In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 441: Heaven is dead and Huang Tian is standing

As Tang Zhou bowed to the scarecrow, countless corpse spots on Jin Wu Zhen's body, which Cu Yu had suppressed inside the Donghuang Bell, began to appear rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the entire body of Jin Wu Zhen was about to be covered.

The corpse spots came so fast that even the Donghuang Bell couldn't stop them.

Of course, if Cui Yu wanted to, he could control his own chaos and block the aura of the Corpse Ancestor from the chaos, but Cui Yu didn't do that.

He felt that the power of the Corpse Ancestor had suddenly surged, and he had to give the other party a chance to vent it. If this energy was not vented to Donghuang Taiyi's body, it would probably be vented to others.

For example - myself.

The divine power circulates in Cui Yu's body, converting all the countless divine powers into special innate substances needed in the small world, filling the vacancies in the small world.

The Corpse Ancestor's power attack was swift and violent, but Cui Yu was also very fast in using his magical powers. No matter how many corpse spots there are, they can't keep up with the speed of Cui Yu's transformation.

It's done! After Tang Zhou bowed, his eyes showed a hint of joy.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, Cui Yu did not show joy in his eyes, but said cautiously: This is only the first time to worship. Whether you can continue to worship is the most important thing.

Tang Zhou was convinced by Cui Yu's words.

The two of them talked about mysteries and Taoism in the water mansion and discussed their future plans.

Time passed little by little, and after each worship, Cui Yu noticed that the power swept by the Corpse Ancestor increased several times, tens of times. If he hadn't still had the thought to open the sky and release his divine power, I'm afraid that Now it has been overwhelmed by the mighty divine power.

Finally on the third day, it was time to test the results. As Tang Zhou bowed down, a purple energy circulated on the scarecrow, and an inexplicable figure appeared.

He is one of the Seven Souls of Emperor Zhou.

It's done! Your Nail-Head Seven Arrows Book is really powerful. Even Emperor Zhou's Emperor Dragon Qi can break through it! Tang Zhou looked at the soul absorbed from the scarecrow and came forward to take a look in surprise.

However, Cui Yu did not care about being happy at this time. His dream world suddenly moved, and Cui Yu's consciousness was pulled into the dream world in a daze.

The same water palace, the same altar.

The same myself and the same Tang Zhou.

Even when Tang Zhou was laughing happily on the altar, his smiling face could be seen clearly, not bad at all.

Cui Yu seemed to be in a dream at this time, watching everything in the field from a third-person perspective. However, as time passed, after three breaths, a beast claw suddenly descended from the sky, and the beast claw tore through the space, and from It was poked out from the space, and along with the majesty and majesty, it spread throughout the thousands of miles: The bold traitor dares to murder the lonely king, and he shall be punished for his crime!

The beast's claws fell, suppressing time and space.

Cui Yuneng could clearly see that he and Tang Zhou had no time to react. They were unable to resist the beast's claws and were immediately turned into powder.

With a radius of ten miles, a large pit ten feet deep was left.

One of the seven souls of Emperor Zhou was also taken away by the beast's claws.


Then the dream was shattered. Cui Yu returned to reality, looked at Tang Zhou on the altar, and then recalled the previous dream. An unpleasant thought suddenly emerged in his heart: No! Run!

When Cui Yu escaped, he didn't forget to rush to the altar and take away the scarecrow that sealed the soul of Emperor Zhou.

At the same time, he used the creation technique to create a fake scarecrow and the seven souls of Emperor Zhou. Then Cui Yu directly snatched the scarecrow from Tang Zhou's hand and threw it into the Qiankun in his sleeve.

People with great supernatural powers like Emperor Zhou are not comparable to ordinary monks. Now, plotting against Emperor Zhou may be the only chance. Once the news was exposed and noticed by Emperor Zhou, who took precautions, there would be countless capable people and strangers in the Zhou Dynasty. It would be almost impossible to use the Seven Arrows Book to plot against Emperor Zhou.

So the emperor's soul must be preserved this week.

What's wrong?

Tang Zhou looked at the panicked Cui Yu and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

However, Cui Yu ignored them and directly activated his water escape. When he reappeared, he was already beside Shan and Runan. The Qiankun in his sleeves opened up and took them in.

