In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 912 A shocking reversal?

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are indeed the Twelve Ancestral Witches, possessing extraordinary power. Even if they only form the primary Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation at this time, they still possess incredible power. Even the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns fell into the formation. Inside, they were all plundered by the power of the formation and brought under the control of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

The next step is for the twelve ancestral witches to devour the entire creation of the Twelve Capital Heavenly God Evil Formation. Cui Yu looked at the Twelve Capital Heavenly God Evil Formation with a pair of eyes. As the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns were suppressed, the infinite power within the innate formation surged. He came over and fulfilled all the creations of the twelve ancestral witches. At this time, without the suppression of the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns, the twelve capital gods and evil formations devoured the energy between heaven and earth a thousand times faster.

But I don't know where the formation diagram fell, and where are the parts of the other side of the sky boat. If my Twelve Capital Gods Formation swallows the parts of the other side of the sky boat, there will definitely be amazing changes. There was a hint of greed in Cui Yu's eyes.

It's a pity that the Heavenly Boat on the other side is so important that Cui Yu doesn't dare to devour the Heavenly Boat on the other side without authorization. After all, it's hard to say how far he will be after five thousand years. What if he doesn't cultivate to the level of Daluo Jinxian who transcends the world?

Will he be trapped here to death by then?

The existence of Tianzhou on the other side is to give the weak a chance to escape.

Cui Yu was thinking about how to find the Tianzhou on the other side, and when he found the formation diagram of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, suddenly there was a sound of cold wind behind him, hitting Cui Yu's back with lightning speed.

Cui Yu knew without looking back that the person who made the sneak attack must be Xuan Ye.

There was a hint of contemplation in Cui Yu's eyes. He now has two ideas. One is to take action himself and block the other party's methods. The second idea is to test whether the other party is the Chaos Soul Demon King. If the other party is really the Chaos Soul Demon King, , then he would pretend to be controlled by the Chaos Soul Demon King, and then take the opportunity to find out the Chaos Soul Demon King's true identity.

I just thought that now that Xin Yuan has taken action, I only need to wait for the result. There are too many variables in asking the Soul Demon King to control me. I have a golden finger. I don’t know if I can resist the law of cause and effect and use the power of the golden finger. Strength to obtain the skills of the Chaotic Soul Demon King.

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, wanting to try to see if he could usurp the power of the Chaos Soul Demon King.

Find wealth in danger!

If you could obtain the abilities of the Chaotic Soul Demon King, wouldn't you be able to accomplish many great things by then? Is it just an ordinary means to unify the world?

Then Cui Yu soon made up his mind and gave up resistance.

The spider silk silently fell on Cui Yu's shoulders, melting like white snow in spring, and penetrated into Cui Yu's body. Cui Yu's innate golden body did not play any role in intercepting it.

This is the law of cause and effect!

The overbearing law of cause and effect!

The spider silk fell into Cui Yu's body and instantly twisted into a large invisible web, splitting into thousands of threads and attacking all the orifices of Cui Yu's body.

Without waiting for Cui Yu's golden finger to react, the Eye of Destruction flashed out from the deepest part of Cui Yu's spiritual world. The next moment, an invisible force burst out, surrounding and destroying the thousands of spider threads in Cui Yu's body. In the blink of an eye, it was already there All the spider threads were turned into nothingness.

Sure enough, as long as the power I can resolve will not cause Goldfinger's reaction. Cui Yu felt a little disappointed.

Hahaha! Hahaha! No matter how slick you are, why don't you still want to drink my ancestor's foot-washing water? An arrogant and domineering voice sounded from behind Cui Yu, but Xuan Ye slowly stood up from the ground, and then He stepped behind Cui Yu and said, Boy, the law of cause and effect is the supreme magical power. It has unpredictable power. How can it be reversed by a person of Xuan Ye's bloodline? Even if a saint touches my law of cause and effect, I will be able to do it. You can't break my magical powers by turning yourself into a puppet. Do you look down on saints? Or do you look down on the law of cause and effect?

Xuan Ye's voice was full of pride, but the next moment he saw an emerald green bamboo sticking out from nowhere and inserted directly into Xuan Ye's chest. Xuan Ye looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of disbelief.

Why weren't you controlled by me? Blood flowed from Xuan Ye's mouth, and his eyes were filled with horror.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of ridicule: How can you imagine my magical powers?

