In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 877: Be loyal to His Highness

The Wu family is in big trouble!

The cause of all this starts with Cui Yu. Cui Yu used the sculptures of gods and demons to deceive the world, causing Tang Zhou, Yan Qu, and Chen Lu to fall into the ditch. He borrowed countless supplies in an attempt to get rid of the gods and demons. Exchange the Open Heaven Treasure in the cave.

Among them was Chen Lu from the Haoran lineage, who borrowed a large amount of supplies from the Wu family.

Then the Wu family was in trouble!

Tough luck!

All the supplies were emptied out by Wu Siyue and lent to the Haoran lineage. Then the Haoran lineage fell apart. Wu Siyue had to return the vacant supplies to the clan alone.

Where can there be so many supplies in Wuyueyue?

Then the Wu family fell into a trap because of a shortage of supplies.

Originally, all this was nothing. As long as it eased for a few hundred years, the Wu family could still recover. However, unexpectedly, the third prince Donghai Long disappeared. Donghai Fei believed that the Wu family had captured the third prince Long, and then a war broke out.

The battle was not only about human lives and the strength of both sides, but also about the supplies of both sides.

Because they could not provide supplies, Wu Yuyue's family took the opportunity to usurp the position of the head of the family. Not only did their engagement with the third prince Ji Xiaofeng be cancelled, the newly appointed patriarch's daughter was designated as Ji Xiaofeng's wife.

Ji Xiaofeng is a girl. Although she has the status of the third prince, she is a real daughter. The reason why he married the Wu family was to take advantage of the power of the Wu family. Now that Wu Yuyue and Wu Zhao's lineage have lost their momentum and there is no room for improvement, Ji Xiaofeng has to make a choice. She directly chooses to marry the Wu family. The first daughter is engaged.

The general trend of the world cannot be concealed from the Xuan family, but they heard the Xuan family's sect order: Now Wu Zhao and Wu Yueyue have lost the general trend in the Wu family. As long as the king asks people to bring supplies to get engaged, it will naturally happen when the time comes. Take advantage of it. A useless martial arts certificate is exchanged for a large amount of supplies that are vacant in the family. No matter how the calculation is made, the Wu family will not refuse. In other words, the Wu family cannot refuse at all!

After hearing Zong Ling's words, Xuan Ye hesitated for a moment, and then said: Then Patriarch Lao will go there in person.

Zong Ling bowed respectfully upon hearing this, then turned around and retreated.

The Xuan family's Zong Ling went to propose marriage in person, and there was absolutely no choice in terms of status. You must know that Zong Ling was the nominal clan leader and was in charge of all affairs of the entire Xuan family.

After Zong Ling retreated, he heard the servant walk in from the door and bowed respectfully to Xuan Ye: Your Majesty, Xuan Pin wants to see you. This guy is staying outside and has been pleading hard. He doesn't want to see your Majesty.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye pondered for a moment, then nodded: Invite him in.

Along with the sound of footsteps, Xuan Pin walked in with a serious face. At this time, Xuan Pin was wearing ragged clothes and shocking blood stains on his body. He didn't even look like he was intact.

Xuan Pin stepped forward and threw himself to the ground: Xuan Pin, the sinful minister, kowtow to the king.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye lowered his head and looked at Xuan Bin with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of helplessness: The matter has come to this, and you still come to see the lonely king. Could it be that you have something to say?

I'm wronged! I'm wronged! Xuan Pin burst into tears.

You did it. This is irrefutable proof. Even if someone conspired against you and you got caught, it was because you were incompetent. For adultery in the harem, even if the lonely king wants to forgive you, you still can't escape the death penalty. If you If he doesn't die, how can the lonely king explain to the world? How can he explain to the royal family? How can he explain to the ministers? How can he explain to the queen? Xuan Ye looked calm.

But Xuanji can't live without me. Xuanpin's voice was filled with sobs.

King Gu has his own arrangements for mysterious matters. Xuan Ye looked at Xuan Pin with his eyes: For the sake of your loyalty to King Gu in recent years, King Gu is giving you a face. If you behave Accepting dignity, hello, me, hello, everyone, the lonely king will not overly embarrass the young and old in your family. If you don’t want to be decent, then the lonely king can only help you to be decent, and then it will not be as simple as killing you. You choose which one?

Xuan Pin's body trembled for a while. Thousands of words came to his lips and turned into a sob. Then a line of blood and tears flowed from his eyes: The matter has come to this. It is all due to my incompetence and damage to the majesty of the royal family. I died without any regrets. It was just before my death. , I have one more request, and please your Majesty, you must agree to it, otherwise I will die with my eyes in peace.

