Xuantong couldn't help but curse at this moment, When did this happen? Are you still thinking about chatting?

He felt so helpless that these two guys had no eyesight at all.

Is that how it happened?

Is it easy for him to withstand Xuan Ye and Xuanji's attacks now?

There was a hint of impatience in Xuan Tong's eyes, and his voice was full of anxiety: You guys hurry up and take action, otherwise the day lily will be cold.

The Chaos Soul Demon King over there has already begun to contact Qingtian's embryo. Once the Chaos Soul Demon King is asked to refine Qingtian into a puppet, when Qingtian breaks out of the shell, everyone present will have to be here.

Xuan Chi and Xuan Ce looked at each other and looked at the cursing Emperor. They were secretly frightened. What on earth was going on? How could the Supreme Emperor be so anxious?

Who are we helping? Xuan Chi looked at Xuance.

Xuanchi is Prince Xuancao's grandfather, and he should help Prince Xuanchi both emotionally and rationally, but Prince Xuancao is not here at this time. And Xuance is a local vassal king who is becoming bigger and stronger. Whether it is Xuan Ye or the Supreme Emperor Xuantong, he does not want to help. It is best if they all die.

Hearing this, Xuance looked towards Qingtian Embryo further away and Xuan Zi who was standing in front of Qingtian Embryo: We are all relatives, so it's not like helping anyone. What do you think we should do? One of our brothers, one of He is our nephew, and his palms and backs are full of flesh, why not try to persuade him from the sidelines and see if he can reverse the situation?

As Xuance spoke, he looked at Xuanchi, his eyes full of probing.

Since it's impossible to help anyone, then just stop helping. Watch the three father and son kill each other, and then the two of them will clean up the mess.

Xuance opened his mouth to test Xuanchi again to see if he could reach an agreement with Xuanchi.

However, there was a hint of hesitation in Xuanchi's eyes at this moment. Why?

Because he has suffered heavy losses now, he is definitely no match for Xuance. If Xuanye, Xuantong and his son die and Xuance takes the opportunity to attack, how can he be Xuance's match?

But if he intervenes to save one of them at this time, the other party will definitely take refuge in Xuance. At that time, he will still be at a big disadvantage and will still be inferior to Xuanchi.

The only ones who can restore the balance are the thirty or so golden imperial realm bloodline warriors behind him. Only by winning over those thirty or so bloodline warriors, may they be able to compete with Xuance.

No one knows how powerful a demigod is better than Xuan Chi, who is also in the demigod realm.

What do you think, Brother Dao? Xuance asked again.

Xuan Chi looked hesitant, unable to decide for a moment. At this moment, a burst of yelling was heard: You idiots, if you don't take action quickly, the Qingtian embryo will be lost! Xuan Ye and Xuanji have both been controlled by the Chaotic Soul Demon King. He became the puppet of the Chaotic Soul Demon King. The person standing in front of the Qingtian embryo was not Xuan Zi at all, but the Chaotic Soul Demon King. He was invading the Qingtian embryo and planned to refine the Qingtian embryo into a puppet. Once he succeeded, the entire Xuanzi Our little world is over!”

As the former Supreme Emperor, Xuantong couldn't see why Xuance and Xuanchi were worried? Why have you been reluctant to take action?

He couldn't help but curse in his heart, full of unwillingness, and his eyes were full of anger.



Shu Zi is not enough to plan with him!

The fire in Xuantong's heart seemed to set the sky on fire.

Hearing this, Xuan Chi and Xuan Ce were startled, and their eyes were full of horror. The Demon King of Chaotic Souls has been plotting against the Xuan family for a long time. If they really let the Demon King of Chaotic Souls achieve their goals, wouldn't they be in trouble by then? ?

At this time, a murderous intent was twisting in the field. Both Xuance and Xuan Chi looked at Xuan Zi at the same time. If Xuan Zi was really the Soulless Demon King, the two of them would have to take action.

But at this moment, Xuanji on the side spoke: Two ancestors, don't listen to the emperor's nonsense. It's not that my father and I are controlled by the chaotic soul demon king, but that the emperor is controlled by the chaotic soul demon king. . He said that my father, Emperor Xuanzi, and I were being controlled, but the ancestors didn’t even think about why the three of us joined forces to suppress him? Is it that he is more likely to be controlled by the Chaos Soul Demon King, or is it that the three of me are being controlled by Chaos? The Soul Demon King has great control. Could it be that all three of us are really controlled by the Soul Demon King? The Soul Demon King controls the three of us, but Grandpa Huang is not controlled? Is it possible?

