Of course Xuan Ye had reasons to be suspicious. After all, General Xuan Pin was the person he had supported with his own hands. In order to support King Chun: 'Xuanji' came to Datong's backer.

The queen's son is the current eldest prince Xuan Cao.

Xuan Ye wanted to abolish Xuan Cao and establish a new crown prince Xuan Ji, but of course the queen would not allow it.

For those in the Xuanji lineage, their biggest supporter is Xuanpin. As long as Xuanbin falls, the Xuanji lineage will be considered useless.

Xuan Ye looked at the disheveled queen with his eyes, suspicious thoughts flashed in his heart, and then he whispered to the commander of the internal guards on the side: Check for the lonely king, you must investigate to the end for the lonely king, and you must get to the bottom of the investigation. , The lonely king must know all the truth.

The commander of the internal guards followed the order and left, and then Xuan Ye slowly came to the queen. Looking at the queen with tears streaming down her face and a numb expression, countless thoughts flowed through her heart. Finally, she knelt down and held the queen in her arms: Bao Don't be afraid, the lonely king is here.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, the queen trembled and seemed to come back to her senses. Her scattered eyes quickly focused, then she grabbed Xuan Ye's arm and cried bitterly: Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me! You must make the decision for me!

Hearing this, Xuan Ye hugged the queen's plump body, his eyes full of cold murderous intent: Don't worry, the lonely king will definitely make the decision for you and give you an explanation.

After comforting the queen for a while, he ordered the palace servants to take good care of the queen. Then Xuan Ye left the queen's palace with a gloomy face, and coldly ordered the imperial guards beside him: How many people know about this today?

All those palace maids and maids were killed by Xuan Pin. Basically, there were no survivors, but some of the imperial guards who came later... There was a hint of hesitation in the voice of the leader of the guards, and his eyes looked at Xuan Ye's expression. If Xuan Ye had After giving the order, he would never mind killing those guards directly.

No! We are all brothers, don't be too cruel. Xuan Ye shook his head and rejected the other party's words, and then said with a serious voice: Just go down and give a warning.

The leader of the guards breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: Your Majesty's grace, I will thank you for your kindness on behalf of those slaves.

This kind of royal scandal, once involved, is basically a dead end. Now Xuan Ye was willing to show mercy and help the group, which was unexpected by the leader.

Experts from the royal family tortured and interrogated him overnight, and soon the truth came to light.

Before it got dark, the Minister of Punishment arrived and bowed respectfully to Xuan Ye: Your Majesty, the matter has come to light.

Huh? Xuan Ye suddenly became energetic after hearing this, and looked at the Minister of Punishment with his eyes: What's the truth of the matter?

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, the Minister of Punishment lowered his voice: Your Majesty, there is a big problem! General Xuan Pin is probably framed, and Xuan Pin is missing one soul and two souls. Although the other limbs have not been found, they must be related to this The soul and the soul are related.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye slammed the table: Bold! They dare to frame Gu Wang's confidants. They are simply lawless! They really should be cut to pieces! They really deserve to die!

Xuan Ye was extremely angry. You must know that this was not just as simple as the other party framing Xuan Pin, but also throwing the face of the royal family on the ground and rubbing it.

He didn't take Xuan Ye into his eyes at all.

If you really put Xuan Ye in your eyes, you won't do such things that cause trouble to the palace.

Who did it? Which guy is so crazy? Is it the queen? Or is it the king of Zhenshan? Or is it my good brother? Or is it that the queen directed and acted on her own, even if she tarnished her own innocence, she also wanted to prevent the lonely king from ruining his life. Prince? Xuan Ye's eyes were full of cold light, and murderous intent continued to spread from his chest.

Xuan Ye's voice was full of coldness, and his eyes were fixed on the Minister of Punishment, waiting for the Shangshu of the Punishment Department's answer.

No matter who the answer is, he will tear the other person to pieces.

This incident has touched his nerves.

Tell me who it is! Xuan Ye's voice was full of coldness, and the words were squeezed out from between his teeth: Tell the lonely king the result!

Looking at Xuan Ye with a ferocious expression, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment felt his scalp numb, and cold sweat flowed from his back: Your Majesty... there is no trace of that person, I... I didn't find out.

Not found out? Xuan Ye's voice was full of coldness: It's just a few people. If you start from those people, you can always find some clues.

