In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 820 Devouring Qi Lingchan

Cui Yu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then secretly praised in his heart: He is indeed a saint-level existence. I can never compare to this magnanimity.

The other party showed the calmness between life and death. He did not cry bitterly or beg, but was just plain. He seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him. His whole expression was extremely dull.

Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at Qi Lingchan with his eyes: The grudge between you and me has no room for maneuver at this point. We have a life-and-death feud. It is destined that only one of you and I can survive.

Then you have to think clearly, ancestor, I am just a fragment of the true spirit now. When I return in the future, I will definitely follow the cause and effect to find you. Are you sure you can withstand my revenge? Or, Do you think you are sure that you will become a saint in five thousand years? Qi Lingchan looked calm:

It's only five thousand years. Not to mention a saint, you can't even touch the threshold of Daluo. It will be up to you how you resist my ancestor's reckoning.

Cui Yu did not respond to the other party's words. The next moment, countless innate mosquitoes flew out of his body and turned into overwhelming black spots. They adhered to Qi Lingchan's body, swallowing up Qi Lingchan's energy and spirit, and sucking out the inside of Qi Lingchan's body. origin.

Qi Lingchan's power has fallen from the Taiyi realm and lost the blessing of heaven and earth. At this time, he is only at the level of the Golden Immortal realm.

Being bound by the dragon-binding rope, Qi Lingchan had no chance to struggle and resist. He just looked at Cui Yu with a calm face and a pair of calm eyes that made Cui Yu's heart go crazy. Then he saw Qi Lingchan turned into nothingness, and directly Devoured by his own innate mosquito clone.

The six emerald green pure bamboos fell to the ground, and the light converged, seeming to be an ordinary ordinary bamboo in the world.

Cui Yu stepped forward, picked up the six pure bamboos, and put them into Qiankun in his sleeve. His eyes fell on the eleventh lotus platform: Now that Qi Lingchan is gone, my biggest competitor is gone, but how can I get it? How about being recognized by this world, receiving blessings from somewhere, and becoming the master of the entire world?

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind. At this time, the innate mosquitoes on the side emitted a strange movement, and a unique wave spread. It seemed that the innate mosquitoes were about to evolve again.

Cui Yu's mind moved, and countless innate mosquitoes flew into Cui Yu's body. He saw Cui Yu taking one step towards the eleventh-grade golden lotus. However, when he arrived in front of the eleventh-grade golden lotus, Cui Yu was about to step into it, but... Seeing the eleventh grade golden lotus burst out with a ray of light, blocking Cui Yu from the outside.

Weird! It shouldn't be! Did the weird one go in directly? Even Qi Lingchan didn't encounter much obstruction? Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart. Now the eleventh-grade golden lotus has obviously No one is presiding over it, so why does the Eleventh Grade Golden Lotus still want to stop itself?

A mere eleventh grade Golden Lotus, you want to stop me? Cui Yu had a cold look in his eyes.

He could probably guess the reason. Whether it was the terrifying weirdness or Qi Lingchan, it must be related to the reception of the saint.

No one knows the truth about Qi Lingchan and the remnant soul of Life and Death, except the two of them.

Cui Yu looked at the eleventh-grade golden lotus. The next moment, the power of destruction flowed between his fingers, and he was about to penetrate the barrier in front of him. But compared to Cui Yu's ray of destruction, the power of the eleventh-grade golden lotus is still too vast. Without the help of a third person, Cui Yu wants to destroy the defense of the eleventh-grade golden lotus. How many years will it take?

But who is Cui Yu?

So what if it's an eleventh grade golden lotus? How can we stop him?

Seeing that the power of destruction was no longer enough, Cui Yu's body twisted and turned directly into Gonggong's real body.

The complete true form of Gonggong!

At this time, Cui Yu was fully sublimated and released his complete Gonggong true body.

With the Holy Land of Lingshan as a cover, it is impossible for the Heavenly Dao of the world to capture the aura of Gonggong.

An indescribable powerful feeling filled his heart, and the eleventh-grade golden lotus in front of him no longer seemed as unshakable as before.

The next moment Cui Yu used his magical power, True Water Without Form, and now with the help of Gonggong's real body, the power of True Water Without Form continued to increase dramatically, increasing by an unknown number of thousands of times in the blink of an eye.

Then Cui Yu's figure flashed, and when he reappeared the next moment, he was already on the eleventh lotus stage.

