In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 879 Wu Zhao’s frustration

Cui Yu looked at Shoucheng with his eyes, and he had too many questions in his heart.

Shoucheng left Daliang years ago, saying he was solving a big problem for the human race, and then disappeared from sight. Logically speaking, Shoucheng should never appear here, but now that Shoucheng has appeared here, doesn't that mean... this place will become a big trouble for my human race in the future?

The big trouble for the human race in the future will be caused by the Xuan family?

Cui Yu's heart suddenly jumped. The trouble caused by the Xuan family would actually involve the entire human race? Lead to the destruction of the entire human race?

What kind of trump card does the Xuan family have that could cause such chaos?

What did Shoucheng know?

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and he suddenly raised his head and looked at Shoucheng: If the Taoist wants me to leave, you must tell me the reason for leaving. Otherwise, if you retreat because of the Taoist's words, I'm afraid it's not my Cui Yu's character. . We have known each other for several years, Taoist priest, you should know me best. How can I, Cui Yu, be the kind of person who inexplicably retreats from my life?

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Shoucheng smiled bitterly: I don't know.

What? What did you say? Cui Yu looked at Shoucheng with confusion after hearing this.

Don’t you know you’re telling me to get out of here quickly?

Cui Yu looked up and down Shoucheng suspiciously, always feeling that this guy seemed to be an ally of the Xuan family, waiting here to deceive him.

Don't look at me like that. I just lurked into the Xuan family secretly according to the guidance of cause and effect. According to the guidance of cause and effect, the Xuan family is the source of the disaster. However, I have searched all over the Xuan family and have not yet found the Xuan family. The source of the turmoil. However, the underlying cause and effect is getting stronger and stronger, which means that the time of crisis for the Xuan family is getting closer and closer. Shoucheng's eyes were full of emotion.

After hearing Shoucheng's words, Cui Yu couldn't help but frown: The catastrophe of the Xuan family? Could it be related to the 'Heaven' of the Xuan family?

He still believed Shoucheng's words.

But Shoucheng hadn't met him in all these years, and Cui Yu didn't dare to completely believe Shoucheng's words. Compared with trust, he believed in human nature more.

What? The Xuan family has 'heaven'? Shoucheng was shocked when he heard this: Who did you listen to?

Shoucheng's eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

After hearing Shoucheng's words, Cui Yu said calmly: Of course there is accurate information.

Shoucheng looked ugly when he heard this: I seem to know the source of the trouble in the world.

Cui Yu looked at Shoucheng in confusion when he heard this. Why did the other party suddenly know?

Seeing the confusion in Cui Yu's mind, Shoucheng explained: You see, there is a blue sky in the Imperial Court of the Zhou Dynasty, and a yellow sky in the Taiping Road. If the Xuan family's heaven is born again, then the three heavens will be born together.

Then what? How could being born three days apart have anything to do with the safety of the human race? Cui Yu's eyes were filled with confusion.

In just a few years, three days have already been born together. I believe that the other two days will be born soon. In other words, the other two days have already been born, but we don't know about it. Five directions and five days Born together, the five directions and the five heavens devoured each other, and the five elements merged into chaos, causing the way of heaven to awaken from its slumber and come, and then it would be a disaster for the whole world. Shoucheng's eyes were full of seriousness: If the Xuan family really has heaven , are currently born together in three days, I’m afraid that the law of heaven will come down when the time comes.”

After hearing Shoucheng's words, Cui Yu's pupils shrank: Although I don't know what God will do when he comes, something bad will definitely happen.

If the way of heaven is really personified and comes to this world, I am afraid that no one in the world will be a match by then.

Do you know why that kind of horrific war broke out in the ancient times? I heard people say that it was because the five directions and the five heavens merged into one, allowing heaven to descend, fight with the evil spirits outside the sky, and eventually die together. It was also that war, It has exhausted the creation of heaven and earth, causing the gods and demons to disappear between heaven and earth. And my human race is the descendant of those powerful people from outside the world, fused with the blood of outside the world, and is the old enemy of the heaven. Once the heaven revives, it will be me who will be wiped out. Wait. Shoucheng felt a little restless:

No, I must prevent the Xuan family's heaven from being born, and I must destroy the Xuan family's heaven.

There was a serious look in Shoucheng's eyes.

