic, and quickly mobilized the original laws in his body to resist.

However, he saw an extremely cold air flowing on Cui Yu's six pure bamboos, which seemed to want to freeze Qingtian's body. He kept slowing down Qingtian's movements. The six pure bamboos in his hand kept hitting Qingtian's body, but Qingtian There was a layer of protective divine light around his body that blocked Cui Yu's Gonggong power and actually removed Cui Yu's Gonggong power.

Cui Yu whipped the Qingtian body hundreds of times in succession. He saw the Qingtian body swaying from side to side, as if it was on the verge of collapse, but it still showed no intention of falling down: Can't it? Both sides have quasi-sage strength, shouldn't it be like this?

Qingtian has the realm of a saint. Although it can only exert the strength of a quasi-sage, it is already in another world. And you? With the strength of a quasi-sage, there is no law mastered by the Great God Gonggong. Of course you are better than No longer going to Qingtian. You are taking advantage of Song Fuyun's lack of complete grasp of Qingtian's origin to bully him, but do you think you will still have an advantage after Song Fuyun gradually adapts to his body? Chi You's voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

Cui Yu frowned, removed Gonggong's real body, and looked at Song Fuyun, who was becoming more and more proficient: I am fighting against him now, which is equivalent to helping him master his body and improving his proficiency.

Boy, don't resist. Your power is just superficial. It can't hurt me at all. When I fully master Gonggong's real body, I'll show you what it means to be real. The power. Although Song Fuyun gritted his teeth in pain and had scars all over his face, his expression was full of pride.

Proud? You're just a waste. What's there to be proud of? So what if you have no power? Do you really think I can't do anything to you? Cui Yu's eyes showed an evil smile, and he turned to look at his little one. Qian Shijie: Master Jian, you have eaten so much of my innate vitality, so it's time for you to work hard.

Cui Yu said this to Master Jian.

The six pure bamboo master seals are still a little bit useless against Qingtian.

If it were replaced by the Zhuxian Sword, which was mainly used for killing, it would be able to do a lot by then. He didn't believe that Qingtian could stop the Zhuxian Sword.

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