In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 880: The stone man opens his eyes and the world rebels

Wu Zhao felt a little baffled. He had only a handful of warriors, so how could there be any warriors of his own in the Yulong clan?

impossible things!

This is absolutely impossible!

Cui Yu in the teahouse also felt a little confused at this time. Why did his arm suddenly become hot?

Could it be that Wu Zhao is in the Xuan family's small world? A thought flashed through Cui Yu's mind.

We have already seen Song Fuyun and Shoucheng. If we see Wu Zhao again, it doesn't seem to be something unacceptable.

Also acceptable.

Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and he slowly put down the tea cup: Wu Zhao?

He thought of the stunning and beautiful little Lolita when he first met her.

Cui Yu slowly put down the tea cup: It's time to take action.

Through the inner demon induction, he could feel that Xuan Pin was already preparing to commit suicide. If he delayed for a while, it would be too late.

Time is passing slowly, and an invisible undercurrent is sweeping through the entire Xuan family world.

General's Mansion

Cui Yu handed over a greeting card outside the door, using Xuanzi's card. Without Xuanzi's card, Cui Yu could not see Xuanpin.

As for why Cui Yu came to see Xuan Pin?

Of course, it was because Cui Yu had mastered Xuan Pin's inner demons, and in order to hide from others. After all, Xuan Zi, a prince, was running around visiting various dignitaries, which was really not what he looked like.

In fact, it was Song Fuyun who was running for Xuanzi, but General Xuanpin was too important, so Cui Yu had to come in person.

Not long after, he saw guards leading the way, and then Cui Yu strode towards the house.

Inside the mansion

Xuan Pin had already recovered from his injuries. He just looked at the poisoned wine in front of the case, his eyes full of fear. He stretched out his fingers to grasp the medicine bottle tremblingly, then held it in his hand, pulled out the stopper and started to move. He stiffened and no longer had the courage to take action.

No one can face death calmly.

General, someone handed me a greeting card outside the door. It's from Prince Xuanzi. The guard's voice sounded outside the door, interrupting Xuan Pin's movements.

Hearing this, Xuan Pin couldn't help but shrink his pupils and put down the medicine bottle in his hand.

No matter what the reason was, he didn't have to die for the time being.

At this time, the general's mental ape activated, and an inexplicable thought emerged in his heart: Could it be that the king has changed his mind? A secret decree has been issued, and a new task has been assigned to me. I don't need to die?

But he saw the general's eyes filled with the desire to survive: Invite him in.

People are always unwilling to die before they die. Even if they have illusions and delay for a little longer, they will live a little longer.

Not long after, Cui Yu was seen walking into the hall from outside the house. His eyes looked at Xuan Pin, who was sitting in the seat, and he cupped his fists and saluted: I have seen the general.

Did you come to see me with Prince Xuanzi's post? Xuanpin looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and saw that Cui Yu was a talented person. He had a rare air of charisma and was by no means an ordinary person.

Not bad. Cui Yu said.

Hearing this, Xuan Pin looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: What's the matter with Xuan Zi?

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: My Highness has heard about what happened in the palace. Is today the day when the general will die?

Xuan Pin's face turned gloomy when he heard this, and his entire popularity slumped. No matter how charming and charming you are, you will still slump when faced with life and death.

Did Xuan Zi ask you to ridicule me? Xuan Pin was in a bad mood at this time.

I'm here to give the general a way out. Cui Yu said.

Hearing this, Xuan Pin suddenly became energetic, and his whole body felt as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes: What did you say?

I'm here to give hope to the general. Cui Yu repeated with a smile.

Xuan Pin suddenly got up from the ground and grabbed Cui Yu's wrist: Where does hope come from?

General, does he know that my son, the Supreme Emperor, gave a jade Ruyi as a gift? Cui Yu asked without answering.

What kind of person is Xuan Pin? He knows the elegant meaning when he hears a string, and his eyes are full of joy: Could it be the Supreme Emperor...

Yes, it is the Supreme Emperor's edict. I wonder if the general will accept it or not? Cui Yu said with a smile: Compared to the Supreme Emperor, the current king is rebellious. If the general can respect the Supreme Emperor's edict, then he is obeying the Supreme Emperor's order. The king has issued an edict to attack the rebels. The Supreme Emperor has issued an edict. If the matter is accomplished, all of your sins can be forgiven. If it fails, it will be better for you to die than to die in vain now.