Xuan Ye looked at Xuan Pin with his eyes, and his eyes gradually softened: Tell me, if King Gu can do it, I will do everything possible to satisfy you.

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Xuan Pin kowtowed continuously and hit his forehead on the bluestone on the ground, splattering with blood: If I die, I will die. Please, Your Majesty, track down the murderer and avenge me!

Even if you don't say anything, the lonely king will definitely use all his strength to find that damn bastard and then cut him into pieces. Xuan Pin's voice was full of murderous intent.

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Xuanji didn't say any more, but kowtowed nine times respectfully: Your Majesty, I can no longer serve your Majesty, and I can no longer serve under your Majesty's account. In the future life, please be kind to Your Majesty. Take care of your dragon body.

After saying that, Xuan Pin stood up and turned to leave.


Seeing Xuan Pin turn around, Xuan Ye suddenly called out to Xuan Pin.

Xuan Pin was stunned when he heard this, with a look of ecstasy on his face. He thought he had moved Xuan Ye and made him change his mind. However, he hid his smile in an instant and turned it into a tragic look again. His eyes were full of reluctance. He looked at Xuan Ye: What else does the king have to say?

A hope of life rose in Xuan Pin's heart at this time, constantly shaking Xuan Pin's mind.

In this desperate situation between life and death, the inner demon in Xuan Pin's heart grew crazily, and the black lotus in his eyes also grew crazily.

However, Xuan Ye's next words directly drove one of Xuan Pin's stars into the cliff, causing him to fall to the bottom and shatter into pieces: If you die, you still need to choose a good time to recover from your injuries. The lonely king doesn't want the ministers to see anything bad when they go to express their condolences. As for the time, I think it will be fine in half a month. Half a month is enough for you to recover from your injuries.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Xuan Pin's heart was filled with despair, causing huge waves in his life and death.

This also caused Xuan Pin to completely fall between this gap.

My... Your Majesty... I obey your order. Xuan Pin's voice was full of helplessness. In an instant, his body stooped, and then he slowly turned around and left the hall. When he walked to the threshold, his body staggered, and his body could be compared to that of the Jin Dynasty. A great master in this realm actually threw a dog's shit on the ground.

A servant wanted to come up to help him, but Xuan Pin stumbled and pushed him away.

Prepare a soft sedan for him. The lonely king doesn't want him to walk out of the palace like this and cause any rumors. Xuan Ye said expressionlessly.

A chamberlain carried a soft sedan and walked out of the deep palace.

Only halfway, he met a flawless young man who was rushing towards him, it was Chun Wang Xuanji.

Grandpa!!! Xuanji looked at the sedan and shouted anxiously.

He could feel that Xuan Pin's body was in the sedan, and the aura on Xuan Pin's body was extremely unstable at this time.

The curtain was lifted, revealing Xuan Pin, whose skin was torn and his flesh and blood were blurred.

At this time, Xuan Pin looked at Xuanji with his eyes full of bitterness: Your Highness, I have failed the King's expectations, I have failed His Highness's expectations, and I deserve death for my crime!

Xuan Pin was in tears at this time, and his voice was hoarse and full of sorrow.

Hearing this, Xuanji had tears in his eyes: Grandpa, what happened? I heard someone said...I heard someone said you messed up the palace maid?

Xuan Pin was not only Xuanji's biggest supporter when he came to Dabao and brought down Prince Xuancao, but also his own grandfather, who was his biggest supporter.

I have been hunting all day long, but I never thought that I would fall into someone else's trap and have my soul and soul stolen. Xuan Pin's voice was full of bitterness and helplessness:

My death was unjust! If we were to fight with open swords and guns, I am confident that I will be no worse than anyone else. But this grandson actually tried to harm me and played dirty tricks behind my back. I won't accept it!

Did you die unjustly? Xuanji's face suddenly turned pale when he heard this.

Your Majesty has an edict to commit suicide in half a month. How dare I disobey the edict? Xuan Pin's voice was full of sorrow. He stretched out his bloody arm tremblingly and grabbed Xuanji's thigh: Your Highness, what will happen in the future? You have to strive for success, you must strive for success! Your Highness must work hard to please the king and ascend to this supreme position. When the time comes, he will be able to soar into the sky and become the king of the country. I only hope that after your Highness ascends the throne, he will thoroughly investigate this matter and return the favor to me. Innocent. I have been wronged! If I cannot wash away my shame, I will never rest in peace even if I turn into a fool.

Xuan Pin's eyes shed tears of blood.