Xuan Ye also spoke at the side: Two ancestors, the Chaotic Soul Demon King is a good evil. In order to plot against the Qingtian of my Xuan family, I don't know how to control the Supreme Emperor. I was almost succeeded by this evil beast before, but fortunately I was The three of me, my father and my son, turned the tide. Together with Xuanji, I took action to hold off the Supreme Emperor and asked Xuanzi to find a way to save Qingtian. To be honest, Qingtian has failed to hatch, and there is no way to save it. As long as the two ancestors observe carefully, You can know that the origin of the blue sky is constantly dissipating. If you feel it carefully, you can feel the death energy born in the embryo. It is really sad that the eternal plan of our Xuan family has come to nothing. But this soul-challenged demon king has the means By refining the origin of the embryo into a puppet, he can still control and use Qingtian even if he is stillborn. Once Qingtian's body is controlled by the Chaos Soul Demon King, not only will we die here, but the entire Xuan family will be The chaotic soul demon king turned into material and was wiped from heaven and earth.

Xuan Ye on the side took the words, his voice full of seriousness: Two uncles, please help me quickly and suppress this soul-challenging demon king, otherwise we will be in big trouble today.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Xuan Tongqi's body across from him trembled, and the divine power in his body became a little unstable: You... you... you are so fucking shameless!

Can anything be more shameless than this?

However, what the Demon King said made his heart suddenly jump. He secretly felt that what the Demon King said was reasonable. Even if he were Xuan Chi and Xuan Ce, he would probably believe this nonsense.

There is almost nothing wrong with this rake.

At this time, Xuan Tong angrily began to curse: Chaotic Soul Demon King, you are also a powerful person, how can you do such a dirty and dirty thing? You are simply a shame among my generation, and you are an embarrassment to us monks!

Xuan Tong's voice was full of anger, and he stared at Xuan Zi's back: You are a shameless person, you have the ability to be like a real power, and you have fought with me in person, I am Even if the king dies in your hands, he will have no regrets. What do you mean by the villain's behavior?

Hearing Xuantong's words, Xuan Ye shook his head and said: Chaotic Soul Demon King, your acting skills are really not bad, but it's a pity that you couldn't deceive the eyes of the two ancestors. If you didn't know your true identity, I would have been almost killed by you. Deceived.

Two ancestors, please take action quickly to help us suppress this evil spirit. Now that Qingtian's embryo has failed to conceive, we are unable to recover, but we must not allow the Chaos Soul Demon King to gain control of the embryo again to refine it. Puppet. Xuanji looked at Xuanchi and Xuance with his eyes and shouted to them.

At this time, Xuan Chi and Xuan Ce were a little confused. Looking at the situation on the field, they didn't know what to do for a moment.

They couldn't tell which side was the Chaotic Soul Demon King and which side was the real Xuan family.

But when the two of them looked at the embryo, they could clearly feel that the embryo was indeed dead!

The Xuan family's Qingtian embryo failed to hatch!

Which one do you believe? Xuance looked at Xuanchi.

He lived far less than Xuan Chi. Looking at the scene in the field, he couldn't distinguish the authenticity from the fake for a while. He could only ask Xuan Chi to see if this living ancestor could distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

However, Xuan Chi was also confused at this time: You and I are both in the same realm, how can I know which one is true? Which one is false?

How about we separate them first and then debate the authenticity? Xuan Chi said.

As of now, this is all we can do. Xuance nodded.

The two looked at each other and rushed towards the field together. The two demigods took action together and dispersed Xuan Chi and the others in an instant.

Don't fight now. It won't be too late to fight again after the two of us have distinguished the true from the false. I know that one of you must be true and the other is false, but it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. We still need to The two of us will identify them carefully. Xuanchi and Xuance stood in the center, blocking both sides.

There's no time! You two idiots! All three of them are puppets of the Chaos Soul Demon King! Although Xuan Tong was rescued, his anger remained unabated, and he raised his knife to kill Xuan Zi without saying a word.

He has not forgotten that Xuan Zi is controlling Qingtian's body and wants to refine Qingtian.

The fight between the two sides seems to be described in just a few sentences, but more than half a day has passed. Who knows how far the demon king has invaded the embryo?

Maybe it's close to success now?

This is something Xantong will never tolerate or accept.

At this time, Xuan Tong's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he used his sword energy to kill Xuan Zi's back directly, intending to kill Xuan Zi on the spot.