The next moment, Cui Yu's magical power was revealed, and Xuan Ye turned into a scarecrow and fell into Cui Yu's hands.

Now that I have time, it's time to trace the true identity of the Chaotic Soul Demon King. Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness. He directly opened the altar, then took out the scarecrow that Xuan Ye transformed into, and then used the god and demon skin to write about the Chaos Soul Demon King. The king's name is taboo.

Cui Yu blended the names of the scarecrow and the Chaotic Soul Demon King together, then tied the scarecrow, placed it in front of the altar, and bowed down gently.


As Cui Yu bowed down, corpse spots grew crazily on the real body of Emperor Taiyi.

As for the female slave? The corpse spots had already been removed with the help of Cui Yu's power, and he would never be disturbed by the Corpse Ancestor again.

As Cui Yu bowed down, an invisible wave burst out from the scarecrow's body and spread in all directions. In an instant, it traveled across the wilderness and connected to the deepest part of the wilderness. The cause and effect senses the puppet and deity of the Chaotic Soul Demon King.

Have you sensed the true form of the Chaotic Soul Demon King? Cui Yu asked.

Found it! Wait for my good news, ancestor, I want to go there myself. Xin Yuan disappeared directly into Cui Yu's body.

Seeing this, Cui Yu felt relaxed. As long as he found the true identity of the Soul Demon King, Cui Yu had countless ways to capture the Soul Demon King.

There was a smile in Cui Yu's eyes, and he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance: When I get hold of your true body, I'll see where you go.

The next moment Cui Yu stretched out his palm, the eight sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty in front of him were distorted, and then Cui Yu appeared in the Xuan family's small world.

Actually, have you ever thought about it, if you can master the Chaos Soul Demon King, can you kill all the masters in the world? By then gathering the power of the entire world, wouldn't it be possible to practice quickly? Chi You was bewildering Cui on the side. fish.

The law of cause and effect is not that simple. If the law of cause and effect really has no limit, the Chaos Soul Demon King would have been invincible in the world, and the whole world would be controlled by the Chaos Soul Demon King. Cui Yu's voice was full of surprise. He felt that Chi You was a little bit Whimsical.

If there is really no cost in exerting the law of cause and effect, then wouldn’t the Soul-Ranging Demon King be able to control the entire wilderness at this time?

When Cui Yu appeared in the Xuan family's small world, he saw the blue sky was in a ball, like a crazy madman, constantly attacking himself.

There was a cold look in Cui Yu's eyes: Ancestor Minghe, this bitch has no good intentions.

Then why did Patriarch Minghe ask himself to crack the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty and find the true form of the Chaos Soul Demon King? He was clearly asked to take Xuan Ye and kill someone to help Taiqing Saint resurrect.

Cui Yu saw Ancestor Minghe, and Ancestor Minghe also saw Cui Yu for the first time. His eyes were full of astonishment:

Ancestor Minghe has been waiting for a long time, staring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of disbelief: finally came out, but you found the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern? You found the Chaotic Soul Demon King His true identity?

Ancestor Styx changed his mind at the critical moment and seemed to have asked inadvertently.

Hearing what Ancestor Ming He said, Cui Yu smiled: Ancestor was surprised that the real body of the Soul Demon King was not found, but instead he found the real body of a saint. There was a guy who claimed to be Taiqing Saint. I wanted to seize Xuan Ye, but I killed him with a snap of my fingers.

As Cui Yu spoke, he stared at Qingtian's head and observed the reaction of Ancestor Styx.

Sure enough, Patriarch Styx was shocked when he heard this, and his voice was full of horror: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Saint Taiqing has been resurrected? Was he killed by you? You brag and don't draft, you have How good are you? Do you dare to say that you can kill a ray of the saint’s true spirit?”

But now that I'm here, but Saint Taiqing is nowhere to be found, doesn't the ancestor find it strange? Cui Yu asked.

Ancestor Minghe's expression turned ugly when he heard this. Even if he didn't rationally believe that Cui Yu could kill the true spirit of a saint, his intuition told him that Saint Taiqing was indeed in trouble!

And it was a miserable failure! Very miserable!

First of all, Cui Yu must have met the true spirit of Saint Taiqing, otherwise how could he call him by the name of Saint Taiqing?

But now that Saint Taiqing has disappeared, Cui Yu has come out, and many things have come to light without explaining the results.

What shocked Ancestor Minghe was how Cui Yu did it!

