In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 846: Different Positions

The moment Shen Rizhao saw the god, his pupils could not help but shrink sharply, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable shock.


Why do gods appear here?

Shouldn't the god be dead at this time?

Hasn't he been secretly executed by the Zhou court? Why would you come back? Will you return to the Duke's Mansion?

Why, you are surprised to see me? My good uncle! The god looked at Shen Rizhao with a pair of eyes full of teasing.

After hearing the words of the god, Shen Rizhao slammed the table suddenly, his eyes full of anger: You traitor, you shame of the God family! Scum! I didn't expect that you dare to come to me? You dare to come back! Today I will Kill you to wash away the shame of my God’s family.”

Shen Rizhao's reaction was beyond Cui Yu's expectation. According to Cui Yu's expectation, Shen Rizhao's reaction should be shameful and fearful, but he should not be so angry at this moment.

It felt was not Shen Rizhao who did something wrong, but Shen Qi in front of him.

Cui Yu was a little confused. Shen Rizhao shouldn't have reacted like this at this time!

The gods on the side were also confused at this time. He was obviously the victim, why did he seem to be a traitor now?

It was clearly Shen Rizhao who had betrayed him, so why did he act like he had betrayed Shen Rizhao now?

Cui Yu was confused. He wanted to shout harshly, but the god who was confronting Shen Rizhao was also confused.

Why does God Rizhao speak so righteously, making it seem like he is the victim?

You still haven't confessed your crime? Cui Yu looked at Shen Rizhao, who was still arrogant, and his voice became colder: Do you want me to punish you with three swords and six holes before you are willing to plead guilty?

I don't accept it! I don't accept it. I do my best for the God's family. Everything I do is for the God's family. What's the crime? Shen Rizhao said, scratching his neck.

Brother, he is hopeless! He won't shed tears until he sees the coffin, he won't look back until he hits the wall, and now he has no thought of repentance. The god looked angry.

You, a scum of the Shen family, actually dare to appear in front of me. Today I will clean up the family on behalf of my ancestors. Shen Rizhao jumped up dragging his lower body that was frozen, and suddenly slapped it out. Divine power flowed around his body, thinking The gods must be beaten to death.

Shen Rizhao is the legitimate son of the old lady. His divine spirit is one generation lower than that of Shen Rizhao, so his level of refinement is definitely not as good. Moreover, Shen Rizhao is several years older than the god, and the blood in his body is at its peak.

From a blood point of view, the gods are no match for the god Rizhao, but are the gods simple things?

Gods are by no means simple things!

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes. He could detect an innate aura in the body of the god. It was the aura of an innate spiritual treasure. There was an innate spiritual treasure hidden in the body of the god. Although he did not know that the god was originally possessed by Emperor Zhou. He didn't use it during the blood sacrifice, and even didn't show it when he fought against the monks from Dalin Temple. But this person of God is by no means simple.

However, once the gods and Shen Rizhao fight, there will be a big commotion, which is not what Cui Yu wants to see. Cui Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed Shen Rizhao's shoulder, and pulled Shen Rizhao back.

Shen Rizhao was forced to sit on the seat by Cui Yu. He turned to look at Cui Yu, with a look of horror in his eyes: What kind of cultivation level does this kid have? What level of strength has he reached?

Shen Rizhao knows his own strength. Although the purity of his bloodline is not outstanding, it is comparable to the masters of Bai Chi realm.

But at this moment, Shenqi actually slapped him back, leaving him unable to resist at all... What kind of fucking strength is this?

What kind of fairyland?

Can Jin Chi do it?

I'm afraid a monk at the Golden Imperial Realm wouldn't be able to do this, right?

Everyone, sit down. Cui Yu ordered.

The god glared at Shen Rizhao with his eyes, and then sat in front of the case with a face full of resentment. His eyes were full of cold murderous intent: Brother, this beast has betrayed the Shen family and must not be kept. I will personally take action and kill it. Take off his head and use it as a sacrifice to the ancestors of my God’s family.”

You fart! You are the betrayer of my Shen family, and you should be the ones who die! Shen Rizhao suddenly became excited after hearing this, and slammed the table, and saw the wine splashing on the table.

What's the fuss about? Cui Yu scolded.

Hearing this, Shen Rizhao turned to look at Cui Yu: I know, you heard this grandson's lies and came to trouble me, right? Although I don't know why he didn't die, you can't listen to his words!

You betrayed the Shen family, plotted against the gods, and caused the gods to almost die in Dalin Temple. I still need an explanation for this matter. Cui Yu said unhurriedly.

