A weird thing? Cui Yu looked at Chi You with a pair of surprised eyes, full of curiosity.

Chi You lowered his voice and said: When masters from all walks of life invaded this world, they discovered a strange creature born from the law of 'slavery'. This strange creature existed in the world in the form of a spider. It was good at controlling puppets, no matter how it was. Once a master is entangled in spider silk, he will become its puppet beast. At that time, I don't know how many powerful people in the ancient times were controlled by this beast to kill each other. Even quasi-sages died in his hands. Later, it was the leader of Tongtian Cult who sacrificed the Immortal Killing Sword. , kill him with one sword.

Could it be that after all these years, that damn 'Sky Spider' has been resurrected? Chi You's voice was full of seriousness.

Even a quasi-sage died in his hands, so if he were resurrected, wouldn't he be invincible? Cui Yu was shocked.

If you are killed by a saint, how much strength will you have even if you are resurrected by the power of the laws of heaven and earth? Don't panic, you have the power of destruction, and the spider silk can't help you. Chi You encouraged Cui Yu, but he Unknowingly, his whole body shrank into Cui Yu's shadow.

Cui Yu didn't say much when he heard this. He just looked at the Xuan family father and son fighting in the field and felt a little funny in his heart.

It's a pity that the father and son of the Xuan family have exhausted all their efforts, but someone actually picked the fruit.

Damn you bastard! Damn you bastard! You are the demon king of chaotic souls! You are the demon king of chaotic souls! The Xuan family's Supreme Emperor Xuantong was facing the attacks of Xuanji and Xuan Ye at this time. He was walking awkwardly, with a look in his eyes. Showing an ugly look.

very ugly!

Hey, you actually recognized me? Xuan Zi paused when he heard this and turned to look at Xuan Tong: You seem to have some discernment.

As he spoke, he continued to walk towards the Embryo of Heaven, and when he arrived in front of the Embryo of Heaven, there was a glint in his eyes: This is the Embryo of Heaven. If I can swallow its power, will I have a chance to return to its peak state? .”

Xuan Zi stretched out his hand towards the embryo, but in the next moment, inexplicable runes appeared on the embryo, blocking his palm from the barrier.

Xuan Zi didn't panic when he saw this, but laughed loudly, his voice full of joy: It's really a stillbirth! A stillbirth is good, a stillbirth is wonderful! Only a stillbirth can I control and enslave it. If it is a true god of heaven There is nothing I can do about the embryo.

It's just a stillborn fetus, how can you stop me? Xuan Zi's eyes were full of high spirits: If I can control this stillborn fetus, I will use the puppet technique to teach it to survive in another way. Then who in the world will still be mine? opponent?

His eyes were full of high spirits.

As he spoke, an extremely thin thread appeared in his hand and stabbed towards the barrier in front of him.

The silk thread shone with an inexplicable luster, and there seemed to be an indescribable Taoist charm flowing in it.

After Xuan Zi's silk thread came into contact with Qingtian's barrier, it actually pierced even a tiny bit.

Further away, Cui Yu had a look of surprise in his eyes: Spider silk! It turns out that he wants to refine Qingtian into a puppet. Do we want to stop him? I have divine blood, or I can directly release your blood. Then go and reshape the origin of the blue sky and help it emerge from the womb.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You, he also came for Qingtian, and now he was very sure that Qingtian could be resurrected.

I think the dead Qingtian is better. If the Qingtian embryo is really resurrected, are you so sure that you can control him? That's the sky. Who can control it except the Xuan family's blood induction? You will definitely suffer backlash then. . Chi You rang in Cui Yu's ears: It is better to extract the origin of heaven and use it to nourish your small world. I think this is in your best interest.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Is it true that there is no way to control the sky? I heard people say that the old immortal Nanhua is not in harmony with the yellow sky?

Is Old Immortal Nan Hua an ordinary person? He has the Heavenly Book on the Jade Tablet, and even before Huang Tian hatched, he has been subtly injecting his soul into Huang Tian's embryo, and then actively integrated into Huang Tian's body. Do you remember, Old Nan Hua The soul of the immortal merged with Huang Tian, ​​pursuing a different kind of immortality, but Huang Tian's soul was still the main one, and the soul of the old immortal of Nanhua was just a foil. Only Taipingdao collected enough power of faith in the lower world to bless Nanhua. Only with the old immortal’s soul can the old immortal Nanhua have the opportunity to suppress Huang Tian’s soul with the help of the faith of all living beings.”

