In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 819: This time I am in the atmosphere

Listening to the hateful words of the 'Mosquito Taoist', Qi Lingchan was overjoyed. There was no need to sow discord on his own, as the two sides had already completed the adjustment of the hatred value.

There was a serious look in Qi Lingchan's eyes, and he raised his head to look at the 'Taoist Mosquito': Fellow Taoist, this pig doesn't know how high the sky is, and it actually tries to get its hands on the gold and jade body of Taoist friend. It's really hateful! But this pig is quite capable, and it actually Having obtained the innate immortal golden body, immortality is really difficult to deal with, so how about you and I join forces to suppress and kill this beast?

Qi Lingchan asked.

Facing Qi Lingchan's invitation, Taoist Mosquito turned his head and glanced at Qi Lingchan, with a look of surprise in his eyes: Hey, you are interesting. Judging from your aura, it seems that you are an acquaintance in the ancient world?

I welcome the Taoist. Qi Lingchan replied.

It turns out it's you, old guy. I didn't expect you to be resurrected. The 'Mosquito Taoist' was shocked when he heard this: Does it mean that I was resurrected too late? Even the saint has returned?

Even Cui Yu knows that the great changes in the world have given great powers the opportunity to return, but because of the shackles of the world, the lower the cultivation level, the sooner they will return.

Just like a pothole, only small fish can survive when the water is stored in the early stage. Only when the pool is full in the later stage can big fish survive.

Of course, Cui Yu asked the 'Mosquito Taoist' to say this just to make Qi Lingchan not suspicious. Even I can see the ancient aura of Qi Lingchan. If the resurrected Mosquito Taoist cannot see this aura, can the other party not be suspicious?

You don't have to be a fool to know that something is definitely not right.

Sure enough, after listening to the words of 'Taoist Mosquito', Qi Lingchan said with a smile beside him: Fellow Taoist, please don't panic. Now that the situation of heaven and earth has not yet come, please don't worry, fellow Taoist. Now that the immeasurable calamity of heaven and earth has come, it is I'm back early, please don't worry, fellow Taoist. It's just that now we still need to kill the monster in front of us. This person is our ancient enemy. If he doesn't die, we may never be able to achieve great things. .”

Hearing this, Taoist Mosquito's eyes showed bloody coldness: That's right, that's what I meant. This guy is really hateful! He actually wants to steal my true body. My ancestor, I have no sworn relationship with him. You and I Join forces together to kill him, extract his soul and refine his soul, so that he will never be able to stand up again.

Taoist Mosquito's voice was full of evil spirit, and his scarlet eyes stared at Cui Yu, as if he was looking at an enemy who killed his father.


The mosquito Taoist finished his words and took the lead in attacking.

Cui Yu raised a palm, and golden light flowed on the palm, as if there was an immortal light shining.


Without saying a word, Qi Lingchan attacked Cui Yu directly. Six pure bamboos flew up and down, killing Cui Yu steadily. Cui Yu was retreating. For a moment, he was unable to parry and could only keep dodging back.

Cui Yu was faced with the flanking attack of the two masters, and was dwarfed and confused for a moment. He could only retreat step by step to avoid the sharp edges of the two.

After fighting thousands of moves, Qi Lingchan's heart moved, and he stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: He is indeed an innate golden body. Facing the combined efforts of two masters, he can still hold up!

Quite rare!

Cui Yu made a seal with both hands, and a pair of arms smashed down like mountains and rivers. Although he did not mobilize his magical power, Cui Yu mastered the law of force. Every move he made was suppressed by the power of overturning the sky. I don't know how many kilograms of force suppressed it. It was not magical power. Better than supernatural powers.

This is also the benefit of the Law of Power. If Cui Yu hadn't understood the Law of Power, he would have been defeated long ago. You must know that Cui Yu needs to mobilize a huge amount of divine blood to mobilize his innate golden body, but if he activates other magical powers, it will be difficult to supply.