Explanation? Shen Rizhao looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Don't be deceived by his lies. He was the one who betrayed the glory of the ancestors of my family. It is only right for me to kill him. Such unfilial sons and descendants , even if it means cutting him into pieces, it’s not an exaggeration.”

Speaking of this, Shen Rizhao's eyes were full of coldness: My ancestors of the Shen family went through countless obstacles and obstacles before they took root in the mainland of China and gained the title of Duke of the country. From a warrior family to a noble family, they ranked first. Duke. This kind of glory has never been seen in the past, and his reputation is world-famous. But this unworthy descendant, in vain, is the head of the God family. When encountering some troubles and setbacks, he actually leads the bloodline of the God family and wants to escape. He actually gave up the five thousand years of the God family. Glory and pride, to be a bereaved dog, do you think it should be killed?

Thanks to my wit, I once again gained the trust of the Zhou royal family at the critical moment, and secretly joined the Xuan family, so that I could preserve the ancestral inheritance of my Shen family. Otherwise, my Haojing Shen family would have been removed from Haojing city. Shen Rizhao His voice was full of anger: If you hadn't taken away most of the Shen family's combat power and made my Shen family fall into emptiness, why would I have to compromise with the Xuan family and grovel to please the Xuan family.

We, the descendants of God's family, should inherit the will of our ancestors and protect the glory left by our ancestors. Our heads can be cut off and blood can be shed, but the glory of God's family cannot be lost! We, the descendants of God's family, should protect the glory of our ancestors, no matter how much our lives matter. Is that enough? If the glory is not there, what's the use of this life? Shen Rizhao glared at the god: But what about you? What did you do, a coward like a mouse? At the slightest sign of trouble, you actually led the tribe like a mouse You have fled from God's house, abandoned the glory of your ancestors, and deserved to be cut into pieces, so how can you have the face to trouble me?

Cui Yu was stunned and looked at Shen Rizhao blankly. This guy was clearly an extremist.

Not only Cui Yu was stunned, but the gods opposite him were also stunned. He never expected that Shen Rizhao would say such words. Looking at the generous face of Shen Rizhao, who would rather have a piece of jade broken than a piece of brick, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

You unworthy descendant, what can you say now? How can you have the face to face the ancestors under Jiuquan? Shen Rizhao glared at the gods, with disdain in his eyes.

Cui Yu had a feeling. As Shen Rizhao spoke, why did he and the god seem to have become traitors who abandoned their ancestors?

Is this the reason why you plotted against me? As the Duke of the Xiguo Palace, of course I have to make plans for the young and old men in the mansion. The Dalin Temple is coming fiercely, and the Xuan family is secretly adding fuel to the fire, eyeing my Shen family, so I will We should make plans in advance to preserve the strength of our God family and make a comeback in the future. And you? No matter what, you actually murder the blood of the same clan and commit fratricide, which is a taboo. Traitors of the God family like you should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

If you were really as strong-willed as you say, you would not have chosen to join the Zhou royal family. You would have chosen to be the Xuan family's dog, begging for mercy and waiting for the Xuan family's gifts, and you would not have given away all the property of the Shen family. . You are just greedy for power, and you dare not admit it even if you dare to do it. The god sneered.

Fart! I'm just taking care of the overall situation, how dare you slander me? If I don't hand over my property and surrender to the Emperor of Zhou, how will the Shen family's government be preserved? Our Shen family originally relied on the Zhou royal family to rise. In the past, Nian is also a warrior under the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is the right thing to join the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why not? But he heard Shen Rizhao yelling:

What I'm doing now is just continuing the relationship between the Shen family and the Ji family. What's wrong with me? Now that the world is in chaos, the three hundred and sixty-five princes can't protect themselves, and the Zhou royal family has obtained more than a dozen items. The innate spiritual treasure is just around the corner to conquer the world, so of course I will choose to join the Zhou royal family.

Your choice to go against the Zhou royal family is dragging my Shen family into a place of eternal disaster. Of course I can't just sit back and let my ancestors' inheritance be ruined in the hands of you cowards. Shen Rizhao said plausibly.

Cui Yu's face darkened when he heard this, and his eyes looked left and right, looking back and forth at the two people in front of him, his eyes full of uncertainty.

What do you think? Cui Yu asked Xin Yuan.

The monkey of mind is the master of controlling people's hearts.

Shen Rizhao was different from what he had imagined, like the kind of old antique who couldn't turn a corner and only accepted death.

Analyzing it from the perspective of Shen Rizhao, did Shen Rizhao do anything wrong?

In Shen Rizhao's view, if a god voluntarily abandons the eternal foundation of the God's family and abandons the glory of the God's family, he is an unfilial heir and a traitor to the God's family.