The mysterious cause and effect told him that what Cui Yu told was the truth. From the moment Cui Yu said Heaven, the cause and effect began to beat crazily, warning crazily.

What are you going to do? It is said that the Xuan family has old antiques who survived the ancient catastrophe and are sleeping. Once they are awakened, we will all be finished by then. Cui Yu looked at Shoucheng with his eyes: If you want If you want to destroy the Xuan Family's Heaven, why not cooperate with me? I have a plan now.

Huh? Do you have a plan? Tell me quickly. Shoucheng looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu did not hide anything, and told him about his plan to become the emperor of the Xuan family. Now that Xuan Zi had obtained the key things, he was not afraid even if the news was leaked.

Shoucheng was silent after hearing this, listening to Cui Yu's plan, with a look of thought in his eyes, and he accidentally tapped the table with his fingers. After a long time, he said, How did you come up with this plan?

So, is there any flaw? Cui Yu took a sip of tea.

It's absolutely perfect. I can't think of any plan that's more perfect than his. The only thing that's a little difficult to control is what if an ancestor of the Xuan family is resurrected and the civil strife is quelled? Shoucheng looked at Cui Yu: This is the only variable. .”

It's easy, just 'kill'. Cui Yu raised his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Shoucheng's pupils shrank when he heard this, and then said: You also said that the Xuan family is protected by the ancestors. It is almost impossible for you to kill the ancestors of the Xuan family by yourself. You instigated the father and son of the Xuan family to kill each other. , but once the fight between the two causes turmoil and impact on the small world of the Xuan family, the old antique of the Xuan family will definitely recover.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: As long as during the rebellion, one of the parties is constantly replaced by our people, and one of the parties is replaced unknowingly, then even if the ancestor of the Xuan family wants to quell the chaos, it will depend on Let's see if we all agree. As for the ancestor of the Xuan family, I have invited experts to come and help. If the situation gets out of control, we will have to compete to see whose method is stronger. Then we will have a real sword fight, as it is today People today may not be as good as those in ancient times due to changes. Of course, I don’t think the ancestors of the Xuan family will awaken. As long as we control the scale of the battle, the ancestors of the Xuan family will not awaken.

Shoucheng pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and he seemed to agree with Cui Yu's words, and then slowly stood up: Okay, I will do as you say, and I will help you in secret.

After speaking, Shoucheng jumped up and disappeared into the night sky.

Looking at the direction Shoucheng was leaving, Cui Yu knocked the tea cup slowly and said after a long time: It's getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect that in the small world of the Xuan family, I saw unexpected acquaintances. .”

Time passed by in a hurry, half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone was secretly making plans.

Cui Yu was idle and bored, so he used it to repair his golden body.

Everyone is waiting, everyone is suffering.

For example, Wu Zhao

Outside the Xuan family's small world, a huge white crane came from the sky and arrived above the Xuan family's innate formation in the blink of an eye.

Wu Zhao, who was dressed in white as snow, was sitting on the white crane with an expressionless expression. Anyone who was sold by the family in exchange for supplies would never be happy or happy.

Miss Wu Zhao, we are here. At this moment, a voice came from the side, and Xuanji looked at Wu Zhao with a sincere expression: This is the base camp of my Xuan family.

When Wu Zhao heard the words, he raised his head and looked up. What he saw was not the Xuan family's innate formation, but the endlessly bright golden flames that seemed to ignite the sky.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire that covered thousands of miles from a distance, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

The flames were so overbearing and terrifying that even though they were far away in time and space, the heat wave was hitting their face, and it still made the blood in the body seem to be drying up.

That flame? Is the Xuan family's nest in that flame? Guarded by such a powerful flame, it is worthy of being a family that can gain a foothold in a dangerous and unknown place. Wu Zhao looked at the thousand-mile sea of ​​​​fire with shock in his eyes. color.

Even she has never seen such a big scene.

Hearing Wu Zhao's words, Xuanji couldn't help but show a hint of embarrassment on his face, and coughed dryly: Miss Wu Zhao misunderstood, that is not my Xuan family's innate formation, the one next to the sea of ​​fire is the Xuan family's formation. I don't know who the flames were these days. The strange emanations spread thousands of miles around, burning to the point where not a single blade of grass could grow, and thousands of miles were reduced to ashes.”