Looking at Xuan Pin's appearance, Xuanji couldn't help but feel sad. Without saying a word, he rushed towards the inner palace: Grandpa, don't worry, I will go and beg your father to withdraw his decree and find out the truth.

Don't do useless work... Xuan Pin wanted to grab Xuan Ji's palm, but saw that Xuan Ji had already left in a hurry, Xuan Pin could only retract his palm helplessly.

The curtain of the sedan was closed and the sedan continued to set off, but Xuan Pin in the sedan looked ferocious at this time. Where was the pretentious look from before?

Then Xuan Pin's eyes were full of crazy hatred: Xuan Ye, Xuan Ye! You have such a cruel heart! I have been working for you for decades, without any credit but with hard work. You can be stable without my help. But you treat me like this! I'm just a woman, so what if I sleep with you? I don't accept it! I really don't accept it!

Xuan Pin was indeed dissatisfied, and his voice was full of suppressed anger.

Ouchi deep palace

As soon as Xuanji reached the door, he was welcomed in by the guards.

Father! Xuanji came to the hall and knelt down directly at the door of the hall, his voice full of anxiety.

King Gu knows what you are going to say. If you want to plead for Xuan Pin, you might as well stop talking. Xuan Ye stretched out his hand to interrupt Xuan Ji's words.

Father, the general has been loyal to my father for decades. There is no credit but hard work. In the past, if Xuan Pin hadn't taken sides, you might not have been able to overpower my uncle. Xuan Pin is the hero! Xuanji's voice was full of anxiety.

Xuan Pin was related to the foundation of his life, how could he sit idly by and ignore it?

How could the lonely king not know what you said? But who told him to live up to his expectations? He didn't even notice that he was being plotted against. By killing him, the lonely king also lost his humeral minister, and the lonely king was also heartbroken, but again What can I do? Gu is the leader of a country. He wants to balance the world and he has to answer to many people. There are countless people from the Xuan family below who are staring at King Gu. They want to find a flaw at any time and give King Gu a fatal blow. Attack. The uncles and uncles of the lonely king and your cousins ​​are all secretly grinding their teeth and sucking blood.

Xuan Ye's voice was full of helplessness.

Is there no chance of turning around at all? His voice was full of helplessness. Xuanji's body fell to the ground, his eyes full of helplessness.

Hearing Xuanji's words, Xuan Ye shook his head and looked at Xuanji with his eyes: King Gu will teach you today that if you want to become a monarch, the first lesson is to know how to choose. Personal emotions will always be less than the general trend of the country.

Xuanji smiled bitterly, his eyes became red, and his voice choked with sobs: The child wants to see off grandpa.

He spoke as a grandson.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye did not stop him, but patted Xuanji on the shoulder: You are a good boy, a good boy with noble moral character. If this happened to someone else, it would be too late to draw a clear line. You regard family affection as the second priority. One, this is what Lone King appreciates most about you. You have conscience and kindness!

Xuan Ye's voice was full of appreciation.

Yes, he just appreciates this bit of human kindness in Xuanji.

Sometimes, there are often many evil people. Although they usually commit crimes, but when they really meet such kind of righteous people, they actually admire them in their hearts.

In a teahouse opposite the palace, Cui Yu was drinking tea with Song Fuyun. The two looked at the soft sedan walking out of the palace. Song Fuyun put down the tea cup and said, It smells so strong of blood.

If nothing else happens, the person in the sedan is Xuan Pin. Your plan is successful, and the next step is to plan for Xuan Pin to rebel and become the source of trouble for the entire Xuan family world. Cui Yu said upstairs Finished sentence.

The inner ape in Xuan Pin's body is about to completely control Xuan Pin. Cui Yu certainly knows what happened in the inner palace through the inner demon induction.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Song Fuyun's eyes lit up: It really succeeded?

The queen of the dynasty was defiled, and Xuan Pin was sentenced to death by Emperor Zhou. The time is set to be half a month later. Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with his eyes: The chess game has been laid out, and everything I can do has been done. The next step is to It's all on you.

After speaking, Cui Yu patted Song Fuyun on the shoulder, then turned and walked down the mountain.

After walking out of the teahouse, Cui Yu had a strange look in his eyes: I just made a little move, and it's already the limit of this group of people. It's really meaningless. The Xuan family royal family is far different from the Da Zhou royal family. They are not the same size at all. level opponent.

Cui Yu was full of disdain at this time, with a touch of contempt in his eyes, and a touch of pride in the corners of his eyes: I just made a slight move. This wave is half-successful!

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