Cui Yu was scared at this time, he was really scared!

This would require twelve justs to run out. With the powerful power of the twelve justs, it would be impossible to predict what terrible natural disasters would be caused.

It can be called a devastating natural disaster!

Is there really anyone in this world who can suppress the twelve ‘only’?

There was a hint of horror in Cui Yu's eyes. The most important thing was that he had enslaved a beast. If he only escaped, he would be the first to be spared and would cut him into pieces.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of horror, but the next moment Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved, twelve subtle connections were transmitted, and the next moment twelve golden lights flashed in the sand, and twelve 'fingers' were seen emerging from the sand. Flying out, a golden light streaked through the air, and arrived in front of Cui Yu in the blink of an eye.

He forgot that his innate golden body was immortal, so how could the fingers that fell off the innate golden body be destroyed?

But at this time, the fingers also turned into grotesque twisted things. It was obvious that they had suffered huge impact and suppression from the outside world, and had changed their shape in the twisting.

Cui Yuneng noticed that the twelve thoughts of 'only' were sealed in his fingers. Although the fingers were twisted and deformed, Pangu's bloodline turned into shackles, and the thoughts of 'only' were firmly locked in within the fingers.

It's interesting. Pangu's bloodline is still awesome. Cui Yu muttered.

What kind of existence is Pangu?

Beyond the perfect world! The way of heaven beyond the perfect world! Existence beyond the Avenue of Chaos!

Even the little bit of blood left behind still has incredible power.

Although the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods was destroyed, the thought of the twelve ‘only’ gods still existed, and Cui Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evils is gone, so it’s just a matter of re-sacrifice. The idea of ​​the twelve ‘only’ gods is the core of the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evils.

Cui Yu thought, and the twelve fingers were placed on his hands and feet again, overlapping and merging with Cui Yu's hands and feet.

Just in time, I want to re-sacrifice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation! I now have a newly opened Small Thousand World. Some real natural innate materials were born in the Small Thousand World. I use those innate materials to worship the Ten Heavenly Gods. The Second Capital God's Evil Formation will definitely bring the power of the Twelve Capital's Heavenly God's Evil Formation to a higher level. Cui Yu was not depressed at this time.

The materials used to refine the Dutian Shensha Formation before were originally crude and shoddy. They were just some crude and shoddy things, and their power was all supported by the strength of the soul.

Cui Yuwen raised his golden body, then quickly looked around with his eyes, using his magical power to bring back the dead, trying to sense where Tang Zhou was, and finally found a pool of mud not far away.

Tang Zhou's clone and the entire altar were all smashed to pieces!

Tang Zhou's clone was completely annihilated, and even the Taoism on it was turned into nothingness before it could be transferred.

The clone was destroyed, and Tang Zhou lost at least hundreds of years of cultivation.

Your Majesty, are you okay? It's great that you are okay! Just when Cui Yu was standing in front of Tang Zhou's corpse, a surprised call came, and a figure appeared in front of Cui Yu. He is the water god of Huai River.

The Huaishui Water God did not die, as Cui Yu expected. It should be noted that as long as it is within the authority of the Huaishui Water God, where the Huaishui Water God wants to go is just a matter of thought.

Unless it was like Cui Yu, who suddenly burst out with so much power that the Yangtze River Water God didn't react at all and turned into nothingness.

Before the crisis came, Cui Yu shouted and ran away, alerting the Huaishui Water God. Why couldn't the other party run away when he had time to react?

Seeing Cui Yu, the Huaishui Water God was so excited that tears filled his eyes. He felt closer to him than to his own father.

There's nothing we can do if we don't get close!

My family's future promotion to the divine position is all counting on this man.

It's good that you're fine. Cui Yu said with lingering fear when he saw the Huaishui Water God, with a bit of joy in his voice.

The Huaishui Water God looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of awe: Sir, you are really capable. With such a powerful force suppressing you, you are fine. I admire you.

How terrifying that power is, I'm afraid no one will know except Cui Yu, the person involved.

But Cui Yu survived the suppression of that force.

What an incredible method is this?

It's just a bit of a life-saving magical power. Cui Yu said unhurriedly, without any pride in his voice.

His innate golden body had been severely damaged, and now he was being targeted by Heaven. It was strange that he felt better.