The Minister of Punishment bowed respectfully, then carefully raised his head and looked at Xuan Ye: Then what should we do with General Xuan Pin?

The dignified general was so cowardly plotted against him. Even if the lonely king pardoned him, would he still have the dignity to live? For the sake of decency, tell him to go home and commit suicide.

Upon hearing this, the Minister of Punishment muttered to himself: You still think about the emperor and his ministers? You are obviously not good at killing people, you just want to cover up the matter.

To kill a general who controls half of the world's troops, a suitable reason must be given to the civil and military officials of the court.

Did you ask Xuan Ye to tell you that your queen was insulted?

Do you still want the royal family’s face?

There was a hint of awe in the eyes of the Minister of Punishment, and then he whispered: I accept the decree.

Tell Xuan Pin that Gu Wang will not let him die in vain. Gu Wang will definitely find the murderer for him to bury with him! No matter who that person is, Gu Wang will never forgive him. Xuan Ye's voice was full of cruelty.

Upon hearing this, the Minister of Punishment bowed and then slowly exited the door.

The Minister of Punishment had just left when he heard from his chamberlain: Your Majesty, Xuan Zi wants to see you.

Xuan Zi? Why did he come to see Gu? Xuan Ye was stunned when he heard this, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Just say that the lonely king is busy, tell him to wait another day... Xuan Ye said this, saw the guard leaving, and then frowned: That's all, tell him to come in.

The chamberlain was stunned when he heard this, then said goodbye and left.

Not long after, Xuan Zi entered the hall, knelt on the ground and bowed respectfully to Xuan Ye: I have met my father.

You rarely come here on weekdays, but you are rarely free today. Xuan Ye looked at Xuan Zi who was kneeling on the ground, and his expression softened.

This son of his own has no power and no conflicts of interest in the court. On the contrary, he feels the long-lost family affection between father and son.

My son is an idler. My father is busy with government affairs. How dare I disturb you at will. Xuan Zi said respectfully.

Xuan Ye looked Xuan Zi up and down: If you have time in the future, come and see Gu Wang more often. Gu Wang is also a little bored. After all, there is still time for you and me to meet.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Xuan Zi's eyes showed a hint of complexity, and then he said respectfully: Since my father has given me an order, of course I don't dare to refuse.

You came to see the King Gu today. You must have something to do. Xuan Ye looked at Xuan Zi with a look of emotion in his eyes.

The child is thinking that his father is busy with world affairs and neglects family affection. The child wants to go to the Yangxin Palace to see grandpa on behalf of the father. Xuan Zi said respectfully: It can be considered as a filial piety to visit on behalf of the father.

Hearing this, Xuan Zi's pupils shrank, and then he remained silent. After a while, he said: You are serious. Among the princes of Gu Wang, you are the first to be so thoughtful.

As he spoke, Xuan Ye picked up the pen and ink on the edge of the desk and began to write quickly. After a while, he finished writing, and then added the seal.

Xuan Ye finished writing the document, held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then took out a gold medal from under the table and handed it to Xuan Zi with the document: Since you have filial piety, how can the lonely king not fulfill it? I think your grandfather was imprisoned in Yangxin Palace has been around for some years. It is only accompanied by a few maids on weekdays. It is very lonely without children or grandchildren to enjoy. You can have such filial piety, which makes the lonely king feel relieved.

Xuan Zi took the documents and tokens calmly, with a hint of joy in his eyes. He talked to Xuan Ye for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Looking at Xuan Zi's retreating back, the smile on Xuan Ye's face gradually disappeared, and his voice became gloomy: Go, let King Gu check what he has been doing recently and whether he has been close to Yangxin Palace.

Xuan Zi suddenly came to visit and wanted to go to Yangxin Palace to fulfill his filial piety. In addition, there was such a scandal in the palace at this time. How could he not be suspicious?

The guard left and came back shortly to report: Your Majesty, there is news from the Yangxin Palace that His Highness has not been in contact with the Yangxin Palace. As for the palace, the spies said that His Highness Xuanzi is still doing nothing every day. There is nothing unusual about it.”

After hearing Tong Bing, Xuan Zi's expression softened: It seems that the lonely king is overthinking. His nerves are too tense today, and his whole body is already in a panic.

Speaking of this, Xuan Ye said: The lonely king is also confused. There is no powerful family behind Xuan Zi, he has no official position, and there are no supporters around him. How could he covet the throne? How could he do such a thing? ?”

