What the hell?

After hearing what the old Confucian scholar said, Cui Yu felt his head buzzing.

Is this old guy’s brain circuitry wrong?

Nowadays, people worship saints as the ancestors of Confucianism in the world. Shouldn't you take the initiative to withdraw from the fight? Why are you fighting with the Li Sage?

No one knows how far the Li Sage has integrated the entire Confucian lineage, and how far his cultivation has reached.

Cui Yu looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes, always wondering if his cheap master was out of his mind.

When a normal person hears this news, shouldn't he withdraw from the fight, concentrate on cultivation, and no longer care about the rights and wrongs of the world?

But when it comes to the old Confucian scholar, he actually wants to overthrow the Confucian lineage and destroy the lineage of etiquette. What is the difference between this and the earthworm shaking the tree?

Will you help me? The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly when he heard this: It's not that I don't want to help the master, but we have no chance to win at all. Now that the Li Sage occupies the right time, place, and people, why should we shake the Confucian orthodoxy? We have no chance.

There is a chance! The old Confucian scholar looked serious: There is also the Great Zhou Dynasty! As long as we join the Great Zhou Dynasty, we will still have a chance.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is now a mud bodhisattva who cannot save himself when crossing the river. If you get on the Great Zhou's chariot now, it will be like dragging your family into the quagmire again. Cui Yu tried hard to dissuade him, but the old Confucian scholar's will was as strong as iron. There is simply no giving up.

Cui Yu has never had a good impression of Haoran's lineage, so how could he help an old Confucian scholar go against the general trend and do thankless things?

The old Confucian scholar had his own reasons for reviving the Haoran lineage, because Saint Meng was trapped in the Forest of Merit in the Ten Directions. For the old Confucian scholar, Saint Meng was his mentor and a great being like his father, so he had to take action. Help.

But what about Cui Yu?

He had no friendship with the other party, and Cui Yu didn't want to wade into troubled waters.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the sky in the distance. He knew that he could not persuade the old Confucian scholar.

Because the old Confucian scholar has a reason to do so. And what about Cui Yu? The same goes for Cui Yu! He also had his reasons for not wanting to get involved.

After saying a few words, the old Confucian scholar stood up and staggered out of the gate. Cui Yu was left standing in the yard, looking at the direction in which the old Confucian scholar was leaving. He took out a sparrowhawk from his sleeve and handed the letter to Passed to Zhao Cailun.

The old Confucian scholar has the path that the old Confucian scholar will take in the future, and Cui Yu also has the path that he will take in the future.

The old Confucian scholar left, and Cui Yu picked up the post on the desk. It was a post sent by the ancestor of the Xuan family. Cui Yu showed a sneer on his lips: The Xuan family? It's really like a fly that found your Xuan family's home this time. , I must destroy your Xuan family’s nest in one fell swoop.”

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and then he stood up and went to the banquet.

The carriage rolled and it arrived at Xuan's house not long after.

Cui Yu sat in the carriage and looked at the door of the Xuan family with a thoughtful look on his face: I didn't expect that after I wiped out everyone in the Xuan family overnight, it didn't take long for the Xuan family to return to its former glory.

There was a hint of emotion in Cui Yu's voice: If we don't destroy the Xuan family's lair, no matter how many people we kill, it's just a waste of time. If I have the chance to send the clones of the three corpse insects and the innate mosquitoes to the Xuan family's ancestral land, I will We can take care of the entire Xuan family.

Master, the Xuan family has arrived. The coachman said respectfully to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard the words, stepped down from the carriage, and looked at the Xuan family's door in front of him. A guard from the Shen family handed over a greeting card, and then the Xuan family's steward opened the door and respectfully welcomed Cui Yu in.

The Xuan family is still the same as before, and the layout of the courtyard has not changed at all.

Su Wen Shen's family has produced an extraordinary genius. I saw it today, and it is indeed as rumored. Xuan Chi, with white hair, appeared in front of the gate and saluted Cui Yu with fists in his hands.

Cui Yu glanced at Xuan Chi and said with a neutral expression on his face: Are you the ancestor of the Xuan family?

I'm Xuanchi. The old man in white raised his hand and saluted.

Cui Yu reluctantly cupped his fists and saluted: God pray.

Your Excellency, please come in and talk. Xuan Chi made an invitation gesture.

Cui Yu followed Xuan Chi inside and came to the center of the lobby, where he saw a silver sculpture placed in the lobby.

Master, do you still recognize this sculpture?

After the two settled down, Xuan Chi spoke.

If it weren't for the fact that there was really no way to transform matter, he wouldn't have bowed his head and begged for help.

It turns out to be this thief! This wolf actually dared to steal my Rongguo Duke's palace and not only wanted to seize the ancestral property of my God's family, but also wanted to taint the maid in my palace. He really deserves death. Cui Yu's voice There was a hint of coldness in it:

A few days ago, I turned this beast into silver and was about to melt it as compensation for my maid. Why did this sculpture end up in the Xuan family's house?

Is it possible that the Xuan family has something to do with this beast?

No way? The dignified Xuan family is actually related to this beast in human skin?