That was God's intervention. The Huaishui Water God flattered him.

Cui Yu smiled: Tang Zhou caused too much trouble this time! What can I say about him?

His nearby clone is coming. Huaishui Water God said.

While they were talking, a golden light flashed in the sky, and the dusty Tang Zhou appeared in front of the two of them.

Looking at Tang Zhou, who was fluttering in white clothes, Cui Yu felt envious in his heart: This magical power is truly heaven-defying, it can't be killed at all!

Totally unkillable!

Unless there is a causal weapon.

Being an enemy of Tang Zhou must be a headache.

But he saw Tang Zhou with a pale face looking at his body that had been beaten into a pulp, his eyes filled with horror. What was it like for him to look at his dead body?

Did Heaven take action? Tang Zhou asked.

Not bad! Cui Yu nodded.

Tang Zhou glanced at the Huaishui Water God, and then said to Cui Yu: Let's set off on the road.

Obviously, he didn't want to talk about Emperor Zhou in front of the Huaishui Water God.

Even though his relationship with the Huaishui Water God was irreversible, when faced with the issue of race survival, he still chose to only trust the human race.

Cui Yu nodded. When the Huaishui Water God heard that the two were leaving, he knew that there was a big deal to discuss, so he did not ask to stay. Instead, he approached Cui Yu with a smile on his face: If you need me in the future, your Majesty, I will Just call me in the waters under my jurisdiction.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this and responded: In the future, you need to practice kindness diligently and do good deeds. This is the basis for promotion to the status of god. If you want to be promoted to the general manager of Sanhe, you need huge merit and faith. If you can’t accumulate enough merit, I won’t be able to encourage you.”

Who is not given the position of water god?

There are thousands of water veins in the land of China. The Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Jing River are just one of the largest rivers. There are many other rivers that are not smaller than these three rivers.

It would be worth it if he could win over the Huaishui Water God to work for him wholeheartedly!

It should be noted that the waterway is still faster. If we transport some supplies and other items in the future, these old guys will be indispensable.

The Huaishui Water God was overjoyed and sent Cui Yu and Tang Zhou out respectfully.

After the two of them got away from the Huaishui Water God, they went directly to the land. Only then did they see Tang Zhou saying with lingering fear: You are right, it actually provoked the thunderous tactics of the sky and almost got you involved. Are you okay?

It's very troublesome! And the trouble is huge! Cui Yu said angrily.

Tang Zhou was a little embarrassed. He knew what Cui Yu had suffered without even thinking about it: If you need any compensation, just tell me. I still have some supplies in Taiping Road.

Cui Yu glanced at Tang Zhou: I want some innate materials. Is there any in Taiping Dao?

You want innate materials? Yes! I will send them to you in a few days. Tang Zhou nodded quickly.

That's good. Send it as soon as possible. I'll be of great use. Cui Yu warned again.

With their close friendship, there was no need to say anything too sensational to express their apology.

It's a pity that Cangtian actually took action himself, and our plan was ruined. Otherwise, if we can really worship the Emperor of Zhou, our Taiping Dao will be more confident in overthrowing the rule of the Zhou Dynasty in the future. Even It's a pity that Yu Neng can play a decisive role in settling the world... That soul was taken back by the sky. Tang Zhou's voice was full of regret.

If he had the strength of Emperor Zhou, he would have plenty of ways to do things secretly.

Haha, who said that Emperor Zhou's soul was taken back by heaven? Cui Yu raised the corners of his mouth, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

What??? Tang Zhou was stunned when he heard this, as if he couldn't believe his ears: What did you say?

I said, who said that the soul of Emperor Zhou was taken away by heaven? Cui Yu put his left hand into the sleeve of his right hand and groped lightly, and then he saw a scarecrow in his hand.

However, the scarecrow had a six-character mantra sticker on it, and Cui Yu used the power of the Buddhist treasure to cover up the scarecrow's aura.

Looking at the scarecrow in the Buddha's light, a faint purple energy circulated on his body, turning into an illusory figure, which was one of the seven souls of Emperor Zhou.

You are such a good boy. You can actually snatch food from the hands of the sky. It really gave me a big surprise. Tang Zhou's voice was full of joy.

Cui Yu handed the scarecrow to Tang Zhou, who took it carefully and looked at the scarecrow with joy in his eyes.