When Xuan Pin heard this, his eyes were beating wildly, but this person was a man, and he could still maintain some sense: Impossible! Impossible! The Supreme Emperor has lost power and has no chance. Otherwise, he would not have been defeated by that person back then. Get rid of those who rebel against the party! If I obey the imperial edict and respect the Emperor, my whole family will die. But if I die now, I will be the only one who dies.

What status do you have? What kind of glory do you have? Are you willing to die like this? Can you bear to die like this and watch your enemies live happily? Besides, Xuan Ye just caught the Supreme Emperor by surprise back then. The Supreme Emperor Although under house arrest, the power of the Supreme Emperor still exists. Even though it is a little weaker than before, there are also opponents of Xuan Ye now, such as the Zhenshan King who has long been eyeing the position of emperor. For example, Xuan Ye His elder brother Xuanqi, when Xuanye seized the throne of Xuanqi, Xuanqi had long hated him. The prince Xuancao was going to be abolished, which made him feel uneasy. As long as you start, the next thing will be useless As long as you take care of it, the world will be in chaos.

The power of the Supreme Emperor is not as strong as before, but we can't resist the fact that the Supreme Emperor has allies. Cui Yu looked at Xuan Pin with eloquent words at this time: In addition, you now control half of the soldiers and horses in the world. As long as you take action, the rest will If Fang forces follow, it can be said that Xuan Ye's dynasty will be overthrown.

At this point, Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness: This is a bet. How can you live without taking a gamble in life?

If you win the bet, the general will survive, and your glory and wealth will remain the same. If you lose the bet, at worst, you will remain anonymous. When the world is in chaos, who will be able to find you? Cui Yu said as he activated his inner demons, constantly interfering with Xuan Pin's thoughts.

However, he saw a trace of struggle in Xuan Pin's eyes, and the next moment he stood up suddenly, with a fierce look in his eyes: Yes, I didn't do the thing, I was just framed by others, so why should Xuan Ye want me to risk my life? Why should you hand me over to give an explanation to the world? I fought for Xuan Ye and helped him plot to usurp the throne. If it hadn't been for me, would he be sitting in this position now?

A wave of unwillingness burst out of his heart, and then turned into overwhelming hatred. Xuan Pin's eyes turned red: Why do you want me to die? If you want to die, he should die. Tens of thousands of years ago, everyone was the same ancestor, why should he? One word could kill me? I refuse to accept it! We all share the same blood, so why should he be sitting in the position of the Lord of the World while I humble myself and pray for my life?

Xuan Pin's eyes were full of ferociousness: I don't accept it! I want to rebel! I want to pull Xuan Ye off the throne, and I want to sit on the throne of the human king.

Xuan Pin's voice was full of madness.

He no longer wants to rebel under the imperial edict, he wants to directly seek to usurp the throne.

Did Xin Yuan turn up the heat? Cui Yu looked at Xuan Pin, who looked crazy, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

At this time, Xuan Pin was completely obsessed.

If you are not crazy, you are not a devil!

He is going to be possessed!

There was a murderous intent in Xuan Pin's eyes, which was an unfair fight against fate.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard the words: It's not a bad idea for the general to rebel. We all have the same ancestor and the same blood flowing. Why should he be the emperor and decide life and death, but you have to live in humble existence like an ant. Big Once the general rebels, the world will be in chaos, and it is hard to say who will win the position of king at that time.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Xuan Pin felt that it made sense, and his eyes suddenly lit up: This general is about to rebel, and you like it. Are you willing to serve me?

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: I don't think I'll be too effective, but I can still help you by recruiting the general to find allies for the rebellion and increasing the success of the rebellion.

Cui Yu's voice was full of deception: The forces under the Supreme Emperor are willing to help you.

Okay! Xuan Pin glanced at Cui Yu: As you said, if the Supreme Emperor's forces are willing to help, I, the general, are willing to form an alliance with them.

Having said this, Xuan Pin looked at Cui Yu: Since you came to me, you must have made preparations for many things. If you have any ideas, just tell me.

If you want to rebel, you must be honest and honest. But if you want to be just and honest, there are two ways. Cui Yu said here and said it.

What can I do, but it doesn't matter. Xuan Pin looked at Cui Yu.

