In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 852: The gun and oar were annihilated in ashes while talking and laughing

Cui Yu knew that the leader who was performing tasks outside was called ‘Lao Shi’.

If Tang Zhou wanted to successfully ascend to the position of commander-in-chief of Zhensi without any accidents, Lao Shi must be eliminated.

Because whether ranked by seniority, loyalty, or origin, it was not Tang Zhou's turn to take the leader's position.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes: That leader cannot be retained.

We can't ask him to come to Haojing. Tang Zhou's eyes showed a cold look, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: I will find a way to get this person back to Haojing, and you can intercept and kill him on the way.

Can I do it? Cui Yu asked.

In the past, when he was at his peak, he might have agreed without fear, but now that Cui Yu had suffered a heavy blow, he really didn't dare to say anything.

In terms of cultivation, this person is only in the realm of 'disaster', but there is an extremely unique bloodline magical power flowing in his body. Everything in the world will turn into stone as long as his eyes collide with it, even if the golden imperial combat power meets , if you can't escape in time, you won't get any benefits. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with his eyes:

But with your ability to transform matter, you should be able to restrain him.

Eyes that can turn everything into stone? Cui Yu suddenly became interested.

Yes, even a strong man in the Jinzhi realm will probably die if he is hit suddenly. Among the ten leaders of Zhensi, which one does not have the ability to dominate the world? If Zhensi wants to suppress the world, he must first do it himself You have to have extremely powerful magical powers. Tang Zhou's voice was full of seriousness: None of the ten leaders of the Suppressing Secrets is simple. If you didn't have this ghost thing like the True Dragon Maggot, I'm afraid we would have thought It will take a lot of effort to kill them.

You are recuperating in the secret room. I'm going to intercept that 'old stone'. I'm very curious about his petrification power. Cui Yu showed a hint of curiosity.

Even a powerful person in the Golden Imperial Realm will be petrified by his magical power. To be honest, the power is definitely not bad.

But now we have to give them a ride. Cui Yu's eyes showed a cold look: The Zhensi Si dared to severely injure Yu, how could I not give them a ride before they died?

Cui Yu looked at Yu Ji. Although the injuries on her body were healed, the bloody clothes all showed the torture Yu Ji had suffered before.

You kid must not cause trouble and just wait for the other leaders to die. If you are found to have any clues, wouldn't it just cause more trouble? When the Suppressor investigates, there is another After all the trouble, if we really find something and implicate me, we will be in big trouble. Tang Zhou quickly stopped Cui Yu: Wouldn't it be nice for us to just wait here quietly for the death of the leaders who suppressed the Guisi?

What Tang Zhou said made sense, and Cui Yu didn't argue. He just glanced at Yu Ji and said, It's a shame that I can't kill those bastards.

Brother, the overall situation is important! If they die, they will die. It doesn't matter to me personally. If they can use their lives to avenge me, is there anything better than this? Yu Ji whispered.

Cui Yu thinks what Yu Ji said makes sense.

In that case, you stay here and wait until dawn tomorrow. I have things to deal with outside. Cui Yu's voice was full of coldness: The ancestor of the Xuan family severely injured you, how can I not take revenge?

Besides, I am also very interested in the secrets of the Xuan family. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

Cui Yu has always been interested in the sky in this world.

After all, heaven exists in nothingness and is a unique product of this world. It possesses mysterious and unpredictable power. Even a saint will be at a disadvantage when facing 'heaven'.

It is said that heaven is very likely to exist in the ancestral land of the Xuan family. How could Cui Yu not be curious?

Tang Zhou's eyelids jumped when he heard this: What do you want to do? You must not take the idea of ​​the Xuan family. The Xuan family is a family that has continued from the beginning of the world to the present dynasty. It is not someone to be trifled with.

There was a hint of panic in Tang Zhou's voice: I heard people say that the Xuan family has sleeping beings from countless tribulations ago. Their strength is terrifying. You kid, please don't go forward rashly.

Cui Yu smiled: The world is different. Even an existence with countless calamities, how much power can it exert when facing the shackles of heaven and earth?

Cui Yu was noncommittal upon hearing this.

The limit of this world is the Golden Emperor. Even a move in the Taiyi realm will cause a major terrorist attack, let alone those extremely powerful beings?

Do you know the ancestral land of the Xuan family? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou shook his head when he heard this: I don't know! I heard people say that the ancestral land of the Xuan family is hidden in the wilderness. The wilderness is vast. Who can find the ancestral land of the Xuan family?