You have to be careful and don't let the scarecrow's breath leak out, otherwise you will definitely get a thunderous strike. Cui Yu warned.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Tang Zhou carefully stretched out his hand, then made a seal, and then bowed to the void: Disciple, I respectfully invite the power of Huang Tian to come.

Then a magnificent aura spread out from Tang Zhou's hands, imprinted on the scarecrow, covering it up.

The annihilation of the Great Zhou Dynasty is only a matter of time. Now things are safe! Tang Zhou put away the scarecrow with a face full of joy: The key now is how much benefit our Taiping Dao can gain from this catastrophe.

Cui Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: So sure?

To tell you the truth, we have laid a dead end for Emperor Zhou a long time ago, and now the only thing missing is this soul. After Tang Zhou said this, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at Tang Zhou's back, Cui Yu shook his head: Wait a minute.

Tang Zhou paused and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Is there anything else?

I don't care how chaotic the world is or what Taiping Dao wants to do. I just want to tell you that you must think twice before doing anything. Don't cause chaos in China and give the demon clan an opportunity.

I know. Tang Zhou nodded and disappeared among the mountains.

Looking at Tang Zhou's retreating figure, Cui Yu gradually fell silent: People's hearts are fickle. Tang Zhou lived countless years longer than me, so he should be more aware of this truth. The hearts of the three hundred and sixty-five princes It is unpredictable. I am afraid that the future development of the situation may not be as imagined by Tang and Zhou. I am just afraid that the world will be in chaos and the people of China will suffer.

Let’s talk about Tang and Zhou Dynasties

After getting the scarecrow, he flew all the way to the boundary of Laoshan Mountain.

Why is Master Tang Zhou here? The person who received Tang Zhou was Zhu Wuneng, one of the Seven Sons of Laoshan.

Zhu Wuneng was sitting on the eight-treasure lotus platform, thinking sadly about how to crack the Buddhist method. When he saw Tang Zhou arriving, he stopped to retreat and asked.

Tang Zhou's face was filled with joy: It's done!

What's the matter? Zhu Wuneng was stunned when he heard the words, and then he suddenly sat up in shock, as if recalling what Zhu Wuneng said, his eyes were full of disbelief:

Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding? Who are you kidding? Tang Zhou stretched out his hand and sent the scarecrow to Zhu Wuneng.

Zhu Wuneng's face was moved, and he took the scarecrow carefully and solemnly, and then looked at it carefully for a long time before a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes. He raised his head and looked at Tang Zhou: How did you do that?

This is not unbelievable, but something that is simply impossible, but Tang Zhou managed to do it, and a soul of Emperor Zhou was absorbed.

This is the soul of Emperor Zhou! how could it be possible!

Even if the old immortal Nanhua is resurrected, he can't do it.

Hahaha, of course I have the means. Tang Zhou laughed proudly.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, Zhu Wuneng glanced at Tang Zhou with a solemn expression. Tang Zhou's magical power was even more than he expected.


This is a miracle!

What are you going to do? Zhu Wuneng asked.

Isn't Bao Si in the inner palace? As long as we play tricks on the soul of Emperor Zhou and make him confused, then as long as Bao Si gives a little guidance, before we take action, Emperor Zhou himself can All the loyal ministers of the Manchu Dynasty in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty were killed! When the time comes when the emperor of Zhou rebels and abandons his relatives, won't we be able to change the world easily? Yinghuo Shouxin is your secret method in Laoshan. When Daxia was destroyed, your Yinghuo Shouxin in Laoshan But it has made a great contribution. Tang Zhou said with a smile.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Zhu Wuneng put the soul away with a cautious expression: Yinghuo Shouxin? It's not like we can't give it a try.

Then a pair of eyes looked at Tang Zhou: Are you really willing to give up the Tao of Peace? Give up your hundreds of years of hard work to others?

You don't have to worry about my affairs. The world is too big and Taiping Road can't be occupied completely. I won't wait until the world is in chaos and seize the chestnuts. Tang Zhou smiled:

The country is picturesque and the heroes are so beautiful, how can I be a bystander?

Having said this, Tang Zhou took out a pair of rubies the size of glass balls from his sleeves and handed them to Zhu Wuneng: Give this to Bao Si to help him.

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