Xin Yuan's heart was moving wildly, and countless auras boiled around his body: Don't worry, wait until I occupy this kid's soul.

Not everyone in this world has the state of mind of Tang Zhou, at least at this time, Shen Rizhao cannot resist the invasion of the Heart Monkey.

Seeing the two people arguing in front of him, who were blushing and thick-necked, Cui Yu did not stop the fight, but quietly waited for Xin Yuan's move.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long before Xin Yuan spoke: I said... you really have met someone. This boy regards the continuation and glory of the family as something more important than his own life. This boy is now Full of grievances, he always felt that he had suffered great grievances. He felt that for the sake of the continuation of the Shen family, he endured humiliation and humiliation and endured the oppression of the Xuan family, and even went so far as to dedicate all the family property to protect the glory and inheritance of the Duke's palace. If you don’t lose it, this kid is an extremist.”

After hearing Xin Yuan's words, Cui Yu turned to look at Shen Rizhao, whose face was red and flushed with noise. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

This uncle of mine is too extreme.

My uncle is an extreme fanatic!


For the inheritance of God’s family, you can give up everything.

In this way, what Shen Rizhao did seemed to be understandable. In his opinion, the withdrawal of the gods and other direct and collateral lines of the Shen family was a sign of cowardice, abandoning the glory and spirit of the ancestors.

Although it was understandable, Cui Yu knew that Shen Rizhao had plotted against the gods and caused the gods to almost die in Dalin Temple. He must give an explanation to the gods.

After all, it was just the gods who took the blame for him, and it was Cui Yu who ordered the gods to evacuate.

It's because Cui Yu and Shen Rizhao have different ideas.

Cui Yu is to save the fire and bet on the world in advance. Cui Yu believed that the Zhou Dynasty was bound to fail, so he set his sights on the 365 princes in the world.

Shen Rizhao believed that the Great Zhou royal family had obtained more than a dozen innate spiritual treasures, and the Great Zhou court would be able to sweep the world, so he wanted to lick the Great Zhou royal family at all costs.

Anyway, when the Shen family founded the country, they were vassals of the Ji family. There is nothing shameful in regaining their previous status.

It would be shameful to fail to protect the honor of our ancestors.

There is a problem with vision! Shen Rizhao has been raised by the old lady's side, and has not experienced the wind and rain of the outside world, so his vision is narrow. It is true that the Zhou Dynasty has more than a dozen innate spiritual treasures, but the 365 vassal states Joining forces with the world is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Cui Yu muttered in his heart.

Looking at the red-faced two people, Cui Yu knocked on the table: Stop arguing!

Cui Yu's words were still very effective, and the two of them shut up.

Shen Rizhao looked at Cui Yu, his eyes full of enthusiasm: Eldest nephew, you are still comfortable when you are the head of the family. Whether we are facing princes, grandsons, or major families, when have we ever given in? But when the Shen family comes to him In the hands of these unworthy descendants, do you see how it has declined?

Since you are back, I am willing to give up my power and put the Shen family in your hands again. Shen Rizhao's eyes were wild.

After hearing what Shen Rizhao said, Cui Yu had several big questions in his mind... Is this Shen Rizhao his fan?

However, both Cui Yu and the gods have given up on the Haojing Shen family, and it is impossible for them to come back to take charge of the Shen family.

The future focus of the Shen family lies in the vassal states, and it is even less likely to return to Haojing.

In Cui Yu's eyes, the Great Zhou Dynasty was only one step away from annihilation.

Of course, as the overlord of the world, the Zhou Dynasty may perish, but the Ji family bloodline will not perish.

The worst thing is that he is a big prince!

With more than a dozen innate spiritual treasures, the Zhou royal family will not decline too much.

As for the liquidation of the establishment of the new dynasty?

I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Looking at Shen Rizhao with burning eyes, Cui Yu actually had a headache and didn't know what to do with this hob meat.

He could see it, and Xin Yuan could also sense it. This is what Shen Rizhao said and what he thought in his heart.

Because of this, Cui Yu found it difficult.

It was my order for the Shen family to evacuate Haojing. The gods were just following my order. You are overthinking it. Cui Yu's voice was full of helplessness.

What??? Shen Rizhao was stunned, the smile froze on his face, and then his color suddenly changed, and he looked at Cui Yu in disbelief: Why??? Why do you do this?

At this time, Shen Rizhao felt as if he had been subjected to a big blow, and cold water poured down on him.

The person he considered the pillar of God's family actually did such a disappointing thing?

He couldn't believe it, the sky seemed to be falling!

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