But if it's Huang Tian who hatched, and Old Immortal Nanhua steps forward to seize the body, he's afraid that Huang Tian will kill him if he meets her. Chi You's voice was full of seriousness.

Cui Yu was silent for a few breaths when he heard this, and then said, Should we take action to snatch the embryo away?

It's still too early to take action now. The ancestors of the Xuan family haven't appeared yet. Do you think it's really time for the dust to finally settle? Chi You shook his head:

And I always feel that my body seems to be pressed under the embryo. There is a vague feeling coming from me, and I am a little unsure for a moment.

Chi You's voice was full of hesitation. Cui Yu didn't say anything after hearing this, because he felt that what Chi You said was reasonable. The ancestor of the Xuan family had not yet been born, so it would be too early for him to take action now.

That is the embryo of heaven, and it is not easy to break the embryo of heaven.


Seeing Xuan Zi attack the embryo, Xuan Tong was immediately irritated: You bastard, you dare to steal my Xuan family's creation, you simply don't know how to live or die. If you, the Demon King of Chaotic Souls, continue to live in the wilderness, how can you still survive? I can be your great demon king, but you shouldn’t come to my Xuan family’s little world today. You really think you are invincible in the world? You underestimate the heritage of my Xuan family.

Xuan Tong was retreating steadily in the face of Xuan Ye and Xuan Ji's attack, but there was no panic on his face, but his eyes were looking at the innate formation above his head.

The wind is coming!

Xuantong gave a command, and the divine power in his body continued to surge, and he began to summon the blessing of the power of the innate array.

The next moment, a three-flavor divine wind descended from the clouds. In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the sun and the moon were dim. The innate divine wind turned into a vortex and protected the mysterious tube in the center. The next moment, Xuan Ye and Xuanji were blown away by the innate divine wind. go out.

The innate divine wind was so fierce that even the light of the innate embryo was suppressed and dimmed.

Even Xuan Zi suddenly changed his color at this moment. He turned around suddenly and saw a white light flashing above his head. The white light was about the size of a fist, flickering with bits of magical light, and turned into a barrier, like a small bowl turned upside down, shrouding Xuan Zi in it.

Xuan Zi looked solemn at this time: The Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty? It's a pity that you are not the Sage of the Shangqing Dynasty. If the Sage of the Shangqing Dynasty personally controls the formation, I will naturally only be refining to death, but now you are controlling the formation, it is really not I look down on you, I’m afraid you haven’t seen the true power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.”

Xuan Zi muttered, and at the same time turned his head and continued to use the spider silk to invade the body-protecting divine light emitted by the blue sky. Even though the body-protecting divine light emitted by the blue sky had mysterious and unfathomable power, Xuan Zi's spider silk It seems to have a special power that can still smelt the green light at an extremely fast speed and slowly penetrate it.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Tong suddenly became anxious and said, You evil beast, stop it immediately.

As he spoke, he harnessed the innate divine wind to kill Xuan Zi.

Xuan Zi frowned: It's just a corpse. Your Xuan family has nothing to do anyway. What's wrong with giving it to me?

I'll use it for you? You're such a thief, you really don't know where the world is. Why don't you tell me to twist off your head and give it to me to use? Xuantong cursed loudly, and the light of the knife in his hand was accompanied by the power of the innate divine wind. Xuan Zi was to be killed on the spot.

However, Xuan Zi didn't change his expression at this time. The next moment, his ribs squirmed and six pairs of arms were born. Those six pairs of arms held knives, guns, sticks, rods, rings, and locks. He raised his hand and pulled one of Xuan Tong's arms. The attack was blocked.

How is that possible! I have mobilized the power of the innate formation. Xuantong's eyes were full of disbelief.


The next moment, the 'circle' came out of the hand and turned into a golden light, which actually broke through the three-flavored divine wind protecting the mysterious tube, and directly sent the mysterious tube flying out.

Although my treasure is not an innate spiritual treasure, it is made from innate materials and has been refined by me personally for countless thousands of years. Even if it is better than an innate spiritual treasure, it may not be worse. Xuan Zi's voice was full of pride: I If it’s you, retreat quickly to save your life.”

Wang Yanchun, let me in those strong men! Something big has happened! Let those strong men in quickly!

Just when Xuan Zi was dealing with Xuan Tong, the control over Xuan Ye was a little less, and Xuan Ye actually regained some physical control, and shouted out the next moment.