Yu Ji on the side heard the words and suddenly said: Eldest brother wants to go to the ancestral land of the Xuan family, but I have an idea. The ancestor of the Xuan family needs my blood for sacrifice, so he will definitely bring me to the ancestral land of the Xuan family. As long as the eldest brother is with me I will put a mark on my body and go to the Xuan family’s ancestral land in person to find out the traces of the Xuan family’s ancestral land for my eldest brother.”

After hearing this, Cui Yu categorically rejected: No! Absolutely not!

How could he let Yu Ji take risks?

Brother, I believe in your ability. Besides, even if I die, you can still revive me, right? Yu Ji stared at Cui Yu with clear and sincere eyes: Brother has done so much for me. Nosy, I always have to do something for my eldest brother, otherwise wouldn’t it make me look like a burden?”

Yu Ji’s voice was firm and unquestionable.

Cui Yu knew Yu Ji's temperament. This girl was very stubborn. As long as this girl made up her mind, even the nine-headed ox could not pull her back.

You can go, but I need to add some defensive measures to your body. Cui Yu replied.


Yu Ji nodded in agreement: Brother, you should take action now, lest something goes wrong in a few days, and then it will be too late to take action.

Cui Yu heard that the real dragon's maggot appeared in his hand, and then he dropped the real dragon's maggot on Yu Ji's body. The next moment, he saw the real dragon's maggot merged with Yu Ji's spirit and spirit.

With this True Dragon Maggot, as long as you don't die, I can locate your true body. At this point, Cui Yu touched Yu Ji's palm again, and the material was transformed and circulated, and countless divine blood was poured out regardless of the cost. After all the consumption, Yu Ji's skin exuded an inexplicable ancient and vast aura, but it was instantly suppressed by Cui Yu: I will transform your skin into the skin of gods and demons. In this way, you will be destroyed. After a sexual blow, the skin of gods and demons will always remain. By relying on the Three Corpse Insects to ensure that your energy and spirit remain, I can resurrect you.

As long as he doesn't encounter the power of destruction, Cui Yu's plan can be said to be foolproof.

When Tang Zhou saw this scene on the side, his eyes couldn't help but stare: God and Demon Skin! You can actually transform other people's skin into God and Demon Skin? Oh my god? If you can master the transformation of human flesh and blood into god and demon skin again, With the ability of demonic flesh and blood, wouldn’t it be possible to reach the sky in one step and transform people into demigods?”

Tang Zhou's voice was full of disbelief.

He was shocked and felt that his three views had been subverted.

Relax your mind, I want to plant a magical thought in your heart. Cui Yu ordered Yu Ji.

Yu Ji obeyed obediently, and Cui Yu planted the inner demon in Yu Ji's heart. However, after the heart ape clone entered Yu Ji's body, it came out of its shell in the blink of an eye and turned into a free inner demon.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he felt the feedback from the Heart Ape. He didn't expect that the desire in Yu Ji's heart was so powerful that she could directly transform a Heart Ape seed into a demon.

After reading Yu Ji's obsession, Cui Yu was greatly shocked. He saw that Yu Ji's heart was filled with the desire to have a baby with him.

Yu Ji wants to have a baby with her! This is her obsession!

Cui Yu didn't speak, but just touched Yu Ji's head. Looking at Yu Ji's cute eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Yu is still the Yu Ji he is familiar with! She is his little slave girl.

After placing Yu Ji, Cui Yu turned to look at Tang Zhou: Aren't you curious about the background of the Xuan family?

Curiosity killed the cat. Tang Zhou said angrily.

Are you going? If you don't go, I will take away all the information of the Xuan family, and it is very likely to hatch an unknown god! Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou.

Tang Zhou shook his head violently when he heard this: I'm not going! I heard people say that the Kaitianxuan family was one of the main forces that fought against the great masters in the past. It's hard to say what terrible secrets are hidden in the family! Although I am now His strength is already among the best in the world, but when faced with those old monsters, it is not enough.

Cui Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes angrily when he saw Tang Zhou was so unsatisfied: I'm leaving.

After saying this, he disappeared into the dirt.

Looking at the ground where Cui Yu disappeared, Tang Zhou sighed quietly: You are an amazing big brother.

Yu Ji's eyes were filled with admiration: I also think my eldest brother is amazing.

