In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 845: The Decline of the God Family

Waves of cries echoed throughout the backyard, and the guards in Duke Rong's mansion looked ugly, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Ying'er's exclamations and screams spread. The man pulled Ying'er out of the well, pressed Ying'er to the ground, and stretched out his hand to tear off Ying'er's clothes.

When did the Shen family have such a tasteless guy like you? You used force on a little girl and ruined the reputation of the Shen family! You are a descendant of a noble family in vain and you have lost the face of the Shen family for decades. Cui Yu leaned on the door frame, the sound spread in the back garden.

Cui Yu's voice made the young man stop, and he turned to look at Cui Yu: Where did you come from, this blind guy? Do you dare to ridicule me? Do you know who I am? Even if it's the head of the Qianshen family, Shen Rizhao, in front of me , you dare not speak to me like this, how dare you be rude to me?

The man's tearing at Ying'er stopped, and he turned to look at Cui Yu, his eyes full of irritability and disdain: Get away quickly, otherwise I will kill you by mistake, but don't blame me for not giving him anything. God, please show mercy to that guy.

Aren't you from the God family? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this.

People who are not from God’s family dare to commit murder and show off their power in God’s family? When did the God family become such a soft persimmon?

Cui Yu was stunned at this time and turned to look at the god, only to see that the god's face was livid and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Cui Yu patted the god on the shoulder and signaled the god to be calm. Looking at the man who was still going to continue to attack, Cui Yu picked up a pebble on the ground and threw it directly on the man's head: Tell me, Which family are you from, and why do you dare to show off your authority in God’s family?”

The man was disturbed by Cui Yu again. He suddenly turned over and got up from the ground, glaring at Cui Yu: Boy, don't you know how to write the word death?

Today you are the direct son of the Shen family and the biological father of Shen Rizhao. I will also break your legs to show you how powerful I am. The man walked towards Cui Yu with a fierce expression.

Young master, be careful! Ying'er was rescued at this time and got up from the ground. After seeing Cui Yu's figure, her eyes showed a hint of surprise, but panic followed immediately:

Sir, this person has magical powers. You are no match for him. You'd better run away quickly.

Before Ying'er finished speaking, the man had already arrived in front of Cui Yu. His palms turned into steel bodies and hit Cui Yu's chest.

If this punch were to land, the result would be broken bones and tendons.

But just when his fist was three feet close to Cui Yu's body, the man suddenly stopped and looked at his feet with a horrified expression. He saw that his feet turned into large silver lumps.

And the silver power continued to climb upwards and spread, spreading to the roots of the thighs during the breath, and the entire legs had turned into silver.

This is……

The man just uttered two words, and then half of his chest had turned into silver, and the power quickly spread to his neck and head, and before long, his entire body had turned into a silver sculpture.

This is it! Ying'er got up and looked at the silver-white sculpture with surprise, then looked at Cui Yu with surprise, cheered 'Young Master', then rushed over with aggrieved face, and threw herself into Cui Yu's body. Hug: Sir, Ying'er thought she would never see you again.

Cui Yu patted the little girl's head and wiped her tears: I was late!

Sir, please leave quickly! This person is from the Xuan family. It is said that an ancestor of the Xuan family has appeared in the demigod realm. His strength is earth-shattering and unfathomable. You'd better leave quickly. The Xuan family cannot be provoked. Er seemed to have remembered something and urged Cui Yu anxiously.

He is a member of the Xuan family? Since he is a member of the Xuan family, how dare he act so arrogantly in the Rongguo Duke's palace? How can the grand Duke Rongguo's palace allow his Xuan family to wreak havoc? Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of anger.

All the direct bloodlines of the Xuan family evacuated, but Master Shen Rizhao stayed, and chose to secretly seek refuge with the Xuan family and Emperor Zhou. It is said that the master of the Lord Xiguo's mansion was also plotted to fall by Master Shen Rizhao, and then the two mansions of the Shen family fell apart. All fell into the hands of Shen Rizhao. After Shen Rizhao ascended to the position of the Duke of the Kingdom, he directly gave away the Shen family's property to the Xuan family. People from the Xuan family even came to the Shen family and directly controlled Shen Rizhao to do things. , completely treating Shen Rizhao as a puppet. Rongguo Gongfu is the place where Shen Rizhao entertains distinguished guests of the Xuan family, and he specially places people from the Xuan family in the Rongguo Gongfu. This person is a direct bloodline of the Xuan family, and is a member of the Xuan family. His direct grandson is also the person sent by the Xuan family to control the god Rizhao.