However, when he heard this call, Xuan Zi couldn't help but be stunned, with a look of disbelief in his eyes: Impossible! I have never seen anyone who has been trained as a puppet and taken under my control. I have never seen anyone able to break free. How did you do it?

Xuan Zi's eyes were filled with disbelief.

From the time he was born to this day, no matter who he is, as long as he is controlled by his own spider thread, he can only become his own puppet. Even those earth-shaking strong men in ancient times are no exception. But who knows that something went wrong at this time? A little ant in the Jinchi realm can actually shake his own magical power?

This is the magical power that allows one to settle down and live a life, and it is the ability to make a living. Once there is a problem, it will be more fatal than not obtaining the incarnation of Qingtian.

There was something wrong with his own magical power, and Xuan Zi, who was controlling it, was so frightened that his body trembled, and his eyes were full of horror.

If there is something wrong with your own magical power, why don't you grab Qingtian's physical body? Hurry up and hide yourself from the enemy.

Following Xuan Ye's voice, Wang Yanchun, who was in the three-talent formation in the distance, frowned, with a look of surprise in his eyes: What did Xuan Ye think? You actually asked me to release those strong men?

But since Xuan Ye gave the order, he had no reason to refuse. Just because there are less constraints from those people, I can use more power to attract the attention of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Let's talk about the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. A group of masters were trapped in the formation. They didn't even see the shadow of Wang Yanchun and were directly trapped by the terrifying power of heaven and earth.

Rush, I can’t rush out! beat? And no one could be hit. At this time, the various kinds of frustration and anguish in everyone's hearts were simply indescribable.

Even the two powerful demigods of the Xuan family were confused at this time, wandering around in the formation like headless flies.

When Wang Yanchun finally opened the formation, he saw a gap in the void, revealing a passage. Everyone in the Xuan family immediately escaped along the passage without saying a word.

This damn formation is really evil. No one has seen it, and it actually trapped us. Xuan Chi's voice was full of lingering fear.

Xuance, the king of Zhenshan, looked gloomy: I didn't expect there to be such a strong person in the world. In the past, I looked down on everyone in the world.

While they were talking, everyone noticed that Xuan Tong and Xuan Ye Xuanji were fighting in the distance, as well as Xuan Zi, who was standing motionless in front of the green light beam. Everyone's eyes showed a look of surprise. Unexpectedly, He passed through the innate formation so easily and arrived at the battlefield.

What's more, I didn't expect that Qingtian of the Xuan family had already been born, and the father and son of the Xuan family had already started fighting for it.

Qingtian is born!

Xuance's voice was full of heat, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Xuanchi, and then the two calmly distanced themselves.

As demigods and strong men, how could they not compete for the birth of Qingtian?

There is no indisputable reason.

Qingtian didn't expect that he would be born like this. Xuan Chi laughed beside him, but thinking that he had suffered heavy losses, he was definitely no match for Xuan Ce, so he said with a smile:

The treasures of heaven and earth are for the virtuous to live in. Brother Dao, whose magical power is astonishing to the heaven and earth, can be said to have done his duty. This Qingtianhe should be brother Dao's treasure. I will not interfere with it. Brother Tao has taken this treasure for himself.

Brother, what are you talking about? When it comes to seniority, you are still my elder. When Qingtian is born, you, the elder, should be the first to be born. How can I, a junior, come forward? Seniors, please don't undermine me. Xuance's face was full of hypocrisy. With an expression on his face, a pair of eyes looked Xuan Chi up and down, seemingly observing Xuan Chi's true reaction.

Hey, that's wrong. If you are older and you have to enjoy the benefits, let's compete for Taoism and virtue. Just compare your age. Such a treasure of heaven and earth should be occupied by the virtuous. Brother Tao, please invite me. Xuan Chi said respectfully.

Xuance looked at Xuanchi with his eyes. He wanted to go on stage first, but if Xuanchi gave him a moment at the critical moment of conquering Qingtian, wouldn't he be in trouble then?

Wouldn't I be in big trouble then?

It is true that Xuance was severely injured, but the power of a strong demigod cannot be underestimated even if he was severely injured?

Who knows what will happen when you conquer Qingtian?

You two, stop pretending to be humble. Now you are about to overturn. If you don't take action, the treasure will no longer belong to my Xuan family! Xuan Tong over there couldn't help but yelled.

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