The divine power in Cui Yu's body was rolling, and the golden body on his body was constantly pierced with holes by Qi Lingchan. The six pure bamboos were worthy of being the magic weapon of the saint. Following the saint, he did not know that they were nurtured by the saint's aura. For tens of thousands of years, although it is just an innate spiritual plant, it is more mysterious than the innate spiritual treasure by virtue of the miraculous power of blocking the six senses.

The fight between the three people caused the water in the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond to fly. Thanks to the mysterious power of the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond, otherwise it would have been difficult to withstand the impact of the aftermath of the fight between the three people.

Although the three of them were powerful, they were all restrained by the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond and could not spread beyond the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond.

Three thousand moves later, the fierce battle between the three of them has reached a fever pitch, and now they are losing their minds. Cui Yu's innate golden body was riddled with holes, and one of his arms was wasted, floating in the air like a piece of clothing without a sleeve.

On the opposite side, Qi Lingchan and Taoist Mosquito were also in a miserable state, with gray heads and gloomy expressions.

He can't hold on for too long. He has reached his limit. He is just a monk in the realm of supernatural powers. Where can he get such a huge amount of divine power for him to consume? Qi Lingchan couldn't help but wonder when he saw that one of Cui Yu's broken arms had not recovered. He was overjoyed, with a look of ecstasy on his face, as if he believed that Cui Yu had reached the end of his rope.

The mosquito Taoist didn't say a word, but just attacked with his head down, as if he wanted to avenge the blood feud.

Boy, my ancestor said at the beginning that as long as you exit obediently, I will spare your life, but who would have thought that you, the kid, just didn't know what to do and took my words as farts. Now that things have happened, I I just want to ask you, do you regret it? Qi Lingchan looked at Cui Yu who was retreating steadily, abandoning his helmet and armor and seemed to be suppressed at any time, his eyes were unprecedentedly happy.

How could he not hate it?

You must know that the twelve-grade golden lotus is your own treasure. How precious are these treasures? But in order to suppress the ants in front of him, he had to take the initiative to ask the mosquito Taoist to swallow a product?

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Although the eleventh-grade golden lotus is still among the innate ones, it is completely on a different level from the twelve-grade.

Cui Yu didn't say anything, he just kept resisting.

However, after losing an arm, how can it be so easy to resist?

Cui Yu looked at the complacent Qi Lingchan and said to himself: It's time! This is the time to decide the world with one blow.

After the two sides exchanged thirty moves, Cui Yu pretended not to be able to do anything, and directly sold out his flaws.

After Qi Lingchan noticed the flaw, his eyes couldn't help but light up. The next moment, he jumped into the air, passed through Cui Yu's layers of protection, and arrived in front of Cui Yu in a blink of an eye. Six pure bamboos in his hand were directly inserted into Cui Yu's body. between the eyebrows.

When the six pure bamboos came into contact with the center of Cui Yu's eyebrows, he could see the divine light flowing in the center of Cui Yu's eyebrows, blocking the six pure bamboos from the outside. However, Qi Lingchan's face was cold and his heart was fierce. The next moment, he suddenly exerted force in his hand, and the six pure bamboos sank into Cui Yu's head: Boy, you die! The six pure bamboos sank into your mind and can completely close you. The six senses, even if you have great magical powers, you can't even think about making a comeback.

Qi Lingchan looked proud, with a smile of a winner on his face. The karmic grudge between him and Cui Yu could finally be settled today.

But who knew that at this moment, a cold breath suddenly came from the back of his head. Qi Lingchan suddenly felt a sudden feeling in his heart, and an unpleasant feeling came to his heart: Not good!


The next moment, Qi Lingchan felt a huge force coming from his back, and he flew out.

At the critical moment, Taoist Mosquito took action and attacked Qi Lingchan.

Qi Lingchan stared at Master Mosquito with his eyes full of disbelief. He couldn't figure out why Master Mosquito would sneak up on him!