The Huaishui Water God over there was talking to the two of them. When he saw Cui Yu's sudden appearance and Cui Yu's movements, he was a little confused for a moment.

Run! Faced with the confused gaze of the Huaishui Water God, Cui Yu shouted without saying a word.

The Huaishui Water God is a wonderful person. Hearing this, the true spirit has escaped thousands of miles away without saying a word.

Although he didn't know Cui Yu's level of cultivation, he had witnessed it with his own eyes when Cui Yu's golden crow exploded and destroyed the Lu Kingdom.

To be able to make Cui Yu scream so horribly and run away without even having time to explain, it shows that things must have reached a critical moment.

The Huaishui Water God ran away without even thinking.

On the other hand, it was Tang Zhou who hurriedly chased him out: I told you, what are you doing? You just came to pay homage to Emperor Zhou, one of the Seven Souls. Why did you grab the scarecrow and run away?

Tang Zhou appeared in front of Cui Yu nonchalantly.

Run!!! Cui Yu yelled at the top of his lungs, and the next moment he activated his escape technique to leave the river.

Tang Zhou was not a fool. When he saw Cui Yu's expression, he felt a chill in his heart. He and Cui Yu have known each other for so long, how come he still doesn't know Cui Yu's abilities? What could make Cui Yu so crazy must be an unspeakable crisis.

Tang Zhou wanted to use escape skills to escape, but unfortunately it was too late. Even Cui Yu, who had escaped into the water, was 'squeezed' out of the water by an inexplicable huge force, and then a huge breath came, even freezing Cui Yu's thinking for an instant, and there was a faint message in his ears. Let me say: A bold ant dares to offend the power of Heaven, and his crime should be punished.

This method is stronger than I imagined. There is no chance at all! No chance at all! This thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and then he subconsciously launched the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Then Cui Yu's eyesight went dark, and everything in the world seemed to fade away.

I don't know how long it took, but Cui Yu regained his energy and regained some clarity in his mind, but found that he couldn't open his eyes.

Then he circulated the divine power in his body and poured it into his eyes. Cui Yu's eyes were gradually opened by the divine power. Then Cui Yu looked at his body and wanted to get up, but he twisted and staggered.

Cui Yu found that his line of sight had also changed, becoming extremely narrow, and it seemed that he could only see a thirty-degree corner.

Then Cui Yu looked at his body with his eyes, and he couldn't help but froze. He had now turned into a piece of paper, with the shape of an animal claw's nail deeply engraved on it.

I'm not dead! I have an innate golden body. Of course he can't kill me. It's just that although my innate inner golden body saved my life, it also suffered heavy losses. Cui Yu looked at his house like a piece of paper. He stood up staggeringly, swaying unsteadily, and quickly poured his divine power into Xiantian Jin.

However, the nail marks on Xiantian Jin's body seemed to contain the power of a domineering law, which suppressed the movement of Xiantian Jin's body and suppressed Cui Yu's circulating divine power.

This is the biggest crisis I have ever faced. Even if I have such means, I am still like an ant. Cui Yu had a look of fear in his eyes.

He thought he was strong enough, but when faced with the beast claws falling from the sky, he was still powerless to resist.

It has nothing to do with magical powers. This is determined by Cui Yu's cultivation level. His soul is too weak and cannot face the huge pressure.

Divine blood cannot repair the golden body. Fortunately, Cui Yu still has Pangu blood in his body. With the circulation of Pangu's blood, the innate golden body is gradually distorted and restored, and the whole person returns to normal.

It took a full three hours for Cui Yucai to finally regain his original appearance. He was sitting in the ruins panting heavily, looking at the still turbid river water, where all the fish and shrimp were dead.

Cui Yu looked at his innate golden body. Although the inner golden body was still the same, the color was much darker.

What kind of power is that? Cui Yu took a breath with lingering fear.

He was just accidentally scratched by the fingertip of the claw, and he almost died. If he was hit in the center by the opponent and withstood the power of the center, even his innate golden body would be cold.

That's the power of 'Heaven'! To be precise, it's just Tian's murmur in his dream. It seems to be an unintentional slap of a sleeping person who was disturbed by a fly. This is the second level of consciousness of Tian, ​​but Still not awake yet! Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears, and he crawled out of the shadow with lingering fear.