Cui Yu's voice was full of yin and yang, and he screamed one after another, making Xuan Chi's face flush. There was a trace of evil energy surging in his eyes, and there were terrifying murderous intentions in his eyes.

This silver sculpture was clearly sent by someone sent by Shenqi, so why did it come to Xuan's house inexplicably?

There is no doubt that the other party is scolding people knowingly!

Xuan Chi's eyes flashed, but he still suppressed it and squeezed out a smile on his face: I'm going to make you laugh, this beast you are talking about is the direct grandson of my Xuan family. He is not trespassing in Rong. The head of the Shen family, Shen Rizhao, personally extended a warm invitation to the Duke of Guo's Mansion, but my grandson couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to go.

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That trash Shen Rizhao? I have long since destroyed him and locked him up in the ancestral hall. Besides, this little beast was invited by Shen Rizhao to the Shen family as a guest. Naturally, he was going to the Xiguo Duke's mansion. Why did he come to my Rongguo Duke? Are you rude in the house? Could it be that you see that I am young and can be bullied, so you are doing whatever you want in my house? Cui Yu suddenly slammed the table and turned his back on guests, with a trace of murderous intention in his voice.

Your Excellency, calm down! The reason why my grandson went to the Rongguo Duke's mansion was all arranged by Shen Rizhao. He himself did not know about it and is also a victim. I hope that your Excellency will not forget the mistakes of others and spare my grandson. My son's life. Xuan Chi suppressed his anger, his voice full of pleading: My Xuan family is willing to compensate the Shen family for their losses.

Loss? Those are dozens of lives that are just blooming like flowers. Can you afford to pay for it? Cui Yu looked gloomy.

At this time, Xuan Chi heard a hint of disapproval in his eyes: They are just some servants, what can't they afford to pay? My Xuan family is willing to pay ten times the price to buy the lives of those people.

In this era, as long as you are not a noble, human life is valuable.

Xuanchi looked at Cui Yu, and when he saw Cui Yu's indignant expression, he thought that the other party wanted to blackmail some money, and said to himself: The so-called god's prayer is nothing more than that. His vision is too narrow, and he is too petty.

However, the next moment, Cui Yu's words made Xuan Chi's heart tremble. An unpleasant feeling arose in his heart, and Cui Yu said with a murderous look on his face:

Compensate? The servants of my God's family, even if they are servants, are superior to others outside. A mere little beast dares to kill the servants of my God's family at will. It is simply audacious. The little beast does not know the heights of the sky, but he dares to do this in our glorious country. If word spreads about the unbridled behavior in the Duke's palace, won't it make people think that there is no one in the Duke of Rongguo's palace? It will make people think that the Duke of Rongguo can be bullied at will.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Xuanchi also felt angry in his heart. What did he hear?

The other party actually compared several servant girls with his own direct grandchildren?

Isn’t this just pointing at one’s own nose and calling pigs worse than dogs?

Isn’t this just scolding yourself?

In the eyes of these distinguished nobles, maids and servants are not human beings at all, no different from animals or goods.

Now Cui Yu actually compares the life of his direct grandson with that of a few servant girls, which is no different than pointing his nose at a pig or a dog.

Xuan Chi put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at Cui Yu, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. He no longer had the previous kindness: So? What do you mean?

Blood debt must be paid with blood! Cui Yu said coldly.

No need to talk? Xuan Chi said coldly.

Talk? What to talk about? Cui Yu said: Oh, I just remembered that your Xuan family actually took the opportunity to embezzle the property of my Shen family, so you should spit it out to me quickly.

Those properties were purchased by my Xuan family from Duke Xi Guo. There are proper receipt procedures. If you want to get them back, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. Don't even tell me about your Shen family's formula and the weaving cloth. The machine is really easy to use. There was a hint of ridicule in Xuan Chi's eyes.

Haha. Cui Yu looked at Xuan Chi with his eyes: Let me ask you, whose business is those silks?

Of course it's the business of your Duke Rongguo. Xuan Chi replied without thinking.

Then let me ask you again, which prince signed the contract with your Xuan family? Cui Yu asked.

Of course it's Rizhao, the Duke of Xiguo... Xuan Chi replied.

When Cui Yu heard this, he was waiting for this sentence: Since it is the property of my Duke Rongguo, then what does the contract signed by Duke Xi and you have to do with my Duke Rongguo?

Xuan Chi was stunned when he heard this and looked at Cui Yu blankly. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with what Cui Yu said.

The truth is this, but can he really give up the business?

No matter what you say, the business is now in the hands of my Xuan family. It is impossible to spit it out. If you want to find a loss, just go to Duke Xiguo and ask for it. It has nothing to do with my Xuan family. Xuan Chi's eyes Looking at Cui Yu: Besides, my direct grandson has been hit by your magical power, so I have to trouble you to undo it. Otherwise...

Otherwise? Cui Yu's face was full of evil spirits.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens to your family in the future, don't blame me for not predicting what I said. Xuan Chi looked at Cui Yu coldly, his eyes clearly saw that Cui Yu was just an ordinary monk in the magical realm. , even if you add the power of blood, how much ability can you have?

He didn't believe that Cui Yu could unleash the powerful power of Lu!

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