Wu Zhao couldn't help but paled when he heard this, with a look of shock in his eyes: I really can't imagine what kind of terrifying power could cause such a scene.

Xuanji nodded when he heard the words: When manpower will eventually be exhausted, only those ghosts and monsters born in accordance with the rules of heaven and earth will have such incredible power.

After hearing Xuanji's words, Wu Zhao was about to speak, when suddenly the void in the distance distorted, and a big hand covered the sky and came to capture the white crane: Are you people in this innate formation? If we capture you and other human ants, maybe We can find a way to open the innate formation.

The palm of the hand is as powerful as the sky and the earth. One palm stretched out seems to encompass the infinite world, and it is grabbed towards the white crane.

Bastard, my Xuan family is something you can covet. At this moment, an old man with white hair and beard stood up on the white crane. His eyes were full of coldness, and he took the initiative to greet the big hand. At the same time, he said Follow the mysterious path;

Your Highness, go ahead. I will stop him.

Xuanji nodded when he heard the words, turned to Wu Zhao and said: Because the power of the flames affected my Xuan family's innate formation, which caused my Xuan family's innate formation to be exposed and targeted by these ghostly people. But my Xuan family’s innate formation is indestructible, how can it be coveted by those weird ones? It’s just a useless effort.”

As he spoke, he drove the white crane into the innate formation.

Wu Zhao frowned when he heard this. She was a true genius. She could feel the hidden gazes wandering between heaven and earth, watching the innate formation, and seemed to be deciphering the rules of the innate formation.

The Xuan family doesn't look as prosperous as it seems. The Xuan family is in big trouble now. Wu Zhao frowned.

She was extremely disgusted with the Xuan family. The Xuan family was a real insult. They actually used materials to hit people and 'replace' her. Although it was a marriage proposal in name, their attitude was very condescending and arrogant.

But who told his father to do something bad and cause damage to the family's materials?

Wu Zhao felt a little sad. In the past, she was the proud daughter of the family, with countless favors and halo surrounding her. But suddenly one day, the building was about to collapse, and she also fell into the dust.

Yu Long! This girl will definitely go back and take back everything that belongs to her. Wu Zhao was filled with hatred.

She hates the Wu family's ruthlessness!

Then what does the loss of the Third Prince Long have to do with me? Why should the Dragon Clan be angry with me? When I become a master in my cultivation, I will definitely tear out all the Dragon Clan and send them to the guillotine. Wu Zhao's eyes were full of coldness.

Inside the inn

Cui Yu drank tea leisurely and began to clean up his inventory at the same time. He rarely took advantage of his free time today to sort out all kinds of things and integrate his resources to make the best use of them.

All the innate spiritual treasures are sent into the small world to suppress their own small thousand worlds and enhance their own small thousand worlds.

While sorting out supplies, Cui Yu was suddenly attracted by a piece of ice. He saw a person he had almost forgotten—Prince Long San.

The Third Prince Long is definitely not a simple one. He is not just a simple Prince Long. Cui Yu suspects that this guy is an old guy who ran away from the Ancient Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake and was reincarnated into the Dragon Clan.

However, upon careful inspection of the body of Prince Long San, nothing amiss was found. There was no trace of reincarnation or body snatching.

Is it because I don't have the relationship with my family to control the path of life and death, so I can't see the depth? Cui Yu had a flicker of doubt in his heart.

How weird!

It's so weird!

Extremely strange.

If Prince Long San was reincarnated, how could he deceive himself about the path of life and death?

Cui Yu looked at Prince Long San with his eyes. Although he couldn't think of the use of Prince Long San for the time being, he still put Prince Long San away and continued to organize his treasures.

But suddenly there was a cry of white crane, and a beautiful white crane was seen crossing the sky. Cui Yu suddenly felt his arm was hot, and the mark representing the Yulong clan on his arm seemed to come to life.

At the same time, the white crane comes up

Wu Zhao suddenly frowned, opened his eyes and looked at the mountains and rivers below, with a strange look in his eyes, and said to himself: Impossible? Absolutely impossible! How can there be a mark induction here? My warrior mark? This is impossible, I never remember that I have a warrior from the Xuan family. Could it be that I am so angry that something is wrong with my mind? Can even the mark be sensed wrong?

Wu Zhao gathered his mind and suppressed the thoughts in his heart: It's all an illusion! It's all an illusion! Don't worry about it.

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