Then Cui Yu converged on Gonggong's real body and stood on the lotus platform. The next moment, he felt that there seemed to be a repulsive force on the lotus platform, as if he wanted to push Cui Yu out.

The entire lotus platform is rejecting itself.

Why is this happening? Cui Yu was stunned.

With that repulsive force, let alone asking him to refine treasures, even if he can stay on the eleventh-grade golden lotus, that is something that needs to be considered.

Boy, you swallowed the first-grade golden lotus before, which has caused irreversible damage to the twelfth-grade lotus platform. Innate spiritual treasures are also spiritual, and the twelfth-grade golden lotus will of course reject you. At this moment. , a voice sounded around Cui Yu, answering Cui Yu's doubts.

It's you!!! Cui Yu's pupils shrank. This voice was all too familiar to him. It was the strange voice, the voice of life and death.

Cui Yu quickly took out the six pure bamboos, but saw a wisp of black air boiling on the six pure bamboos, as if trying to break through the restraints of the six pure bamboos and escape.

Of course it's me! I'm not dead, so why are you so surprised to see me? The soul of Shengshengbo said in the six pure bamboos.

Cui Yu's eyes were fixed on the six pure bamboos in front of him: You didn't hide it honestly, but you came out on your own initiative. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?

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Kill me? If you kill me, you will never have the chance to refine the Holy Land of Lingshan again. I am the last person who knows the method of refining the Holy Land of Lingshan. If you kill me, even the Holy Land of Lingshan will be there. You can't refine it in front of you. The strange voice in Liugen Pure Bamboo said, his words were full of certainty, and the tone of having everything under control made Cui Yu unhappy.

What do you want? Cui Yu asked.

I want to make a deal with you. Life and Death Bo Hun Soul said.

Make a deal with me? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and became wary.

He has not forgotten that the souls of life and death sealed in the six pure bamboos are much more powerful than the remnant souls competing with Qi Lingchan. A single remnant soul can make trouble, let alone the six pure bamboos that can resist the Emperor Zhou. , Zhenwushan Patriarch and other great masters’ strange abilities.

The holy realm of Lingshan belongs to you, and I will teach you the refining method. But you have to give me the body of life and death. It is useless for you to keep the body of life and death. Except for me, no one in the world can activate it. The balance between life and death has to be filled with your life. If you want to take away the soul of the other party, you have to use your own life to settle the score with how many years the other party has left. Even if you have cultivated into a golden imperial edict, if you are locked up today, you How many years of life can I have? It’s better to fulfill me.” The remnant soul of life and death said in the six pure bamboos.

As long as you agree to trade with me, I will teach you how to not be rejected by the Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus. Shengshengbo added.

Cui Yu looked at the living and dead souls in the six pure bamboos, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes: If you are willing to surrender to me and accept me as your master, I can consider letting you go and let me drive you. As for the deal, I don't think it is necessary. After all, this twelve-grade golden lotus is nothing more than an innate spiritual treasure. Now I have the innate golden body left by the saint, as well as the relics of the saint. The twelve-grade golden lotus is at my feet. , it can be said that the right time, place, and people occupy it. If I can't think of a way to suppress this twelfth-grade golden lotus, and I can't refine the Holy Land of Lingshan, then I have no chance of being in this world.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Liugen Qingzhu Nei's eyes were strangely dumbfounded, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

Indeed, now Cui Yu can be said to have the right time, place, people, and everything, so there is absolutely no reason why he cannot succeed.

It will definitely take time for you to comprehend it yourself. But I know that the people from Dalin Temple outside will be looking for traces. Liugen Qingzhen said strangely.

Cui Yu put the six pure bamboos back into his sleeves. Worried that Qi Lingchan's seal was not strong enough, Cui Yu used the dragon rope to wrap around the six pure bamboos, never giving the other party a chance to escape.

Looking at the six pure bamboos wrapped around the dragon rope, Wei Wei's face suddenly darkened, and he cursed: You kid simply doesn't understand a good heart. You and I each get what we need when we make a deal. It's useless to give you life or death. Why can't you help me? I'll tell you how to refine the Holy Land of Lingshan. You should also refine the Holy Land of Lingshan quickly, so as not to be found by the masters of Dalin Temple. Then the bamboo basket will be empty. It is really harmful to others but not to oneself. Incomprehensible!”

Wei Wei cursed, but couldn't change Cui Yu's mind, and could only be thrown into the sleeves of Qiankun again.