This is almost impossible!

The saint is immortal, and the true spirit has the characteristics of immortality. It is countless times more powerful than the true spirit essence of ordinary creatures. The power of immortality is so powerful that it is incredible. With Cui Yu's power, how can the saint be wiped out? Soul mark? How to suppress the power of the saint?

Hahaha! Hahaha! The Chaos Soul Demon King on the side was controlling Qingtian's body like a rainbow, and there was laughter in his voice: Your plan failed! Your plan failed! Your foreign aid is gone, This time you are dead! Not only do I want to control Qingtian's body, but I also want to control your body and take away all your magical powers and strength. You, an ant, are just a remnant soul, but you dare to compete with me for Qingtian Creation, competing with this king for the opportunity to be in the sky is simply a crime worthy of death!

As the Chaos Soul Demon King spoke, he continued to use spider silk to control Qingtian's avatar: I want to see how you can fight against me now that you have no help.

Compared with the Chaotic Soul Demon King, Ancestor Minghe was languid at this time. He glared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: Little thief, you ruined Ancestor's important affairs. Do you know that you have led the powerful people in this world? How big a disaster is coming?

If the ancestor hadn't plotted against me, how could I have ruined the ancestor's plan? Cui Yu replied lightly.

Ancestor Ming He was so angry when he heard this, his eyes were full of murderous intent: Boy, you are simply a bastard! You are a bastard to the extreme! You ruined my plan and are simply my sinner. If I can seize Qingtian, you will definitely do it when the time comes. You can become the master of heaven, and you can hope to control the operation of the laws of the entire world. You kid is simply committing a heinous crime.

While roaring and cursing endlessly, Ancestor Styx kept fighting against the Soul-Ranging Demon King.

Cui Yu stood in the distance, looking at Qingtian who kept beating him, with a hint of greed in his eyes: Whether it is taking Qingtian's life to breed the Twelve Heavenly Gods, or using Qingtian's body to help the birth of the small thousand worlds and growth, they are all amazing blessings.”

Cui Yu's eyes were full of greed: I have to get rid of Qingtian's vitality. Maybe you can help me complete my transformation.

He now has 50,000 drops of divine blood, and there are so many things he can do.

Little thief, you are still watching the battle. Since you can kill the soul of Saint Taiqing, you must have some skills. Why don't you come and help me quickly? Ancestor Minghe looked at Cui Yu who was watching the battle. The whole popularity jumps.

Cui Yu didn't say anything, he just kept observing Qingtian's weaknesses and sensing the development of innate mosquitoes in Qingtian's body.

After hearing what Ancestor Ming He said, Cui Yu said calmly: Ancestor, why should you panic? With your ability, it will not be difficult to fight with him for hundreds of thousands of years, right? When I advance further in the future, I will It’s time to suppress this weirdness and help our ancestors get out of trouble.”

Not a son of man! Not a son of man! You kid is simply not a son of man! Ancestor Styx cursed loudly after hearing this: I won't play with you anymore!

The next moment, a bloody light flew out of Qingtian's body, and Ancestor Minghe landed not far from Cui Yu, his eyes full of resentment.

He actually abandoned his Qingtian identity. He was worthy of being a powerful figure in the ancient times. This decisiveness was unimaginable to Cui Yu.

You know, how many years has the ancestor of Styx been planning for this youthful incarnation?

Now he is able to give up at any time, which shows how strong his character is.

Those old antiques who can survive to the end may not be the strongest in cultivation, but they must be the ones who can see the situation best.

Ancestor Minghe is a sensible person and knows that if he doesn't escape while he still has half of the control over Qingtian, when the other party suppresses him, he will not only lose Qingtian's identity, but he will also be able to leave if he wants to. If you don't lose it, your true spirit will catch up with it.

Ancestor Ming He's performance was suddenly ruined, and Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned: You... you... why did you give up? You gave up your Qingtian body, who is in front?

Looking at the horrified Cui Yu, Ancestor Minghe sneered: Stand in front? Who can withstand it? It's best to leave quickly!

After the Ancestor of Styx finished speaking, he immediately stood up and turned into a red light and ran away without any intention of stopping.

Really decisive. Cui Yu stood there and spat.

Ancestor Styx can walk, but he can’t!

Because this place is related to Cui Yu's layout, how can he be allowed to retreat?

Regardless of the creation of the innate formation or the creation of Qingtian's body, he couldn't bear to part with it!

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