But at this time, Xuance, the demigod of the Xuan family, took action. Xuance suddenly stretched out his hand, and the void twisted and transformed, blocking Xuantong's attack: Your Majesty, you'd better stop and wait for me to investigate. Once we know the truth of the matter, it’s not too late to take action.”

Hearing this, Xuantong immediately became angry: You idiot, you are still a powerful demigod, and you have all been fooled by the Soul-Ranging Demon King!

Xuantong's voice was full of anger, and the sword in his hand struck Xuance.

However, Xuance's face was expressionless at this time, and a thought rose in his mind: It seems that the direct descendants of the Xuan family's royal family are all gathered at this time? Since I want to rebel, I can't tolerate them continuing to live.

I just thought of Xuan Chi who was watching eagerly from the side. Although Xuan Chi suffered heavy losses, he would not get any benefits if he joined forces with many Jin Chi.

You can only fish in troubled waters and try to make the water more chaotic. Countless thoughts flashed rapidly in Xuance's mind.

Facing the sword light of the Supreme Emperor's Xuantong, although he was a demigod, he did not dare to take it lightly. He gathered his magical power and turned it into a sword to parry: If you are the real Supreme Emperor, why don't you suspend your attacks? Wait for me. When the truth of the matter is found out, everything will come to light.”

Find out? I'll find out about the eighteenth generation of your ancestor! Is it so easy to find out the methods of the Chaotic Soul Demon King? Why don't you get out of the way for me quickly! Xuan Tong's eyes were really red at this time. , eyes full of anxiety.

Xuanchi parried the sword light and looked at the Supreme Emperor Xuantong with his eyes. Looking at those anxious eyes, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his heart:

First tell that boy Xuan Zi to stop.

We can't stop! Xuan Zi is saving Qingtian. If he stops, won't he really be stillborn? Xuan Ye quickly stood up to object.

That's right, tell that bastard Xuan Zi to stop. We just need to identify it carefully. Then we will naturally know who is lying and who is the real puppet of the Chaos Soul Demon King. Xuan Tong suddenly heard the solution. His eyes lit up, filled with ecstasy, and then he looked at Xuance opposite him: You, this old boy, are smart.

We can't stop! Now that Xuan Zi takes action, he can still hold back Qingtian's last breath. But once Xuan Zi stops and Qingtian's last breath disappears, it will be too late for us to regret it! Two ancestors , how do you believe the nonsense of this evil beast, the Chaotic Soul Demon King? Xuanji spoke quickly from the side, his voice full of anxiety.

You're still pretending to be my Xuan family member, why are you so shameless? The majestic Dahuang Demon King has no shame at all, right? Xuantong couldn't help but curse after hearing this.

Two ancestors, the four of us are gathered here. To be turned into a puppet by the demon king of chaotic souls, there should be a process, right? The two ancestors thought that the demon king of chaotic souls controlled the supreme emperor first, and the three of us discovered it. , or that the three of us were refined into puppets and then discovered by the Supreme Emperor? Which theory is more reliable? Besides, I have evidence. I personally asked Wang Yanchun to open the formation before. Otherwise, how could you come out? I will Let him in to suppress this damn soul-stirring demon king. Xuan Ye spoke in a well-reasoned and clear voice.

After hearing this, the Supreme Emperor Xuantong was so angry that his eyes were splitting. He knew that no matter how he explained it now, he might not be able to refute the other party's logic.

Xuan Ye's words made sense. It was indeed Xuan Ye who spoke and Wang Yanchun let everyone in.

What else does the Supreme Emperor have to say? Xuanchi looked at the Supreme Emperor.

Believe me! You must believe me! Regardless of whether I am the Chaotic Soul Demon King or not, Xuan Zi's actions must be stopped! As long as you stop it, the truth will be revealed! Xuan Tong requested at this time.

You are evil, you still dare to confuse the public with your evil words, and your desire to destroy our Xuan family will never die. Once you stop Xuan Zi, Qingtian will be completely stillborn, wouldn't it be convenient for you to refine the puppet? Xuan Ye yelled on the opposite side: Now things are clear, The evidence is conclusive and irrefutable, why are you arguing with me? I also ask the two ancestors to take action quickly. After killing this beast, we will discuss the strategy to save Qingtian. Now the origin of Qingtian is disappearing. If it is not stopped, I am afraid that It’s really too late.”

Further away, Cui Yu looked at the farce in the field and couldn't help but reveal a hint of seriousness in his eyes: This Soul Demon King is really not a simple person. Every word and deed is full of the power of evil intentions. He is really not simple.

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