Cui Yu stood on the twelfth-grade golden lotus, feeling the power of resistance from the twelfth-grade golden lotus. He seemed to be kicked out of the twelfth-grade golden lotus at any time. Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart. He was now accompanied by As he gained more and more blessings, especially after mastering the method of enlightenment in dreams, his thinking became more and more agile: Perhaps we should start with the legacy left by the saint.

The next moment Cui Yu activated his magical power, the mutated dream world stirred, and an inexplicable artistic conception emanated from Cui Yu's body. That artistic conception contained the origin of the relics, and the changes in the innate golden body and enlightenment in the dream actually caused the twelve-grade golden lotus to stop rejecting it.

It really works. Cui Yu was overjoyed when he saw this, and then he sat cross-legged on the 12th-grade lotus platform, constantly running the Dao Enlightenment Method in his dream, and sensing the 12th-grade golden lotus at his feet:

Whether it's Qi Lingchan or that weird one, all the battles revolve around the twelfth-grade lotus platform. In other words, the key to all this lies in the twelfth-grade golden lotus! Cui Yu stared with burning eyes. The twelfth-grade golden lotus beneath me: In other words, as long as I refine this twelfth-grade golden lotus, I may know how to control the entire dream world!

Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he lowered his head to look at the Twelfth Grade Golden Lotus, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

Now the twelfth-grade Golden Lotus has become an eleventh-grade golden lotus. It is no longer perfect and has defects. The refining speed is naturally many times faster.

The divine power in Cui Yu's body rolled and poured into the twelfth-grade golden lotus. As the divine power poured into the twelfth-grade golden lotus, Cui Yu and the twelfth-grade golden lotus created a subtle connection, and then Cui Yu suddenly realized in his heart: So that's it. .”

The entire small space of the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond is equivalent to the core of the Great Thousand World, or it is equivalent to the dimension where the laws of the Great Thousand World operate.

The Twelve-grade Golden Lotus and the Eight-Treasure Lotus Pond are the core of suppressing the entire dream world, and are related to the stability of the entire world.

As long as you refine the twelfth-grade Golden Lotus, you can gain control of the entire Lingshan World, gain the blessings of the entire Lingshan World, and become the true master of the Lingshan Holy Land. Then you can use the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams to combine your dreams with those in front of you. The Holy Land of Lingshan is merged into one, and the two dreams overlap, and the entire Holy Land of Lingshan can be refined into his own dream world. Cui Yu had a ray of understanding in his heart.

At this time, a thought flashed through Cui Yu's mind: Even though the Holy Land of Lingshan suffered that weird destruction, 90% of it was still preserved. This is the dream left by the Saint to lead, and it is the last dream to lead the Saint. It contains the origin of the holy way that guides saints. If it is refined into my dream and integrated with my world, I am afraid that a thousand worlds can be opened up in an instant.

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Of course, we don't know yet whether the Holy Spirit will leave behind any terrifying back-ups. If you say that the Holy Saint has no back-ups, I'm afraid I won't believe it. Cui Yu sat cross-legged on the 12th-grade Golden Lotus. On the bed, I thought of Qi Lingchan, and then I thought of the strange soul of life and death:

Perhaps the entire Lingshan Holy Land is just bait to lure the saint to stay.

No matter what it is, I will never give up. This is the best opportunity to accelerate my accumulation of knowledge and soar into the sky. How can I miss it? The risk is high, but the opportunity is even greater! I still have a Dutianshensha Formation, I hope Don't play any tricks to attract the saint, otherwise I won't be without the power to resist. Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and at the next moment, a torrent of divine power poured into the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

If we talk about cultivation, Cui Yu's flattery is not as weird as Qi Lingchan and Shengshengbo. But what about the amount of divine blood? Cui Yu breathed thousands of drops of divine blood. As long as he was given time, even the resurrection of the saint would be far inferior to him.

One breath is ten thousand drops, and thirteen breaths has exceeded 129,600 drops, which is equivalent to the number of ordinary people who have practiced hard for 129,600 years.

One hundred breaths is equivalent to ten epochs.

The accumulation of time seemed to be wiped out abruptly under Cui Yu's golden fingers.

This is the abnormality of Cui Yu's golden finger.

Of course, all the credit for this belongs to the Corpse Ancestor, and it is all provided by the Corpse Ancestor. If it weren't for the endless support from the Corpse Ancestor, Cui Yu himself might not be able to persevere. What would his ten thousand drops of divine blood be enough for? Even if the good fortune is in front of you, you can only stare.

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