Tang Zhou heard this and turned to look at Yu Ji. He couldn't help but shake his head and sneered: You girl, how do you know what your eldest brother is so good about?

God's family

Cui Yu returned to the backyard. The entire Shen's house was now empty, and there was no familiar person. Cui Yu couldn't help but feel sad in his heart.

Then he released Zilu and the old Confucian scholar from the universe inside his sleeves.

Cui Yu looked at the poison on Zilu's body and couldn't help but shook his head: What a terrible poison.

During this period of time, he was busy working on the Dalin Temple. The poison in Zilu's body recurred, and the previous detoxification work was in vain, and everything had to start from scratch.

After daily performing Zhu You Shu to remove poison, Cui Yu turned to look at the old Confucian scholar. The old Confucian scholar was still sleeping, with his six senses closed and his thoughts chaotic.

Cui Yu put Zilu away, and then his eyes fell on the old Confucian scholar. The next moment, Cui Yu used his magical power, and the Buddha's light in his body shone on the old Confucian scholar. He woke up from his deep sleep and opened his eyes in a daze.

It's you!

When the old Confucian scholar saw Cui Yu, he couldn't help blurting out.

Cui Yu looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes, and the Buddha's light around him dimmed: Disciple, I pay my respects to you, sir.

The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu with his eyes. After being converted by Dalin Temple, although he was not successfully converted, the old Confucian scholar's heart was no longer irritable, and he became much more sober.

Am I not in Dalin Temple? Where is this place? The old Confucian scholar opened his eyes in confusion.

After hearing what the old Confucian scholar said, Cui Yu replied: This is the divine home of Haojing City. Dalin Temple has disappeared in the long river of history. The disciples saw the master sleeping in the ruins of Dalin Temple, so he brought the master back.

The old Confucian scholar was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't seem to understand what Cui Yu meant: What do you mean when Dalin Temple disappeared? Dalin Temple wants to forcibly convert me. If they don't succeed in converting me, how can they convert me? Shall I be released?

The old Confucian scholar's eyes were full of confusion.

Cui Yu heard the words and said: That's what Mr. Li understood. Dalin Temple has been destroyed. There will be no possibility of recovery in the future. The inheritance of the entire Dalin Temple is broken.

Who did it? The old Confucian scholar looked surprised. Only by truly understanding Dalin Temple can you know how terrifying Dalin Temple is and how profound its heritage is. Who can destroy Dalin Temple?

The more people know about Dalin Temple, the more they will despair about Dalin Temple's strength.

There was a weird thing suppressed in Dalin Temple. The weird thing suddenly broke out and destroyed the entire Dalin Temple. Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness.

The old Confucian scholar looked in disbelief: If Dalin Temple is so powerful, will it be destroyed?

Then the old Confucian scholar fell into silence. How could he realize that he had only closed his six senses for a period of time, but the whole world seemed to have changed?

Sir, do you still blame me? Cui Yu asked the old Confucian scholar.

The old Confucian scholar smiled bitterly and shook his head: I was so anxious that I lost my ability. I just wanted to release your ancestor from the Ten Directions Forest of Merits. This has become my obsession. At that time, the Haoran lineage was destroyed. I I felt that your ancestor had no hope of getting out of trouble in this life, and for a moment I felt so sad and angry that I lost all my strength.

Where is the Ten Directions Merit Forest? Cui Yu looked curious.

He was very interested in the Ten Directions Forest of Merit. He had always heard people talk about the Ten Directions Forest before, and talked about the Ten Directions Forest. Once he failed to discuss the Tao, he would be sealed in the Ten Directions Forest. It can be seen that the Ten Directions Forest It's a very magical place.

I don't know either. The old Confucian scholar said with a wry smile.

Cui Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it. If the old Confucian scholar knew where the Shifang Merit Forest was, he could just go to the rescue. Why bother to go to great lengths to strengthen the sect?

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind: What are your plans for the future, teacher? Now that the Lisheng lineage has occupied the great power in the world and is the supreme Confucian sect, the Haoran lineage may not be able to rise again. I don't know if the Lisheng lineage is there anymore. The teacher has not entered the realm of literary saints, and now the teacher wants to catch up...

Cui Yu didn't finish his words, but the meaning between the lines was clearly expressed.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, the old Confucian scholar thought wrongly. At this time, he said solemnly: You are right. The Lisheng lineage has become the leader in the world. If I, the Haoran lineage, want to rise again, we must destroy it. It is impossible to worship the saints. Only in this way can you succeed!

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