Cui Yu, who was opposite Qi Lingchan, suddenly raised his remaining right hand, pinched a seal in his hand, and slapped it towards Qi Lingchan.

This seal comes from the magical power that leads to the true spirit of the saint, and is not subject to the restriction of only one kind of magical power can be used at a time.

As long as Cui Yu has enough divine power to draw the divine power from the light of the saint's true spirit, he can directly mobilize it with his thoughts.

This is the Mahamudra of Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, called the Mahamudra of Three Lives and Three Worlds.

The name is very beautiful, but it is not beautiful at all when it is suppressed by this magical power.

The power of this magical power to suppress people's past, future, and present is specifically designed to deal with Daluo Immortals, and even powerful people above Daluo Immortals.

You must know that the cultivation of these powerful people is earth-shattering, they can already touch time and space, and they can understand the power of the past and the future.

What's more, talented geniuses can even use the power of the past and future to avoid murderous intentions, and thus become immortal and resurrect from the past and future time and space. Therefore, the ancestors and immortals in the prehistoric era have specially studied this supreme power. Big handprint.

What's more, Cui Yu's ten thousand drops of divine blood can't activate the three lives and three lives of the Mahamudra at all, and twenty thousand drops can barely activate one of the three lives and three lives.

As for why Cui Yu had 20,000 drops of divine blood? This is actually considered Brother Kaba.

Cui Yu originally had 10,000 drops of divine blood in his body. If the 10,000 drops of divine blood were directly converted into 10,000 drops of divine blood and poured in before it was consumed, would it be equivalent to 20,000 drops of divine blood?

What Cui Yu used was the Mahamudra of the Three Lives and Three Worlds - the Seal of the Present Tathagata.

Also called present seal.

I could see the divine power rolling inside Cui Yu's body, but even with 20,000 drops of divine blood to activate the present seal, it was still barely enough.

This is why Cui Yuhui used a flaw and allowed the other party to insert six pure bamboos into his brain.

Because Cui Yu is accumulating divine power!

Of course, if it weren't for Cui Yu's ability to become immortal, he would never believe such a thing.

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes, but facts proved that Cui Yu was not disappointed now.

If Qi Lingchan hadn't been attacked by Taoist Mosquito, he could still be jumping around. Cui Yu's urging of Tathagata Seal couldn't do anything to him. After all, Qi Lingchan was too fast. No matter how strong the Three Lives and Three Worlds Grand Mudra was, you couldn't do it. Only if it can be suppressed by the other party.

However, at this time, Qi Lingchan suffered heavy injuries, his spiritual power was disordered, and his strength was infinitely suppressed. But after all, the opponent was a master in the Taiyi realm. He knew how to avoid and attack, but he still looked for a glimmer of hope--Cui Yu's big There is a fatal flaw in the hand seal. As long as the opponent does not fall on it, no matter how powerful the big hand seal is, it is useless?

Qi Lingchan was about to forcibly mobilize the chaotic divine power in his body to use his magical power to avoid Cui Yu's big handprint, but at this moment, something changed suddenly in the field, and a black shadow emerged from Cui Yu's shadow. Without waiting for Qi Lingchan's reaction, he Biting Qi Lingchan's thigh.

Such a shocking change is really the end of the world.

Even if Qi Lingchan had thousands of means, he had no time to use them at this time. He had no time to dodge. Cui Yu's divine power circulated in his body and he directly used his supreme magical power to suppress the opponent.

The big handprint fell on Qi Lingchan's body, everything fell to the ground, and Qi Lingchan was also suppressed by Cui Yu.

Hahaha, I've long been unhappy with you, kid. I told you to show off! Especially if you dare to show off in front of me, ancestor. Today, ancestor, I will show you how awesome you are! I will never allow anyone in this world to be more capable than me. You're a pretentious person. Chi You's arrogant voice sounded in the field, and without saying a word, he ran directly towards the eleventh lotus platform. He wanted to sit on the lotus platform, but Cui Yu grabbed his tail and pulled him back: Old Ancestor , this lotus platform is not something you can covet.