Xuan Ye felt that he was a little too nervous and sensitive.

Even if Xuan Zi had that idea, he wouldn't have the chance. Xuan Ye shook his head: King Gu thinks too much.

Your Majesty, I have asked for an audience with you from your clan's residence. At this moment, the chamberlain came to report again.

Tell him to come in. Xuan Ye frowned.

Thinking of the lost generation of blood, Xuan Ye's head was buzzing, but there was no way. Since what had happened, he had to try his best to remedy it.

Your Majesty. Zong Ling knelt down directly.

Have you found any trace of that woman? Xuan Ye looked at Zong Ling with his eyes.

Zong Ling smiled bitterly when he heard this: The official investigated secretly and found that there was no news about the woman at all. It was as if she disappeared out of thin air.

If you can't find that generation of blood, how will the lonely king explain to the ancestors in the clan? If the ancestors come out of the secluded place, I'm afraid the lonely king can't come up with an explanation, and the throne will not be preserved. Xuan Ye is now It was also a great pressure: My Xuan family is protected by the innate formation, can that woman still escape? Are you using the power of the innate formation to search for her aura?

Zong Ling smiled bitterly: I have mobilized the innate formation, but the woman has indeed disappeared.

Xuan Ye was silent after hearing this, and after a long time he said: Having the ability to save people in the imperial city, and the ability to help her avoid the detection of the innate formation, she is not an ordinary person. There is no one in my Shen family who can accomplish this. several.

Could it be someone from outside lurking in? Zong Ling said after hesitating for a while.

Xuan Ye shook his head: How is it possible for people outside to pass through the innate formation without making any noise or alerting the guards of my Xuan family? It is simply impossible.

Speaking of this, Xuan Ye's voice was full of cruelty: Perhaps it is the same group of people who caused the disturbance in the imperial city today. What is their purpose of trying so hard to create such a big disturbance?

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Zong Ling raised his head and looked at Xuan Ye with curiosity in his eyes: Your Majesty, is the news circulating outside true? Is Xuan Pin really a coward who dares to blaspheme the Queen?

When Xuan Ye heard this, his face suddenly darkened, and his eyes were full of coldness: That's right! What you said is absolutely right! But Xuan Pin was also plotted against him and suffered a big loss.

Who is so brave? Zong Ling was immediately angry.

Xuan Ye narrowed his eyes: It must be one of the core figures.

Whoever's interests are at stake are the ones who did it. The Lone King wants to see who will jump out. Xuan Ye's voice was full of coldness.

The matter of blood sacrifice cannot be delayed. A generation of blood is lost. If the ancestor is held accountable in the future, even I will not be able to bear it. Xuan Ye looked at Zong Ling with a pair of eyes:

How can you teach me?

After hearing this, Zong Ling hesitated and said, Since the divine blood is lost, let's just look for another one.

Searching? Where is the bloodline in this world? If we can find it, why bother to find that woman? Xuan Ye's voice was full of helplessness.

I heard from people that a proud daughter of heaven appeared in the Yulong clan - Wu Zhao. Her bloodline is extremely pure, and she is a rare person in the Yulong clan. If we can bring her into my Xuan family, and with the help of our The method may not be able to extract a generation of blood from her body. Our tentative target was Wu Zhao, but it was because of this woman that the plan was stopped. Now that the woman is missing, we can continue the plan. While looking for that woman Women, wouldn’t it be wonderful to go to Yulong’s family to plan things at the same time?” Zong Ling said.

After hearing this, Xuan Ye was silent for a long time and then said: How can we ask the Yulong clan to hand over the military photos to us? That is the future hope of the Wu family.

Your Majesty, you don't know that the Yulong Clan is in big trouble right now. Wu Zhao's lineage has been ostracized by the entire clan because of the loss of a large amount of supplies from the clan, and has been driven out of the position of clan leader. Wu Zhao has also been implicated. Now Life is not a good one. If you send King Chun to propose marriage, you can not only strengthen King Chun, but also take the opportunity to deceive Wu Zhao. As long as that girl comes to the Yulong clan, why not let us train her?

Zong Ling's voice was full of coldness: With our strength, as long as we provide a large amount of supplies, I don't think the Wu family will be able to refuse at this time.

ps: Sorry, I went to the hospital today and was delayed.

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