Just as he was talking, the god stood up from behind Cui Yu. He was so frightened that Ying'er's face turned pale and she exclaimed: Ghost! The great master is here to claim his life!

After he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Seeing this scene, the god was speechless. Cui Yu quickly stretched out his hand to pinch Ying'er's waist, and then brought Ying'er back to life.

Before Ying'er could exclaim, Cui Yu had already spoken first: The gods are not dead.

Ying'er was stunned when she heard this, and then her cheeks turned red. She panicked and bowed respectfully to the god: I've seen the great master.

Stop being polite and tell me why that guy dared to bully you unscrupulously in our palace. Cui Yu grabbed Ying'er.

Ying'er's eyes suddenly turned red when she heard this, and her eyes were filled with tears. She chatted with Cui Yu about the relationship network of the Shen family: I accidentally broke through before that the Shen family and the Xuan family joined forces to surround and kill them. The Yaochi killer. When the slave was delivering tea, she overheard the two of them saying that Shen Rizhao had discovered the traces of the Yaochi female killer and was about to devise a plan to kill her. When the Xuan family saw the news leaked, they would kill the slave. . Moreover, in recent days, more than a dozen sisters have died at the hands of this legitimate son of the Xuan family, all of whom were tortured to death by this pervert.

Cui Yu's face suddenly darkened when he heard this, his hands were in his sleeves, his eyes were full of coldness.

The female assassin of Yaochi? A sneer appeared on Cui Yu's lips.

There is no doubt that the so-called female killer of Yaochi must be his own little slave girl.

There was a hint of coldness in Cui Yu's eyes: Okay! Okay! Okay! What a god, Rizhao, so good. He has completely embarrassed the face of my god family. He is just the Duke of Xiguo, and he can also interfere with our glory. Matters at the Duke’s Mansion?”

Sir, please run away! You don't know that during the time you were missing, the Shen family was targeted by foreign enemies, and all the direct bloodlines of the Shen family fled for their lives. You'd better leave. Ying'er began to keep asking. .

Go? Where to go? Cui Yu's voice was full of murderous intent: The Shen family is the Shen family of Hao Jing City. If you leave Hao Jing City, you will give up the glory of your ancestors. Where can you go? Even if you leave, you have to Leave the prestige of my God’s family in Haojing City.”

Cui Yu patted Ying'er on the shoulder: Now that I'm back, I don't want to leave in despair. Go and tell your servants to prepare a table of good food for me. I'm hungry. Wait until I'm full. , go to the god Rizhao to settle accounts, and meet this unfilial son of the god’s family for a while.”

When Ying'er heard this, she glanced at Cui Yu and confirmed that Cui Yu really didn't want to leave. Then she wiped the tears on her face and hurried towards the kitchen happily.

You hide first, and when the god Rizhao comes, we will give him a surprise. Cui Yu pondered briefly and looked at the god.

The god nodded after hearing the words and disappeared into the yard.

Cui Yu watched Ying Er's leaving figure and stood in the yard for a while. Not long after, he saw guards peeping secretly not far away. When Cui Yu glanced over, they all retracted their heads with respectful expressions. On duty.

Cui Yu looked at the silver sculpture of the Xuan family, with a cold look in his eyes: The Xuan family? After all, it was the cause and effect that I caused in Dalin Temple. Since it was me who caused the disturbance, of course I have to bring peace to the Shen family. This is cause and effect.”

Not long after, eight exquisite delicacies were brought to the table. Ying'er poured a pot of good wine for Cui Yu. Cui Yu took a sip of the wine and then ate the side dishes leisurely.

While eating, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and a young man wearing a government robe strode over.

Let's talk about Shen Rizhao. He was looking at a pattern in a secret room in Duke Xi's mansion. Suddenly, there was a sound of rapid footsteps outside the secret room:

Master, I have something important to report.

Shen Rizhao in the secret room couldn't help but frown when he heard this: Didn't I tell you? When I am in the secret room, no one is allowed to disturb me!

The scolding voice of God Rizhao in the secret room sounded.

Sir, something big has happened! It's an urgent matter, and I will never dare to disturb you, the guard said.

Shen Rizhao in the secret room frowned when he heard this, with a look of seriousness in his eyes, then carefully put down the scroll, quickly opened the door and walked out, carefully locked the door of the secret room, looked at the shadow projected on the window from outside the study, and lowered his voice. The voice said: Come in.

The figure dressed as a guard walked in and bowed respectfully to Shen Rizhao. Without waiting for Shen Rizhao to ask questions, he directly lowered his voice and said: There are changes in the Rongguo Palace. The person you asked me to pay attention to is back.