Ancestor, I am doing something for you, why are you asking me to help you in vain? Are you not giving me any benefit at all? Are you asking the horses to run and not giving them grass to eat? Chi You quit. He is now the incarnation of the Tengu. Being able to devour all things and evolve, of course he would not give up this treasure.

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Don't want to evolve into a small world? Don't want to evolve into a big world? Don't want to embark on the road to heaven? Cui Yu let go of Chi You's tail: If you don't want to, I won't stop you anymore and let you go. Devour. But if we die in the future due to lack of world power on the road to heaven, don’t blame me at that time.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You suddenly lowered his head and groaned: It's really too much. Tiantian knows how to use the evolution of the world to suppress me.

As he spoke, he got into Cui Yu's shadow and ambush him.

Qi Lingchan stared blankly at the Tengu in Cui Yu's shadow, with a wry smile on his lips: Damn it, I thought I was sinister enough, but compared to you, I'm just a younger brother.

I don't understand. You have a blood feud with him, why do you want to sneak attack on me? Qi Lingchan fell to the ground, turned to look at Taoist Mosquito, and glared at Taoist Mosquito with his eyes.

He couldn't figure out what benefits a sneak attack on him would have on the other party?

The mosquito Taoist smiled softly when he heard this: Who said I am a mosquito Taoist?

Qi Lingchan was stunned when he heard this, and then he seemed to understand something, and said in shock: You are not a Mosquito Taoist? Then who are you?

Of course he is still my clone. Cui Yu took out the dragon binding rope and tied Qi Lingchan directly.

What? How is this possible? How can you suppress Taoist Mosquito's true spirit? Qi Lingchan's voice was full of disbelief.

You are just an acquired being, and you are only in the realm of supernatural powers. How can you suppress the innate being? Moreover, Taoist Mosquito has entered the realm of quasi-sage. Even if it is just a fragment of the true spirit, it is definitely not something you should master. Ah. Qi Lingchan stared at Cui Yu with eyes full of disbelief.

Ancestor is joking. I can walk outside and cause so many troubles. No one can kill me. Don't I have some trump cards? Cui Yu said with a smile.

Qi Lingchan was speechless upon hearing this, his eyes full of sorrow: There is no better way to become a king than to lose a bandit. Now that I have been captured by you, what do you want to do with me?

If I am captured by Ancestor, can Ancestor spare my life? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Qi Lingchan shook his head: Of course not.

In this case, I will not spare my ancestor's life. Cui Yu replied.

Qi Lingchan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Do you really want to be so ruthless in doing things? As long as you let me go, I will voluntarily resolve the cause and effect with you, and there will be no grudges in the future. It will not be easy for me to resurrect from the depths of time and space, as long as you are willing to let go I, I am willing to give up the holy realm of Lingshan and the origin of a saint. You and I are originally creatures from the ancient times, born from the same root. I hope you will remember the source and think twice.

Qi Lingchan's words were plain, but full of sincerity: I am just a fragment of the true spirit now. Even if you destroy this fragment of my true spirit, I can still be resurrected from the depths of time and space in the future. By then, we can I really will not stop dying! I wasted an eternity to complete the layout so that I can have a chance to be resurrected today. I hope you will be merciful and don't do anything.

Cui Yu looked at Qi Lingchan and said with a serious expression: Who are you now?

Lingshan welcomes the saint. Qi Lingchan replied.

I don't believe it. Cui Yu shook his head: The saint will not trick me into suppressing me in the relic. You must not try to trick me. I ask you again, who are you? If you If you don’t tell the truth, don’t blame my men for being merciless when the time comes.”

You have murderous intentions, why continue to ask questions. Does it make any difference to you whether it is true or false? Qi Lingchan looked at Cui Yu for a long time and suddenly gave up his plea.

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