The first way is to directly coerce a prince, and then use that prince's name to directly rebel. Cui Yu said.

Xuan Pin nodded when he heard this, feeling that it made sense: What about the second method?

There must be a clear and just reason. Cui Yu said with a smile: For example, in the name of rescuing the Supreme Emperor.

I understand. Xuan Pin said thoughtfully.

It's just that today is the day I die. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape. Even if I want to rebel, it's probably too late. Xuan Pin said worriedly: The mansion is surrounded by Xuan Ye's spies. I want to escape. I’m afraid it’s like going to heaven, Xuan Ye will never give me a chance!”

Since I came to see the king, how could I be unprepared? Cui Yu said with a smile: General, please be careful with your tactics.

Cui Yu pointed at the case, and the next moment a fake Xuan Pin appeared in the room.

However, the Xuanpin transformed by Cui Yu spurted blood all over his body, his body was ashen, and dark red blood flowed from his seven orifices.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Pin was stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed: What a good trick.

It's just a small trick, not worth showing off. The general is laughing at him. Cui Yu looked at Xuan Pin with his eyes, and his words were very modest.

Just how to escape? Xuan Pin looked confused.

General, I'm sorry. Cui Yu raised his fist and saluted Xuan Pin: General, please don't resist.

After saying this, he used Qiankun in his sleeves and put Xuanpin directly into his sleeves.

Then the next moment Cui Yu turned into air and disappeared into the general's mansion.

All the way out of the mansion

Then he saw the world in Cui Yuxiu opening up and releasing Xuan Pin: General, we have escaped.

You escaped now? What a trick! Xuan Pin looked at the green mountains and green waters in front of him, his eyes filled with emotion.

General, please go on your way. The mountains and rivers are high in the future, and there will always be opportunities to meet again. Cui Yu made a gesture of invitation.

Xuan Pin nodded when he heard this: You and I will say goodbye. If this general can become a leader in the future, I will definitely reward you generously.

After Xuan Pin finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and went away, leaving Cui Yu standing on the top of the mountain, looking at Xuan Pin's leaving back without saying a word.

I can already smell the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. Chi You's dog head poked out from the shadow, his eyes looking at Xuan Bin's back with emotion in his eyes.

We have no choice! If we want to destroy the Xuan family, we must first cause internal strife in the Xuan family, and then we will find a way to find the formation map of this innate formation. Cui Yu's voice was full of emotion.

To be honest, although they are all members of the Xuan family and have the same blood flowing in their bodies, Cui Yu knows very well that 99% of these living beings have nothing to do with the Xuan family that he offended.

But Cui Yu can't help it!

The Xuan family is too huge!

It was so huge that even Cui Yu couldn't shake it.

Thinking of this, Cui Yu used his escape technique, and when he reappeared, he had reached the edge of the innate formation, and his eyes looked at the twelve capitals of the gods in the innate formation.

At this time, Cui Yu's Twelve Capital Gods and Gods Formation had made great progress, and he saw that the Twelve City Gods and Gods Formation was wildly swallowing the power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and it was wildly swallowing the creation of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. , use the creation of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty to feed yourself back.

At this time, the twelve figures began to solidify, and they became somewhat real images. However, the height of the figures remained the same and did not appear to have changed.

Take your time, there is plenty of time. The devouring speed will only get faster and faster. When the devouring speed of my Twelve Capital Gods Formation reaches its peak, the entire formation can be devoured in one breath. Cui Yu smiled. He said, his eyes full of hope.

The Xuan family is getting more and more interesting. Cui Yu muttered.

But before he finished speaking, the innate formation in front of him suddenly distorted, and he saw that the innate formation opened up a passage. Cui Yu was so frightened that he quickly jumped into the twelve capitals of the gods, and used the twelve capitals of the gods to make use of the formation. Hide your own home.

Then the void twisted, and a familiar figure was seen walking from a distance and entering the passage.

Wang Yanchun!!! Cui Yu couldn't help but froze as he looked at the face of the visitor, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Who is this?

Wang Yanchun, one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain!

But this is the Xuan family, why is Wang Yanchun here?

How come the Xuan family has colluded with Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat, his eyes full of seriousness: Could it be that there is an ulterior secret between the Xuan family and Zhenwu Mountain?

Cui Yu watched Wang Yanchun emerge from the innate formation and fell into deep thought.

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