Damn, this world is too dangerous! This blow may have reached the realm of a saint. Cui Yu had the urge to curse.

Chi You looked serious when he heard this: You are so impatient that you dare to provoke the law of heaven. Once the law of heaven really wakes up, you will definitely die.

Who would have thought that it was just a plot against Emperor Zhou, but it actually alerted Tiandao's second level of consciousness. Cui Yu said angrily.

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and quickly stood up and greeted: Where is my Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Evil Formation? Where is my Twelve Capital Heavenly God Evil Formation?

Do you think the crude product you refined can withstand the slap of the sky? Of course, if it weren't for the formation of the gods to block you at the critical moment, I'm afraid you would be far worse than the Paper Man now. . Chi You replied.

Cui Yu's face turned ugly. Although he seemed to be intact now, his body was in a mess. Countless golden threads were stuck together, making it a mess.

If it weren't for the Pangu bloodline that could dissolve the nail mark imprinted on Jin's body, I'm afraid he would have remained in the form of a paper man.

Oh my God! It's just the second level of consciousness, but it's so terrifying. I don't know how terrifying the power of the real awakening of heaven will be. Cui Yu's eyes were full of horror.

All the saints in the ancient world have overturned, let alone you? Even the ancestor Hongjun fell into the hands of Heavenly Dao. What can you use to fight against Heavenly Dao? Everything you have now is just the means and strength of those losers. , facing the true way of heaven, your final result will not be any different, you will be buried by the way of heaven like those saints. Chi You looked at Cui Yu, his voice full of seriousness.

In the future, you must not exert power beyond your own. Even the power of the prehistoric era, you should hide all of it. If the consciousness of the way of heaven revives one step faster than those old ancestors in the prehistoric era, then the prehistoric layout will be destroyed. If you don't tell them, you will only die when you face the wrath of Heaven alone. The imprint of Heaven's nails on your body is equivalent to marking you. How much trouble will you be in if you make a big move again and are found out by Heaven? Think about it for yourself.”

Cui Yu's face turned ugly. Although his physical body returned to normal, the fingerprints imprinted on his body were like tattoos, imprinted on his body.

It's not that his Pangu bloodline is not good, but that his Pangu bloodline is too weak. Now he has to sort out the disordered meridians of his body and repair his internal organs. How can he have time to deal with the marks on his body?

Cui Yu's meridians were stuck together and became a mess, and even his internal organs were all turned into fragments and lost their functions.

And because of the penetration of the power of heaven, it was impossible to rely on Cui Yu's own magical power to repair it.

Whether it's bringing the dead back to life or human flesh and bones, it's of no use at all. The power of supernatural powers facing the power of heaven is like foam meeting steel.

Only by slowly nourishing the Pangu blood in his body, Cui Yu would have a chance.

There was a trace of embarrassment in Cui Yu's eyes: Damn it, how can I get along with society if I can't mobilize powerful power?

Also, what was the dream that I had suddenly before I was suppressed by the power of heaven? Cui Yu's heart moved, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He sensed something was wrong!

That is clearly predicting the future!

This magical power is a bit interesting.

Looking at the mess of meridians and body, Cui Yu activated his magical power: Flesh and white bones!

He wanted to repair his body, but he saw that the magical power had fallen away. Cui Yu's scars contained the residual power of heaven, which actually defeated and dissipated Cui Yu's magical power.

It's unbelievable! Cui Yu took a breath: It's really a big trouble.

Cui Yu looked around and looked at the bottom of the river. At this time, water poured in from all directions, and he had been slapped deep into the depths, forming a lake here.

What a pity for my Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation. Cui Yu muttered, his eyes full of regret. Immediately, the whole person suddenly became excited, and some scalps were numb: Something is wrong! If my formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evils is damaged, what will happen to the weirdness that I sealed into the twelve Heavenly Gods and Evils?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock.


What about the twelve weird ones?

Will the posthumous obsession of the Twelve Ancestral Witches escape while the Dutian Shensha Formation is damaged?

Cui Yu's whole scalp was numb!

If the obsession of the Twelve Ancestral Witches comes out, it will probably be a catastrophe for the people.

And all the cause and effect, the killings and the karma caused by the twelve ancestral witches' obsession, will all be attributed to Cui Yu. He, Cui Yu, will bear the brunt and will not be able to escape!

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