Shen Rizhao, who was about to get angry and scold him, paused when he heard the words and swallowed back the words he wanted to scold.

Shenqi? He actually appeared? He is still alive! Shen Rizhao's eyes showed a hint of shock: Not many people had spread the news before, saying that he had exhausted his lifespan because he had exploded with power far beyond his realm. , has it fallen?

After hearing what the guard said, Shen Rizhao couldn't help but feel flustered.

The reputation of Shenqi can now be regarded as famous in Haojing City. Although the major events in Haojing City have nothing to do with Shenqi on the surface, anyone who is not a fool can see that this must be Shenqi. handwriting.

Otherwise, how could things be so coincidental?

Since Shenqi disappeared, people all over the world were curious about where the huge supplies Cui Yu bought from Kongtianxia went.

For that batch of supplies, the Xuan family even took Shen Rizhao as their disciple and agreed to join Shen Rizhao.

That huge batch of materials can definitely keep his family alive for a hundred thousand years.

The news that the gods followed him back was concealed, and the guards never saw any trace of the gods.

After hearing that Cui Yu had returned, Shen Rizhao's second thought was: There is a chance to find out the whereabouts of that batch of supplies. If I can get that batch of supplies...

Countless thoughts flickered in Shen Rizhao's heart, and then he suddenly woke up: No! The uncle of the Xuan family is still in the Rongguo Palace. With Shen Qi's tough character, a conflict is probably inevitable. That Shen Qi is more powerful The evil sect, if the eldest son of the Xuan family is severely injured, things will probably be bad!

Shen Rizhao quickly looked at the guard: After that man returned home, did he meet with the Xuan family?

Now he only prays that the Xuan family and Shen Qi will not meet.

However, the scene he least expected to see happened. Just listen to the guard say: The man from the Xuan family faced Master Shenqi. He didn't even walk down a turn before he was turned into a sculpture.

When Shen Rizhao heard this, his claws suddenly became numb, and then he stood up in a hurry without saying a word and hurried out of the door.

Duke Rong's Mansion

Cui Yu was drinking and eating leisurely, when suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, and he saw a guard walking quickly, standing outside the door and saying respectfully:

Uncle, the master from Duke Xiguo's Mansion next door is here.

Shen Rizhao is the youngest son of the old lady. According to the etiquette of seniority, he is Cui Yu's uncle and Shen Qi's biological uncle.

Is the master here? Invite him in. Cui Yu paused after hearing this, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and picked up the cup next to him to rinse his mouth.

Then there was the sound of footsteps, and a figure appeared in front of the door. It was Shen Rizhao wearing the robe of a prince.

Shen Rizhao is very handsome and looks very young. His specific age cannot be determined.

Some people believe that he is seventeen or eighteen years old, and some people still believe him if he is said to be thirty-five or six.

The two looked at each other, but neither one spoke first.

I've met Duke Xiguo. Cui Yu raised his hand and saluted.

Logically speaking, he is a junior and should be treated with courtesy.

Of course, he didn't want to be overpowered by Duke Xi, lest the other party would take advantage of him and make things difficult to handle later on.

So he called him the Duke of the country instead of uncle.

We are all members of our own family. What about the Duke of the country? You should call me uncle. Shen Rizhao is a good player in psychological games. He said directly. As he said this, he walked into the house and sat down with Cui Yu unceremoniously. Beside him, he picked up the wine flask and filled it with wine: We are all one family, so don't be polite.

After hearing what Shen Rizhao said, Cui Yu made a move and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

You talk to people about business matters, and they talk to you about feelings.

Shen Rizhao is very handsome, with the appearance of an old lady.

I heard you were back, so I came to take a look. Xi Guo said fair.

I didn't want to come back at first, but I heard something big happened to the Shen family, so I had to come back and have a look. Cui Yu seized the topic and directly introduced the topic.

When Shen Rizhao heard this, he stopped drinking. He turned to look at Cui Yu. He looked Cui Yu up and down and said, Are you here for me?

What is the crime of committing fratricide, betraying blood relatives, and killing relatives? Cui Yu stared at Shen Rizhao with his eyes. As he spoke, the wine in Cui Yu's hand turned into ice, sealing half of Shen Rizhao's body below the waist. .

Shen Rizhao felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard this. He stared at Cui Yu in surprise: What are you talking about?

Don't you admit it?

Cui Yu didn't say anything when he heard this, but clapped his hands aside, but saw the god walking out of the next room.

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